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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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"hehe don't worry Rave I will probably put a sleeping potion in your drink one day so I can do it for you hehehe" Snowflake turns around "geez these guards can't seem to take no for an answer." Snowflake shouts "hey guards that armor of yours slowing you down?"


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Melody laughed, and spotted a pile of stones. "Hey guys! I might have a plan." She started raceing towards the rocks, slowed down, and started to whisper. "Ok, see those stones? We each take a few. Then, we run out of here, and split up. If we see a guard, we throw a stone by thwm. Mack it look like we ran a different direction. That might split up the guards, and we can take them out. Any objections?"


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Rave looked at Melody. "Uhm, yeah. I've got an objection. The guards will most certainly start pursuing me as I'm the only one around here who is wanted and they will only chase me as they want something that I have". Rave suddenly realized that he had let slip information about the book. "Don't talk about the book Rave. Otherwise they will take from you and throw it to the guards in hopes they will stop pursuing us. But that won't happen. Because of my action for trying to take the book, Celestia will want me captured at all cost" Rave thought. "How about we just destroy them" Rave suddenly barked madly, very unlike him. "Oh... uhm... I mean, why don't we try to fight them off and only... hurt them..... a little bit? Doesn't have to be much". "I have just had it with these guards. There aren't really that many of them at the moment since most of them are probably still at the library looking for us. We can probably take them on".

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"how about no" Snowflake holds on to everyone and keeps teleporting until we reach the train cart, "qucikly..... errg"  Snowflake passes out from all the teleporting he had to do... Snowflake has a dream about his past "hey cheer up I know its hard losing your parents but you have us" "I know... but you wouldn't understand how I feel, what I had gone through *cries*"  "its alright, my name is Thunder what's yours?" "Snowflake" "we are going to be the best of friends Snowflake you will see, you'll like it in Canterlot"


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Rave levitates Snowflake into the train cart. "Damn, I'm going to have to levitate the train cart onto the tracks all by my self aren't I?". Rave starts focusing on the train cart. "It's to heavy. I can't lift that. Maybe if I borrow some power from the book". Rave levitates out the book and starts reading a bit. He finds a chapter that enhances pony's magic. He read and performed the magic. Dark magic was not really difficult for Rave. Darkness shrouded Rave and then disappeared immediately. He start levitating the train cart again, this time with great ease. "Hah, easy as apple pie". The train cart lands on the tracks. "Uhm Sparkle's? Melody? You know the drill. Start pushing" Rave laughed, a little bit of revenge for all the teasing about him looking good in the dress. 

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Snowflake still unconscious "So whats going to happen with your brother?" "he will be going to cloudsdale to learn how to fly" "how long will he be gone?" "the academy usually keeps their pegasi for quite some time" "I hope we will see him again" "we will see him again" "oh I have been meaning to ask you did you get a letter from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?" "yeah did you?" "yeah lets open them one three. one, two, three" both "I got accepted"


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"OK uh Rave where are you? You did something and then poof you disserpeard and I anint moving this thing until I can see you" sparkle satdown on the roof and closed his eyes " now were not going too move the guards can catch up for all I care oh wait I DON'T! " sparkle was clearly angry at Rave "(he was right there holding the book in his hooves but then SOMEPONY set of the alarm... Wait alarm. Guards. A BOOK )" by celestia I figured it out but only one part the foal napper doesn't want to be caught by the Canterlot guard and he tried to stop us getting that book I KNOW OUR NEXT DESTINATION! "

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There it was, a series of disappearances all over Equestria. Being an investigator he was sent to many of the crime scenes, but never managed to find out anything useful. Being in Canterlot for over a week now Dark Star studied many letters and documents of the victims. Things didn't look good. 


Here it was, a new assignment. Ponyville. Packing up almost nothing but putting on his basic cloak, light body armor for his mid-body beneath it. Going out of his house he slowly trotted to the train station. He decided to leave early before any train arrives. Apparently there was a problem at the libary... it seemed worth checking out for him but it was not his job at the moment. They probably had someone else on the case. 


Sitting on the station he slowly got bored and decided to go for a short walk. Not really taking a long time he found something to catch his attention. A loud teleportation noise and light. 


Following where he saw it came from he found something interesting, a group of ponies. The things they were saying amused him. One was unconscious and the other just used Dark Magic to boost his powers. Stepping out from hiding he came into clear view of the ponies. He quickly regretted that he didn't call upon the guards at the station. 


