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private A STORM in A Clear BLUE Sky

dusk shade

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"Yeah...now that I think about it, you're like in Fluttershy's level....nervous and submissive, but absolutely incredible once she got excited", she said with a smile of remembered pleasure as her wings stiffened slightly from the thought. "And 150 is just how many V-cards I taken....I've been with at least 200", she gave a wink and a smirk. "And not all of them were ponies".

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"Oh Celestia help me." *He said, rubbing his temples, now imagining more situations with the element of kindness in bed with Storm, getting his wings more excited.* "I don't even. You're like just like Cloud Kicker, though I suppose you slept with her too as well, wouldn't be surprised." *He chuckled.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"Cloud kicker....Cloud Kicker....yeah....I slept with her a couple if tines....wow, I sleep with a lot of mares, damn", she said snickering. "And since you're a stallion...you can't see my .....'Toybox'", she said nuzzling his chest. "There's just no point in a stallion seeing my toys...they're just for mares. Same with my goodie-bag".

Edited by Dusk Shade
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"I don't even want to know what that's supposed to mean." *He said, trying to block out more and more thoughts as she kept on talking about sleeping with mares, feeling his wings start to expand outwards.* "Yes, there's no point in me seeing them, so unless you plan to bring a third in for some friend, let it be." *He said.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She snuggled up to him cozily. "Okay. I will stop talking about Fluttershy's skill and favor, even though I haven't even really gotten started yet", she said with a lucid smile. "Unless you really me to get Fluttershy in on this, that is", she said teasingly not sure how he would respond.

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"I..." *He started out and then paused and pondered on the thought for a few seconds and shrugged.* "Eh? Let me think about that. I don't know how I'd feel about it now. Unless you were joking with me, then that's cruel." *He said with a chuckle. He gave her a quick loving kiss.* "And thanks for last night, it was fun." *He said with sincerity.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She kissed him back. "I'm not joking....whoever youd like to sleep with....I'll see what I can do to make it happen, be it Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Fleet foot, Cloud Kicker, .....whoever. Um....I think I have a wing fetish....considering how many Pegasus mares I've slept with", she said nervously.

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"Get the entire Wonderbolts team over here." *He said with a laugh, then stopping and realized what he had said.* "I'm just kidding, don't really do that." *He insisted hastily, hoping she wouldn't really bring the entire mare part of the team to have a night of fun.* "I'll ponder on it, but I'll still feel weird. I don't really know any of them, all I know is their names and what they do, and they don't even know who I am." *He said, with a nervous chuckle and rubbed his neck.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"What...you want me to bring Soarin too", she asked, a bit surprised. "I didn't realize you were bisexual..... and I really don't like Soarin..... the one time I slept with him ....he was dreadful.....I had to get sooooooooo drunk just to forget how bad he was....so I'm not bringing him. ..the rest are fine", she said grabbing her phone

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*He facehoofed and sighed.* "Ok. One, I'm not bisexual, I have no interest in Stallions, two, I was joking, do not bring the Wonderbolts here or don't drag me anywhere to go have some fun with them, and three, even if we were to do that, I wouldn't ask Soarin to tag along anyways." *He groaned and dragged his hoof across his face.* "I'll see if I want another mare in our bed on occasions, alright?"


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She sat up and stretched giggling. "Okay, okay....fine. I won't bring the Wonderbolts here or you there....no matter how much I enjoy nights if fun with the Wonderbolt", she said with a sigh. "You know what, its fine....I'll just go fly up there sometime and have some fun anyway".

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*His eyes widened and he looked straight at Storm, with a raised eyebrow and a confused look on his face.* "Did you just seriously admit to wanting to go have fun with the entire Wonderbolts team without me, right in front of me?" *He said with a bit of surprise in his voice.*


(Is it me, or does it feel like the mods and admins are watching this thread constantly to make sure things don't get out of hand? O.o )


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"Yeah", she said simply. "I told you before, my relationships don't last long....I get bored fast and easy so I leave my options open. I'm sorry but this is how I am....really really needy", she said not denying her intentions.


