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private With a fall, there is a new beginning.


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There were those who thought that Celestia and Luna would live forever. It was not a terrible assumption.They'dted a thousand plus years, and showed no signs of wear and tear! They were the most powerful alicorns to ever grace the lands. There was no indication to most that they were not immortal. The closest they'd ever come to losing their glorious leaders was when the Changelings attacked Canterlot.She'dn attacked, overwhelmed even, but she was back on her hooves by the end of the day. No need for alarm. Was but a scratch.

So they thought.

Queen Chrysalis had planned for the eventuality that she could be beaten. A million things could have gone wrong with her plan and, of course, they did. So, the spell that she had released would seem to do little: daze the Princess, put her out of commission, but all and all she would live.

For a time.

The spell caused a horrible cancer to grow through her body. It was painless, a completely unnoticeable killer. The first sign of any danger came from a cough. By the time the Princess was coughing up blood, the cancerous disease had spread to her heart. There was nothing that could be done. The Princess' heart failed, and most thought it was the greatest tragedy of the age... that nothing could out do it...

They were wrong... with The Princess' sudden absence, and without unicorns who were trained and prepared to take over her role like ponies had before Celestia's rule, the sun halted in it's orbit, looming over it's ponies.




It had been a few days into the everlasting day (based of time, since the sun was stationary), and a meeting had been called by some of the representatives of the world powers. All members of every major power had attended and were seated at a round table in the main conference hall of Canterlot castle. Seth Eclipse had been rather silent about the passing of Celestia, as he was a friend of hers. He just wished he could have said good bye.


​The wolf was suddenly brought back to the meeting by a call of his name. "Seth Eclipse? You had a description of the Wolven Empire?" A rather tall zebra said, a little more firm.


"Ah, yes." Seth said after a second. Standing from the table, he nodded to the projectionist to bring up the first slide. "As you all know, the Wolven Empire is on the dark side of the planet. This, mixed with our location near the north pole, we are experiencing catastrophically low temperatures. Our main hum is actually holding strong, but it is our outermost settlements that have been cut off from supply lines. Our one request is that shipments of food be sent to the western coastlines and transported to the nearby populations. We are able to supply any resources to any nations to the east of us, as the eastern harbors there are more accessible and able to ship supplies out. Air travel is impossible due to the blizzards, so we will be limited in time." The wolf stated, then took his seat.


As more parties stood to say their nation's plea, Seth noticed a signal guard enter, whispering to the two guards who were standing at the door. Each looked slightly panicked as the pony left, which Seth assumed was only going to be bad.

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Kazas sat there, contemplating. Since the death of Celestia, the griffon empire had been stuck in a sort of evening atmosphere. The empire bordered equestria to the southwest. The griffon empire had been suffering an intense shortage of water. There was just enough sunlight to grow crops with, but since the sun was so low, evaporation could not take its course, and no rain clouds could form. It was true that the griffons had a surplus of crops to share, but it wouldn't last long, if more couldn't be grown with water.




The griffon decided upon bargaining with Seth.


" you said that your ports are on the western side of the wolven empire. This is perfect. Azarik, the griffon empire, has a surplus of crops that we are more than willing to share. However, there is a shortage of good quality water, and this means that we will not be able to grow as much, and my people will be left both starving and thirsty. If you are willing to share water with us, then we can give you much of our surplus, and even help to continue to grow your food along with ours until the situation is resolved..... Or... Until the very end. Our ports are on the northwestern side of the country. If you can send water to there, we can send food to the ports that you request they go to."


Kazas's face was grim without a sense of optimism. He had noticed the guards' reaction to a signaler's information. More bad news, he supposed.

  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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So it happened. The unexpected tragedy that could tear down a whole kingdom in the blink of an eye. Princess Celestia had perished, taking with her all the hopes and dreams of the ponies she used to watch over. A few days later, soon after the news spread, a wave of despair was brought upon Equestria and its neighbor kingdoms, and a meeting between the main ambassadors of each nation and ethnic group was taking place in the Royal Castle of Canterlot. In the midst of such haste, silently gazing upon the castle from outside its gates, was a white unicorn mare: Maya Sphere.


She sat down, thoughtful, uncertain of what to think about the recent event. Behind her, ponies were rushing from side to side, presumably gathering what little was left for them and fleeing the country. Maya, however, looked calm. She stared at the castle with curious eyes, trying to imagine what miraculous, insane plan the ambassadors would come up with in the attempt to save the ponykind from their inevitable fate - a fate very much similar to Celestia's. Of course she wasn't expecting to kick the bucket so soon, but it seemed like a hopeless situation, so she was getting ready for it.


