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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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There was a loud crash and Melody crashed through the roof and hit the sofa "wow... Melody normally ponies use the door you know to avoid wrecking the roof now I need to repair a roof and a wall this is the worst day ever and I haven't had breckfast yet !" Exlamed Sparkle

"Wait has any pony seen candy?"

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Melody smiled embarrassed. "I'll pay to have the roof fixed. I probably shouldn't have done that.... Well to be fair, I saw those two come in and I thought they were going to foalnap you guys. I really need to stop doing that..... Candy? I don't know, wouldn't she be upstairs or something?" [Oh please not author foalnapping! And right under our noses! If she was foalnapped, Sparkle is for a horrible day. Poor Sparkle. Poor anypony who got affected by this. Who would do this? Why? Do they want something?] Melodys eyes widened. "A ransom! The foalnapper! I don't know why I didn't think of it before. They want a ransom, so they took the Foals!"


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Rave looked at Melody. "Hasn't this foalnapping been going on for a while now? And if the foalnapper was after money I think he would have either kidnapped foals who have rich families like Filthy Rich's daughter, Diamond Tiara, or he would have asked for a ransom to any other families that have had their foals stolen, already". 

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"True. But then why do they keep taking foals? There has to be some reason, right? " She began to pace back and forth. [Maybe those ponies are important. But why? Related to somepony important? Rave did say it's probably not something to do with money. Maybe ponies who are important but not rich? No. Probably not. What if....?] "Maybe it's because of who they are related to. Maybe their parents somehow made the foalnapper mad, and this is all just for revenge? Or what if somepony else is paying them in some why if they foalnap ponies?"


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Rave nodded. "Ay. It might be personal, it also might be a maniac or he might be doing something big". Rave looked away and thought: "Like a ritual or somethi... oh stop thinking like that. Your pessimism is quite horrible". "It depends on how many foals have gone missing. If it is a very very large number then it is unlikely that it is personal unless that these foals or their parents are somehow all connected. If it is a small number of foals gone missing and they are somehow linked to each other, like their parents are friends with each other, then I would say that it is personal". 


Rave looked at Sparkle. "Can you think of anyone who might be seeking revenge on you or your family?". 

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"No " said sparkle "I don't think so hold on who has been foal napped so far and what type of pony have they been I mean there's been lucky sugar who's a unicorn any pony else who've been foal napped " if we can work this out then we only need to find out where they are I think were on the brink of solving this one


The voice was active almost like it didn't want the ponies to find out " NO! IF THERE TO FIND OUT THAIR SURE TO FIND ME OH WHAT DO I DO !" The voice was louder then ever before it knew that he would have to do more to stop them.

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it took him a bit but Snowflake noticed something "you pegasus.... err.. Melody.... right? you the one who attacked me yesterday, you should be careful about doing that stuff" Snowflake pulls out a knife from his cloak "don't worry I won't hurt you just showing you this, this blade is known as Shadow it has been the symbol of our unit and is my most prized position, inside the handle of the knife is a hollow tube it has the blood of every member in my unit..... we all have different blood types and if I were to inject you with this when you jumped me you would of suffered a slow and painful death... but I noticed it was a misunderstanding so I threw you off of me and just ran" Snowflake puts Shadow away "now then shale we get down to business?" Snowflake pulls out a map of Equestria


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Rave jumps as he sees the map. "A map, let me look at it. I'm an expert on maps. That is also how I got my cutiemark. I know every part of Equestria" Rave said proudly as he galloped towards Snowflake. "There is Hoofington, there is Stalliongrad, there is Vanhoover and ther...." Rave's belly rumbled. "Ehhh, soooooo. When are we going to be eating that delicious breakfast?". 

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"Oops" sparkle was embarrassed at the fact he forgot about breakfast "sorry! I forgot let's eat come on every pony breakfast!"

