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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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Midnight Shadow is still on the track and the other ponies have all left her behind, she woke up a short time later and flew after the train following the tracks she eventually catches up to it and flys though a empty window before smacking her head into the wall her horn made a loud *snap* before falling to the floor next to her, she lay their stunned for several seconds twiching.

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"Hng am I dead?" Sparkle opened his eyes and saw Snowflake Rave and Midnight "oh Celestia you guys are dead to arnt you? Huh being dead fealls like I'm alive but I fell of the side of the train and died from hitting the valley floor wait why am I on the train if I fell of? Hmm death is very mysterious very mysterious indeed."

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"where not dead just yet lucky you I'm a master alchemist I used a massive healing potion on you to keep you from dying" Snowflake turns back to Rave and continues doing what he was doing "now Rave in this disguise do not talk you may look like a mare but your just cross dressed" Snowflake gives Rave a mirror "I gave you fake eyelashes because the Mares seem to have longer ones then Stallions I made your mane a bit neater and got rid of any signs of facial hair" Snowflake grabs a dress from a chest in the train "now for the final part"

Edited by Bonnie The Bunny


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"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you look so weird Rave*carry's on laughing for several minutes* wait where's Melody last i saw of her she was helping to stop the train which didn't turn out the best for me or her you don't think? *sparkle shudders* do you? I hope she's alright and the *shudders again* hasn't happened."



the voice was not pleased with its self so much that it might change targets meanwhile as the train gets closer to Canterlot the journey continues (old Pokemon ending!)

Edited by theblueterbulance
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After a long time, Melody woke up. [WHA-? When am I on top of a train? Oh yeah. The bridge. I wonder how long I've been out.] Melody stretched, and flew through the broken window. She landed, and laughed at what she saw. Rave was now a mare, and Snowflake was holding out a dress for Rave. XD "Hi Rave, love your new look!" She laughed for a bit, then sat down. She looked at Midnight. "Uh, is she ok? She's twitching on the floor. Uh, anyways. How long until we get to Canterlot? I was sleeping on top of the train, so I have no idea."


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Midnight opened her eyes and glanced at Melody smiling weakly, "guys i don't think i can change or use magic for awhile" she said sadly looking at the broken fragment of her horn next to her, she let out a sigh before falling asleep.

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Rave looked annoyed at Sparkle and Melody. Then he looked at Midnight and he felt sadness. "I hope her horn will grow back. I couldn't imagine life without my horn". Then a thought struck his mind. "This could not have been an accident. About the bridge. If so, the train would probably have stopped since those working on it are prepared for things like this. Did you guys check if the engineers (those controlling the train) were ok?" 


"You look good" the voice said within Rave's head. "Shut up" Rave thought. 

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Rave looked annoyed at Sparkle and Melody. Then he looked at Midnight and he felt sadness. "I hope her horn will grow back. I couldn't imagine life without my horn". Then a thought struck his mind. "This could not have been an accident. About the bridge. If so, the train would probably have stopped since those working on it are prepared for things like this. Did you guys check if the engineers (those controlling the train) were ok?" 


"You look good" the voice said within Rave's head. "Shut up" Rave thought. 


"no was too busy saving the train from going into the valley, what about you?" she asked him blinking, she wondered if her horn would grow back, she had snapped it in half so it might not however their was no way she could disguise herself now "so how can i disguise myself if i can't use magic?" she asked them all 

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"hmmm your horn seems to be broken but if its anything like your wings then shouldn't it grow back as well..... also I think I may of figured you out Midnight your a half Changeling aren't you......" Snowflake finishes putting the dress on Rave and he then says to Rave "now hair clips or a nice pretty bow hehehe I'm just kiddin Rave but you look different then how you use to guards won't be able to tell the difference I promise, just don't talk to anyone while wearing this because you look like a pretty mare but you don't have the voice of one"


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Rave was getting a little irritated. "Stop telling me I look pretty. I swear on Som... I mean on Celestia's  name". Rave then thought about the guards. "I swear, if one of the guards hits on me or anything, I am so going to buck him in the face". Rave looks at Midnight. "Do not worry, your horn will most likely grow back. It can just take some time. But regarding how you grew your wing back you might grow your horn back even faster. Believe me when I say your horn can grow back. It happened once to one of my uncles. Took him a year until his horn grew back". Rave gave Midnight a reassuring smile but quickly changed that as he realized how stupid he must look smiling at her, while dressed up as a pretty mare. "Damnit" thought Rave.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"Ha ha OK I'll stop for now" sparkle looked at Rave *tries to hold in laughter* anyway no I didn't check on the engineer either I was trying to fly under the train*can't hold in laughter any longer must release* "HA HA HA* falls backwards* " HA HA HA HA HA "*and the laughing continues ( he looks so funny I can't stop )

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pitying Rave, Snowflake decides to freeze Sparkle in hallow ice "don't listen to them Rave if they didn't know it was you the would be staring you down" Snowflake realizes something "hey if the train cart isn't connected to the train why are we all still standing inside here" Snowflake jumps out of the train cart "well looks like were going to have to do this the old fashion way" Snowflake unfreezes Sparkle


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"Oh yeah I uncouppled (looked that up) the carts damn which means my cart is stuck up front" sparkle looks ashamed of himself "I probably should of thought about that so let's go I guess "*steps out * " hey how far to Canterlot " sparkle looked toward Rave "any ideas?"

