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private Friends of the Everfree (Private Casual SoL) [1 & 1]


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Dollarhooves begins his way toward the Everfree forest. Despite the warnings of the fellow ponies of Ponyville, Dollarhooves was always a curious one at heart.


He stops at the entrance of the forest looking onto it's sinister atmosphere he smirks and trots onward.

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Void was looking straight out of his house near the edge of the Everfree and was a little bored as per usual so he walked towards the forest to go on a walk through out of interest as he goes in the Everfree quite a lot.


Void always enjoyed his privacy as everypony was to scared to enter as it was 'Unnatural' as far as Void could tell it was fine.

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From his brisk trot, Dollarhooves slows to a simple walk. He takes a long deep breathe,

"Unnatural? I think the place is unique.. And I thought the country air had a refreshing taste.. This is quite... Different." He mutters aloud from his thoughts.


The soft tuning of insects fill the air, along with other strange noises.

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Void was entering a very small clearing to practice his flying as he is still quite bad.

Void's wings were generating a fairly loud buzzing noise as he was hovering off the ground.

"I can use my magic to a high degree why can't I fly well? I am such an awkward Changeling" He was quietly talking to himself as he was trying to fly up without fail.

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Dollarhooves hums softly to himself, he stops hearing the loud buzzing of wings,

"Okay mister mosquito I know you're there." he smirks playfully just simply speaking aloud.


He yelps loudly as he suddenly pulled by his ankles near the bushes. Being hoisted up by a vine he is confronted by a large Venus plant.


Dollarhooves retrieves his pen from his dress shirt pocket, "I have a pen! A blue one! I won't hesitate to stick you!" He shouts at the unamused plant.

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Void was stopped in his training when he heard a shout come from an area just out of view.

He galloped with speed as he saw a pony being held up by a large carnivorous plants, a surprised look spread across his muzzle.

"I thought ponies were to scared to enter here?" Void shouted playfully towards the plants captive. "Give me a moment it ain't hard to get out of that vine"

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The plant toys around, swinging about the poor yet confident pony about, "Welll I'm not you're average pony." He replies. The plant dangles him over it's open maw, ready to drop.


"No no no! I will draw on your face if you do! Erm.. Where's it's face?" Dollarhooves remarks at the plants actions.

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Void shot a violent green blast out of his horn towards the plants vine hurting it and forcing it to drop the pony with a thud and back off.

"There we go nothing to it, how about next time you don't get grabbed by deadly plants?" Once again Void said jokingly with a smug smile on his toothed face.

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Dollarhooves stands up, "Hehe I guess I can't go anywhere without someone needing me for something." He smiles, "Much appreciated." He says to the changeling,


"It's not everyday I get to see a changeling." His smile continues, "Dollarhooves. Main share holder, famous millionaire, all that boring stuff. What's you're name?" He asks

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"My name? Well I am Void Crawler but don't let that name intimidate you, just call me Crawly if you want, I am a Exiled Changeling which is why I am one of few so it is rare to see a Changeling not with a hive, heheh"

Void stated with a cheery look on his face.

"Nice to meet you Dollarhooves it is not everyday I see a pony in here you know"

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"Well, I'm happy to be one of the few." He smiles, "So you live here in the forest? Ever go out into town?" He asks dusting off the dirt from his hide and shirt. He places his pen back in his pocket.


(Filler. Lol is there a way to shorten the character limit to roleplay threads?)

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"I have a house on the edge of this forest, and the town, I assume you mean PonyVille right if so yeah, I am known to go there often, only problem is I have to walk through here to get to the Town so a daily walk is in order"


(I have no clue I don't think there is but you could ask a Forum Staff Member to find out)

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"Well.. At least it's a good form of exercise. I enjoy brisk walks." He replies. "I don't mean to be a bother or anything but mind if I take a visit? To you're home I mean." He asks.


The casual sounds insects continue on, overhead there is a loud woosh followed by a stream of smoke.

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Void looked surprised at the ponies normal attitude towards a Changeling but carried on.

"My home is nothing special if that's what you're thinking, heheh, I don't live in a hive or anything it is just a simple home"


As Void mentioned this he was putting his Armour back into place so it doesn't fall off.

"Celestia all mighty! My armour is constantly needing moving back on my body, it get's fairly annoying"

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"Hmm does it have any fasteners, or is it too big?" He asks examining the Crawly's red armor.


"I could order you up some improved fasteners. I hear Canterlot has the like the finest smiths. " he mentions , the low rumbling of the Venus plant returns, "Umm let's-let's get going shall we?" Dollarhooves chuckles nervously.

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"Yes we should head out before Mr.Carnivore plant comes back, and my Armour has no fasteners as it was made to fit my body and my body only in the Hive I was once apart of so no other Changeling or Pony could take it, fasteners would be nice though"

Void said as he gestured towards Dollarhooves, he pointed his holed hoof in the direction of his home.

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The two begin trotting their way, Dollarhooves following behind the armored Changeling. There is a small pause before he speaks,


"How long have you been living here?" He asks, "I just recently got into Ponyville." He continues speaking.


(tiny filler)

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Void looks back whilst still walking,

"I have had a home here... For a while I will say, since the Attack on Canterlot I have been here or exploring but mostly here as it is a nice peaceful place to live in where anypony is accepted, PonyVille I mean, like Zecora  everypony feared her but then with a little help liked her and figured out she was not bad at all, it took a bit of time before the ponies were used to me but it's fine.

My home is here in the Everfree but PonyVille is the area I live in so I classify it as the 'home' town for me"

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"Ponyville was actually rated as one of the most peaceful towns in Equestria. "Dollarhooves replies with a smile,


"I've traveling about for awhile myself. Manehattan was starting to be a drag and work was a bore fest." He grumbles a bit, "So here I am. Seeing the awesome sights of equestria." He finishes holding his gleeful smile.

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"I heard about Manehattan, as far as I can tell somepony like me wouldn't survive for a minute there, heheh I would stick out like a sore hoof"

Void looked very distant once he said this, but he wasn't sad just distant.

"We are nearly there now, once were there I will show you around"

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"Yeah I get what ya mean. Manehattan isn't really known for it's friendly ponies. Breaks my feelings sometimes." He responds, "I know I'm repeating myself again but it's nice to meet you." He finishes.


"so just a random question. So Ponyville is gonna be like having a festival and what not, how'd you like to tag along with me when it starts?" He asks with a smile

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Void looks towards Dollarhooves again

"A festival? Yeah, yeah I would come, it would be quite fun I think maybe I will get a laugh or two. So when does this festival begin?"

Void added with a smirk showing his two large fangs fully with an open mouth and a grin afterwards.

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"Oh I'm not quite sure, I heard maybe this afternoon." He replies, he smirks a bit talking now on a high pitch tone, "Granny! What big teeth you have!" He chuckles, "just teasing a bit." He reassures. "I heard the wonderbolts would be making an appearance." He adds on.


Soon the two arrive back Crawly's home.



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"Well I am guessing you are kinda glad we are just out of the Everfree at the moment eh? Anywho, here it is my simple home *Crawly looks towards a cozy and warm looking house in a clearing outside of the Everfree forest* Told you it wasn't much but home is home"

Void stated as he looked back at Dollarhooves.

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He smiles warmly. "Looks cozy. Looks kinda similar to what my old home use to look when I was wee little filly." He chuckles a bit showing a bit of self remembrance.


"Wow hehe I feel old just thinking back to it." He gives another soft chuckle. "I appreciate you letting me visit."

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