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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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" MORE POWER!" sparkle raised his body of the ground "RAMMING SPEED!" *the train car moves forward "all aboard " yelled sparkle stopping the train car by flying in front and pushing against it and then looks at Melody *"so Mrs you coming? " sparkle looks at Snowflake its easier because three of us can't fly"sparkle landed inside with his wings hanging out the back

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Snowflake had never seen the train go this fast before. though he had never rode in a trainless train cart before as well. "Canterlot is coming up you two just a bit longer and we can stop hopefully we don't have to do this on the way back as well" Snowflake looked at Rave who still looked like a Mare "remember what I said don't talk in front of people you don't know while wearing that we shouldn't have to stay at Canterlot for very long"


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"Next stop Canterlot" as sparkle flapped his wings he realised the fact that he currently didn't know how to stop the train car "uh hey guys how are we going to stop this thing ? Ah well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Also where's the front of the train at are we going to hit it soon?" Sparkle looked down the track "ooh tunnel cool!"

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"don't worry guys I know how to stop the train..... well I hope it stops the train as for this tunnel here" Snowflake casts nocturnal vision on Melody and Sparkle "there you guys should be able to see in the dark but when we get out try to keep your eyes closed until I take the spell off of you it could damage your eyes"


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"OK hey do you guys see a light? Because I see a big one up ahead and it looks like its getting bigger probably just the exit FULL STEAM AHEAD! *sparkle flaps his wings faster* ( I swere that light is coming towards us but it should just be the exit then again we should probably start slowing down now oh never mind if Snowflake knows how to stop us then we should just carry on!)

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As the train cart reached the end of the tunnel, Canterlot came into full view. "We are here" Rave said. Rave started to slow down the cart. "Umm, we will have to get out of the cart now, before it reaches Canterlot. The guards would probably be interested in a lone train cart coming and would probably detain us and ask questions. My associate, Lemon Mint, will meet us at the East Gate. So we should get a move on". Rave moves, but finds it hard to do so because of the dress. "How do mares even do that?" he mumbles to himself. 

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Snowflake takes the nocturnal vision off Melody and Sparkle "yes but we can't just leave it in the middle of the tracks that could be dangerous for oncoming trains" Snowflake uses his magic to make the cart heavy again then the cart comes to a slow stop "alright everypony we are about a mile from Canterlot I can teleport us to the east gate from here Rave help me lift the cart off the tracks" Snowflake uses his magic to levitate the cart "come on Rave help me out"


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"Alright then". Rave starts levitating the train cart as well. With both ponies levitating, lifting the train cart of the tracks was easy. "Where do we put the train cart?". "Do we put it to the side or do we put it somewhere where we can hide it. It might be a good idea to hide the train cart. Then the guard won't be doubled". 

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"Or you know we could just drop it and leave it then nopony would know about it except if we told them" (then again if we missed the train we would have no way of getting back)


Meanwhile at the station.....*two porter guys you know who like do the stuff at the station were discussing a cart which had arrived on the train *

"I say we go look for the owner"

"Well I say leave it here I don't want to get dirty"

"And why would that be?"

"I'm going to a super exclusive party tonight"

*stallion porter raises an eye brow in disbelief*oh really you mean that party tonight with all that fancy stuff "

"Fancy stuff!?!? I could decorate a place better then that in 10 seconds"*the mare porter looked agitated at the comment

" prove it "

"Fine I will " the two porters leave the cart on the platform and walk away

(These two porters have no point whatsoever and are just here to explain what happened to sparkle's cart)

Edited by theblueterbulance
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(Sorry everypony! My kindle was dead, so I was gone from the forum for two days. I fixed it though, so it won't happen again.)


Melody began to pace nervously. "I keep feeling like somepony is gonna know we aren't just here for a visit. Like somepony knows why we're actually here. Also, I sorta have a feeling somepony is watching us. Then again, I'm probably just nervous. I just need to calm down." [What is wrong with me? Feeling like we're being watched, that's not normal. I need to calm down, or I'm gonna look insane. Right now, that's the last thing we need.]


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Next time on foalnapped... Arriving in Canterlot and other things happen...


(Do you like what I did there? With the whole end of act thing? If you don't I won't do it again I won't any way )

Honestly character limits again!? (BTW that is what they use in old plays)

*act 2*

Previously on foalnapped

Luckys been taken! TNT! TO THE LIBRARY!

we now return you to foalnapped

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Rave trots towards the East Gate with his friends dressed up as a mare. Only two guards were at their posts, however, they did not seem be paying much attention to the ponies coming in or going out. "I hope this works2 Rave thought. He trots past the guards. One of them whistles after Rave. Rave's face goes red and he turns and nearly bucks the guard in the face but manages to control himself and instead waves his hoof so as to not be suspicious. However, a guard captain appears and stops the gang. "Identification?". 


