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private The Author's Star


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(Link to OOC thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105817-1x1-or-2x2-romantic-rp/#entry2908161)


As I finish nailing the last piece of my small shop up, I am ready for business finally. The shop is plain wood, painted a darkish blue, with a sign that in carefully written silver script says "Dusty Quill's Tales of the Travelling Bard (In Town for a Limited Time Only!)" and a doorway with a probably-too-thin door slightly ajar. I had just finished putting up the magic light that served as the dot of the 'i' in Quill on the sign, which would light up the shop's exterior at night.


My shop was in the outskirts of Ponyville, just barely in town officially. I trotted inside, pleased with the several display shelves of various scrolls and books and tomes that adorned the walls. I took my place behind my foldout desk and waited patiently. Even though a few ponies passed through during the afternoon, by late evening I was a bit discouraged at the relatively small amount of sales I'd had that day. 


"Don't get too down just yet," I told myself, "you're just a bit out of the way. Once those ponies who did buy something see the quality of your work, the rest of town will come in droves. Just be patient." However, as the sun started to lose its fight against the horizon, I had to accept that my day would have to end fairly soon.

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Shooting looked at her collection of books and frowned. Hearing there was a new book store at the outskirts of town, the unicorn got her saddlebag and headed over there. It took her longer than she expected, her house being on the other side of town. She could only hope it was open. Once she got there she smiled and was glad it was still open, even though night was coming. She stepped into the quiet shop. "Um... Hello?" Shooting asked uncertainly as she walked into the bookshop.

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From behind the desk, Dusty almost immediately brightens up. He was finally hearing another customer. "Why hello there, and how are we this eve-" He stopped short, having caught sight of the mare in question. He turned slightly red, then finished, "evening?" At the same time, he moved from behind the desk to help the mare find a book

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Shooting was glad at least someone was there. She looked at the clerk that appeared to be the owner too and smiled. "Good. How about you?" Shooting asked him back. She looked at the place, it was pretty organized, a few books scattered on the ground here and there. "I was looking for some more fictional books." She smiled. He seemed pretty modest and nice so far.

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@Harmony Cube

Dusty smiled widely. "Fiction is my specialty, I think you'll find. What genre do you love to read? Action? Adventure? Mystery?" a sudden catch in his throat, but he stammered out, "Romance?" As he was asking, his magic was summoning several books of each genre that floated gently before the mare.

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Shooting put a hoof to her chin as she thought. When she thought about one she hasn't had for a while she smiled widely suggesting, "How about a romance adventure?" She asked. She seemed a bit excited about it. It was only because she hasn't had one for a while and only had a few.

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Dusty smiled faintly to himself. "A beliver in romance, I see. I am as well. I think the best one for a tale of adventure is this, The Lost Pegasus. It's a story of a young stallion who is taken by rogue diamond dogs far underground where his wings cannot help him. So it is up to the filly who always loved him but never knew how to say so, the unicorn Bright Light, to search the vast caves and save her love. Sound interesting?" he asks with a smile, putting the other books back and holding the maroon volume out to his customer with magic.

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(OOC: Sounds like The Princess Bride to me...)

"Sounds really intriguing. How much?" Shooting smiled. This sounded interesting and cool to her. Shooting examined the cover, almost as if it was a priceless piece of artwork that only had a day there before it was taken away and never seen again.

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Dusty considered for a moment, then smiled devilishly. "Tell you what. I'll make you a deal. I will let you have that book for free, IF" he leaned in closer, "and only IF you make sure to spread the word. Dusty Quill is here, he's inspired, he's got plenty of writings for everypony, and in two weeks, he's gone! Make sure to make me sound really, cool, okay?" he asked with a sly grin.

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"Yeah, no. I'm not good with words." Shooting said, shaking her head a bit. She meant it. "Sorry, I just can't." Shooting frowned. She truly felt bad for him. Also, saying the same thing all day gets annoying quickly for her. If it weren't for me not liking to talk to other ponies and saying the same thing all day, I'd totally do it. He seems nice. Shooting thought.

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Dusty frowned for a moment, considering his options. After a moment his eyes lit up, and his face reddened slightly. "Hmm.. How about this? You can still have the book, if you agree to watch the moon rise with me tonight," he offered, already bracing for incoming declination.

