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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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as Snowflake searches for the book "this is pointless I knew siding with these guys would only slow me down... but they are quite amusing and all my friends are either dead or keeping the Shadow Bolts alive in their section of Equestria" Snowflake picks up a strange book he reads but a few sentences and his face goes red he closes the book and puts it back where he found it.Snowflake then finds a book that could be useful he flips through some pages only to discover how Equestria was founded "this is getting no where fast" Snowflake continues to search


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Rave felt nothing, saw nothing. Only darkness. "You have come to take Sombra's personal spellbook. You will not succeed. You are pointless and you will perish" a fell voice said. Rave began to live his most terrible fears, his nightmares. He was being tortured. He felt like it had been going on for hours, however, it had only been going on for minutes. "Will this never stop" he thought. "Allow me to assist you. I  can make the pain go away. I can help you retrieve the book. Please, allow me to help". Rave pondered that for awhile, but when he saw a new nightmare form, he agreed. "Alright, do your thing, but whatever it is do it now". Rave's horn started to glow with darkness and then Rave lost control over his body. He woke up a few minutes later standing near a black book, nearly falling down on his face because he just regained control of his body. He looked at the book. "This is Sombra's personal spell book. This is how he became powerful. By reading this book he acquired deep knowledge about dark magic" Rave's eyes seemed to glimmer with glee as he approached the book. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"No why you do this to me?" Sparkle saw a floating book engulfed in green magic" hmm I guess some pony found the book. Hey can you pass me that book "

"..... "

" fine I'll come get it

"Hello sparkle"

"Really you again" the gold pony reappered...

"Do you need this?"

"Yes yes I do need it"

"Well come and get it then "

*sparkle draws his sword*

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Melody had started to hear pound noises, and started to search for them. She started running, trying to find to source of the sound. She began to fly, until she crashed into somepony, and dropped her books. She picked up the books, and started to apologise. "I'm so...." She trailed off as she realized Sparkle was pointing his sword at the golden pony. She stepped away from the pony to stand by Sparkle. "What's going on, and should I be prepared to fight?" She asked, stareing at the golden pony.


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Rave could not wait, he grabbed the book. "Wait!" the voice within Rave's head yelled, however, it was too late. Rave had already taken the book and now held it in his hooves. The alarm went off and the loud alarm noise ringed all over the library. 20 guard ponies rushed towards the Closed section to join up with the 8 other guard ponies already there. "You've set off the alarm". Rave swallowed hard. "Now I've done it" he thought. 


Other guard ponies stationed in the streets outside the library started to rush into the library. 

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"OK I'll get it. Melody close your eyes this could get nasty" the other pony draws his sword

*sparkle ran toward the other pony* your really starting to buck me off now"

"He he he"

*as soon as sparkle makes contact the other pony dissepeared into black mist*

"What just happened?" *a loud alarm bell rings out* great who did that?"

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as the Alarm blares "oh for buck sake can't I go simply a few hours without something happening" Snowflake charges over to find out what caused this when Snowflake arrived to the site he couldn't believe his eye "Rave what in Celestia's name do you think your doing?" 


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Rave looked into his orb. The orb showed him the entrance to the Closed section. He saw all the guard ponies coming into the Closed section. "Sweet Celestia, I can't fight them. There are too many of them, they will overwhelm me easily". The guard ponies had now entered the tunnels and Rave could hear their hooves banging into the floor. He then hears Snowflake talking to him. "How did you get in here past all the guard ponies and the traps? Never mind that, we have to get out of here". "But there is nowhere to go" Rave thought. "I know a way. I know a secret passage that the guards don't even know about". "Great. Where is it?". "It's not that simple. If you wish for my help, then I will have to get something in return". Rave did not like this, however, he had been expecting it. "What do you want". "I require you to read chapter 25 in this book after we get out of this library". "What? Just that? Nothing else? Just simple as that? Pfft, that will be easy, sure. It's a deal". "Good, good". The voice showed Rave all the information inside Rave's head. "I know where to go" he said to Snowflake. 

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"this wouldn't be my first offence Rave I will help you but this better be worth it" Snowflake casts an ice barrier blocking the corridor the guards are coming from "you better hurry not sure how long it will take before they come through ice maybe strong but its not indestructible"


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melody run we should probably get out of here as soon as possible *sparkle begins to climb over the piles of books before throwing one at a window and breaking it * HEY MELODY FOLLOW ME! *sparkle jumped out the window and into the hooves of a Canterlot guard* uh... hi just to let you know I have nothing to do with that alarm currently going off"    

