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private BookxDeja Vu. Oh and Echo too!

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"You know what...I think your going to lose more than just that face.....maybe the whole head! See how interested she is you then....she won't be into you anymore", he said as smiled quite darkly. *personality changed Déjà Vu* "I'm sorry but when you 'ruined' his prank, you pissed him off....just give him some time to blow off some steam".

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"You know what...I think your going to lose more than just that face.....maybe the whole head! See how interested she is you then....she won't be into you anymore", he said as smiled quite darkly. *personality changed Déjà Vu* "I'm sorry but when you 'ruined' his prank, you pissed him off....just give him some time to blow off some steam".

Book grinded his teeth at what Echo said. He was so close to wanting to hit him.


When Deja Vu came back, he relaxed a bit. "Whe he comes back can I hit him?" Book asked, mentally really hoping she said that he could do that. He tapped the ground to keep himself from doing something he'd regret.


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She went wide eyed when he asked to hit Echo. "Um...I'd...I'd really rather you didn't....since if you hit him, I will feel it as well, and I would really rather not get hit, just saying", she said stepping a few slightky frightened steps back from Book surprised he had turned so violent.

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She went wide eyed when he asked to hit Echo. "Um...I'd...I'd really rather you didn't....since if you hit him, I will feel it as well, and I would really rather not get hit, just saying", she said stepping a few slightky frightened steps back from Book surprised he had turned so violent.

"Right..." Book said and noticed she was looking a bit frightened. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to scare you like that... It's just that he's jumping around on my last nerve before I lose it..." Book sighed and sat down, calming down. He felt bad that scared her by getting violent.


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She sat across from him and nodded. "You haven't even known him a day and he's all ready pushed you past your limits....imagine how fed up with him I am....I've had to deal with my entire life", she said calming down from her brief moment of fear. "I'm sorry he's threatening you but like I said please just try to wait it out until he stops".

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She sat across from him and nodded. "You haven't even known him a day and he's all ready pushed you past your limits....imagine how fed up with him I am....I've had to deal with my entire life", she said calming down from her brief moment of fear. "I'm sorry he's threatening you but like I said please just try to wait it out until he stops".

"Yeah because now he wants to blow my entire head off! I feel so bad with you... And you can't even escape from him." Book said and felt bad for her. "He sounds dead serious on wanting to blow my head off..." Book said, somewhat afraid of Echo by now from the threats.


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"I am really sorry that he is being so violent towards you", she said apologetically and stood back up. "Um....would you mind trying to....I don't know....go watch a movie .....or something.....just to get his threats put of your head.....of not, I understand completely", she said looking down with burning cheeks.

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"I am really sorry that he is being so violent towards you", she said apologetically and stood back up. "Um....would you mind trying to....I don't know....go watch a movie .....or something.....just to get his threats put of your head.....of not, I understand completely", she said looking down with burning cheeks.

"It's not your fault..." Book sighed. He smiled at the idea of a movie. "Sure! Sounds like a great idea!" Book said happily and got up. He hestitantly but slowly pushed her chin up gently to look at her. He smiled at her. "You're pretty cool... And Echo is violent. How do you deal with it?" He asked, thinking she was strong for that.


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"I have just became used to him to the point that I can repress him.....for the most part", she said quietly looking back down to hide her blushing. *Personality changed to Echo* The stallion glared gleefully at him before holding out a cookie to him. "Cookie", he asked with a twisted grin.

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"I have just became used to him to the point that I can repress him.....for the most part", she said quietly looking back down to hide her blushing. *Personality changed to Echo* The stallion glared gleefully at him before holding out a cookie to him. "Cookie", he asked with a twisted grin.

"I'm so sorry for you..." He said, feeling bad.


When the cookie was offered he stepped back a bit. "No thanks. I'm sorry Echo, but I'd like to live." Book said, seeing the twisted grin as Echo's. He was nervous and was ready to run if need be. He was afraid of Echo for the most part since he wanted to live.


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Echo dissipated the cookie and walked out of the cafe to decide how best to deal with Book. As he left, he flashed him a gesture of his hoof across his neck in a slicing motion. But as he passed the movie theater, Deja Vu regained conscious being hoping Book would still show up.

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Echo dissipated the cookie and walked out of the cafe to decide how best to deal with Book. As he left, he flashed him a gesture of his hoof across his neck in a slicing motion. But as he passed the movie theater, Deja Vu regained conscious being hoping Book would still show up.

Book went a bit pale at the gesture and hesitantly followed far behind and not wanting to get killed. He was tense and ready to fly away at any time. He looked at the now Deja Vu, unsure if it was Deja Vu or his now feared Echo. Book watched, looking for a sign to show who it was to him.


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Déjà Vu saw and Book looked down smiling that he had still come. She walked over once she had gotten herself to stop smiling like an idiotic school filly. "Hey Book Quill...... we still watching thatovie or has Echo convinced you hanging oiy with me is too much trouble"?

