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private Kaymen Blooblood X Bushido Blade


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"Sure, I don't any right to stop you. Lets go then I'm already late with the ingredients, anyway but I don't like to keep ponies waiting on me", she said leading the way to the zebra's little hut after waiting to make sure he was actually coming and not just trying to waste her time.

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He starts following her "hey, why are you coming to Zecora's place anyway? If you don't mind the asking" as he followed her, the bat also followed them, she started screeching to herself, and Kaymen noticed her "Hey, why are you following us? Are you afraid she's gonna-" he starts blushing at the thought "...Nevermind, do whatever you want"

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"I'm bringing her some things. I was heading to the Everfree anyways and I know she need ingredients for her concoctions so I'm bringing her some of the herbs I collect when I travel", she said before going through the window not even bothering to knock since Zecora knew she was coming anyway and tossed the parcel to her. "Thank you, Bushido Blade, I have great need of dragon's braid. For, memory loss, don't forget to bring a cross. Wind it around good and thick, then a simple spell will do the trick".

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He walks in through the door "Um...hi, Zecora..." He was hesitant to talk to Zecora, he wasn't sure if she knew who he was "Its...nice to...meet you" his bat screeched to greet Zecora "of course you haven't...we've never come this way before...you s-...she said she's never seen a zebra before"

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(Oh my God coming up with that rhyme was a pain).


Before Zecora could respond to Kaymen, she held up a hoof. "Please Zecora, I beg of you...no rhyming right now. My brain can't take it anymore. I visit you almost everyday and its always rhyme, rhyme, rhyme. Its painful". Zecora chuckled at Bushido's complaint. 'Very well, no rhymes right now. It is nice to meet the both of you but what might your names be"?

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"I'm Kaymen, and she's..." He just lets out a small screech "Yeah...there's no translation for her name...I guess you could call her...Jane?" She screeches a little in agreement "yeah, Jane. I've never had to give her an English name before..." He put his hoof up for her to land on "we've never been to this neck of the...woods...heh..."

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"Well then, welcome to my home Kaymen and...Jane", she said as she brewed several jars of a strange liquid with the ingredients Bushido had brought her. "So..what brings you two to my home, anyway...herbal remedies, posions, tonics...if its poisons or tonics, you are out of luck", she said as Bushido took one the vials from Zecora's brew and slipped it into her saddlebag.

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"Unless you've got a resurrection spell of some kind...there's nothing I really need from...you..." He notices Bushido putting some things in her bag "Oh, I heard you have some strange flowers in here, poison joke...hearts desire...and even seeds for some sort of truth flower...where do you get most of this stuff anyway? The only thing I've ever seen in the forest is poison joke..." He inquired

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'Then if you are not in need of anything, what brought you here", Zecora asked slightly confused. "As for where I get my items, that information is simple to botain but difficult to use. Far beyond Ponyville and some say beyond the Everfree Forest and even Equestrian", she said leaving the details cloaked in mystery.

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"Well...I guess you can say...she brought me here..." He looks over at Bushido, almost wondering why. And as she continued, he grinned knowing what she meant "So...in other words, you don't want to tell me...I understand, secrets of the trade I suppose..." 'Jane' flew around, looking at the different things on the shelves, thinking she might find something they might want

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"Hey....don't pin your being here on me...you're the one who asked to tag along, remember", Bushido pointed out. Zecora smiled at his deduction of her lack of trust of just anypony with her sources. She watched as the bat flew around the hut but said nothing as it not an issue.

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Kaymen looked down slightly and said "I never said you made me come here...I meant I came here because you're...you know what, if you don't get it..." Kaymen walks out of the hut, clearly frustrated, Jane followed him outside to try and talk to him "what do you want!? Can't you see I want to be alone" Jane tries to figure out why he's acting like this "...Why...she...GAH!" Stomping on the ground

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Bushido walks out of the hut as he began stomping on the forest floor. "My apologies. I assumed that you had meant I physically brought you here. But I rink I get what you were getting at now that its obvious it wasn't the literal meaning", she said walking over to him and bowing her head apologetically. "I'm sorry my mind is set in a literal zone of thought".

