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planning Interest check: "Traditional" one-on-one pony battle RPs


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(Checking interest level here as well as Canterlot.com)

Greetings ponies!

This is an interest check to see if anyone would be interested in traditional style 1-on-1 pony battle role plays. By "traditional", I mean that each pony will have a mini profile of their abilities and spells/attacks. During the 1-on-1 battle, the outcome of each attack is determined using logic and random numbers, which the Game Master keeps track of.

Each pony will have a basic ability profile, which would work like this:
*Each of 5 abilities will have a number, 1 to 10, with 1 being that ability is very weak and 10 is the ability is very strong
*The total of all 5 ability numbers when added up shall not exceed 30, unless consent by both RPers is agreed on for a higher or lower total.

*The abilities will be as follows:

> Speed and Agility - On the offensive side, the higher the number, the less likely it is for your attack to miss the other pony. On the defensive end, the higher the number, the more likely it is for the other pony's attack to miss your pony.
> Strength - On the offensive end, The higher the number, the more damage is possible with your pony's attacks. On the defensive end, the higher the number, the less chance your pony has of taking heavy damage.
> Immunity - The higher the number, the less chance there is of a manipulation spell (such as sickness) from the other pony working on your pony.
> Health - The higher the number, the higher the life cap is for your pony (your pony can handle more damage).
> Energy - The higher the number, the quicker your energy points regenerate each turn, allowing you to more quickly cast more advanced spells and attacks.

*Each pony will have a max of 5 different spells and attacks (combined) that he/she can use in battle (excluding the "mystery amulet"). They will each also have a max of 3 different potions they can use on themselves.

Attacks almost solely do nothing more than damage to the other pony. However they require less energy points than spells. Spells however can do many things, such as damage, reduction in speed / strength / immunity / energy / etc., manipulation, and so on. However they require more energy points than attacks typically.
> Players are allowed to choose what attacks, spells, and potions they will have for their pony. However, the amount of energy points required for the attack / spell, and the number of times each potion can be used, is determined by the game master with the agreement of the player.
> The more damage an attack or spell is capable of, the more energy points it requires.

*There will be a "mystery amulet" that both ponies can use during battle. Basically, it's an extra spell/attack available for use to both ponies. The spell/attack is determined by the game master and is announced before battle begins.
*Unicorns can use their horn for spells. However if a pegasus or Earth Pony wishes to cast spells, he/she must use an amulet, which can be snatched away by the other pony via. the use of a specific attack.

Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions. If this has interest, I may begin a one-on-one for two ponies who sign up. I may do more in the future. 

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