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private Insane love (1x1 rp between Pripyat Pony and Mylanth)

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Another quiet day. That is all Blaze could think of it was just another quiet day even though the clouds were blocking the sun. The clouds being gray meaning it may rain soon or not didn't really bother Blaze at all. He would rather sit under a tree and get wet from the rain instead of staying inside, he loved the rain. "Hopefully it will rain it would be better then it not raining" Blaze said to himself as he slowly closed his eye. "Especially since no one knows how bad it is to break someone heart" Blaze added

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, A unicorn mare named Jay was walking nearby. Jay had a secret, something which she had told nopony at all, but which had been with her for a long time. There was another personality occupying her body; a wicked pony named Jinx, who lived to cause mayhem. However, Jinx had not appeared for quite a while, and Jay was beginning to hope that perhaps, Jinx had ft her forever. She saw the pony sitting under the tree and felt an instant attraction. It wouldn't do any harm, she hoped, to talk to him. So Jay approached the stallion.


"Hi," she said, shyly.



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@@Pripyat Pony


Blaze opened his eyes slowly after hearing a voice. "Probably wasn't directed at me" He thought but that thought was pushed away after seeing a mare in front of him.'"Um...hi there" Blaze said unsure why this mare came up to him as he got up. "I'm sorry if this sounds rude but are you looking for somepony else...usually I'm not the one ponies say hi to" Blaze said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, "Um, no," Jay said, shyly. "I just wanted to talk to another pony, a friendly face. I've been alone for a long time."


Cuz of Jinx, Jay generally avoided the company of other ponies cuz she was scared of what Jinx might do or say. Her life had been somewhat lonely cuz of this.



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"I have been alone awhile my self " Blaze said. "My name is Blaze, What is you name" Blaze Asked smiling a bit. " After all I would like to know the name of the mare I am talking to" Blaze said as he looked at the mare. "Better to know the mare I am talking to then to never know at all besides she seems nice" Blaze thought

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"My name's Jay, and it's very nice to meet you, Blaze!" Jay replied. This was what she'd missed over the years; being able to speak normally to other ponies without her insane other half butting in. Now that Jinx had not appeared for ages, Jay hoped to live a normal life as a regular pony.



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"You seem like a really nice mare Jay" Blaze said. "I can't see a reason why you would be alone" Blaze said as he looked up at the sky  before looking back at Jay. "Want to get a bite to eat" Blaze asked. "I mean it's okay to say no I was just asking that's all" Blaze said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Jay gave Blaze a shy and pleased smile. "He really likes me!" she thought to herself, happily. If only she could make it work!


"I'd love to," she replied. "I don't really mind where we go; I'll let you choose. I expect you know lots of good places to go round this area; I only moved here a little while ago."



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"heh yeah I may have lived here a while but I don't know of many places to eat but I know of a few" Blaze said. "Come on one of them is down this way" Blaze said as went on a head a short towards a part of town a bit before looking back and waiting for Jay so they could walk together. "Hopefully I can learn more about her" Blaze thought 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Jay walked happily next to Blaze on their short journey to the town. "So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" she asked.


Unknown to Jay, she hadn't gotten rid of Jinx permanently. Jinx was still there and was merely biding her time as to when to act... as far as she was concerned, Jay would never be rid of her.



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"A bit about my self well..." Blaze thought for a moment. "I am usually alone or as you saw, sitting under a tree, and either sleeping or I'm out doing work and helping other ponies out" Blaze said. "I also have this natural talent for starting a fire somehow but that isn't really all that inportant" Blaze said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"It's impressive, tho," Jay replied. "That's the sort of talent that not many non unicorns have. My magic is more all over the place; I never really specialised in any particular type of magic. Most unicorns tend to focus on a specific magic field but I never could."



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"Why focus on one point of magic? where is the fun in that when if you focus in multiple points you will have more chances to help others and everything" Blaze said. "It's better to focus on different types then just focusing on one type of magic" Blaze added. "Heh sorry that I rambled like that"

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"That's fine," Jay replied. "It's been far too long since I was able to talk to another pony like yourself. I suppose you're right, about the magic. I never really had a focus as far as a career or anything was concerned so I never had to specialise. But as far as I am, being able to do all kinds suits me."



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"I still can't believe no pony would talk to you...you seem really nice Jay" Blaze said. "Some ponies think I am crazy when I say that...In reality I wish I could do more then just start fires and fly...I feel like I am barely any use" He said before he sighed. "But hey that's life for you..." Blaze said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, "Flying must be wonderful," Jay replied. "I've often wondered what it would be like to fly. But that's never going to happen cuz there's no chance of me ever getting wings. I couldn't become an alicorn and while I know that there is a spell to give a unicorn temporary wings, I don't know it."



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"Yeah flying is fun and all...but once you do it your whole life like I have it gets boring" Blaze said. "Besides last unicorn that used that spell almost fell to the ground...gladly she was caught before that happened" Blaze said as he looked at the sky. "Besides you are also running risks when flying so in my opinion staying on the ground is better"


@@Pripyat Pony

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"It still would be good to have that experience," Jay replied, wistfully. "Besides," she added, "There aren't many ponies who'd miss me if I had a mishap. I lost contact with my family ages ago, and I don't have any friends. I don't tend to settle in a place for very long, either."



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"Really..." Blaze said as he looked at her. "If you don't mind me asking why don't you settle in a place for long? You have a job that requires you to move to different places a lot" Blaze asked. "I mean it's probably none of my business I was just wondering that's all" Blaze said

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@, Jay looked sad. "I don't have a job," she replied. "I just have a very big problem which means that I have to keep on the move and not make ties with other ponies, cuz I don't want to end up hurting anypony. Or rather, it's not me who does, but the other pony inside my head."


She sighed. That's it, girl, he's not gonna want to stick around now, she thought.



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"The other pony...What like a voice or something" Blaze asked. "I used to know somepony like that but he's gone now..." Blaze said. "Can't be all that bad" Blaze added before he looked around. "One of the places I know of should be down here" He said. "Anyways why should this other pony inside your head hurt others or...why would" He asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"More than a voice," Jay replied. "Her name is Jinx, and she sometimes takes over my body by force, controlling it and my magic how she wishes. I don't know why she wants to hurt other ponies, but she does. When she takes over my body, it's easy to tell that it's her cuz her voice is slightly deeper than mine and she has red eyes. She came into my head ages ago, back when I was a filly and being bullied at school by some pegasus colts. They threw me off the top of the climbing frame and I hit my head. When I came round, it was to find that the bullies had been levitated and thrown thru the fence by Jinx, who'd appeared then taken over while I was unconscious."



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"So I guess I should be afraid of Jinx if she ever decides to come out then" Blaze Asked as he stopped. "Or will I be okay" Blaze added. "I'll find a way to make sure she doesn't hurt anypony...or even me" Blaze said as he looked at a small restaurant. " Anyways we are here now" He said opening the door and held it open .

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Jay trotted thru the door. She'd half expected Jinx to come thru, but there was nothing and she dared to hope that perhaps her other half was gone forever.


Jinx, however, was there but had decided to let things play out before she made her move. Far more amusing to lull both Jay and Blaze into a false sense of security first...



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Blaze smiled. "Well if she does come out I won't be worried" He said "Besides I have seen some scary thing when I was with my friend Equinox once" Blaze said entering after her before heading to a table. "Don't need to wait on a table at least..." Blaze said as he sat down.

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