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Rave walks up to a normal looking wall. He focuses on it and then it opens up. Rave trotted towards the exit. "A secret door that Celestia herself made in case of emergency". Rave stopped as he started to think. "I hope we don't run into her while we go through the secret passageway" he said, a little worried. "Follow me, oh and when you enter the tunnel, there is a little switch on the right. Mind pulling it, it will close the path behind us so the guards won't be able to pursue us" he says to Snowflake.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Melody grabbed a book close to her, and threw it at the guard. She jumped out the window, still flying, to see lots of guards. [Great. Just, great.] She looked around, looking for a way out other than attacking the guards. She got another book, and threw it. She grabbed a saddlebags she saw laying on a table, and stuffed it with books. She zoomed out the window, and flew away as fast as she could. She looked down to see several guards had followed her. She flew into the cloud layer, now out of sight of the guards, and when back to the library. She hid in the clouds, and threw books. For a second, the guard holding Sparkle dropped him. Melody dived down, and landed on the guard. "Lets run!" She cried, raceing away. As she left the guards behinds, she laughed. "That was fun."


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"Wow... But now we have a problem the guards are now following us let's hide at my perants house!" Sparkle realised something "wait where's Rave?"


"Excuse me Sparkle?"

"Yes?" Sparkle turned to face candy pop dressed in a guard uniform

"Candy why are you here?"

"I came to see mom"

"Then why are you wairing a guard uniform?"

"Oh I'm going to a party later"

"OK see you later"


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Snowflake does as he is told and pulls the switch "alright Rave this thing better be worth it I really don't like having bounties on my head.... what is this thing anyways?..... something to help us bring justice to Equestria and stop the foalnapper?" Snowflake pauses "I hope Sparkle and Melody are alright"


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When Snowflake asks about the book, Rave get's nervous and starts to sweat. "Uhh sure... we can say that". "This book is what got Sombra to rise to power, this is the book that brought the Crystal Empire to it's knees. With this book I might be able to complete my quest and revive Sombra. Bring back the rightful ruler of Equestria and restore the honor and power of the Darkmane family forever" Rave thought with glee as he trotted down the passageway. He could see light ahead. "The way out. Come let's go". Rave started to gallop towards the exit. 

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Sparkle was running through Town heading for his pearants house when he spotted an opening in the wall seconds later Rave burst out of the hole"oh hi Rave glad you could join us " sparkle looked around for snowflake "hey i wouldn't suppose Snowflake s in there too Rave?"

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Rave runs into Sparkle's as soon as he is out of the tunnel. Rave hears Sparkle's question. "Yeah, he is right behind. He will probably be out here soon". Rave was still levitating the book. He noticed it and quickly put it into a bag he magically conjured forth so as to try and avoid any questions from Sparkle. He hoped he hadn't seen it, however, the chances of that were very low as the book was pretty big and it glowed with red runes. 

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"alright now that we alerted every guard in Canterlot what is our next move" Snowflake says sarcastically "did you and Melody find anything useful?" Snowflake looks at the Canterlot library and sees guards everywhere "great now that we stirred up the hive what do we do now?"


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Melody pulls out the {Scarlet Stains, a study of foalnappings.} book she had found. "I got this. It's a report on some foalnappings from the past. It might help a bit. I don't know what we're gonna do about the guards though. At least we all escaped, even if we weren't really stealthy about it. What set off the alarm anyways? I was with Sparkle when the alarm went off, and I didn't see anything that would have done that." She said, as she opened the book and began flipping through the pages.


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"I was searching for books when the alarm went off turns out Rave was doing something nothing to worry about" Snowflake looks back at the library "me and Rave got out without the guards seeing our faces what about you guys? did the guards see your faces?" 


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"Snowflake as my mom once said if your being chased by every guard in canterlot ... RUN!!! AND DON'T GET CAUGHT!!! I'LL MEET YOU AT THE TRAIN STATION AS SOON AS WE LOSE THEM *the guards gain closer* OK let's run unless you want too go to jail do you? Let's go! "*sparkle runs off with a book on his back*

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"why whats the point of running" Snowflake's horn glows and everyone gets teleported to the train station "I'm glad I spent all those years in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns you never know when any spell comes in handy" Snowflake sees more guards coming "oh geez we don't have time to wait for the train everypony start running back to the train cart"


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Rave finds it quite hard to run as the dress is constantly getting in the way. "Stupid dress, it is only slowing me down. Is it quite positve that the guards are still following Sparkle's and Melody or are we clear? Cause if we are being chased, I would very much like to get rid of this dress" Rave said, quite annoyed.

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"Hold on" sparkle draws his sword "Rave don't move I'm gonna cut it off ok?and if you do move I'm not really wanting too think about it OK?" Sparkle brought his sword above his head before plunging it into the dress and cutting off the back of it "its a shame too Iliked that dress it looked good on you! (He he)"

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Rave looked annoyed at Sparkle's last comment, however, he was glad to be finally out of the dress. Rave was now able to run much faster now. "Never again, never again, never again. I'm never going to wear a dress again. I would rather assault the castle defences and make my own way into Canterlot than wearing a dress".

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