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Déjà Vu saw and Book looked down smiling that he had still come. She walked over once she had gotten herself to stop smiling like an idiotic school filly. "Hey Book Quill...... we still watching thatovie or has Echo convinced you hanging oiy with me is too much trouble"?

Book looked cautiously at her, not sure if Echo was there still or not. He sighed out of relief when he found out it was Deja Vu. "So glad it's you and not Echo.... We're still seeing that movie. I'm willing to put up with Echo if he comes back if it means I get to hang out with you and watch a movie." Book said, smiling a bit.


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"But....he wants to kill you.....and I don't want him to hurt you", she said quietly before walking into the theatre, hoping he wouldn't realize what had said earlier in the cafe about her 'being into him'. "Um....what would ypy like to see....I myself don't gave any preferenes so you can pick the film".

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"But....he wants to kill you.....and I don't want him to hurt you", she said quietly before walking into the theatre, hoping he wouldn't realize what had said earlier in the cafe about her 'being into him'. "Um....what would ypy like to see....I myself don't gave any preferenes so you can pick the film".

"I think it's just an empty threat... I hope that least..." Book said, the last part under his breath. "But I doubt Echo would actually kill me..." Book shrugged, still slightly afraid of him. "Well... If what Echo said was true about you being into me..." He blushed a bit. "Th-then whatever genre will keep him away the most. I don't mind." Book said, willing to see a bad movie if it meant more time with Deja Vu and less with Echo. Edited by Harmony Cube


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"Well....the only genre he doesn't like is 'sappy romances' so if you really don't mind, then well watch one of those", she said as she bought the tickets, avoiding the subject of her possibly being into him as much as she could. "Um....about him saying that...do remember he wants to kill you....he could just be tricking you", she said with burning cheeks.

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"Well....the only genre he doesn't like is 'sappy romances' so if you really don't mind, then well watch one of those", she said as she bought the tickets, avoiding the subject of her possibly being into him as much as she could. "Um....about him saying that...do remember he wants to kill you....he could just be tricking you", she said with burning cheeks.

"Alright... I'll be fine watching that with you..." He blushed a bit. "Well if it's true then he'd probably not literally kill me..." Book said, noticing she was blushing. He smiled a bit at her, happy. Even if they were going to watch a sappy romance movie together just to keep Echo away.


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She turned away to try to hide her blushing. "Even IF I do, he is upset with you and doesn't handle it well, so just don't give anymore reasons", she said walking to theatre and sitting in the very last row and nodded for him to sit next to her. "I know you probably don't like these movies, but at least it should Echo at bay".

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She turned away to try to hide her blushing. "Even IF I do, he is upset with you and doesn't handle it well, so just don't give anymore reasons", she said walking to theatre and sitting in the very last row and nodded for him to sit next to her. "I know you probably don't like these movies, but at least it should Echo at bay".

"Yeah... Echo should probably hate those kind of movies... Thanks for paying." Book said and sat next to her, looking around. He hoped Echo wouldn't come back and ruin the sappy romance movie. In the back of his mind he was thinking this was a date with Deja Vu and he didn't mind.


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Deja Vu smiled at him when he sat next him. "Yes.... Here's hoping it does just thar" she said with a small nod before turning to watch the movie and face hoofing about twenty minutes in. "Dear Celestial... This is horrible. And for a mare to say that about a romance movie is saying something".

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Deja Vu smiled at him when he sat next him. "Yes.... Here's hoping it does just thar" she said with a small nod before turning to watch the movie and face hoofing about twenty minutes in. "Dear Celestial... This is horrible. And for a mare to say that about a romance movie is saying something".

Book smiled and nodded. When she said the movie was horrible, Book nodded. "Yeah. It's predictable, cliché, and not very well written..." Book criticized. He laughed a bit at how they both hated the movie so far. He looked at her and smiled, feeling cheesy about it.


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"Deja Vu blew some of mane from in front of her face with a quick glance at Book Quill for a half second, not wanting him to know she had. " What kind of movie would you have chosen if Echo wasn't causing problems for us... Er-i mean for you " she said hastily and looking back at the screen.

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"Deja Vu blew some of mane from in front of her face with a quick glance at Book Quill for a half second, not wanting him to know she had. " What kind of movie would you have chosen if Echo wasn't causing problems for us... Er-i mean for you " she said hastily and looking back at the screen.

"Dunno... Maybe a comedy? I always like those..." Book said happily. He smiled at her and relaxed, simply hoping that Echo wouldn't come in and ruin it all for them, and the entire audience. But that thought was slowly drifting towards the back on his mind and he payed attention to Deja Vu instead.


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"Well then. How about this..if Echo stops wanting you dead, you and I can go and see a comedy movie sometime if that sounds okay", she said looking a bit away from him to hide her blush that wouldn't go away no matter how hard she tried to make it. "Go away, stupid blush", she whispered to herself.

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