Maya's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a strong, distinct voice from between the chaotic shouting from of the ponies in the plaza.


"Mrs. Sphere." The voice said. Maya turned around to meet a tall, fully-armored Royal Guard, standing next to her. He was accompanied by two other guards, who stood slightly behind, but were as intimidating. They carried with them a pair of cuffs. "Follow us, please." The guard was brief with his request.


Without moving a muscle, Maya stared at the three of them for a few seconds. Her expression showed annoyance, with small traces of anger, while she quietly asked herself whether they were being serious, or were just excellent actors messing around. Soon after, she got up on her four hooves and approached the guard menacingly.


"What in the bloody hell do you want of me?" Maya asked them, indignantly.

Edited by Driz
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((After a mishap, my post is now in the right place XD ))


Icarus sat in the chamber. He was intrigued by the situation, one that had actually managed to surprise the unicorn. He knew the changelings were cunning, but this was something else, something on a far different level. Celestia's death had been so sudden. It was not even something he nor the best of doctors could have ever saw. But now he was here. He had been called here as a medical witness, should anyone question the death of Celestia, he could testify to the graveness of her  situation in her last days.


He was located in the back of the many creatures in the room, his mask and cloak unrevealing of his true face or body. He glared slightly at the bickering between nations. He found it slightly amusing in some aspects. But overall he was very effected by all of this madness. His hometown of Stallliongrad was now shrouded in eternal darkness on the other side of the planet. He hoped, for his  homes sake, these nations would at least find some way to help.The plague that had hit it many years ago had already crippled the town, but now with out food to feed it's workers, due to  dead crops, he feared a fate far worse than the plague now threatened his home.


Icarus noticed movement in the guards to his flank. A signal guard exited the room after speaking with two others. With the looks on their faces, he assumed that there was more news on the way, and not of the good kind.

Edited by Commander Tangent
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Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Looking up the the griffon, the wolf gave a light bow. "That would be most beneficial. With our snow, we can easily ship you fresh water within a few days by sea." He said with a light smile. It was obviously that he was forcing himself to seem thankful. It was hard to even think life would be normal. However, fallowing the sight of the pony, Seth spied the guard again. They still were terrified. "What more could happen?" He asked with a sigh. Nodding to the griffon, he stood and gestured for him to fallow him up. When they stood before the guard, the pony nearly fainted by the two's presence.


"Is there a problem?" He asked, trying to seem calm. In today's world, it was hard to show calmness. The pony only seemed more scared.


"Um... no?" The guard answered with a sheepish smile. 


"I highly doubt that." Seth retorted, glaring at the pony. Whatever he had to say, he wanted to know.

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Kazas was relieved to hear that the wolven empire would oblige. Now, the griffon empire would not starve. While it was true that griffons were birds of prey that would be content to consume meat, the crops were grown to trade, and for emergency purposes. The local prey that the griffons took pride in hunting were starting to migrate in search of more favorable conditions, making meat a delicacy. He smiled and nodded at Seth, with a gleam of thankfulness in his eye. " thank you for your generosity. I will see to it that the commissions to send the food are made as soon as possible, and I am hopeful that we can get the ships loaded in four to five days time, depending on how long it takes the messege to get to emperor Raziak."


Kazas followed the wolf as he had signaled. He definitely was an interesting specimen. Very few wolves were ever seen within equestria. At least, not the sentient, flesh and blood type. Most wolves around equestria were timberwolves that dwelt in the everfree forest, and to kazas's knowledge, they were not exactly the friendly type. He followed behind Seth. The walk was short lived, however, as he had tried to speak to a nervous looking guard, trying to earn some information. He seemed to almost command the guard to tell him the woes of which put him into fear. Kazas would try a friendly approach. He tried to speak with the guard.


" no need to be nervous, friend. We are all friends here, and are afflicted by the same curse, albeit in different ways. But if there is something that ails you, please tell us, so that we can help in whatever way we can."


Kazas offered the faint smile that he was known for, looking at the guard.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Stop pushing me, damn it!" Maya shouted angrily at the Royal Guard. "Maybe if you cooperated we wouldn't need to drag you all the way here!" The guard replied, evidently worn-out from the discussion they were having, hinting that it might have been going on for a while. "I told you I have no business with you, rats. Just let me go already!"


After their sudden encounter, the three Royal Guards had taken Maya inside the castle. They wouldn't speak about their motives to do so, but clearly the mare was against whatever it might be. She resisted, and her hooves were then cuffed to restrain abrupt movement. They were escorting her towards the conference room, and were pretty close already.