(No dude....I'm trying to play her as far as I can without going over and its really hard...but the fact that I Haven't been banned tells me I'm doing all right).

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(I know its just, weird for me I guess... :/ )


"So if your relationships don't last long, why do you get yourself into then? It doesn't make any logical sense for you to do so. Be like Cloud Kicker and just get around with other ponies on one night stands, if this is how it is." *He said, looking a bit down.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"Thats how ive been since me and Flash Stream.....broke it off...", she said regretfully and guiltily. "I don't wanna be that pony anymore....that's why I agreed to date you......you were willing to deal with my faults.....but know I'm not so sure, I should've said anything", she said turning away

Edited by Dusk Shade
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"Yes, I'm more than willing to deal with your faults, and I have so far dealt with worse then some little searching for some... exotic fun, and avoiding becoming bored." *He sighed and realized he may have made a mistake.* "I'm sorry, that was just sprung on to me unexpectedly and it's different from what I've been exposed too, so I kind of. Yeah, reacted bad."


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She sat still facing away from him. "Look I'm a drunk......I'm a psychopath. .. I'm a cheater.....I'm a slut......how you can put up with all of that, I honestly don't understand....how do you not hate me yet....or at leasr ....how are you not disgusted..... all I bring you is trouble and pain, yet you put up with me, Why", she asked quietly.

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*He moved over behind her and wrapped his hooves around her.* "Because I love you Storm, and I see a good pony in you. Under all that stuff, there is a good pony in you. Loving a pony is learning to deal with their faults, like you said, and if they want help to overcome them, then you help them." *He whispered to her. He turned her head to face him and looked her in the eyes.* "Now tell me, do you want to be any of those things?"


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She turned to face him, shaking as she did. "No....I'm tired of being this way....but when Flash ditched me....I just stop caring.....I didn't even care about Blaze....and he was always there for me....always at my side..... always wiping my tears.....even though I was always going around his back....he knew it and still cared about me....I'll never understand how you and him can care...", she said hanging her head in shame.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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"Well, I can't speak for him, but I'm just a naturally caring pony. Storm, I really do want to help you with this as much as I can. But you must want this yourself." *He said, tightening his hug around her a little.* "I'm not doing this out of pity or because I feel obligated, I'm doing this because I love you and want you be happy with yourself, not disappointed with yourself."


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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(Sorry she keeps bringing Blaze Blitz and Flash Stream into this...shes just really hung up on them.....). She shook her head. "Look, even if I stop all of it, I'm still gonna hate myself for ever being dumb enough to do it the first place.....the drinking won't be so easy to stop.....it didn't come from Flash, remember.... that started in middle school...and being a Psychopath isn't something I can change.... I'm stuck with that ....but the cheating slut....that I can work on", she said quietly.

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"Little steps Storm, little steps." *He said at her volume.* "Even if you can't stop all of it or have trouble stopping it, I'll still be here to support you through it. I may not be a licensed psychologist, but I'll help you in any way, shape, and form if it helps you feel better about yourself."


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"Blue....I don't really see a way ypi can help unless you lock up all my alcohol.... and you did that, I might kill you for real", she said before flapping her wings so they would not fall asleep. "The slut thing I'll have to stop Cold Turkey or I'll never go through with it", she said thinking about weather or not she should hug him back.

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"Well, I don't like this idea, but keeping an eye on you is the only way I could help, but I know for a fact you'd hate me being with you at all times, so other then that." *He stopped and thought of what to say, drawing a blank.* "I know you'll get through it, you're a tough pegasus."


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"Just forget it... I'll figure it out myself, you happy", she asked as she pulled put of his grip. "On sleeping on the couch", she snapped at him, grabbing four bottles of the nearly pure alcohol she had hidden under her pillow. "I'll see you in the morning if you're still here".

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