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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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Rave did not care for Snowflake's generosity. "Betray you? Like as if you were ever a friend. You were only working under a contract, for money. Nothing more, nothing else. Don't you try to be the master of morals here, even though I don't care about anything anymore, I know you don't care about much either" he thought, smiling inside of himself. 

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sparkle picked up lucky so carefully that he didn't wake her up and placed a pillow down before putting her on to it"goodnight" he wisperd and gave her a kiss on the forhead before aranging a blanket and pillow for himself "night everypony" he wisperd before drifting into sleeep

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Melody lie down, tired from the day. [When was the last time I got sleep? When was the last time any of us got a good night's sleep for that matter? Thank Celestia Snowflake is letting us crash here. We can't exactly take down Rave or whatever falling asleep on our hooves.] She heard faint bits of conversation from another room, and sat up, trying to listen. Sleep quickly won her over, and she stopped listening. [They can sort it out. I need sleep for now. Nopony is any help to anypony else by running themselves into the ground. I'll see what's going on tomorrow.] She laid down again, this time giving in to her tiredness. [Hopefully the others are rested by morning as well. This should all end soon.... Hopefully. Then again, not like any of us can ever go home again once this is over. Nopony would want us in town. In Equestria for that matter. I just wonder where we will all go. Will we stick together? Split up? Would any of us want to be friends after all this? I wonder what's outside of Equestria. Guess I'll find out. Maybe there will be more towns like Ponyville. It's not impossible, right? Maybe different creatures nopony ever heard of before. ] She drifted off into sleep, wondering about what lay outside Equestria.


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it was around 3AM when lucky awoke she slowly picked up her pillow and wandered over to sparkle and woke him up "whats the matter lucky" he said half asleep 

"i had a nightmere. about the other foals, us , equestria"

"aw it's all right lucky im never gonna let anypony harm you again okay?"


"come on then back too sleep" sparkle put lucky back onto the pillow "we'll talk about that in the morning aswell"


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The sun had already been risen for hours... but Snowflake had already been awake since the crack of dawn.... doing his routine training... he trained constantly in the morning because the last thing he wants is to go soft and have a guard capture him... he returned to his house around 7 when the light was really pouring through the windows.... with nothing better to do Snowflake went in his room and waited... he had no idea what to do next but he hoped it would come soon


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sparkle's ear twiched as he heard the door open and noticed snowflake coming inside "*yawn* hey snowflake " sparkle turned  around to see lucky beginning to stir behind him " oh hey lucky did ya sleep alright? "

"huh... oh yeah .hey snowflake how'r you? "

"you didn't have anymore nightmeres did you?"

lucky slaped sparkle in the face 

" sparkle don't embarras me !"

" alright just asking"

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Melody yawned as she walked into the room. "Morning guys! Everypony sleep well?" She asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She laughed. "Yeah, I'm not a morning pony. Never was. I either sleep for a weak, or think sleep is for the weak. I can stay awake for a while, but wakeing up is no fun." [Well, I guess some things never change. Funny, after everything, today feels normal. A normal, happy morning with my friends. Like wakeing up at a sleepover. It won't last though, not for us. We don't get that luxury anymore. We have Rave to deal with.... I wish everything could go back to before, when every morning was this nice. Maybe one day.]


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"yeah i think " (exept for one of us) *looks at lucky then looks back* [tell her go on embarrass lucky]  *sniggers* (what no i can't she'll have my head)[so your gonna let yourself be bossed around by an eight year old?](ye...no.......SHUTUP!!!! your know what i mean)[*laughs*](im gonna go wake Rave up so you'll shut up) sparkle walks over to Rave "HEY RAVE GET UP WE NEED TOO FIX YOU AND WE CAN'T DO IT WHILEST YOUR" *pulls sheets off him* SLEEPING! so uh Snowflake how do we fix him?"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Snowflake slowly unsheaths his knife with a grin.... "hehe I'm just kidding... well lets see... I'm sure he is beyond fed up being stuck like that... and I'm fed up just having him in my home.... dark magic isn't my specialty... I would like to say we could disenchant him but I don't think it'll work... the evil magic in him has stained his soul I can feel it.... maybe a priest could help"


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Rave was really angry being stuck like this. However, he knew that he would not be stuck like that forever, every potion, poison or other mortal effects eventually wear off, even if it would take hundreds of years to do so. "Priest? What would a priest do? Bore me to death?" he thought.

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"A  PRIEST?! why didn't i think of that one"sparkle replied "but where do we get one raves crystals dystroyed all of the railroad tracks in and out of pony vill and im pretty sure that they would've dystroyed them everywhere else " sparkle looked back "and no i don't think i would make a good sacrifice"sparkle looked back too snowflake "unless i need too be"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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"how bout we sacrifice Rave I don't think he'll mind" Snowflake laughs "or better yet... Rave seems to only care about power, but there is one other he cares about... his brother... tell me Rave is the magic you stole worth more than your brother's life" Snowflake says with a sadistic grin


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Rave was laughing inside himself. "I killed my brother you fool. I left him to die, I stole his magic. His life essence belongs to me now. There is only one pony I care about, only one, however, I will never see her again, so it doesn't matter" he thought angrily, managing grind his teeth due to anger. 

