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Time Shield

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I'm currently working on the early stages of a gaming project and thought I'd share my progress so far.  The game is called "Twilight Escape"; it's a first person game in which Twilight Sparkle wakes up inside of a dungeon and has to find her way out of it.  Along the way she has to solve (simple) puzzles and avoid the shadowy creatures roaming the halls.


Right now I'm working on the game mechanics before tackling the graphics.  So far, I have the following things done:


  • Movement - Twilight can move around by using the WASD keys (she moves slowly sideways, medium speed backwards, and full speed forwards, to simulate a more pony-like movement).  By holding shift, she can gallop straight forward at a faster speed, though it costs stamina (which recovers over time).  She can jump with space.  She cannot fly in this game since this is pre-alicorn Twilight (and it would also make some of the puzzles much more difficult).
  • Spells - Twilight has only three spells she can perform: light, levitation/manipulation, and teleport.  The light from her horn can be toggled on and off, but magic energy will not recover while it is turned on.  By holding the left mouse button, she can levitate small objects and carry them with her, or manipulate doors to open and close them.  Finally, she can teleport to a location she can see by focusing for a few seconds, but it costs a lot of her magic energy.
  • Focus - By focusing, Twilight can recover magic energy at the cost of stamina, allowing her to do her spells for longer but potentially leaving her in a situation where she can no longer run from danger.
  • Doors/Keys - I have made doors that can be opened and closed, and locks that can be applied which prevent the door from being opened/closed until a specific key object is brought to it.


I've included a screenshot of a test area I built.  It's not much to look at yet, since it's basically just cubes, but it's allowing me to test the above functions, which are working well so far.  In the screenshot, you can see the bars from the magic (top) and stamina (bottom), as well as a visual effect for the levitating cube in front of her.  The light spell is also on, which gives the area a dim purple/white light.




Like I said, not too much to look at yet, but hopefully that will change as I continue to make more progress.  Still to do on the mechanics is:


  • Enemy AI - I need to make enemies that you have to hide from.  They need to be able to chase Twilight but still give her a chance to escape and hide.
  • Graphics - Yeah.
  • Level(s) - Once all the mechanics of the game are done, I'll work on the actual levels and puzzles next.
  • Sound/Music - I'll need to hunt down some sound effects for the spells and such, and maybe some clips of Twilight to sprinkle throughout the game.  Music I will be taking care of myself, probably last.


Anyway, more details or screenshots will be added to this thread as further progress is made.

  • Brohoof 2

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Wow! That looks great, This looks like an amazing game! :)
I love first person games they are great, and it's fantastic now that you have integrated twilight's magic
in to a game, I'm excited beyond comparison. Amazing!

When in doubt, Burn it. 
When not in doubt, Burn it anyways.

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Here's a video of the current progress:



It shows a door being opened, a key being levitated to a lock, and the light spell being toggled.


Also, be dazzled by my amazing cube-shaped level design!   >_>

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Here's a video of the current progress:



It shows a door being opened, a key being levitated to a lock, and the light spell being toggled.


Also, be dazzled by my amazing cube-shaped level design!   >_>

Wow that looks bucking amazing! I can't wait to try it (when you release it :P)

When in doubt, Burn it. 
When not in doubt, Burn it anyways.

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This looks quite promising !

What kind of enemies are you looking to implement exactly ?

Also, are you using the Unity engine ?

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Nice job ! You did a amazing work rendering Twi's magic !


I've got the Oculus Rift DK1, I can make it compatible with it if you want, that would be awesome to BE Twilight in such a game !


Anyway, keep it on ! :yay:


PS : Which engine are you using ?

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This looks quite promising !

What kind of enemies are you looking to implement exactly ?

Also, are you using the Unity engine ?


It is using the Unity engine.  Right now, the only enemy I have planned is a floating miasma, kind of a shadowy thing.  I'll be working on the AI for it soon.  Ideally, it would roam the level looking for you, and if it finds you, it tries to chase you down.  There would be no defense against it; you would just have to run and find a place to hide.  I'm trying to give the game a kind of horror feel to it, which is why I want an enemy that you can't fight.  Though I might make some kind of thing at the end of the game where you lure it into a beam of sunlight, and that destroys it.

Nice job ! You did a amazing work rendering Twi's magic !


I've got the Oculus Rift DK1, I can make it compatible with it if you want, that would be awesome to BE Twilight in such a game !


Anyway, keep it on ! :yay:


PS : Which engine are you using ?


I have DK2, though I'm having trouble getting it to work.  While I'd like to implement Oculus support, it would also mean needing to come up with a Twilight model so that you could "see" yourself when looking down or back.  The only problem with that is, I have no modeling skills whatsoever (everything I've done so far and in that video are made using primatives.   :derp:

Edited by Time Shield

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I have DK2, though I'm having trouble getting it to work.  While I'd like to implement Oculus support, it would also mean needing to come up with a Twilight model so that you could "see" yourself when looking down or back.  The only problem with that is, I have no modeling skills whatsoever (everything I've done so far and in that video are made using primatives.   :derp:


Okay, now I look ridiculous with my DK1 now :(

And I can't help you with the modeling either... *finds a corner yo put himself in*

Anyway, keep on the good job ! Your project is amazing B) !

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As a quick update, I have a short tutorial area working (a little longer than the one in the video).  It shows the basics of opening doors, levitating objects, using the light and teleport spells, sprinting, and doing a running jump (there's a weird crystal on the other side of a pit that prevents you from teleporting into the area).  Next up on my to-do list is enemy AI.

