Astraea 8 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 My Favourite Mane 6 Pony rainbow-dash How did you find MLP Forums? How you became a fan of My Little Pony My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow DashHow did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Welp, um...hi everyone. I go by Astraea and I guess I'm new here lol. I joined wanting to discuss with fellow pony lovers about all things ponies and perhaps expand into a new circle of pony loving friends. Initially, I want to talk about "ponysonas" and original characters. For starters I have a OC that may or may not be a my current "ponysona". Feedback is appreciated. Her name is Astraea and she is the daughter of Princess Luna and the Cosmic Stallion Nebulon Galaxy, the King of the horse-head nebula. She was conceived while Luna was in her Nightmare Moon state as she fell in love with Nebulon's power and wanted it for herself. In a slip of her insanity, Luna breaks her daughter's horn to spare her from the evil forces that turned her into Nightmare Moon by severing her connection with magic. Astraea grows up flying around the cosmos with her daddy until she crash lands in Equestria as her innate immortality inherited from Luna finally wears off signaling that it is time for her to earn her cutie mark(it is a falling star and it has revelance), find her place in the world, and perhaps regain her immortality. Those who find her assume that her horn was broken during her fall and this is when she is informed of ponies like her being able to use magic, something that she never knew of as her father was merely a pegasus pony. This is also the first time she has had to deal with others treating her differently as an alicorn and learns of how powerful they are supposed to be due to their unique nature of possessing all three qualities of both earth, pegasi, and unicorn since she never knew of the breed before landing in Equestria. After many failed attempts, it would seem as if her horn was far too damaged in her "fall" that she cannot perform magic. While it may grow back, no one knows for sure if it simply growing back would mean she'd ever be able to perform magic. It is after this that she hides her horn in her mane out of shame for being a "broken" alicorn. She lives her life as a pegasus pony with a cosmetic deformity from this point on. Later, after recovering from her fall, she learns of Twilight Sparkle and the story of how she and her group of friends defeated Nightmare Moon. Astraea is feared by someponies because she bares a resemblance to her mother, a pony she's never known and only learns about from stories. Astraea never puts two and two together about who her mother really is and it never bothered her much since she was on good terms with her father. Learning of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her amazing feats of magic along with her becoming an alicorn and a princess, she sets out to achieve the same thing for herself wanting to be "all that she was meant to be" as told to her those first few days when ponies expected her to be more simply because she once had a horn and a pair of wings. She goes to school and this is where she meets Solar Run, a pale gray unicorn stallion with a fiery mane and tail, who long ago was once considered to become a student under Princess Celestia but declined as he prefers the simple life. This position is passed on to Sunset Shimmer, establishing that both he and Astraea are older than the Mane Six. He does continue with school but he only does enough to get by to remove the presure other put on him for being the best. Eventually he is labeled a slacker who simply passed the beginner classes with ease. Solar Run both admires and is curious as to why Astraea seems to be intent on learning things that involve magic when she appears to be but a mere pegasus pony: one incapable of even performing magic in general. It isn't until she notices that he is a unicorn and capable of performing magic powerful enough to save her own life by having levitated her when she caught a cramp in her wing, that she takes interest in him. Soon the two want to discover each others secrets as it seems that they both are hiding something: Solar Run hiding his intellect while Astraea seems way too preoccupied with magic despite not appearing to have a horn yet always fumbling with her hair as if she was hiding something under dark magenta colored locks. She even looks familiar but feels as if all of Equestia would know if Princess Luna had a daughter and thinks the rumors are just that and nothing more, brought on by their similar appearance. Eventually the truth comes out about her alicorn status and Solar Run feels bad for her knowing that if anything happened to his horn, he would be a lost foal. He helps her repair her horn after studying for a time seeing that she has a growing envy of other unicorns but it isn't long before things turn ugly. Now with her horn restored and able to use magic, Astraea realizes that she's not really good at it and is unable to perform simple spells. She grows even more jealous of other unicorns and her envy for Twilight and her power and the fact that she became a princess leads her down a path similar to her mother. Soon, after being cast out of Rarity, the dark energy that turned