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Shooting smiled and nodded her head to his suggestion. "Sure! I always like to watch the moon rise!" Shooting kept smiling. She didn't really realize or notice, but she was blushing a bit. He seems nice, it's part of your talent, you get a free book, why not? You're not doing anything important tonight anyways. Shooting thought.

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Dusty glanced at the watch he wasn't wearing. "Well sweet Luna, we don't have much time! Let's go!" he exclaimed, bolting out of the shop and making for the small lake nearby. He eventually came to rest on top of a large pile of boulders that flattened out on top to make an excellent vantage point. "Here is the perfect spot," he remarked.

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Shooting giggled a bit at his antics. She ran after him. She remembered about her book still being in the shop only after they got there. She decided she'd get it after them watching the moon. She followed him up the boulders, smiling. "How do you know?" Shooting asked Dusty.

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Dusty grinned at the mare. "Sometimes, you just know. Ooooh! Shh, here we go!" he said excitedly as the moon to the far east just started to break over the mountains far off in the distance. The silvery orb was a full moon tonight, and as it slowly rose Dusty could barely tear his eyes from it. Eventually though, he turned to look at the mare beside him, the moon reflected in her eyes as she gazed at Luna's beauty.

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Shooting giggled a bit at him getting excited at the moon rising. She watched as the moon was steadily going up into the sky, like a balloon. But slower. She always has enjoyed watching the moon rise, a beginning of knowing a new day will come soon. It was a steady cycle and at a steady pace.

Edited by Harmony Cube
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After a few minutes, Dusty looked around and saw the first few stars wink into view. "Look, look! The stars are coming out! They can all be seen out here! Nothing like the big towns I'm usually selling in, where the lights of the city drown the lights of the sky. But here, it's all there, just watching us the way we watch them."

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Shooting giggled a bit at how he was getting excited about the stars. "You know... Stars are also used as guides for lost ships but each and every constellation has a story behind it too." Shooting said. She watched as the stars started to reveal themselves to the sky.

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Eventually, Dusty took his eyes off the sky, and it was at this time that he caught sight of his companion's cutie mark. "That's a comet, right? Are you some kind of astronomer? I bet you know all kinds of crazy stuff about the night sky. I've always loved nighttime. Luna's domain is so peaceful, so quiet. The hustle and bustle of the day is okay, but Luna rules over a more reserved, thoughtful time that for writers like me is essential."

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Shooting looked across the partial night sky, half expecting a comet from what he said. She looked back at him. He was looking at her cutie mark. "Yeah... It's a comet. I'm not some kind, I'm an astronomer. Astronomy is the main subject, not a smaller part of the category." Shooting explained. "I too have always just been attached to the stars, even before realizing it was my talent." Shooting said, smiling.

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"Have you ever gotten a chance to see Princess Luna before?" Dusty asked. "I mean, that must be every astronomer's dream, right? To meet the pony that created the entire night sky thousands of years ago? I bet anypony who meets her comes out a much better-informed scholar, right?"

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"I haven't met Princess Luna yet." Shooting said. "Not every astronomer wants to meet her, you know. Sometimes they're too busy trying to perfect their studies to want to meet her. However, I do want to meet her, just it's hard to do that due to her being a princess and all." Shooting said.

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Dusty smiled brightly. "You know, the whole reason I can do the job I do is because Princess Luna believes in me. I've met her," he explained, "as part of a new program that the University of Manehatten introduced a few years back called Luna's Travelling Writers. Basically, I got a financial boost from her personal treasury in return for a share of my profits for as long as it takes to pay her back, plus some interest. It's really been my salvation. She really was just incredible when I met her."

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"Then... Then why did you not charge me for the book?" Shooting asked. She always has been a curious pony. She smiled at him warmly. This stallion was very nice to Shooting and she knew it. She felt a little jealous that he met princess Luna but knew she'd meet her idol one day.

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Dusty laughed a bit and turned red. "Because watching the moon rise with you was worth more than getting my debt paid that much faster," he said. He laughed nervously and fidgeted a bit where he sat, trying to look at the moon and not stare at Shooting too much.

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