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private Fallout Equestria: How could this get any worst 1x1 RP

Nameless Knight

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/112475-fallout-equestria-how-could-this-get-any-worst-1x1/#entry3178187


-It seemed like such a simple job, we started with 12 Caravan guards, 6 Brahmin, and 8 Caravaneers... but it kept getting worst and worst. First the Caravan was attacked by raiders, 3 of the Caravan guards were killed and we lost 2 Brahmin. Next a large group of Legion ambushed the caravan. 4 Caravan guards were killed and 5 Caravaneers were injured. Just when we were about to turn back, I heard the ground cracking, then it caved in. The entire caravan fell into a dark ravine below. Most of the caravan was crush by rocks or killed by the fall, but me and one other survived. we're Injured... stuck... alone... How could this get any worst...-



Hazmat laid there on the ground, his helmet had a large crack in it, and a small stalagmite was stabbed through his front left leg. He was losing blood. Hazmat slowly began to open his eyes, and that was when the pain struck him. He looked at his wound and pulled his leg up. He screamed in pain as he did it, blood covered the stalagmite and his leg. He needed medical attention fast. Hazmat looked over and saw his saddle bag. He began to slowly make his way over to it. When he reached it he opened it and pulled out a stimpak, a doctor's bag, and a bottle of purified water. He opened the bottle with his magic and poured it over the wound to clean it. He then opened the Doctor's bag and grabbed the stimpak and began to treat it. He felt like he was going to faint from the pain, but tried to continue going. When he finished, he began to bandage up the wound and said "One more stitch for the collection." He finished bandaging up his would and closed the Doctor's bag and put it back in his saddle bag before injecting himself with a stimpak. He put the empty syringe away and looked around. He looked up at the sky above, where they had fallen and tried to determine what time it was. Corpses of his fellow Caravan Guards and Caravaneers laid around him...

'How could this get any worst' He thought.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains, one of the caravan Guards, Awoke to find himself in a ravine, his body pinned to the floor by the weight of a dead Brahmin, which had been killed by the fall, Chains decided to call out, Trying to find out who else had survived the fall.


"Bug spray! Rat Trap! Hazmat! Anyone there?!"

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Hazmat looked forward to see that at least one of the other guards survived. Hazmat stood up and said "Don't worry, I'm here" Hazmat began to drag the brahmin off of Chains. Hazmat hasn't really spoken to the rest of the guards. The most he has ever said was:


'The name is Hazmat... its not my real name but you don't need to know my real name.' and 'you guys stay here, I am not letting those Legion bastards getting away.'


Once the brahmin was off he looked at Chains and said "good to see I'm not the only pony that can survive a... 6 maybe 7 foot drop..."

Hazmat then went to his saddle bag and put it on. He saw is rifle on the ground and picked it up with his magic before looking through the scope. It was cracked and bent. He attached it to his saddle bag and looked at his belt. His revolver was still in his holster and his war club hung from his belt. The honors on it were still in good condition and a few of the casings fell out during the fall.

Hazmat hurt all over but he tried to ignore it.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains stood up, and started scanning around for Submachine Gun, already finding his Handgun attached to his hip in her holster, yeah, the Gun's name was Jealousy and Chains had declared it a she, and his knife was holstered on his left arm.


"Yeah same here Hazmat, what happened to your leg, it wasn't like that before, you get hurt in the fall?"

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(so they both named there weapons)

"Fell on a Stalagmite, its nothing I have survived worst..." Hazmat said as he began calling out for ED-E "Eddie! you still up there!"

A beeping noise came from the top of the ravine. "Go get help!" A confused beeping noise came from ED-E. "I don't know, maybe the Rangers!" Another beeping noise played "No, Secure-it-E and Secure-It-A, wouldn't survive the trip or be any help!" Another confused beeping noise "Crap, the legion would be a problem, a couple Legionaries escaped so they may have a search party searching for the caravan, hmm"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains Finds his 45 Submachine gun, and picked it up, brushing bits of soil and rock dust from it, the word Justice Scratched into the Wooden Stock, before he turns to look at Hazmat, securing his Submachine Gun to his back.


