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I just got my tooth pulled....


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Hey ponies-

I just got, yet another tooth pulled. The first four were pulled because of my teeth issues...(my dad is half british and has bad teeth, and sadly, I got his teeth.) this one was because i cracked it...and the dentist said it could get germs and an infection and blah blah blah. So I'm sitting on my phone, getting over my laughing gas (which wasn't that much because I'm really sensitive so I didn't let him) and my lip sagging because of the fact that it's numb, typing this. I don't know why I'm posting this, I just felt like it. LOL






Love the Logic,

Lullaby Skout <3

  • Brohoof 2

Love the Logic,

Lullaby Skout <3
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I'm British and having bad teeth is nothing to do with being British. My teeth are in good condition.

You're probably going to wake up with blood n your pillow in the morning haha!!

  • Brohoof 1


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I take good care of my teeth.  Strong enamel helps.  I only lost my wisdom teeth.  Those were voluntary.  I remember going in, sitting on a chair, talking to the dentist then waking up.  Don't remember a needle.  Don't remember falling asleep.  Like they give it to you while you're super comfortable.


It wasn't bad.  The one bad part was after taking a nap at home I woke up and OH BOY the spit takes.  So freaking gross spit up partially coagulated blood.  Bitter and nasty.  Good thing I only had to do it one day.   :squee:

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh god, teeth. *shudder* Oddly enough, I USED to have amazing teeth. I have no idea what happened, but it led to me eventually having to get a root canal for an upper tooth that was the result of a previous filling falling out and getting infected (needed a crown), and another needing a crown, yet not a root canal, because we caught it early. Can't complain; the abnormal feeling of a foreign object in my mouth faded away after a while, but I agree, having to have your teeth fixed sucks. Big time. :/


Best of luck on it, though.


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Yakumo Yukari


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  • Brohoof 1

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