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private A STORM in A Clear BLUE Sky

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"You freaking loser... Why would I want to take a shower, when we haven't even done anything yet, just seems like a huge waste of shower stuff and water. Just saying.. And I am definitely pure, you jerk....", she said angrily and yet also playfully at the same time".

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"Alright, if you so." *He said jokingly and moved his muzzle back to her neck and licked her neck.* "It really wouldn't be a waste, it'd be knocking out two birds with one stone, but hey. If you don't want to, it's alright." *He added, kissing her neck a little more, smiling as he did so.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm growled at him and him underneath herself to say that she'd had enough of conversation and was beyond ready to have some some actually fun. "Shut up Blue Butt.... I dont remember talking about us talking, I said having some fun, didn't I", she asked once he was pinned.

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*He smirked and pushed himself upward to kiss her lips and laid his head back down.* "Then let's have some fun, take the reigns." *He said, his wings slowly expanding outwards, showing he was ready to have some fun himself, and eagerly awaited for Storm to make a move to begin.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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(Dude that fricking post made it extremely difficult to come up with a reply post that obeyed the site rules while still responding to his actions)


She kissed his chest lightly to kick things off slowly. Things went per the norm after that and a few hours later she got off from the bed to grab a shower to get herself cleaned up.

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(Yeah, probably should have rethought how you'd respond. Whoops xD)


*After things were finished, he laid there on the bed smiling again, and waited for his turn in the shower. His wings started to slowly loose their stiffness and eventually made themselves comfortable his sides once again.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She took her shower and returned back to her bedroom and sat next to Blue or more specifically sitting on his wing. She licked ear once again, it seemed to have become her favorite way to tease him and play with him. '' So, I take it you had fun then", she asked him.

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*He winced lightly when she sat down on his wing, then immediately forgot about it when she licked his ear and he felt the blood rush back to his wing, and the weird feeling of one wing extending back out wards and blood being stopped from going into his other.* "Yeah, definitely had fun." *He said with a light blush. He pulled his wing back to Jim and kissed her cheek, then made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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She got up off of his wing and chuckled playfully. She nuzzled him lightly as he was getting up but made no protest as he got up to go and take a shower knowing he should definitely get himself cleaned up, especially if he was gonna back on her couch anytime soon.

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(Fun fact: If we were to take this entire role play and write it as a fanfic, we'd have around 327,000 to 350,000 words, give or take a few hundred o.o)


*He took his quick shower washing himself as much as he could and thoroughly washed out his mane to return it to its normal wavy form. He dried himself off and went back to the bed and just simply laid down next to her and wrapped her in a hug and pulled her to him.* "I'm feeling lazy today. Can we just lay here all day?"


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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(Holy hell.... That's pretty damn impressive)


Storm just laid against him and pulled the blankets back over them as she kissed his neck lightly. "Yeah, sure, we'll just lay here and waste the day away, I don't care, it's what I was planning on anyway so sounds good to me, you nerd".

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(And since we're still going, it's bound to get larger and larger.)


"Mmm, sounds wonderful. It's been too long since I've done this." *He whispered and buried his muzzle in his favorite spot, her neck and sighed in happy content and closed his eyes and let them rest, just wanting to feel the warmth of her and let it lull him into relaxation.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm had laid her head lightly down on his chest, which had quickly become her favorite place to rest her head when they were laying together. '' This is the absolute best way to waste a day away.. Don't you think, Blue Boy.... Okay that's it. From now on Blue Butt and Blue boy are out, your nickname is just Blueberry now".

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"Mmhmm, the very best way to waste today." *He said in agreement, not even wanting to move a single muscle. He was so comfortable with Storm in his grasp and her warm coat against his own, that he could probably go into tomorrow afternoon like this.* "And I like Blueberry, it's a nice nickname." *He added softly.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm just mumbled something inaudible about comfortable and fuzzy. She had wings laying flat on the bed, completely slack and relaxed at the moment from their positions. "Sorry ahead of myself in case I wind up falling asleep like this, this is just too relaxing", Storm warned him.

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"It's alright, I'll probably fall asleep like this anyways as well." *He whispered, nuzzling her neck, feeling the softness of her cost and enjoying it. He closed his eyes not to sleep, but just to relax them, but keeping himself awake just incase Storm needed anything.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm was so comfortable in their current comfortable position, she couldn't find the words to describe her comfort. After a few moments, her trademark snoring could be heard anywhere in the house due to the volume. At this point, she had begun to lean on his chest lightly, and her head was resting on his neck.

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*When she had fallen asleep, indicated by her unusual snoring, he smiled as her head leaned into his neck. He welcomed the gesture by gently helping her head completely in the groove of his neck to rest comfortably, and muzzled her cheek to put his muzzle back in her neck.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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A few hours later she finally stopped her snoring and stirred a little before about a half hour after waking up fully and nuzzling him. "There now we both got naps, is it weird that we are full grown ponies and raking naps, we'll full grown age wise since we're clearly not mature and I'm not big enough to look full grown".

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*He returned the gesture by nuzzling back and shifted his position slightly.* "Not in the slightest, no. Naps are always great, I don't see why it should be restricted to the younger ones now." *He said, not bothering to move his head up, still way too comfortable to move.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm just laid where she was, too lazy and at this point, too comfortable to bother moving even an inch. "Okay, I just had to see what you thought about us taking naps, just a little curious", she explained as she licked his neck where her muzzle was resting.

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*When He felt her tongue against his neck, he shuddered like he did and felt his wings quiver slightly.* "I was taking a nap earlier, wasn't I?" *He asked, wondering if she forgot he took a nap before they had their fun. He responded to her lick by nibbling her neck slightly.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Storm had completely forgotten that he had taken a nap before her. "Oh right, my bad, I spaced", she said face hoofing and starting to shudder when ha began nibbling on her neck. "No, bad Blueberry... I am not food. Bad boy.. No fun for you tonight, that your punishment".

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"Aww." *He whined playfully.* "But I wanna have fun. And I could totally have retaliated with 'I'm not a lollipop.' But I'm nice enough to not hold it against you. Cause I like it when you lick my ear." *He said with a smirk, giving her neck tiny kisses where he had nibbled her.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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"But you are a lollipop.... You lick and suck lollipops, right...then that makes you a delicious lollipop weather you think so or not'', she said referring to things before their showers and naps." And obviously we can have fun later, I'm not gonna go and punish myself to get back at you".

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