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"well I knew it Rave's an asshole and this is turning into a freakin Broadway drama!!!..... e'squse me for a second" Snowflake jumps through the fourth wall into the real world and walks away...


*take 2*


"well then... so Sparkle any second thoughts on not killing him... I mean just look at him... if we let him go we're dead... but if we keep him like that we could run into some problems...."

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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"how bout we sacrifice Rave I don't think he'll mind" Snowflake laughs "or better yet... Rave seems to only care about power, but there is one other he cares about... his brother... tell me Rave is the magic you stole worth more than your brother's life" Snowflake says with a sadistic grin


he he he you shouldn't have mentioned that remember New Lands? yeah that)
"oh snowflake i have an idea you see i met a rather interesting mare who knew you Rave i know how too find her i know where she'll be and most certainly will kill her so you tell me and snowflake or your lovely little mare will pay for you"sparkle turned too snowflake "she took me too an island once" sparkle turned back too Rave " so what'll it be " sparkle smiled evilly
(i don't like referenceing other rp's but i just want too end this subplot)
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Rave seemed to frown. He tried to scream at Sparkle, but couldn't since he was paralyzed. "You stay away from Caramel or I swear I will destroy everything you hold dear. You will be making a grave mistake. Not even a paralyzing poison will stop from getting my revenge" he thought to himself. 

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"time for you too see what true darkness looks like. you see (WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE END OF NEW LANDS)












"you see Rave i kept that ship it's mine now i know how too sail it so yes if you dare step out of line she and that ship will end up at the bottom of the ocean. don't worry i'll throw you down aswell"

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"GUYS, NOPONY IS DIEING, ALRIGHT?! Look at you two, you're acting as messed up as him!" She said pointing to to Rave. [They turned so dark so quick. Would they really kill somepony?] "What happened to getting a Priest? You know sacrifices aren't always needed, right? And we if we DO need a sacrifice, I say it should be one of us. Not some innocent pony taken from their family."


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sparkle looked around "i'll do it im wanted by the equestrian navy for stealing a boat. im willing too die for anypony here Caramel, Tech, White,Ocher, Tresure not one i wouldn't give my life for and sis if it does come too this you can have the ship sell it, sail it, find a crew, i know i can trust you too keep it as it's ment too be."

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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"It might not come to that. Hopefully it won't. Besides, your sister needs you." I hope it doesn't come down to that. I don't want anypony to die. And if it does, when Rave is back to normal, I don't think he will thank us for killing somepony for him. I mean, unless you could bring somepony back from the dead. WAIT!] "NECROMANCEY!" She said jumping up. " I mean, if we need it. If we do have to have a sacrifice, couldn't we bring them back? I mean, if sacrificing a pony to rid a soul of dark magic works, surly necromancey is possible to. We could just, I don't know, find a way to put a soul back into the body somehow. If we had to, that is."

Edited by Melody Word


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"It might not come to that. Hopefully it won't. Besides, your sister needs you." I hope it doesn't come down to that. I don't want anypony to die. And if it does, when Rave is back to normal, I don't think he will thank us for killing somepony for him. I mean, unless you could bring somepony back from the dead. WAIT!] "NECROMANCEY!" She said jumping up. " I mean, if we need it. If we do have to have a sacrifice, couldn't we bring them back? I mean, if sacrificing a pony to rid a soul of dark magic works, surly necromancey is possible to. We could just, I don't know, find a way to put a soul back into the body somehow. If we had to, that is."

"hey i've been turned into stranger things. so sure i'm up for it" sparkle looked around " what i was turned into a stuffed toy once it's not fun trust me just don't get stained" sparkle looks at snowflake "so you think you could do it? bring somepony back you know before its too late?"

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Rave spoke for the first time after using the silent treatment. "You will never get into my head. My soul is damned. I know you Sparkle, even though I believe you have betrayed me, I know you would never hurt Caramel.... cause if you did, nothing would be able to keep me from tearing you apart" he said with a dark tone. 

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"i have conections in all parts if you kill me you will be swamped by unicorns pegisi and earth ponies from all over so you best choose your words carefully 'cause i ain't afraid of you or death. my spirit will live on people have tried too kill me most people have tried too kill me my old sword teacher he killed my by turning me into a stuffed toy. i've survived death once im sure i could do it again." sparkle said glaring at him

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"I'am a Thaumaturge not a Necromancer... if Sparkle dies there is nothing I could do.... not even my potions would save him.... the life potion only works if they still have a pulse...." Snowflake turns towards the other way "and I'm not about to lose my only friends to save Equestria... you three are still young.... I have lived my life.... and I have nothing else to live for.... but you three still have something to keep fighting for..."


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Rave did not listen to anything that Sparkle was saying. He was growing weary of them. He listened though to what Snowflake had to say. "Yes, Melody, Sparkle and his little sister have much to live for, but how much longer is that?" he taunted Snowflake. "Bah, age does not make one better". 

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