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Editors for The Daily Canter (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and Eloquence)

Rainbow Eclipse

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Riley thought about this. "Well, have you heard of a place called Manehattan Novelty Store?" he questioned. "Perhaps you've walked past it if you've been to Manehattan before. It's where I work," he explained. "It'll be closed at the moment, but as an employee, I have a key to get in."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"A... novelty store?" Eloquence tilted her head. "Well, unless it's also a cafe that won't really help with my article, but if you would like to show it to me I would be happy to see it. Of course, you don't have to go to any trouble to show me right away, I would be happy to stop in when it is open as well."


Ellipsis flittered out of Eloquence's mane and perched on the rim of her empty glass, tasting some of the fruit that she left on the bottom of the glass.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"It's no imposition, really," said Riley. He turned to his bar buddies. "Later, guys!"


"Later!" answered his friends in unison.




"Yes, I know it's not really related to the topic you're writing for," said Riley. "but who says it has to be just one article? You could write dozens!"


"Well, if it's not too much work..."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Eloquence giggled as she strolled out of the bar with Riley. "Well I can't just write whatever articles I feel like. I mean, I can, but I have to appeal to a wide audience, and often I'm just given assignments to write about anyways. I don't think ponies in Canterlot or Ponyville are all that interested in a novelty store in Manehattan, even the ones interested in travel articles like the one I came here to work on."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Well, that's just it. You 'don't think' they'd be interested," said Riley. "Eloquence, do you know what my cutie mark means?" He shifted his flank to show Eloquence. "It represents my optimistic thinking and keep-moving-forward attitude. So what I'm saying is, if you don't try new things, you'll never know what the outcome will be. So you should try writing an article on the place I work at."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Eloquence laughed and shook her head at the amusingly persistent pony. "How about I see the place first, hmm? I am well aware of the knowledge that inspiration can come from unexpected places, if you'll recall, it factored greatly into the story of my own cutie mark." She shifted her own flank, displaying the feather quill on it, as she remembered telling its story to a table full of ponies at the Grand Galloping Gala. She blushed thinking of how her tale moved the others, she even impressed a princess with that particular telling.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Riley nodded. "Your story is a fascinating one, that's for sure."


'Should I tell her that I thought her cutie mark was a slug at first glance?'


He pushed the thought away.


He shifted hs flank to show Eloquence his directional arrow cutie mark. "This represents my optimistic view on life, and how you should keep soldiering on, whatever the world throws your way." He cleared his throat for his story.


"When I was a kid, I went through that phase in life where you desperately attempt to seek out your special talent and earn your cutie mark. I tried tons of things, like shooting arrows with Anala, playing video games, baking... but still, it didn't work. However, I still kept my head held high and was determined to find my destiny."

"My family and friends thought that something was wrong with me and that I was feeling stressed, and asked me if I wanted to take a little break. But I said, 'No! I need to keep trying if I want to get this thing that could change my life!'... And that's when it appeared."
He smiled. "I'm pretty sure I stared at my own butt for hours after it finally happened."
Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


"That's quite the story Riley." Eloquence said, beaming. She adored cutie mark stories. "To think, you got your cutie mark by persisting in attempting to get your cutie mark. It's almost paradoxical." She giggled a bit. Ellipsis poked out of Eloquence's mane and watched as Riley displayed his cutie mark. Taking it as an invitation, he flew over to perch on his lower back.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Oh, yes, Ellipsis is a very brave and affectionate bird. He's never been shy about perching on anypony, even strangers." She said as Ellipsis hopped across Riley's spine and up his neck, coming to rest between his ears. "And I would be happy to hear the story of you and your own pet."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Riley nuzzled Ellipsis affectionately as the bird climbed up him, and then cleared his throat for his story.


"For years when I was a colt, I wanted a dog. Unfortunately, my parents kept telling me that it was 'out of the question' for a few reasons. So when I moved out of the house and into somewhere of my own, I went to the pound to see my choices."


"Turned out, the pound was home to many expensive and exotic dogs that were trained to do tricks, or maybe they just looked pretty. The customers were rich ponies who had come from other places to Manehattan just to purchase a dog. I had nowhere near enough money for a dog, so I decided to go to another town or city within the next few days to decide on a pet."


"On my way home, I dropped a Bit and it rolled into an alleyway. I went in to retrieve it, and a dog was running and bumped into me, and started sniffing my pocket, because I had some dog biscuits in there. Now, there was nothing all that special about this dog. He was an ordinary mongrel, with disheveled fur, and he was as skinny as a pencil. I had no idea whether he was stray or owned. Nevertheless, I fed him the dog biscuits. He shyed away a bit at first, but when he did take the biscuits, he licked me affectionately, so I picked him up and nuzzled him."