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Interesting looking game. I'll have to keep my eye on it.  :ph34r:

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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Okay, so I haven't started working on enemy AI yet, because I decided to start getting some sound effects in place.  Here's a video of the tutorial area I described in my last video:



NEXT task will be working on enemy AI, I promise this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I broke my promise!  I ended up working on graphics and story instead.  As soon as I can find the time to focus on it, I will try to do some enemy AI, but there are a few other things I'd like to work on at the same time:


  • I need to add a system for reading books and notes in the dungeon.
  • I'm working on the storyline some more to give it a little bit of a background.  I'm thinking about including some narration between levels, in the form of a poem.
  • And of course, all the level designs.

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't updated this in a long time because I haven't had the chance to really work on it much, but rest assured the project is still underway.  I've completed 3 short levels, and the enemy AI is (mostly) completed.  I have switches that can be used to raise and lower bars so that areas can be locked off.  Also, there are parchments with notes on them; the parchments have a kind of runic writing when you view them, but after clicking on them it will show it full-screen in English.


I've decided that finding enough unspoiled (i.e. no background noise) recordings of Twilight is impossible, so eventually I will need to find someone who can record Twilight's lines and such.  I'm going to save that for later in the production though, when I'm nearing the end.  Basically, I'll need to find someone who can sound like Twilight, especially one that can mimic how she sounds when she's frightened (she WILL be alone against a pretty much unstoppable force in the middle of a dark dungeon, after all).


I don't know how long the game's going to be, but I don't want it to be TOO long.  The levels so far are pretty short, and are able to be cleared in a minute or so if you rush through them.


Still to add:


  • Music
  • Twilight's voice
  • More levels (and more puzzle types if I can)
  • Between-level transitions with story
  • Title screen and options
  • Tweaks to the enemy AI if it doesn't work with more complex maps


More updates to come!

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Ok, I have most of the game done.  I really just need to make a closing storybook sequence, some credits, a little cleanup, and... all of the voice clips.  So, I guess it's time for me to start searching for VA's.

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Ok, I have most of the game done.  I really just need to make a closing storybook sequence, some credits, a little cleanup, and... all of the voice clips.  So, I guess it's time for me to start searching for VA's.

Ohhhhh, I'm so excited to see this completed!


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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So, graphically, the game looks similar to how it did in the last video.  As I've mentioned before, I don't have any experience in 3D modelling, so everything in the game is done through use of primitive shapes (cubes, spheres, cylinders and such) and particle effects.  That's why things like the torch look like a cylinder with a flame on top, instead of something proper like a brazier or a wall torch.  I'm hoping that it doesn't detract from the experience.

Here's a current video, showing the modified textures and some background music (mostly for atmosphere).  Also, levitation feels more natural now.  It also shows notes you can find that can be read (they show as runes when you look at them in the world, but it's translated when you read it).  Otherwise it's very similar to the last video.


Edited by Time Shield

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I'm liking this more and more, it's coming together really well and it's making for a very interesting idea. I'm so excited, and I hate scary games lol. I can only imagine what the horror fans are going to think of when they see this!  :sneer:  :o  :D  :icwudt:  :pinkie:  :fluttershy:


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Still looking for VAs, there's no shortage of narrators but I haven't been able to find a Twilight. I may have to look around for people who have done her voice before and ask them if they're interested.


I realized that the game isn't all that long. I have no idea how long a blind run is, but I can complete it between 15 to 20 minutes (knowing how to complete everything and where to go). I don't know if I should lengthen it, or if it's fine the way it is.

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Still looking for VAs, there's no shortage of narrators but I haven't been able to find a Twilight. I may have to look around for people who have done her voice before and ask them if they're interested.


I realized that the game isn't all that long. I have no idea how long a blind run is, but I can complete it between 15 to 20 minutes (knowing how to complete everything and where to go). I don't know if I should lengthen it, or if it's fine the way it is.

I'd recommend a longer game. 15-20 minutes isn't exactly a long game, and even if the puzzles (if there are any) extend it, they either won't extend it that long or they'll extend it but cause the actual gameplay and completing said puzzles to be aggravating at best Edited by KokuraiNoSenshi


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Bear in mind I'm usually breezing through it as fast as possible. Also bear in mind that this is not a professional project, and that aside from the VA work and some still art, all of this is being done by one person. I also don't have a lot of different mechanics in the game, so I'm also concerned about repetition. I think I can find a few more ways to use the puzzles, but how much the player is willing to put up with will impact their enjoyment of the game.


Instead of adding puzzles, I could add more areas to explore. The only problem with THAT is that I lack the ability to make the levels look much better than what you see in the last video, so I can't give many interesting things for the player to look at. Still, that seems to be the better way to approach it, so I will look into it. Maybe put some areas where the player can find some additional lore.

Edited by Time Shield

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High quality graphics and the like aren't what is needed to make a game great. An experience is. If you think you can give a good experience, of any kind, within 20 minutes, do it. If not, extend it. You asked for an opinion and I gave you mine. I know you're busy with other things and that you can't make a living off this, but if you truly want to make a great game then I'm willing to provide input to try and help


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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High quality graphics and the like aren't what is needed to make a game great. An experience is. If you think you can give a good experience, of any kind, within 20 minutes, do it. If not, extend it. You asked for an opinion and I gave you mine. I know you're busy with other things and that you can't make a living off this, but if you truly want to make a great game then I'm willing to provide input to try and help


Oh no, I wasn't putting down your opinion at all.  I was worried after all that it might be too short an experience.  I think giving some more non-puzzle exploratory areas might be a good addition, instead of just one puzzle after the next.  I just need to find a way to do it in a way that makes it look interesting enough.

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