"I can try give you a boost, I'll wait here why you get help, your bot buddy can help keep me company while your gone"

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Hazmat looked at Chains and began to think, then looked at ravine wall. He then looked at himself before looking back at Chains. He shook his head "No that wouldn't work, we would be at least a foot to short. Also the ground is still unstable, if we try that, the rock could break, possibly killing both of us. As much as like the part about me dying, I'm not going to be the reason you die." He said as he continued to think. "The meat from the brahmin and the supplies from the caravan should keep us alive until we can find a way out of here or until help comes." He said.

"Eddie! can you send a distress signal!" ED-E made a beeping noise " a week huh? Alright send it to the Steel Rangers in Hidden Valley and the NCR Rangers at Camp Golf!" ED-E made a beeping noise and after a couple minutes flew down to Hazmat.


<7 days until any possible rescue>

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Seven days huh, I can live with that part, but what happens if the legion finds us, we'll be fish in a barrel, one grenade and we are fucked"


Chains takes his knife and cuts the throat of one of the brahmin in the corner, away from the others, letting the blood drain from the body.


"And what are we gonna do about infection, seven days with corpses out here in this heat, are sure to start rotting"

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"We should grab some meat, and supplies, then get moving. But I prefer, we bury the caravan guards and caravaneers. Its the right thing to do." Hazmat said as he grabbed a shovel and began digging a hole. He had the caravan leader ready to be buried. He looked at the corpse and knelled down and said something in a strange language, the language of the Tribals in the Zion Valley.

"[Translated from Tribal to Equestrian] Rest in Piece, may your afterlife... be a happy one" Hazmat said before continuing to dig the hole.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Seems decent enough, but don't expect me to Apony though" (Amen = Apony, get it?)


Chains nods and grabs a shovel and starts digging, but stops when he hears the tribal talk, turning his head, he looks at Hazmat.


"That sounds familiar,I think I heard it before at Mt Zi... Hmm, I can't seem to recall the name of the place, had some messed up tribes though"


Chains continues to dig, finishing a grave, before moving onto the next one.

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"Its the language of the Dead Horses Tribe in the Zion Valley. I lived among them for 2 Years, learning their ways and protecting them from the White Hooves." Hazmat looked at Chains' SMG and Pistol "You carry a 'Storm Drum' and the weapon of the Canaanites." Hazmat said before finishing the grave and placing the body inside of it before filling it back up again. He then grabbed the corpse of Rat Trap and repeated what he said to the Caravan Leader's corpse but this time he added something 

"[Translated]  I will see you in the After life" Hazmat's tone was somewhat aggressive, because him and Rat Trap did not get along.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Connor looks between the weapon on his back and hip, smiling, as he continued to dug another grave for hazmat to fill after doing his prayers .


"You mean Justice and jealousy? Yeah, I went to Zion once, only for a month, had a job there where somepony wanted me to map the area, and I happened to find these two in my moment of need, and I've kept them ever since, they pack a lot more power than other weapons, and they are relatively easy to Maintain and repair, what about your guns, they have a story?

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"My revolver is called Irradiated Vengeance, I found it on a Powder Ganger... After a while it became my signature weapon. My rifle is called Quia te amica mea, its the language of the Legion, or Latin, as the pre war ponies called it. It use to belong to a mare I was 'close' to. Sadly... she has passed on." Hazmat said as he buried Rat Trap. Hazmat continued to bury the caravaneers.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains Continued to Dig, the Heat starting to make him sweat a little under his Armor.


"Uh, sorry for your loss, but at least you got your little hover bot thingy right?"


Chains finishes another hole and takes a break to look for something among the wreckage.

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"Eddie... He has been with me since I was... 19. He rarely leaves my side and has sacrificed himself to save me" Hazmat said before taking a break also. He wanted to take of his helmet, but not in front of Chains. He looked at the graves. "So many deaths we could have avoided..." Hazmat looked at one corpse, the corpse of the caravan's navigator "If we would have went through the canyon, we could have avoided the legion and avoided this ravine."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains stops searching once he finds a small box of Cigarettes and stands up, looking at Hazmat.


