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private Friends of the Everfree (Private Casual SoL) [1 & 1]


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"Hehe then expect more hugs friend." He smiles at him, "Tell more about yourself.. You can.start with anything you'd like." He says he lounges back a bit on the soft.


The Sun us beginning to set giving a nice array of orange near the mountains in the distance.

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"Myself?" Void was quite surprised by this question.

"Well as you know I am an Exiled Changeling who despises Hive Changeling's with a powerful passion"

He said this as his voice cracked a little.

"As you may have noticed I have the strong ability to turn into not just ponies but creatures too, not many Changelings can do that, actually very few"

Void honestly thinks he mentioned this before to Dollar but he couldn't think of anything else about himself. 

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He smiles, suddenly they hear a loud boom followed by a burst of color, looking back to Ponyville a display of fiery color erupts above, followed by another wizzing rocket.


"Yes yes! Its starting." He smiles happily as his focus turns to the fireworks display.

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Void's eyes widened as he saw this display of fire and lights in the orange sky, it brought a small tear to his eye, which even surprised him.

"Whoa? That ain't right" Void was smiling in a very relaxed way as he looked at Dollar with a laugh.

"You, Dollar are a very, very respectable pony. Don't forget that, wish I was a respectable pony but I am more feared than respected"

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Dollarhooves smiles and continues watching. He looks at the changeling, "Would it make you better if I told you, I respected you?"he asks.


The barrage of fireworks continue with brilliant array of colors as the two watch, comfortably in their friendship.

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"Yeah, it will very few ponies respect a 'Parasite' since I am a love drainer" Void said this with a warm smile and a little laugh

"Like a moth to a flame I just wanna fly into those fireworks for the fun of it. Heheh, guess that is the insect part of me coming out a little"

He said this as his eyes widened when he looked at them again as his wings buzzed a little without him noticing.

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  • 1 month later...


Dollarhooves smiled as he watched the continuous barrage of fireworks. He felt his content warming about, this wasn't a parasite to him this was a good friend.

Dollarhooves layed about softly humming to himself.

"Mmm, I honestly wouldn't mind taking a nap up here." He says, he chuckles a bit smiling.

"Hehe wouldn't be the first either." He scratches his head

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Weeell if you would like to nap then be my guest right now my eyes are locked onto these Fireworks" *He said as his vibrant pink eyes went near totally white from his lighter pupils.
"I can wake you when needed" *He said this with his gaze still at the barrage of colours.

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He yawns giving Void a soft smile,

"I think I might do that. " he says as he rests his head on his hooves.

Gently he closes his eyes. The sound of fireworks and the warm company of his friend have a comforting appeal to himself.

Surely he begins to drift about into sleep.

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Void giggled slightly and kept his eyes on the fireworks for as much time as he could

"Moments like these make me forget I am a monster, I am barely even a pony" He said to himself slow to reassure himself.

"There slowing down the amount of fireworks being used now, not so many to stare at..."

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Dollarhooves was fast asleep as the night continued on.

He began to wake up as the fireworks show has ceased. He looked around,

"Late already?" He asks, he looks to his changeling friend.

"Ready to head back?" He asks as he gets up stretching about his body.

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"Yeah this hill spot is not good when there ain't a show to watch heheh"

He said with quite a smooth voice but was still slightly insect like

"I nearly sounded normal there, anyhoof yeah let's go" Void stood up and stretched forward with his holed hooves

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"Sweet! Hehe, race ya back!" He says playfully as he pokes his nose quickly taking off to the Everfree.

"Tag you're IT!" He shouts, phew only a short sprint and he was wore out, it was probably futile as Crawly would probably catch him via flying... Oh well, have fun.

He thought to himself.

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