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private Chelsea X Parso 1-1rp


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OOC TOPIC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105838-1-1-romance-rp/

It was morning in Ponyville, as Parso looked around his new apartment, hoping to start a new life here. he smiled before closing the door and walking outside taking a deep breath of fresh air

​"I guess I should get acquainted with some of my new neighbors"

speaking to himself as he walked into town  

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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Chelsea happened to be walking through down as well when she saw a stallion who looked like was trying to get himself familar with town. She then crept up to him, her flirty side taking over. She got close to him. "Hey handsome....you must be new here..." Chelsea said taking a good look at the stallion almost wrapping her tail around him. 



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Chelsea happened to be walking through down as well when she saw a stallion who looked like was trying to get himself familar with town. She then crept up to him, her flirty side taking over. She got close to him. "Hey handsome....you must be new here..." Chelsea said taking a good look at the stallion almost wrapping her tail around him. 



Parso jumped with surprise, not knowing anypony was creeping up on him. he turned around to see the voice was a Griffon. and was she...flirting with him?

"hi. yeah I'm new here"

he said with a smile, not sure whether this was a prank or not, he still kept his head

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"Well...nice to meet ya. My name's Chelsea." Chelsea said wrapping her tail around the stallion almost embracing him with it. "So...tryin' to get your hooves wet around here, you know explore the place?" Chelsea asked slowly crawling a talon up the stallion's leg.  


feeling a little put on the spot, feeling her tail wrap around him. he wasn't used to mares being this outgoing, let alone a griffon

"yeah, trying to get to know the town a little better. generally where places are"

keeping eye contact with her, she did look pretty

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"Parso...well that's unique..." Chelsea said wiggling one of her pony ears. "Where do you come from...Parso...?" Chelsea asked as her tail remained partially wrapped around Parso. Her talon that she crawled up the stallion's leg ended up on his back. She just rested it there. 

"I'm from Sydneigh. its not exactly close, I'll tell you. I'm just trying to start again here"

letting out a small sigh

"but I don't want to bore you with all the details"

smiling sheepishly at Chelsea

"so are you from around here, Chelsea?"

Parso asked her, trying to keep conversation going

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"Yep...I am from here. I used to live in the Griffon kingdom with my...my..." Chelsea started to sniffle. The memories of that fated journey came back to her. She tried to combat the tears, but they welled up in her eyes. "...parents...but they..." Chelsea could take it, and started to sob. "...died..." Chelsea said burying her face in her talons and her pony ears flattening.  

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"Yep...I am from here. I used to live in the Griffon kingdom with my...my..." Chelsea started to sniffle. The memories of that fated journey came back to her. She tried to combat the tears, but they welled up in her eyes. "...parents...but they..." Chelsea could take it, and started to sob. "...died..." Chelsea said burying her face in her talons and her pony ears flattening.  

Parso's ears dropped and without thinking, wrapped his wings around her

"hey, I know exactly how you feel, I lost somepony really important to me as well, thats why I'm here"

he tried to dry her tears, not liking to see mares cry

"can I get you a coffee? to help settle?"

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Parso's ears dropped and without thinking, wrapped his wings around her

"hey, I know exactly how you feel, I lost somepony really important to me as well, thats why I'm here"

he tried to dry her tears, not liking to see mares cry

"can I get you a coffee? to help settle?"

"I...it's okay..." Chelsea said wiping the tears from her face. "And...I almost died...but what happened after...saved my life..." Chelsea said still embracing Parso lightly. She was glad that Parso understood her rough past. She couldn't wait to tell him what happened. She was also surprised he had t noticed her pony ears.

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"I...it's okay..." Chelsea said wiping the tears from her face. "And...I almost died...but what happened after...saved my life..." Chelsea said still embracing Parso lightly. She was glad that Parso understood her rough past. She couldn't wait to tell him what happened. She was also surprised he had t noticed her pony ears.

"if its too hard, you don't have to tell me, okay"

Parso tried to reassure her, looking her in the eyes

"you know, I've never met a griffon before today, I've heard about them, but never met one in pony before"

smiling sheepishly at her, trying to cheer her up a little

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"Okay...I'll tell you later..." Chelsea stated.


She then heard Parso's comment. "That's pretty cool. But have you ever seen a griffon with...these?" Chelsea asked straightening her mane and revealing her pony ears. She gave them a little wiggle with a little smile on her face.

"well, like I said, I've never seen a griffon before, I just assumed that was natural. but that is cool, are you part pony?"