"Well well, what do we have here? A bunch of escapees. One using dark magic, other one passed out... possibly one of your victims, or one of your co-workers. Also, having a hidden cart right out here? " 


Lighting up his horn he pulled his saber out from his side. And aimed it at the group. 


With another move of his horn a bunch of red sparks shot out from his horn and upwards to the sky alerting all the guards in the region. 


"Explain yourselves, and I might just call it a false alarm. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Snowflake STILL unconscious "we did it Thunder seven years of hard work and we are at the top" "yeah I can't believe it either" "where should we go after this. I mean we are fully grown now" "I was thinking Ponyville we might be able to find Blaze there" "good idea after the ceremony we leave tomorrow should give us enough time to say our goodbyes"  


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"Well EXCUSE US Mr random pony who has nothing too do with anything we happen too be looking for my sister who was foalnapped we came too Canterlot in search of information on the foalnappers where abouts this train car is here because of a disaster with the bridge earlyer and as for him" sparkle points at Snowflake "he passed out after teleporting all us away for too long"

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Snowflake still unconscious "this Alchemy shop was a real good idea and its a great cover for our operations" "hehe yeah no pony would suspect a Alchemy shop to be home to a group of deadly mercenaries" "yeah and with the help of your brother, his friends, and our friends we will be well known around Equestria for our righteous deeds, I think we should spread out across Equestria have one merc per city we can write each other letters and help one another" "hehe maybe when your time comes as the leader but for now we need to focus on Ponyville just wait and see how many contracts will in, no one Mercenary could handle them all alone. cheers to our new organization" both "cheers"


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Rave looks at the newcomer with a lot of anger. He walks to Sparkle's and whispers "Let's get out of here now. I don't trust him, if he has anything to do with the Canterlot guard, then he will alert them nonetheless. Otherwise he might get fired or something. He's not allowed to let me get away. I'm quite sure Celestia is now promising payment for my capture". He then looked at the newcomer. "I would not point that saber at us if I were you". Rave used his levitation magic to bring forth the book and he read a chapter that had caught his eye. Rave was a quick reader and after finishing he put the book into a pocket universe. "Hehe, you don't want to be hit by this spell, I can promise you that. Besides, we are the good guys...... most of us are the good guys..... ok they are the good guys, or at least what you Celestia loyalists would define as good guys. We are on a mission to capture the foalnapper and I'm sure you have heard of him. So if you want to avoid getting hit by the spell I have in mind and let the good ponies here go and me included then I think everyone can be happy". "Do him. Hit him with the spell now. End him. He won't get up for the next few days" the voice within Rave's head said. "No, not unless he tries something stupid or does not let us go" Rave thought. 

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Sparkle flew over to Rave and wrapped his hooves around him and flapped his wings "Rave we are cleared for take off performing flight checks " sparkle put on a hat and goggles that had come from somewhere (like everything else) "roger that prepare for lift off " sparkle beet his wings faster and Rave started too lift off the ground "air atillery is ready too go" sparkle kept them steady in the air

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Snowflake is nearly conscious but is not quite just yet "errrg where am I?" Snowflake looks around and sees he is in a small empty white room he looks through a window and sees some of his friends dead "oh my Celestia what..... no NO NO NOOO" "Snowflake" Snowflake turns around and sees Thunder on the floor bleeding out "Snowflake you have to get out of here now" "I'm not leaving without you Thunder" "no you need to leave now! or you will die too *cough cough*" "Thunder..." "Snowflake take this... this is Shadow.... you know what it means when you posses this right?" "whom ever posses the knife becomes the next leader.... Thunder your going to be okay I'm not leaving you behind" "you don't have much of a choice Snowflake." "Thunder.....thank you for all you have done for me" "go...od.......by.......e Sno...." before Thunder could finish the sentence he slips away taking his last breath "goodbye Thunder" Snowflake kisses Thunders forehead and begins to make a run for the exit when he thought he was in the clear he hears a loud noise turns around and for a split second sees a projectile hit him straight in his left eye everything goes black and Snowflake awakens and screams while he has his hoof on his eye patch "AHHHHHHHHHH"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Dark Star turned to Rave. 


"Wielding a spellbook does not make you deadly dear Rave. In fact it gives you an illusion of non-existent power. Snap it away and you would be about as hopeless with magic as an earth pony. "


He turned to the other pony, sword still up high.