"STOP. PUSHING. ME!!" Maya exclaimed again, this time a little more irritated, and a little louder. Loud enough so the ambassadors inside the room could hear the fracas.

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Icarus heard the shout from his left. He looked over to see a mare being shoved by several guards into the room, they obviously wanted her in this room for whatever reason.  He adjusted his mask a bit and  watched the action before approaching the  distraction with a calm demeanor.


He looked to the guards. 


"Excuse me sirs, but such an aggressive action is not necessary. You are causing a disruption within the chamber, leave the mare alone" He said firmly, irritated by the  interference. 

  • Brohoof 1

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Looking tot he griffon, he knew his anger was not needed now. It was just hard to stay non-aggressive when the princess of the day was killed by a cowered. "Im sorry... I would just like to know if anything is going on." He said with a frown of sorrow.


"Well..." the guard began, looking hesitant at first. "There is word that towns across the nation... are rebelling... There is no real purpose... just that things are wrong. From Luna taking the throne, to considering invading other nations for resource to combat this event. Thankfully, Canterlot is safe from the struggles... so far..." He finished, looking a little more calm. 


That couldn't be said for the wolf, as he himself was only growing more tense about the situation. Looking to the conformance, he noticed it was wrapping up and going to more of a 1 on 1 session between kingdoms. Looking to his new ally, he gave a serious face. "Kazas, was it? Not to sound rude... but I believe our time is up here... I rather not get caught up in a mob of ponies anytime soon. I can offer you a ride to the griffon empire if needed." He suggested, trying to find a quick way to leave this land.

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Kazas picked up on what the wolf really wanted, but was distracted by noises coming from outside the chamber. " yes. That is my name. And I believe yours was Seth eclipse, if I recall correctly. I don't think we are done just yet. It seems as though a commotion has already begun outside... Perhaps we should see to it."


Kazas had been wearing a red cloak that was concealing his sword. He opened it a bit with his claw, flashing light armor and a sword hewn with ebony and gold. " I trust that you are either carrying a weapon or know how to fight, or both? in Any case... I wish to see who's behind the door."



He walked toward the chamber door, and opened it. There, he saw a mare being restrained by a few guards, and a stallion that seemed to be scolding them for their roughness.


@driz @commander tangent


" in the name of the all-maker, what is the fuss about?"

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@@Commander Tangent, @,


"Excuse me sirs, but such an aggressive action is not necessary. You are causing a disruption within the chamber, leave the mare alone" He said firmly, irritated by the  interference. 

" in the name of the all-maker, what is the fuss about?"


After being approached by two of the members of the round table, the guards immediately halted and looked over at the ponies that were asking for an explanation. After a few seconds, they began whispering to each other. "That's Dr. Icarus, the medical witness in the case, and Kazas Azarith, the ambassador from the Griffon Kingdom." One of the guards could be heard talking to his partner. After that, one of the Royal Guards took a step forward, appearing to be somewhat intimidated once he was informed who the masked pony and the griffon were.


"Commander Acorn, from the Shining Armor division." He introduced himself to the two, bringing a hoof to his forehead and saluting in a polite manner. "This mare is Maya Sphere. She's an acquaintance of ours." "Acquaintance my flank!" Maya added, before being nudged once again by another guard.


"Her family is known for practicing the forbidden art known as Necromancy. Theoretically, she is able to communicate with the souls of those who passed away. We supposed this would be crucial in the investigations of our Princess' demise, and it would greatly assist our kingdom. However, she refused to collaborate, so we decided to arrest her and bring her to the meeting in order to discuss the possibilities and come to an agreement."


"There is no agreement. You can't force me to do anything." Maya said, peeved. "I'm afraid this decision is not up to you." Commander Acorn replied.

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Icarus looked at the two guards and tilted his head.

"Have you tried asking nicely,  and offering compensation ? As with any person there may be something she wants, so why not try to bargain. Taking a person against their will to use their powers forcefully is against anything Celestia would want, I know that for sure" Icarus said, his red eyes glaring from behind his plague mask.


When the Plague struck his home so many years ago, he had been forced to do.....many things against his will. It was partially why he appeared as he did now, should he be seen without his mask.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Kazas's face stayed solemn.


" arrest? How can you arrest a pony that has done nothing against the law? Forgive me for questioning your civilization, but isn't that highly illegal for a guard to do...."


He looked at maya. And smiled. " it appears as though we are at an impasse. I don't know exactly how much authority I garner these days, considering the circumstances. But I implore that you release her. She has no reason to be held against her will."


