monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #26 Share October 28, 2014 (edited) "..." She see her house in the distance and continues to walk towards it, "They died 3 years ago and Aurora was only born about 1 year ago."Aurora nods and follows them towards the house, "She hatched me while she was alone in Prance a cloaked Pony gave my egg to her, she took me back here to her Parent's old home, we live alone here now without any Adults at all." Edited October 28, 2014 by Sapphiredragoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #27 Share October 28, 2014 @, "You know, in the past, when my parents set strict rules and punishments, life without parents seemed rather fun when I thought about it. But now that I've heard your story..." Instead of finishing his sentence, Ember simply sighed and looked at the ground he was hoofing at. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #28 Share October 28, 2014 "I never knew my Parents but i don't really care... i am still here so i will live my life without them at my side." Sapphire opens her door and stops, "Follow you're own path Fire to where ever you will find peace and happiness." She walks in, "Come in if you want, if you cause trouble I'm sure Aurora need target Practice." She smiles half heartedly.Aurora follows her in and smiles, "I believe she has grown up quite a bit already." She giggles heading upstairs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #29 Share October 28, 2014 @, Ember had the day to himself, so agreed to come in. "I'm interested in learning more about you two," he said as he walked in. "And don't worry, I won't cause trouble. Especially not after what you just said about Aurora's target practice..." he added with a half-chuckle. 'A house all to themselves?' OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #30 Share October 28, 2014 "We can give you some history then... i am an only child beside my Adopted Sister Holly who sits in her lab downstairs all day long she is two years younger then my and I'm 8 years old so... i would not go down there lest you face the Guards wrath, though She did leave about two months ago the Guard and the Other Monsters she made are still down there..." She shivers at the thought of themAurora shivers, "the Guard is a Fox Monster it's Rather Creepy to be honest." (Remember to add the most horrible things in the world to your RP, guess who the Fox is.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #31 Share October 28, 2014 @, Ember listened intently. The thought of guards and monsters sounded rather cool.but he decided not to take it lightly, since it also sounded dangerous. "I... see," he replied, and then decided to change the topic: "Hey, wanna go down to Sugarcube Corner, guys?" OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #32 Share October 28, 2014 Sapphire destroys the Guard and the Other Monsters before leaving the house and locking the Door with Fire and Aurora with her they set off to Sugarcube Corner, "Yes that sounds great Fire." Pinkie Pie bounces down the street watching all of the Fillies and Colts stroll by happily she heass into Sugarcube Corner behind the counter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #33 Share October 28, 2014 @, Ember backed into a corner and watched, with his mouth agape, as Sapphire destroyed the monsters and the Guard. "D-did you just... k-kill them?" he questioned. 'They may have been created artificially, but that doesn't change the fact that they were still living beings... weren't they?' OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #34 Share October 28, 2014 "Besides being Murderous Robot Monsters you mean?" She looks back at him, "Would you like be to bring them back just so they can thank you personally, they are Animatronics."Aurora tilts her head, "I believe they may have feelings too Lady Sapphire." She smiles wondering if they can truly feel as they do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #35 Share October 28, 2014 @, Ember blinked. "So... they were robots?" he said. "I know that robots aren't alive and don't have feelings. I don't want to fight with you gals, so let's just move on from this and figure out later if they're alive." "Anyway, shall we head to Sugarcube Corner?" He stood in the doorframe. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #36 Share October 28, 2014 "Yes let's go then, i am curious though... do you have any bits to buy Cupcakes for yourself?" Sapphire asks curiously, "As i have alot for buying some for myself." Aurora smiles, "Yes Sapphire, you are very rich since the deaths of your parents." She shakes her head, "You should not be telling everyone though Madam Sapphire." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #37 Share October 28, 2014 @, Ember reached into his pocket, which resulted in a change-jingling sound. "Yup, I have the money for cupcakes," he said. "Well, are we ready to go?" he asked the filly and the dragon. He licked his lips. "'Cos I know I am!" 