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Rave looks at Sparkle. "It should not be far from here. About 10 minutes by train. However, it seems we have lost it" Rave joked a little. "Since we have to get there by ourselves it should take 20 minutes or longer, assuming that no disaster mysteriously strikes again" Rave looks skeptically at where the bridge used to be. "If me  and Snowflake had wings, we could get there in five minutes by flying. Since we can not, we will have to go through the train tunnel that runs through the last mountain before arriving at Canterlot. If we climb the mountain, it should take us 30-45 minutes just to get to the top, or, that is to say me and Snowflake. I'm assuming that Snowflake has climbed a mountain, since he is a professional mercenary who must have had to do so in many of his missions. If not, it should take us about 50-55 minutes". 

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Snowflake looks at Rave "I was born on top of the Canterlot mountain.... I'm not kidding I really was we had a village of Unicorns living on top" Snowflake is reminded of his foalhood and what happened he then pauses and stands still as he gets taken into a flash back


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"OK hey Rave do you want a lift over?" Sparkle looked at him and flapped his wings "I don't mind trust me I won't drop you ... Hopefully but it depends on how heavy you are (that sounded really rude oops he he ) I don't mean you whaigh a lot its just a check that I have to do every time I need to fly with something.(I completely over hauled this post cause I didn't like it.)

Edited by theblueterbulance
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Midnight Shadow nodded at the ponies hoping they were right "well it wont regrow before we get to canterlot" she sighed flicking her tail, she got up and dragged her hooves over to the seat and slumped down into it, then she closed her eyes, "wake me up when we get their" she asked them before beginning to snore.

Edited by MidnaShadows
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Rave looks at Sparkle. "Sure. I do not weigh really much. I hope Melody or Midnight can carry Snowflake. If not, I'm guessing we will have to walk. However, I do not believe Midnight can. She looks like she needs to rest. If so, then how will we get to Canterlot by air? We will have to wait until she wakes up. Unless Melody or you can carry two ponies? We can not leave her here". Rave looks at Midnight, wondering if she will be ok. He was sure her horn would grow back, but it was still a bad experience loosing one's horn for a while. That is at least what he had heard from his uncle. 

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Melody shurged. "I'm not strong, but I can try. Snowflake, do you have anything that would make a pony weigh less? Or does anypony know a spell to give somepony fake wings? I can try to carry them, but it might not work without help." [Could I cary them? I'm not very strong, but it can't be that hard. Canterlot is only a few minutes away by flight, I can manage that I think. Still, better safe then sorry. If the others don't have anything, I'll just fly lower down.] "Canterlot isn't that fare from here by flight, is it? If it's only a short flight, then I can probably do it. If not, we might have to walk." [i hope we don't have to walk because I'm not strong enough to carry a couple ponies. Well, a pony and a changeling. Do changlings weigh less then normal ponies? More? I don't know, but either way, I hope I can do this.]


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"We could try pushing the train cart to Canterlot either that or I fly ahead get the cart and then Melody and I fly you over all we need to do is catch up with the train which might be easier said then done so whatlit be Rave ? (I hope he chosees the second one I'm not too sure we can move a train car sparkle looked toward the train car and then looked back at Rave and smiled kind of. It was more of him trying to not act afried of moving a train car but it failed big time)

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"Well there is a spell that can make things weight less. A spell that construction worker unicorns often use. However, I never really had to use it much for offensive spell casting, so I never really got the hold on it. Perhaps Snowflake could have something he brewed that could work?". He then looks at Sparkle as Sparkle speaks to him. "If we cannot fly then we could get the train cart going. I can push it with my magic. However, it would be nice if I were to get some help. If you and Melody could push the cart with me we could get the cart going. With my spell, it should not be hard". 

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Snowflake recovers from his flashback "huh what about potions....." he looks around the place and realizes Midnight is gone "hey guys where is Midnight she was right there a moment ago..." Snowflake looks through his book of potions "no sorry I don't have any potions like that but I can teleport us to Canterlot but group teleportation is a lot harder then self teleportation especially since its a lot of ground my magic will be covering so if I feint don't leave me behind"


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"Okay Rave" (oh damn why do we have to do this? *remembers what happens*oh yeah like I forgot about my sister he he *looks around* nopony saw that)*walks round the back of the train car*" three two one push"train car moves a few centimetres forward "this things heavy!"

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Rave enters the train cart and then uses his magic to push it with Sparkle, making the train cart weight a lot less for him, making it easier for him. The train cart started to gain speed. "It is working. Melody could you help Sparkle and Snowflake, could you come aboard? Perhaps you could help me with pushing this train cart with magic?". 

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Snowflake hops back into the cart "been awhile since I cast basic spells" Snowflake uses his magic to make the cart weigh less "alright keep pushing the cart I have no idea why you guys find this easier then walking but hey what ever floats your boat"


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