"What a coincidence. I am investigating the same case. You might prove resourceful...But, here is a theory. You are the foal-napper and inside the cart is your victim. And the wanted criminal next to you is your muscle.  "


Taking a quick glance back at Rave he lowered his rapier and put it back in its sheath. 


"But either way, I am sorry. Your friend leaves me no choice. " 


Lighting up his horn once more he teleported the book right out of Rave's hooves and into his pocket. In the next second he teleported right behind the dangerous stallion and at point blank range shot a paralyzing bolt of magic at his spine, hoping that his actions were fast enough and his enemy didn't know what hit 'em. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Rave began to laugh. "Hahahahaha. Did you really think I would leave the book so open. I have already transported it into a pocket universe of mine. No one can reach it. Not even Celestia herself. And if you are going to wish to battle then I guess it is not to unfair if I get some help". Rave closed his eyes. Then the voice in Rave's head spoke through Rave. "What do we have here. A little pony trying to play guard pony. Muhahahahahaha. How futile. But don't worry, I shall end your misery right now". Rave's horn glowed black and a black lightning shot right at Dark Star. However, it did not do any damage, but Rave could see that it had served it's purpose. Dark Star stood frozen in place. "Don't worry about him, he will be fine, or at least physically. Can't say the same for his mind" Rave laughed maniacally. "Something I learned from the spell book. I guess he was wrong about it. The spell traps him in his own mind and makes him live his worst fears and nightmares. Something Sombra used to torture his victims for fun, when he had nothing better to do. He also used it to gather information about his enemies". Rave smiled intensely. "Get in the cart. I'll push it with my magic. I feel enough powerful to do so. The book has fueled me enough". "The reason why the book can make me more powerful Dark Star is because it is alive" he thought to himself as he watched Dark Star frozen in place. He climbed on board and waited for the others, preparing for any further combat if need be. 

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after Snowflake relives his past he gets up on his hooves he turns around to see another pony "whats this another random pony here to help us on our journey? Well hopefully you are more useful then Midnight was she didn't do much but delay our progress and then she disappears"


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"I'm afraid you won't get any replies from him. He seems to be trapped in his mind living his worst nightmares and fears" Rave smiled intensely. "He was actually trying to stop us, something Midnight was not quite trying to do. We are getting out of here, now that you are awake, I can start pushing the cart with my magic. Melody? Sparkle's? Do be so kind and step into the cart, so that we can get out of here before every guard pony arrives here. I do not fancy being led to Celestia in chains". 

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"Sure I'll just be a minute" as soon as he got the chance sparkle flew over to Dark star "listen you may not like me and I might not like you but I'm not gonna let you sit there and get hit by the next express that comes past OK !? " sparkle lached him self on top of the pony and picked him up placing him on the roof of the train car "right you wait here until we get to ponyvill OK Rave I'm ready" sparkle lied down next to him and fell asleep

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Rave was sure Melody was on board as well and started to push the train cart with his magic. Rave did not notice Sparkle bringing Dark Star on board of the train. He still thought that he was on the train tracks where he had left him. "Well then, I guess the train will be back to Ponyville on schedule" Rave laughed. "Sadly, I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to my sister as I promised her, but I did say "if I can" so no harm really done. At least we have escaped the guards for now. But I doubt they will stop now. They will probably start putting up wanted signs of me everywhere". "Even though they didn't see my face, Celestia will be sure to recognize my magic when she inspects the scene. She will want me arrested immediately" Rave thought. 

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Melody looked out the window of the train, lost in thought. [Rave seems so

.... off. He wouldn't want anypony to live their worst nightmares, right? Would he? And what's with that book? He seemed so determined to keep it. Strangely determined. It's almost like he's not himself anymore. I don't trust that spellbook. Rave would never do that, not unless that spellbook made him. And how he was missing dark magic. And how evil he sounded. Its not like him, so maybe it's the book. I wonder if I should get it away from him...] "Rave, why are you so obsessed with that old book anyways?"


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Rave looked at Melody with a dark look. He did like that there being asked questions about his book. "It is an ancient spell book, that contains immense power and a lot of knowledge about magic. Don't think about taking it. I've already got it safe inside a pocket universe that can only be accessed by me. ME. You understand" Rave's eyes went green for a moment and green smoke came out of them, then they vanished as if they never appeared. "Now I have stuff to think about, plans". "It's a good thing that only I seem to be able to draw out the books powers. But that is because the book is alive and contains an essence of Sombra himself. He gives me access to the books power and the ability to read from it. Only those who support Sombra, like I do, can read it. So I have nothing to fear right? Right? Unless somepony wanted to take the book away from me so that I couldn't use it. That is a possibility. I can't risk that happening" Rave thought. "How about getting rid of those endangering the book? That would solve all your problems for a moment wouldn't it?" the voice in Rave's head replied. Rave actually considered it for a moment, but quickly got horrified by the thought. "Shut up and leave me alone before I put you on my black list". The voice was unimpressed. "Aren't I already on your black list?" "Shut up" Rave thought. Rave trotted around the train cart, deep in thought.

