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private Slice of Life Romance thing!


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Jazz just smiled sheepishly, playing with a part of her mane. "Heheh." she chuckled, nodding along with what he was saying. She was about to reply, but then a waiter appeared, and she completely and utterly froze. "Oh. Uh. I. Yes." she said, her sentences becoming disjointed. The fact that her stoic facade had fallen to pieces after meeting Code meant that she had to piece it back together again, but that took time. Which she didn't have.


(Hey, uh... Sorry, but I'm going to China for the entire holidays and the internet there is funkitated so like I may not be on for ages ^^' sorry!)

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(It's all good. You call your weekends holidays?)


As the waiter was going to take Jazz's order, Code watched her as she started to lock and and stammer her words. "Are you alright? We don't have to eat here if you don't want to." Code said with a look of half puzzlement and half worry.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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  • 3 weeks later...



(Not a weekend, two weeks. I live in Australia. :L)


Jazz gave Code a weak but somewhat half genuine smile. "It's... Alright. I'll be fine." she said, her voice dropping to a whisper as her throat dried up. Determined, she waved at the waiter, and pointed a hoof at the order. The waiter gave her a funny look, but nodded and turned to Code.

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(Ah, kk. How was China?)


"Alright then." Code replied as he watched Jazz just point to the item she wanted to the waiter. It was kinda cute to watch her be extremely shy towards someone , who all they were doing was asking what she would like to eat. As the waiter turned towards him, Code smiled to the waiter. "That should be all." He said.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Once the waiter turned and walked away, Jazz remembered how to breath and let out the one she was unwittingly holding. "Phew~" she sighed, resting her head in her hooves. "That was a close one." she said, smiling with relief. Strangers were bad. Ponies she had to ask to do things or favours, even if they were there to serve her, were even worse.

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As the waiter walked away, Code watched as Jazz sighed and said something to herself as she put her head on her hooves. "You all good?" He asked her. "Do you need to crash into anyone to make you feel better?" He added jokingly, chuckling slightly and grinned at his own joke.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz nodded, thankful that he cared enough to be worried. "I'm fine. It's... Just hard for me to talk to ponies I don't know." she explained, suddenly wondering why it was so easy for her to talk to Code. She rolled her eyes as she tried to keep her smile contained. "Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny I forgot to laugh." she said, smirking. Sarcasm was one of her strong points. 

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"I could tell when you froze up when the waiter asked for your order. But, you seem to talk to me just fine, so I guess that's an upside since we just met not that long ago." Code said to Jazz. "And I guess I just need to try harder then." He added with his own sarcasm.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz's eyes widened a bit. She hadn't been that obvious... Had she? Thinking back to the moment she completely faceplanted over her own words, she swallowed thickly. Maybe she had. "To be perfectly honest..." she began, before pausing, and running a hoof through her hair as she tried to think of words to express herself properly. "Maybe it's because... I didn't really have a... choice... When I met you." she said, choosing her words slowly and carefully.

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"Actually, you did have a choice. You could have just ran away after you crashed into me. Even then, you were tongue tied until the mood had been lightened. But I am glad that you didn't run as I wouldn't be here, talking to you right now." Code said with a sincere smile.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz shrugged. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. Who knows?" she said, an enigmatic glint in her eyes. Jazz flushed a little bit, embarrassment making her hand her head. "I'm... Glad I didn't run away as well." she said quietly, smiling to the ground. "Because now I have a friend. And that's more special than you'll ever know."  

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Code smiled brightly when Jazz got flushed and chuckled a little. "Well, there's no reason to get bashful about it." He said. Right after he said that, the waiter had returned with their orders and placed them on the table. Code looked longingly at his omelette and took a big bite out of it, savoring its flavour.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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When the waiter returned, Jazz felt herself begin to salivate a little just at the mere sight of the food. Her stomach growled again, and she smiled sheepishly. "Welp. Guess it's time to eat." she said, picking up the sandwich with both hooves before taking a huge bite out of it. She chewed thoughtfully for a bit, before nodding and swallowing. "Not bad. Could do with some mustard."

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After the first bite of the omelette, Code had thrown away all table manners and just dove into it and basically inhaled it into his stomache. Once finished, he sat back and burped. "That was good." He said happily. It always felt good to eat breakfast any chance he got up early enough to do so.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz's jaw dropped as she watched him wolf it down. She considered herself to be a relatively fast eater, but she had nothing on this dude. "Yep... Looked like you enjoyed it." she said, nodding slowly and smirking, one eyebrow cocked. She slowly took a bite of her sandwich, chewing with deliberate thoughtfulness to contrast with his speed.

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When Jazz commented on his eating, Code turned red with embarrassment. He was so used to eating alone that he had forgotten she was there until she spoke up. "I am so sorry about that." He apologized to her. "I ate like a pig." He added, smiling sheepishly and scratching the back of his head.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz just giggled. "Hehhehe. You weirdo." she said, continuing to eat as he acted all embarrassed and shy. "It's alright. Everyone has moments. I usually rarely eat at all really... I just forget." she said, shrugging. "Company at least reminds me to eat like a normal pony." she said, smiling. Now it was her turn to get a little embarrassed.

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(Sorry about the late reply. Kinda got into a rut of feeling meh.)


"You know, it's really unhealthy to not eat." Code said, the color of his face returning to normal. "Heck, if you want, we could get lunch later." He added, trying to make it sound as innocent as possible.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yeah." Code agreed as he looked up to the sky and watched a couple clouds go by.. "So, you got anything in mind that you want to go do or see until lunchtime comes?" Code asked Jazz as he pulled out some bits and placed them on the table. "That should cover the bill." He said with a smile.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz mirrored his movements, turning her head to also look at the sky as a cloud shaded the sun. "Me?" she asked, scrolling through things in her mind as she pondered his question. "Not really... You?" As soon as Code placed his bits on the table, she immediately pushed half back at him and placed a couple of her own on there. "No. You are not paying for me, Mr. Chivalrous. You've done enough for me today."

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"I wasn't trying to be chivalrous." Code said, leaving the bits where Jazz pushed them. "And to be honest, I have no idea what to do either." He said as he brainstormed ideas on what they could do. There's a park we could walk around if you're up for that." Code commented to Jazz.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz shrugged. "Well, that makes both of us." she said, grinning a little. "A park?" she asked aloud, mostly to herself. "Sounds good!" she chirped, thinking of all the interesting ponies, the nice scenery, and the birds that were always at parks. "So... Should we go?" she asked, the waiter having come to the table and beginning to clear it while taking the bits.

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