Rave begins to sweat as he knows he will not be able to fool this guard with his voice. Rave readies a combat spell but is soon shaken as a yellow mare appears and starts to shake Rave's hoof. "So good to see you again sister". Lemon Mint looks at the guard captain. "This is my sister Melon Mint. She has come all the way from Manehattan to visit me. She came with the rest of the family. This here is our dad" she points at Snowflake. "These are my niece and nephew" she points at Melody and Sparkle's. "They have travelled such a long way and must be so tired. I have been dying to meet them. Are you going to take that away from me". She looks at the guard captain with her puppy eyes. The guard captain looks nervous and looks in both directions "Erm, huh. Sure, fine. You can come in. Just don't let me catch you stirring up trouble. Welcome to Canterlot and enjoy your stay here". The guard captain trots away. "Seems like you can't get away from troubles can you Rave darling. I always have to save your flank don't I" she blinked. Rave's face went red. "Everything was totally under control... mostly.... possibly. Uhhh, rem. Well in any case thank you for the help" Rave looked a little annoyed. 


"Follow me, I'll escort you to the library". 

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as Snowflake walks through the streets of Canterlot he gets nostalgic flash blacks shooting his mind every few seconds it nearly brings him to tears he then mutters to himself "keep it together" Snowflake continues to move forward with the rest of the gang "surprised the guard fell for that I'm no older then you guys but by 7 or 8 years, guess the eye patch makes me look older huh..... also regardless the guard would of asked us for identification even when your friend here vouched for us, guess he was busy or something on his mind for him not to care. Anyways we need to start on getting Ra.... err I mean Melon a Identification she is of age and should own one" Snowflake says that as guards passed by "holy Celestia what is with guards here back when I lived here their wasn't nearly this many" 

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Lemon Mint looks at Snowflake. "I have taken care of that. I have "Melon's" identification here. I also have identifications for all of you if you want. You might need it if you want to sneak through the East Gate again when you're done "visiting". However, you seem to be one member short. I was expecting you to be five, however, I see only four of you". Lemon passed the identifications over to Sparkles and the others. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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*Sparkle looked towards the mare who was pointing at him* " uh... hi there I'm Sparkle Sword do you wanna go get a drink later (stupid why did I say that why of course she's gonna say no I'm completely stupid why!? Why did I do that ! I'm the most stupid pony ever in the history of forever!)

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Lemon looks at Sparkle's. "Your friend here is quite funny Rave" she giggles and looks at Rave. Rave looks at her for a moment but then looks away. He was clearly still annoyed with her. She turns her attention back to Sparkle's "I would be delighted to have a drink with you one day. But I'm afraid that day is not today. You have an urgent quest ahead of you and must complete it. Perhaps after you complete your quest?" she blinks at him, then continues to hoof out (hand out) the identifications to the rest of the gang. She comes last to Rave who levitates the pass away from her and grumbles a little. "You always look cute when you are angry Rave" she giggled. "But you look even cuter in that dress" she giggled even more. Rave's face went red. It was the last straw. "Let's keep on moving" Rave said with an angry voice. Rave started trotting away before anyone could say anything. Lemon looks at Sparkle. "It is always easy for me to anger Rave. Nothing seems to be able to annoy him except for me. Don't get wrong here now. I'm not trying to annoy him for fun... well it's a little bit for fun, but also because it's my job as I'm his half-sister. He hasn't talked to me for a while, I've tried contacting him, however, he never answers. I guess I'm getting a little pay back" she explained. 

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Melody began to fly in tight circles, starting to get even more restless. She had been nervous on the train, and even more so now that she was in the city. [This will never work. Will it? Is this really a convincing act? It did trick the guards..... but what if the foalnapper followed us here? What if they ruin our plan and try to get ride of us? No, it will be fine. We just have to stay alert, stay calm, and be smart. We'll be fine.] Melody slowed as she lost some of her unease. "So, where to?" She asked, speaking for the first time since leaving the train. After the broken track was fixed, everything else had gone smoothly. She could only hope to say the same for the rest of this trip. Though she tried not to show it, her eyes kept darting around, as if she was expecting an attack.


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*a black mist blew into the libary* Hmm time to set my plan into action the group will have to split up to cover an area this big he he well where do I start ...


"Oh OK in fact after this is over every pony gets a drink on the house" sparkle looked at Rave "what to soon?"