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Surprised by her coming out, he spins around quickly "Bushido..." He listens to what she had to say "I don't think you understand what I meant...well, how could you when I'm not entirely sure" Kaymen walked away from her "You're the only one I've talked to like this in years...you're the only pony that's wanted to help me...even after what I tried to do you...and it doesn't help that you're a mare! I need to go" Kaymen flies off towards the river"

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"So I suppose my second guess that you just wanted somepony to talk to is out the window then", she said to herself as he flew towards the river. "If not me physically bringing him and not him needed to talk to somepony, then what made him follow me here", she wondered out loud. She let him be figuring that would be the least problematic route, and started heading deeper into the forest.

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Kaymen found a tree to sit in on the rivers edge, he sighed "I don't understand!" The sea dragon rises from the river "hello the- wait, Kaymen? What are you doing here, and why do you look...normal?" "Oh, hey, haven't seen you since I lived in the castle..." He let out a long sigh "is everything ok?" The dragon asked "...I don't know, there's this...mare-" the dragon cuts him off "oh, I know how you feel, I once met the most generous mare right on this very spot!" "A...generous...mare? Was she...wait, weren't we talking about me?"

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Bushido pulls her bow from her back and readies an arrow as she spots the head of a cockatrice that she quickly shoots off, leaving the rest of the creature to twitch momentarily before falling to the ground. She takes the head and dropped it into her saddlebag.

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"Anyway...she's the first pony I've met since I moved into this forest...and it doesn't help she's a mare...and...I...I think I have...feelings for her" the dragon gasped "YOU? You have feelings for a...pony!?" "...Yeah, it seems I do, Bushido...blade...I don't understand though, I thought I'd hate all ponykind, but...she...GAH!"

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Bushido Blade looked at the corpse and sighed. "I am sorry but take pleasure in eternal slumber". She continued walking until she had caught the scent of her true target. She walling into a smoke filled cave that had a glow created by a mound of gems, not that she cared about gems.

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Kaymen thinks for a second "I...I have to...GAH! What's wrong with me!" Kaymen flies off back to Zecora's hut to see if she's still there, when he gets there, Zecora says "She has come to do a job, maybe even a dragon she will rob" Kaymen is surprised she would do something like that "I...I have to go" he stumbles out and tries to find her

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She pulled out her slender ninja sword as the dragon roared at her, spitting a stream of fire straight at her which she flipped over bringing her sword through its eye. She heard a satisfying roar of pain from the dragon as she landed sheathing her ninja blade and drew her samurai katana.

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Kaymen landed outside the dragons cave and hears the roar and rushes inside "STOOOOOOOP! Don't kill him!" Kaymen flew into the cave between them, the dragon glaring at her "Ponykind is always greedy, they always come to our caves trying to take our hoard, our food" Kaymen shakes his head "no, not all ponies are like that, I mean look at me"

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"I don't care for your gems, just your skeleton actually", she said to the dragon. "Its needed for certain items that a certain somepony can make that is quite beneficial for many uses", she said choosing not to disclose any important information to the dragon or the pony. "How did you find this place, Laymen...this lizards screaming.....either way, please stay out of this".

Edited by Dusk Shade
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Kaymen was shocked at what she said "Y-You...He's my friend! No one hurts him, I don't care who you are!" Kaymen lands "Bushido...they are all I have left...my friends, the creatures of the forest. Kaymen flies back up to the dragon "if you kill him, you'll have to go through me first!"

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"That is fine....all I care is I complete my task, so if you are so eager to die, then I will oblige", she said though she was hesitant to actually go through with it and hurt him. She pulled her bow back out and readied two oddly large arrows aiming one at each. She slowly lowered her bow, sighing slightly. "Fine, ill let it live but just remember this thing attacked me first so I'm being very charitable letting it live. Ill just find a substitute for the dragons skeleton".

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