"Just then, a stallion showed up and yelled at us, 'There you are, you stupid little scrap! And you! What in Tarturus do you think you're doing? Give me back my dog!'."


"I looked at the dog, then back at the owner, and asked, 'Do you promise to care for this dog, and give it a good life?'. The owner snapped back at me, 'I don't have to promise anything! Now get your filthy hooves off that dog!'."


"The dog whimpered desperately and leaned in closer to me and looked up at me with the most pleading eyes you could ever imagine. The stallion was rather intimidating to both of us. Then... I flew away, holding the dog with me. I don't know what came over me. I just could tell that the dog did not want to, and did not deserve to, be in the hooves of that pony."


"I took the dog to a vet, and it turned out, the dog had a few injuries, and had barely eaten for the past few days. I lied to the vet that I found the dog as a stray, because I didn't want it to go back to that stallion... and I was allowed to keep the dog"


He sighed. "I still wonder if what I did was right or wrong..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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"It sounds to me like you did what was right." she said, placing a hoof on Riley's back. "Animals should not be held captive against their will. There is partnership between pony and pet, not ownership." She removed her hoof in time for Ellipsis to fly back to her and perch on it, and she nuzzled the tiny bird. "Elli meant a lot to me even when I first met him, but I would not have him with me now if it were not his choice." He left her hoof and flew up to perch on her ear. "If your dog chose to be with you and not his former owner, then there is nothing anypony can do but respect that choice."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Riley smiled at the green mare. "Thank you, Eloquence," he said.


"I named him Cookie for his beige fur and brown spots," he explained. "What made you choose to name your birdy Ellipsis?" he asked. "Is it, like, something to do with the whole 'power of words' thing? 'Cos you know, like, an ellipsis at the end of sentences can add a little more effect."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


"The appearance of an ellipsis reminded me a bit of a hummingbird's fast movement, so that contributed to my decision. An ellipsis can also signify uncertainty, and I never know what this little guy is going to do." she said with a giggle as her pet hopped about on her head.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"That makes perfect sense," agreed Riley, having gotten fairly used to the bird. "For all we know, he might find his way into my house while I'm sleeping, and I'll wake up the next morning and he'll be perching on my dog!" he said jovially. He walked towards Ellipsis.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Ellipsis hopped over to Riley's head. "That I'd be a bit surprised by. Ellipsis rarely leaves my side, even when it involves being in places he isn't supposed to." Eloquence said with a faux-glare in her pet's direction.


She turned her attention away from her bird and looked ahead. "So where is this store you're taking me to?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Riley put a hoof to his forehead. "Oh yeah, of course! I was just so engrossed in all these stories you have to offer!" he said in realisation. "Right this way."


They walked to the store. "Wanna see the field where Anala hosts her archery business after this?" he offered as he unlocked the door.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Eloquence considered this for a moment, deciding that she could afford to take the time off. She was really just planning on organizing herself today anyways, and one never knows where inspiration may strike. "Sure, I would love to." she replied as she stepped through the door.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Riley gestured to the large array of prankster items down the aisle. Slingshots, powders... there was cheap stuff at the front. Further down, there were magical items, which were more expensive.


"I always dreamed of working here when I was a colt," said Riley. "This was a regular spot for me and Anala. We were a mischievous duo back in the day..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Eloquence giggled as she looked down the aisles. "I've never been much of a prankster myself, but I knew some ponies who were. A good prank can be really funny, but I consider myself more of a spectator." She walked down one aisle a bit, picking up a bottle of sneezing powder and skimming its ingredient list.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"We would even play pranks on teachers at school," Riley went on, picking up a slingshot andtying up the loose knot which needed to be tied up in order for the contraption to work as required. "But only the super-mean ones who yelled every word and gave us detention for practically no reason."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Eloquence giggled. She could easily see the rambunctious little colt in the young stallion now describing him. "What kind of pranks?" she asked.


Meanwhile, Ellipsis took off to explore the shelves on his own, looking at the unfamiliar objects and pecking the occasional piece.

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Oh, you know, leaving whoopee cushions on their chairs, and replacing their pens with ones filled with invisible ink," said Riley for example. "There was also the time we toilet-papered half the school..."


He noticed Ellipsis pecking at the merchandise. "If you damage anything, you're paying for it, lil' fella!" he joked.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Ellipsis ignored him and continued pecking, eventually coming to a shocking device and pecking the "try me" button. The device zapped him, leaving him dizzy and with his feathers puffed out and out of place. He staggered and fell off the shelf before being caught by Eloquence's magic. She replaced the hummingbird on her head, who quickly returned to normal. "Ellipsis, you are going to give me a heart attack one of these days." she said before turning to Riley with a grin. "You see, unpredictable, and a little troublemaker too I might add."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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