He then looked over to Icarus, thought to himself. A strange pony... With a very interesting mask.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Seeing the commotion build from outside the conference hall, Seth joined the conversation. It seemed the meeting was a juried due to the interruption anyway. Going to the griffon and the ponies, he recognized one in particular. The masked pony.


He desired to act ignorant of the pony and their history together. It was a bloody one. He instead got to the topic of the arrest. "If I may add to the conversation, by equine law, one must have a reason to arrest a potential criminal. Unless you read her any accusations against her, if there are any, then you are committing a crime by illegally arresting a citizen." Seth said, a light smile going towards the mare. "I studied your laws. I would hope you fallow them."


Leaning over to the griffon, he whispered: "as for combat, my transportation is carrying some defensive weaponry. I also have a semi-auto pistol in my briefcase. Before I was a diplomat, I was a skilled warrior."

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@@Commander Tangent,@, @@arkman575,  


"Well, uh... Gentlemen, you see th-- We have..." The commander found himself in a loss of words, stuttering and stumbling over his own words after being scolded by the very individuals he thought would back him up.


"So? You heard them." Maya said, with a sardonic smile from cheek to cheek. More than anything, she was enjoying the show. "Let me go and leave. You wouldn't want to disturb the Leaders any further, would you?"


"...Understood." Commander Acorn exclaimed with a bit of bitterness in his voice, and proceeded to uncuff Maya's hooves. "We were supposed to bring her to the conference anyway, so do whatever you want." After that, Maya stretched her limbs and slowly walked away from the guards, towards the three members of the round table that had helped her. Commander Acorn then approached the group once more, and said in a whispering tone:


"By now, I'm sure you all have heard about what's happening outside these castle walls. As we speak, the civilians are growing uneasy, and a rebellion is slowly sprouting from the darkest corners of the town. We can no longer ignore what's right in front of our noses. It's the end of an era, and it's likely to be the beginning of an all-out war. Lives are at stake, gentlemen... We do what we must in order to survive." He concluded with another salute - which now seemed more like a melancholic farewell - and turned around, ordering his partners to follow him.


Maya watched the as the royal guards walked away until they turned the corner, and sighed in relief. "Well... That sure was something." She commented, and then turned back to the three leaders. "So, what are you guys up to?"

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Kazas garnered a confused look upon his visage. He leaned toward the wolf, in spoke in a hushed whisper.


" a what? A pistol? What in the name of the maker is a pistol?"


Kazas had never seen or heard of this kind of weapon. Obviously, it didn't exist in the griffon empire or he wouldve seen it, considering his part in the reunification war some years ago. But that did not matter, at this point. " never mind, I'll ask later. This is more important."




Kazas turned to maya, and smiled faintly once more. He decided upon sarcastic humor, as there was little to laugh about these days.


" oh, nothing much. Just debating on how not to starve. Yourself?.... Okay I'm sorry. That was rude. Didn't know if sarcasm would make you laugh or not. But seriously, the debates are pretty much over. But much more concerning things are at claw, it appears. I believe the guards said you were a necromancer.... Is that true?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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As the guards departed, Seth looked to the griffon, then to the mare. "Well... this is... new. First time I have met a mare with your talents within the boarders of Equestria." He said with a bit of a smile. Truthfully, he hadn't seen the talents anywhere. "Tell me, what is your main point of-"


The wolf was interrupted by a blast outside the castle, screams forming soon after. Running to the window, the wolf could spy a small group of unicorns advancing on the castle. They were firing off spells at the towers and chanting. From what it sounded like, they were saying: "The gods are lies. The master race shall rule!" They were quickly attacked by royal guards from the sentry posts, both sides taking hits.


"Wolven hell..."

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Icarus was taken by suprise at the screams. The chaos outside could be heard from inside the chamber, so it had to be large.  He turned to the others. 


"I do beleive we have what sounds  like a riot in progress" He said,  levitating his medical bag over in case anyone needed his assistance with possible wounds from the crazed crowd outside.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"I believe the guards said you were a necromancer.... Is that true?"


Maya briefly looked around the room in a thoughtful manner. "Yes. It's true... I'm a necromancer... sort of." She replied - somewhat reluctantly - after a few seconds. "You see, I'm still in training. There's a lot of stuff I can't do, like contacting a freaking Alicorn soul, for instance." She referenced the request the Royal Guards had made earlier. "Look, even if I wanted to link with Celestia, I wouldn't be able to... I-It's hard to explain, really. And it's not as amazing as it may sound like."