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Everything was going according to plan, being imprisoned and giving his enemy a sense of victory. What he didn't expect was the friendlieness of some of his captors... maybe they were just innocents looking for answers... but surely not Rave. He was dangerous and he had to be stopped. 

Before he was hit with his enemies spell he managed to cast an anti-spell to greatly reduce its effect, making it almost non-existent. He couldn't move, but he had his conscious.  


Feeling power return to his body he lightly got away from the pony sleeping next to him. Walking on the moving rooftop he leaned in to a window and overheard Rave and Melody talking. The cart seemed to decent size, like a normal train. Lighting up his horn he silently teleported right inside just as he saw the enemy Stallion turn away. Silent teleporting wasn't easy, but it was something he learned to use. The magical aura remaining of the teleport was also not really there, making it hard to detect even for the more sensitive to magic unicorns. 


He appeared next to Melody and quickly put a hoof to her nuzzle silencing her. He very quickly whispered into her ear very silently so that nobody else would hear it.  


"Your friend wields a book of Dark Magic. It will corrupt him, and sooner or later he will end up like Sombra... or worse... consumed in his own world of lust for death and pain. Stay quiet and cooperate if you want the best for your frie- " He paused as he saw Raze slowly turn around and with a light up of his horn vanished. Leaving Melody looking as if she has seen a ghost. But hopefully being undetected.


He silently appeared back on the roof and returned to his last position lying down next to the pony known as Sparkle, playing unconscious. 


(Okay... this doesn't seem like a good plan for Star to take. But I hope it worked. : P)


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Rave kept on trotting around. "They want my book. MY book. But they can't have it. They can never have it. It is safe. But I am quite sure when I remove it from it's safety I will be jumped. I must protect it with my life. Nothing shall stop me. I already have Sombra's horn back at my house. I might get a chance to get back home for a moment and revive him. Or at least try. Not that I'm expecting to be successful at first try" Rave thought as he trotted around furiously.


"I guess I did not hit the unicorn hard enough with the spell" the voice within Rave's head told him. "What are you talking about". "The unicorn that tried to foolishly stop you. I felt his magic. I felt him teleport nearby. I felt him close to Melody". "That's impossible. I felt nothing". "Who has been alive longer, you or me? Who has had longer training in magic, you or me? Who fought for Sombra? Who was the Captain of the Royal guard and general of the Crystal army when the two alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna attacked? Who was the head of the Darkmane family back then?". "You" Rave grudgingly admitted. "When these filthy sisters and their pitiful army arrived, I immediately went for the offensive. My attack was brutal and swift. Victory was at hand. But then the sisters unleashed the powers of the elements of harmony. After that they banished my king. I was immediately locked up in Tartarus for my "brutality". They said I was too brutal and dangerous to be allowed freedom. However, no prison can hold me. But I had to pay a heavy price for freedom. That is why I have to live inside your body. Generation after generation, I have lived inside the bodies of your ancestors. But you will be the last Rave". "Yes Blackforest. If this unicorn is actually awake, I shall finish him off at once. It will be easy. With you by my side I---" "No" the voice interrupted. "Let him play his little game. Let him think that he has outsmarted us. It will come back to bite him, hehe. Once I am released and I have my body back, you and I will bring back King Sombra to life". "The one and only true king of the Crystal Empire and of Equestria. The Darkmane family shall rise again". Rave wore a nasty smile on his face. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Sparkle was dreaming a strange dream "no the red button stops us and the green button goes no don't press that NO *dream explosion and sparkle wakes up sweating " Dark you asleep? *sparkle shook the unicorn * it feels like somethings going on ever since lucky got foalnapped I've bearly slept its just the stress who ever took her I will NEVER FORGIVE THEM! I'll just get my sword and boom their dead and they can't terrorise anypony else. Huh I never thought about it like that " sparkle's mane was blowing out in front of him so he could only see the light of the sun as it was setting behind the train car "good night lucky where ever you are"

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