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private Kaymen Blooblood X Bushido Blade


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Kaymen braced himself when she aimed her bow with a stern look on his face, when she lowered her bow he loosened up and falls from the air, landing an the ground with a loud thud "Bu...shi...do..." Kaymen fell unconscious on the floor of the cave, as he is unconcious he has a nightmare of what happened to his parents

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She slung her bow over her shoulder to leave the cave. She remembered that she had city the dragon's eye and pulled a vial from her saddlebag. "I'm sorry for almost trying to kill you", she said pouring the vial over his eye. "That should fix your eye by the time the sun rises tomorrow".

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Kaymen flinched a few times, and starts moaning in his unconsciousness. "Mo- om...Da- ad..." A tear falls down his face as he dreams, then his dream moves to when he was in the orphanage "it...it's not...weird..." Remembering how the other kids teased him about his cape. And now he dreams about Bushido blade "bu...shido..i...I think...i...i...love...you"

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Bishido froze when his moans turned to her and him possibly loving her. She recapped the goal she had used to treat the dragon and slipped it back into her already packed saddlebags before stepping out of the cave. She turned back and used a kunai to scratch a note into the cave wall."I had to go. Of you want to talk you can almost always find me at Zecora's hut", was what the note said.

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Kaymen lay there for another minute before the dragon waked him up "Kaymen, wake up" Kaymen abruptly wakes up "BUSHIDO- ...huh? What...bu...shido?" Kaymen looks around to try and find her, but then notices the note she left "Meet at...Zec-Zeco-" the dragon chimes in "Zecora's hut" "oh...Zecora's...that makes sense..." Kaymen waves to the dragon as he leaves for Zecora's hut

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Bushido Blade had made her way back to Zecora's hut after scratching the note. She really didn't understand what was going on between Kaymen and herself and really wasn't sure she nescisarilly wanted to. "What was that he had said....he didn't know his exact reason for following me...and then in his dream....".

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Kaymen realized he left Jane at Zecora's hut, but he knew the reason he had to go back, she could always find her way back on her own.

He hurried to Zecora's hut, but he realized he couldn't just show up...he had to grab something to tell her how he felt. So he landed in the forest to pick up a flower that looked nice, which happened to look like a heart

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"He is quite the oddity. Oh well...oh yeah Zecora the pony that came here with me earlier might show up at some point and I may not be here, so if he does, contact me please", she asked Zecora who quickly agreed to do so. Bushido pulled some seeds, flowers and herbs out of her bags and dumped them on the table for Zecora to use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As soon as Kaymen grabbed the flower, he speeds off towards Zecora's hut. He felt like he had to get there as soon as he could. The leaves on the trees blow away as Kaymen flew through the forest at his max speed. As he landed on Zecora's door step, one minute after he left the cave, he swung open the door.

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Bushido heard the door hit the wall and the echo showed an image of Kaymen holding a heart-shaped flower. "Hey...Kaymen....are you collecting herbs for Zecora too", she asked, not realizing why he had brought thyroid flower. She bowed to Zecora as she went to exit the hut, oblivious to Kaymen's true reason to bring the flower.

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Kaymen grabbed the flower in his hoof and held it out to her "It's not for Zecora..." He turned his head to the side, trying not to show her the slight blush he had "...just take it already..." He said, as he put the flower into her hoof "I guess it's to say...thanks..." He turned around before she could respond, stepping out of the hut

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"Huh...", was Bushido could think to say. She walked put of the hut behind Laymen. "K..Kaymen, can we talk, please", she asked quietly. "What exactly are trying to thank me for, just curious", she said walking up next to him. She couldn't understand why he had come and gone so quickly.