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Rave ignored the rest of the ponies for the rest of the way. After having trotted for while the gang finally reached their destination. "We are here. I'm afraid this is where I leave you. I have businesses to attend to. It is not easy running a silk company and a shipping company at the same time. Time is money my friends. Good bye. Oh and Rave?". Rave looks at Lemon. "We must have a talk. Perhaps later today, when you are done with your affair at the library". "I will contact you when I have time" was all he replied. Rave trotted into the library with his friends.


Rave looked nervous. "Erm, ok this is how we'll do it. Sparkle you take the North wing. Snowflake you take the South wing. Melody you take the West wing. I will take the East wing". Rave seemed eager to get to the East wing. "If you do not know what to look for, ask Sparkle's. He'll tell you what to look for". Before anypony could reply Rave galloped towards the East wing. "Finally, I am very close to completing my task. It shall be mine. I need it. After I haves stol... errr, I mean "borrowed" it I shall start looking for anything that involves foal napping" Rave thought. "Or" the voice within Rave's head started "​you could take it and then read it. It wouldn't hurt to take a peak would it? Besides, why chase this foalnapper when you can accomplish so much more?". "Sparkle's is my friend and he needs my help. My friends need me. I am always loyal to my friends". "We shall see". 

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"Guys like I said were looking for a book a history book or anything that can tell us the where abouts of the foalnapped I think its time for action if you find anything simply call out but be careful I've got a bad feeling about this OK ready break! *sparkle flew off toward the north wing* (I hope they'll be alright)

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Melody nodded, and set off towards the West wing. [This shouldn't be too hard. Even if it is, it's not like it will be hard to find Sparkle.] As she trotted deeper into the library, the silence seemed much stranger. [it's a library, of course it's quite. It's just....odd.] Melody winced at every noise she made, even though the noises where only the sounds of her own hooves hitting the floor. She looked at the books Likeing the shelves, and several caught her eye. {Enchantment, spellbook of unicorn magic.} {Flight, history of the Wonderbolts.} {Earthpony, a farming guide.} {Scarlet Stains, the study of murder} {Strange Encounter, a study of foalnappings.} She paused at the last two. Why we're they in a public library? This was strange. Many libraries had horror books, but something was off. Convening herself that it was only her being alone and paranoid, she graded the two books, and continued searching.


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Rave neared the closed section. Eight Royal Guards stood guarding the section. "Too easy" Rave thought. The only inside the closed section was past those guards, but not for Rave. He went to one of the walls that separated the Closed section from the East wing. Rave's horn started to glow blue, he cast a spell of invisibility. "This won't last for long but it will do. There is no way, however, getting past these guards since they stand so tightly together and block the path. Guess I will have make my own way". Rave's horn starts glow green, though, nobody could see it. Rave walks through the walk and finds himself within the closed section. "I'm inside. Now all I have to do is find it". Rave walked through the closed section until he reached a wall. The wall had a little symbol on it. Rave focused on it, his horn starting to glow. The wall opened up quietly. Ahead was nothing but darkness that greeted Rave. Rave stepped into the darkness and the wall closed behind him. 

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"Nope no Nada not nil nine definitely not ooh (a guide to racing) I'll keep that for later"

"Sparkle is that you?"*a gold and red pony appears out of the darkness

"Uh yes"

"Oh sparkle I came here today"

"Umm its the night time"

"Oh yes well I have a final task for you and that is kill me kill me Sparkle kill me"

"No no I can't I can't do that"

"Fine if but someponys dieing tonight"

"No noponys dieing tonight"* throws the book* " ha how'd you like dem apples "

*other pony evaporates*


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Rave's horn illuminated the tunnel. He trotted down the tunnel, his hoof beat echoing. Rave had already had to go through some challenges and avoid some traps before finally getting to a large stone door that had runes scribbled all over it. The runes glowed dark red and it seemed as if darkness leaked from them. A smile crept up Rave's face. He had found it. "Now is your chance. We just have to get through this door and it will be ours. OURS. We will become unstoppable. No one will be able to stand up against us". "And yet Sombra was defeated. If he is able to be defeated then surely we can be as well" Rave replied within his head. Rave poured dark magic into the door. It opened slowly and it creaked loudly. The darkness Rave had faced before inside the cave seemed to flee as a new form of darkness surged forward and it seemed to swallow Rave's light. There was nothing. Nothingness. The door closed slowly with a heavy bang. Rave was gone.

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Sparkle continued to search the shelves in search of the book when he noticed something brown and stick like poking out from behind a book case" that's odd "he thought "who leaves a stick in a library" he rounded the corner and was face to face with a timber wolf " uh oh this could be bad" sparkle ran into the book case causing it to fall over and into the one next too it " I just created giant dominos in a library * the falling book cases covered the whole north wing in books and sparkle got burried under books *well I'm safe at least but which way do I go from here?" Sparkle looked round in confusion

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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