her and Luna into sinister ponies finds its way around Astraea's horn and she taps into this power which allows her to bring stars soaring across the night sky, a powerful skill that not even Solar Run can do. This same dark magic turns her into a wild mare that comes to be called Nightmare Starfall for as this corrupted version of herself is intent on bringing falling stars bombarding towards Equestria to destroy Twilight. Solar Run uses his magic to stop her and ends up damaging her horn. It is this that snaps her out of the dark magic's influence and she, with the help of a group of ponies that have befriended them that display the characteristics of the Elements of Harmony(not the Mane Six), chase out the dark magic controlling her. Afterwards, she gains her cutie mark and realizes that it is her job not to bring stars crashing into Equestria but to prevent such things from happening by guiding wayward cosmic bodies out of harms way. There is more to the story (like Discord's daughter, Eris running a muck much like her father did and the finding of the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony) but I think this might be getting too long and perhaps the idea isn't all that good anyway. As stated before, feedback is welcomed and if you wish to know more I would be glad to tell more about the storyline I have in mind for Astraea and Solar Run. Sorry about the length..perhaps this should be posted elsewhere on the fourm but um...yeah. Hello fellow bronies! *slinks away into the darkness of the night* 3 "Nightmare Starfall with her broken pride. Run my little ponies, run for your lives." - Stars Rise & Fall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crimson Cross 7,532 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Haha, hello there @Astraea and welcome to the MLP Forums! Yes, there is indeed a place for that, I think it's called the "Character Database", but I'm not so certain because I'm not as familiar with all the role-play sections that belong here! Well, it was pleasant enough to read, and it was entertaining in the meantime! Alrighty, well without further adieu I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself over here, I'm sure there's plenty of fun to be had! If you've got questions, don't be afraid to ask! Enjoy. 1 Now with more added tea leaves! My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CheeryFox 23,822 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Hello there, nice to meet you. I make cupcakes... What's your flavor? 1 Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invincible 2,092 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Hey there! Welcome aboard. I was hoping to read more of an introduction after that lengthy post, but i'm not really disappointed. The story is actually well written, and i think you have some potential as a fanfic writer. Did you consider writing it down and publishing it? The OC and her backstory is actually pretty interesting. Anyway, see you around My OCs for Roleplay purposes: o Lit Fuse ( o Dust Devil ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryzu 984 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Holy... Somebody here looks like an amazing writer. Your story is so detailed although it was only a brief summary, plus there's more to it... Absolutely amazing. You will DEFINITELY fit in here, just find a group and it should be fun! : 3 I am more than happy to let you into the one I'm in. I'm in pinkiepartypie's skype group, you can add me on Skype (On my Profile, near the bottom) and I'll add you to the group if you want. : ) Whatever you choose to do I hope you have fun here on the forums! And I won't allow you to blind those who are important to me! Looking for some friends to chat with? Join The Party Pony Plaza! Click Here! Show me who I am HERE. OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Welcome to the forums, Astrea, . Its great to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay, XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheDarkMysteryMan 670 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 There are no brake on the friendship train. Welcome to the forum. Signature created by: Gone Airborne Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life. And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book. And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER! The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squidi 41 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay! LRG (Note: All worthy artwork done is put in my portfolio) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil'Cinnamon 1,587 July 30, 2014 Share July 30, 2014 Welcome to MLP forums! I'm Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna. ^^ If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me. And I hope you have a great time! You seem pretty in-depth about your OC descriptions. I don't really do that, I have my pony self, which is me as a pony, and the only thing to describe me is that I'm me. xD I'm a COLT/STALLION, not a filly/mare. Just because I have a round muzzle does not mean I'm female. Remember that. =3 Signature made by me, vectors in signature and avatar also made by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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