Parso smiled awkwardly, hoping he didn't say anything to upset her

"I hope I didn't just upset you with what I said, I was never good with words"

he nervously rambled, before taking a deep breath to calm down

"sorry about that"

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"well, like I said, I've never seen a griffon before, I just assumed that was natural. but that is cool, are you part pony?"

Parso smiled awkwardly, hoping he didn't say anything to upset her

"I hope I didn't just upset you with what I said, I was never good with words"

he nervously rambled, before taking a deep breath to calm down

"sorry about that"

(OOC: what time zone are you in?)


"It's alright." Chelsea said. "And yes I'm part pony...which also means..." Chelsea turned around and showed Parso her cutie mark. It was a blue ying and yang sign in between two tidal waves. She let him examine it for a few seconds before she would explain what it meant.

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(OOC: what time zone are you in?)


"It's alright." Chelsea said. "And yes I'm part pony...which also means..." Chelsea turned around and showed Parso her cutie mark. It was a blue ying and yang sign in between two tidal waves. She let him examine it for a few seconds before she would explain what it meant.

(OOC: UTC+10:00 (AEST))

Parso looked at her cutie mark, trying to guess exactly what her majestic talent was

"hmm thats cool, what is your special talent?"

Parso asked getting curious by the second as to what her special talent was

"taking a wild guess here, but the yin/yang means balance and the waves mean ocean? am I close?"

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(OOC: UTC+10:00 (AEST))

Parso looked at her cutie mark, trying to guess exactly what her majestic talent was

"hmm thats cool, what is your special talent?"

Parso asked getting curious by the second as to what her special talent was

"taking a wild guess here, but the yin/yang means balance and the waves mean ocean? am I close?"

Chelsea gathered some water energy and made a cupcake from water. It was a true legitimate cupcake that could be eaten. Chelsea held out the cupcake for Parslo to take. "You can have it..." She said, waiting for Parso to get the cupcake. "See the lock of blue hair in my mane?" She asked.

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Chelsea gathered some water energy and made a cupcake from water. It was a true legitimate cupcake that could be eaten. Chelsea held out the cupcake for Parslo to take. "You can have it..." She said, waiting for Parso to get the cupcake. "See the lock of blue hair in my mane?" She asked.

Parso watched in amazement, he was astonished as to what he just saw, a cupcake being made only out of water. after taking it, Parso was so surprised he couldn't even speak to answer her question, offering a nod instead as he listened to what she had to say

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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"I got this ability after...a meeting with the queen of the seaponies. When I drowned...some seaponies found my motionless body and took me to their queen. The queen...was very nice...she even pointed out that I...I...was...kind and...brave..." Chelsea explained. "She didn't cast anything on me...but the magic that I earned came from...my own heart..." Chelsea stated.  

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"I got this ability after...a meeting with the queen of the seaponies. When I drowned...some seaponies found my motionless body and took me to their queen. The queen...was very nice...she even pointed out that I...I...was...kind and...brave..." Chelsea explained. "She didn't cast anything on me...but the magic that I earned came from...my own heart..." Chelsea stated.  

"wow. that sounds like quite the adventure!"

Parso said with a smile. he normally wouldn't believe anything like that from somepony who just told him. but seeing a cupcake be made only out of water impressed him highly to believe Chelsea's story

"you must have a strong heart"

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Chelsea nodded and blushed. "Y...you're the very first...pony to...tell me that..." Chelsea said still blushing. Tears started to well up in her eyes again, but she was able to keep herself together. "Anyway...is there any specific place you to go?" Chelsea asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.  

"not really, I only got here yesterday, I haven't seen the town except the little it took to find the apartment"

Parso scratched the back of his neck before getting an idea

"you said you were from around here, maybe we can go around town and you can show me some of the places. sound good?"

he asked

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"Okay! Sounds perfect!" Chelsea said brightening up and giggling. She then gathered some water energy and made a map of Ponyville from the water. "See this map? We're right here." Chelsea said pointing to the center fountain. "This is the plaza. It leads into several directions." Chelsea explained.  

Parso looked at the map, the town was a little bigger than he thought, but nothing too big like the inner city of his last home. this was a quiet country town

"so, where do you recommend we go to first?"

he asked with a cheery tone in his voice, looking to her, waiting for an answer

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"Well...did you want to get a bite? The Ponyville Cafe is just right around the corner..." Chelsea stated as she looked at the map. She knew where everything was. The only reason why she made the map appear was because Parso was new to the town. She waited patiently for his answer.  

"yeah, sure. that sounds good"

Parso answered. following Chelsea to the Ponyville Cafe as well as taking in the sights of the town along the way. They both soon arrived at the cafe, it wasn't too busy with customers. sitting down at a table and looking at the menu

"this place is nice"

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