'I don't know why Sugarcube Corner treats are so delectable, but the fact still stands that they are...' OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 #38 Share October 28, 2014 "We are all ready, let's go then Fire." Sapphire runs to Sugarcude Corner, "Are you two coming or what?"Aurora runs after her, "Indeed we are." She rushes after Sapphire tackling her to the ground landing on top of her, "Looks like i win this round Lady Sapphire." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author #39 Share October 28, 2014 @, Watching the filly and the baby dragon have their little playfight, Ember couldn't help but chuckle at the display. "Are you two usually like this?" he asked, approaching the two of them near Sugarcube Corner, their designated place for nomming baked treats. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 29, 2014 #40 Share October 29, 2014 "Since no one else is usually around us... yes most of the time." Sapphire gets up and continues to walk towards the Bakery "I can't wait to have some treats."Aurora giggles, "Are there any other dragon's around here?" She asks Fire hoping for an Answer, "I hope we can find another one eventually." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 29, 2014 Author #41 Share October 29, 2014 @, Ember thought about Aurora's question. "Well... there's a dragon called Spike who lives in that crystal castle with Twilight Sparkle." "But I'm sure you've noticed by now, right? Surely the presence of a crystal castle stood out to you? And it's not as if you've never bumped into Twilight and/or Spike?" he went on. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 29, 2014 #42 Share October 29, 2014 "No we never have, and i doubt we will." She continues to walk with them finally arriving at Sugarcube Corner, "Well here we are shall we head in and order?" Aurora walks in after them and sits down at a table in the corner Sugarcube Corner, "Is that the dragon you speak of Fire?" She asks pointing out a Purple and Green Dragon getting Baked GoodsPinkie give Spike the treats, "Good Luck with the Party Spike." She waves as he walks out of the Bakery Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 29, 2014 Author #43 Share October 29, 2014 @, Fire raised an eyebrow. How had they been living in Ponyville for so long and never met Twilight and Spike? It made no sense! Still, there was Spike right there. "Yup, that's him," said Ember. "How about you all get acquainted while I get us some cupcakes?" He headed to the counter. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 29, 2014 #44 Share October 29, 2014 "He already walked through the door... oh well, i guess we just wait for him to get back from the counter with his stuff and then we go up for ours." Sapphire sighs looking to Aurora, "It sure has been along time since we have last been here..." "Indeed has has Milady." Aurora muses smiling, "I hope this time we will stay a little longer..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 30, 2014 Author #45 Share October 30, 2014 @, Ember finished doing stuff at the counter and soon returned to the table and was equipped with three chocolate cupcakes. He kept one for himself and placed one each in front of Sapphire and Aurora. "It's on me," he said. 'Man, I'm gonna take a liking to this filly.' OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 30, 2014 #46 Share October 30, 2014 "Thank you Fire... but you know you did not need to spend you're Allowence on us right?" Sapphire smiles looking at him, "It's a very nice thought though." She giggles.Aurora tilts her head at the cupcake she picks it up and eats it in one bite, "Cupcakes are delicious, Thank you for this Fire." She blushes and smiles at him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 30, 2014 Author #47 Share October 30, 2014 @, Ember smiled and blushed. "It's really no imposition, ladies," he reassured them. He took a bite of his cupcake. 'Mmm. Gooey center.' "Consider this my thanks for showing me the way you live, and your awesome home..." he concluded. "It's not like I need the money anyway." OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 30, 2014 #48 Share October 30, 2014 Sapphire pulls out a large pouch filled up with Bits, "this is a very small number of Bits compared to what we have in our Vault, our Armory is also rather big come to think of it..." Sapphire shakes her head snapping out of her thought.Aurora sighs, "Lady Sapphire no one is supposed to know about that but me and you..." She frowns looking at them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 30, 2014 Author #49 Share October 30, 2014 (edited) @, Ember bit into his cupcake once again. "Yes, Aurora makes a good point there," he said. He leaned in to whisper to the filly and the dragon. "I would never try and steal any of your money, but just try to be more subtle about the stash you have, okay?" he said to them, smiling. Edited October 30, 2014 by Rainbow Eclipse OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 30, 2014 #50 Share October 30, 2014 "I am rather rich, and i have no Parents i made the whole fortune myself, Yeah turns out i'm really good at Dress making and Enchanting." Sapphire smiles looking at him, "If you ever need any Bits let me know okay?"Aurora smiles, "So shall we head somewhere else now Fire?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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