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Kaymen looked back, maybe more at the flower than at her "hmph...if you really want to know...why im here in the first place...wait..." Kaymen lifted his head, and quickly turned around to face her "If you don't understand, maybe I'll just show you" Kaymen stepped closer and kissed her before turning around and flying off into the trees

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After he kissed her and flew away, she just stood where she was completely stunned. "Did he really just......do that", she asked herself before walking into the trees to look for him. "Kaymen...what am I going to do.....", she still had no idea how she wad even going to find him.

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Kaymen just flew into a nearby tree and landed on a branch "...Did I just...what was I...Bushido..." Kaymen lied down on the branch "Now I'm wondering who's more stupid..." Kaymen looks around "Where's jane when I need her..." He heard a manticore roar nearby "manta...core...what's it doing around here?"

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Bushido heard the roar and jumped up into a tree because the roar produced an image only three meters away. "Shit...what the hell is a manticore doing this close to Zecora's hut, damn it", she asked herself quietly. "Damn.. Kaymen is out here too and he's not a fighter...".

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"Why...oh, it must be...but...GAH...why is he such a baby!" Kaymen started flying towards the roar of the manticore, when he got to where it was, the manticore whipped it's tail at him "GAH! What are you doing?!" The manticore roared at him, almost as if he wasn't like he used to be "calm down boy! What's wrong?" The manticore just attacked him more, eventually grazing Kaymen with his tail "GAH!" He went tumbling to the ground, writhing in pain "Why!?" Was all he could muster before losing consciousness

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She sat in the tree watching the manticore as Kaymen flew up to the manticore and was attacked by it. Hearing him crying out, she jumped down and threw Kaymen up into the tree after he lost consciousness and she jumped up to the tree with him, waiting for him to wake up, not wanting to hurt the manticore.

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When Kaymen came to, he noticed something was wrong "ga- Huh?! I can't...oh, right, it hit me...paralysis..." He looked around as best he could, he saw he was now in a tree, and saw a glimpse of the one who brought him up here "bu...Bushido? You heard him too, of course...but, why are you here? He's in a dangerous state right now, I can't do anything to calm him down...only...only one pony I know of might be able to, but I don't know where she is. either way, we have to find a way to calm him, and...I can't do much in this state..." He attempts to move a wing, and fails "if we don't...he may do something stupid..."

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Bushido pulled Kami no Okami Kiba from its sheath before glancing toward Kaymen and sighing. "You don't want him to get hurt, do you", she asked before jumping fro the tree and on to the manticore's back with a thud. "Okay....a simple pressure point should do the trick", she said delivering a series of quick painless jabs to various points in the manticore's body attempting to limit it's movement. Deciding it wasn't working, she jumped off and scowlrd. "You're more trouble than your worth....", she said walking towards Ponyville .

Edited by Dusk Shade
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kaymen attempted to move his hoof, to no avail, yelling "STOP!" Before he knew it, she had landed on him and jabbed him a few times "...that's not gonna work..." Then he tried to keep track of her as she jumped off, starting to get movment in his neck again "WAIT! Don't just walk away!" The manticore roared at her, raring up to claw at her

(I'm really sorry this took so long, I was trying to deal with a lot of things at once, anyway, I should be good now, continue)

Edited by Tone shift

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She turned around fired a small dart from the shoulderpiece of her armour, a tranquilizer dart that shot straight into the Mamticore's open mouth, knocking him out at least for a few. She walked put of the Forest in back to Ponyville , returning moments later, dragging Flutterzhy behind her. "Pissed off Manticore. Do your Kindness thing. Make it not pissed. Now".

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Kaymen just looked on, because he was still mostly paralyzed "yellow one? She...actually get her?" He then tried to move as much as he could to un paralyze himself "nuhg...move..." His hooves started to regain control "Bushido!" He yelled, almost in a happy way "where did you find her? And did you really have to drag her here like that?"

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"She was with Rarity helping her finish work on a new dress line. She was modeling them for her", she said simply as Fluttershy slowly approached the unconscious Manticore. "And yes I had to drag her here. There was no time to explain the situation. Time was of the essence".

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