 "Well... this is... new. First time I have met a mare with your talents within the boarders of Equestria." He said with a bit of a smile. Truthfully, he hadn't seen the talents anywhere. "Tell me, what is your main point of-"


Before the wolf could finish his question, loud explosions and shoutings could be heard from outside the castle. It seemed like a herd of ponies were attempting to charge the walls, before they ran into the castle guards and a small skirmish ensued.


"They sure look angry." She said, mockingly. It was evident that a commotion like that was going to arise sooner or later, and now the whole castle could be surrounded by the mob of indignant Equestrians at any moment. Given the delicate situation, Maya began to wonder what was going to happen next.


"What now, Leaders?" She turned back to the group. "Do we have any plans?"

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Kazas drew his sword. What a pretentious time for an uprising. What was especially ridiculous was the ' master race ' notion. As far as kazas was concerned, no one was above another.


" I say.... That we might have to fight our way through, but only if there isn't another route that would lead us safely out of here. And if we do end up getting in a scrap, then I'd perfer to keep it non-lethal, if plausible....."


Of all times, caught without shield and armor. Just great. Looks like he would only have his tried-and-true sword, and of course, he would have access to THAT power.....


" say...... Who likes a good bonfire?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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From the window, Seth watched as the riot was softening. The guards had the unicorns heavily suppressed. That didn't mean the fight was over though. There were a few fighters left.


"Well, as for transport, I do have a methud of transport not too far outside of Canterlot. We just need to get there." He offered, seeing that there was no reason to stay at this point. Walking over to the table, he found his brief case and opened it. Moving some files aside, he uncovered a metallic device that could clamp onto the side of a leg. Attaching it to his right four leg, he walked over to the others. "Let's not try to kill anyone, just get out of here." He suggested.

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" I could not agree more" Icarus said, pulling out a small metallic object from his cloak and levitating in next to himself, " Ready to go when you are."


In the back of his head, Icarus heard the whispers of the object next to him enter his mind. But he shook it off and looked to the others. The riot outside reminded him of the food riots in Stalliongrad during the plague. Only in that scenario the guards lost and the food stores were raided, leading to lack of food and widespread chaos. He hoped the same would not unfold here.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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While everyone else in the room was getting ready to leave the castle in a last-minute plan, Maya kept watching through a window the conflict that happened outside. The Royal Guards were trying to keep the Unicorns away, but they mercilessly fought back, and thus the amount of ponies still standing in that small battlefield was rapidly decreasing. She hated to admit it, but Maya was finally starting to feel uneasy about the situation. She firmly grasped the key that hanged from her necklace and closed her eyes, until she turned away from the window and walked towards the ambassadors.


@@arkman575, @@Commander Tangent, @,  


"I'm coming with you." She said what seemed more like an assertion than a request. "I have nowhere else to go right now, and much like you guys, I don't wanna be caught in the middle of that mess out there. I know our meeting was sudden and that there was no time for a proper introduction, but I promise I won't become a burden. Just lead the way."


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@driz @commander tangent @arkman575



" very well." Kazas said. Seth, you said that you have a means of transport outside of canterlot, correct? I will help you all get there and get to safety. But that's when my part ends. I will need to fly back to the griffonic empire to deliver my report, along with the trade agreement made between the wolven empire and my homeland. After that, I might return here, I might not. But if you ever need to seek refuge, the empire is open to peace lovers. Seth, can you lead the way?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"I would suggest leaving the city at least. Lest dense populations are probably going to be more stable in regards of riots... I hope." Seth muttered, turning towards the door. Slowly advancing towards the entrance to the castle, he stopped only to arm his weapon. "Stay close... this is considered a combat zone as of the start of fire. We are not going to engaged unless engaged upon." He commanded. Before diplomatics, he had been a high ranking wolven warrior.


As they reached a door to the outside, the group were pushed aside as more reinforcements came running down the hall. They were royal lunar guards. One stopped and blocked the exit. "We don't suggest you leave the castle." He said as the others ran out of the door.


"And why is that?" Seth questioned, impatient in his tone. 


"The local unicorns had more tied into their little group than we thought. A section of them attacked cloudsdale for not helping them with the assault and now the pegasi air force are counter-attacking what's left of the unicorns here. We are seeing if we can calm down this civil war." He informed. 


Looking to the others, Seth knew they had to move. This was getting out of hand. "We need to leave! We are diplomats of Equestria's allies. We have transport out of the city." He stated, moving past the guard. The guard didn't hesitate, as the four were determined. When they reached the outside, Seth almost wished he could have listened to the guards. The pegasi were indeed attacking the unicorns. Every unicorn. Every pony that didn't have wings. The three races were falling apart.


"Well... you sure you don't want a free ride back?" The wolf asked to the griffon.

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