"Yeah, we could of avoided all those losses, but we didn't, so no point crying about it now, we're alive, that's what matters"


Chains opens the box and takes one out, sliding his mask down he sticks it in his mouth and grabs a box of matches from one of the Brahmin packs and uses it to light his Cig.

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"... I have been wandering this wasteland for... 13 years, I have seen hundreds of deaths that could have been avoided... i have never gotten used to it, saying the past is the past maybe easy for you, but its not that easy for me... my body reminds me every time I take this suit off" Hazmat said before removing his glove. His hoof was covered in stitches, that had long healed but strangely the stitches remain. "I don't remove the stitches, because then I would forget... forget about Her, forget about the Tribals... forget everything..." Hazmat said as he put back on his glove.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains smokes his Cigarette, taking Jealousy out of her holster and began checking her for any damage, he brushes his hoof along the side of the slide, his hood touching the lines in the metal that spell out its name.


"Being able to forget ones past can be a blessing, remembering ones past can be a curse"

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"If I could forget, I would forget about Home..." Hazmat said. ED-E made a static noise and began playing an audio file.


A much younger and less raspy version of Hazmat's voice came out

"Sure, I would like it to go back to how things were... I would love to have a family again, but sadly I can't go back."

Then a mare's voice came out

"What was your life like, before 'the attack'"

The younger Hazmat replied

"I lived on a Brahmin ranch with my Mother, my Father, my older sister, and my 12 year old brother. I helped my Mother make sure everything is up and running, like fixing fences and repairing the water pipes and Occasionally I would help my dad keep the geckos away from the livestock..."


"Eddie, activate sleep mode protocol, code: M-A-E-R-C-E-C-I!" Hazmat said and ED-E stopped the recording and just hovered in one place. "I tell him not to play those recordings... and to stop recording my conversations..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"You can't blame the guy for recording shit while he's bored, besides, most robots these days seem to be very curious, maybe he recorded it for future studying"


Connor puts Jealousy back in her Holster and sits down on top of a dead brahmin, smoking his Cigarette.

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"its not that he is curious, its because it is in his programming, He was a pre-war spybot used by the Ministry of Morale." Hazmat said "Also, what annoys me is that he will play the audio clips to anypony who can guess the correct key words." Hazmat said before looking at ED-E "Eddie, deactivate sleep mode protocol, code: I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M"  ED-E made a beeping noise "I forgive you..." Hazmat said. ED-E made happy beeping noises.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains shrugged and continued to smoke, putting the Cigs and the matches in one of the pouches on his belt.


"Well, that's on you for picking a Spybot as a Travel Buddy, I would of picked something like a Sentry Bot, Decked out with missiles and a Gatling Laser, yeah... That's the dream"

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ED-E made an angry beeping noise towards Chains. "Calm down Eddie..." Hazmat said before hearing 'Sentry bot'. "I got one back in my stable, It isn't working but, I'm trying to fit it. It is armed with a mini gun and a missile launcher. It is missing a few components, components that are not easy to find, I found a merchant selling a leg/wheel, but It costed 7000 caps, I only had 2000. I took this job to earn money to buy it."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chains grunts and sits there, waving the cigarette around as he talks.


"Well somepony that charges that much for a leg is no better than a raider in my opinion, I would of personally just taken the part and given him a black eye for trying to rob me, asshole"

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"The leg was made of parts that are rare on this side of the Equestrian Wasteland. If anything, for 7000 caps, I would be robbing her. I tried to talk her into lowering the price though but, I am not the best smooth talker. I ended up getting thrown out because I threatened her because she dared asking if I would trade Eddie for the leg." Hazmat said as he laid back. "A friend of mine said that she could raid the place for the leg, She said that the merchant would probably just think it was just another group of Steel Rangers stealing Technology, but I told her that I rather do my trading honestly..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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