Groups of ponies came downstairs in 2s 3s and once in a 5 soon after the table was filled with ponies of all race except aliacorn


"Hold it mr narrator I've got something to say ! " sparkle turned to rave and said "if we were to visit my parents wouldn't they know something " sparkle turned back to the narattor and said "OK you can continue now!"

Edited by theblueterbulance
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Rave looked at Sparkle's as he was eating Spaghetti. "Perhaps. We should ask them. It wouldn't hurt to try". Rave was half finished with his food. "If they know something, we will be closer to solving this. Mmmm, this spaghetti is very good. You know how to cook Sparkle's". 

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Snowflake removes his hood revealing his long white mane he is hesitant about removing his mask and must make a choice eating or remaining mysterious.... Snowflake chooses eating he then removes his mask revealing his face... with out his mask and hood you could easily confuse Snowflake for a mare... Snowflake begins to eat  "thank you for the spaghetti Sparkle"


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"Oh this my secret ingredient is oats! Not really I don't have a secret " sparkle said" your welcome snowflake being honest I made this all the time for my parents but when me and candy moved out we needed to eat what's local at least that's what my mom said I'm glad I haven't lost my touch

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Aurora was mesmerised by the pasta. "it's...delicous..." She stuff her face untill she had to chew to fit in another spoonfull.


"Sorry about her, she's a batpony obviously. So, I say we form a detective alliance! We work togher to solve this mystery and take down the foal napper. We should each have positions like HQ and-"


Fushia noticed the ponies confused faces


"Okay, I adore Bro Bonds moives! But this could really work!"

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Meanwhile in canterlot....

"Oh could you get the apples silver" said a unicorn to a pegasus whilst trotting around the kitchen "OK dear " the pegasus slowly flew into the basement "hey it's been a while since sparkles last visit when do you think he'll be here next ?"

"I don't know but what I do know is it will be pretty soon" the unicorn had a glint in her eyes

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Rave finished eating his food and even licked the plate as he found it to be so delicious. "Thank you very much for that Sparkle's". Rave stood up from the table. "I am going to get my map, it is back at my house. When I'm back I expect every pony to be ready". Rave looked at Sparkle's. "It would be great if we could talk to your parents. It might help solve the case". 

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Rave finished eating his food and even licked the plate as he found it to be so delicious. "Thank you very much for that Sparkle's". Rave stood up from the table. "I am going to get my map, it is back at my house. When I'm back I expect every pony to be ready". Rave looked at Sparkle's. "It would be great if we could talk to your parents. It might help solve the case". 


Midnight Shadow had just flown on-top a cloud above a house, she flicked her tail and let out a small yawn rather bored. She saw a pony walking towards the house and smirked wanting to have some fun, she turned the cloud pitch black and then allowed it to violently rain onto the house below, apart from this small rainstorm the sun was shining greatly. She looked though the cloud smirking at the drenched pony and switched back to sun when he finally had put up a umbrella, when he put it away she turned the downpour back on, when she was the umbrella she caused a sudden gust of wind blowing it away.


She giggled to herself before stopping the rain and made the cloud disappear, she landed right in-front of the drenched pony. She flicked her grey mane "why you so soggy?, its a beautiful sunny day" she smirked before creating a tiny rain cloud above him, "opps, guess i was wrong" she finished before changing the cloud to a storm cloud which sent small lightning bolts making his mane a complete mess.


"so whats so important you forgot you're umbrella?" she asked with a wide grin her red eyes glowing mischievously. She waited for his reply. 

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Snowflake watched Rave get screwed with weather this angered him, he puts on his hood and mask and keeps Shadow close by in its sheath (his knife) as Snowflake gets closer and closer he tries to think of what to do killing her wouldn't look good on him he couldn't grab her because she was pegasi as Snowflake gets close enough he thought of something, his horn glows and he freezes Midnight's wings then her hooves Snowflake walks up to her and says "now just what do you think your doing? I don't take kind of ponies harassing my friends"  Snowflake unsheathes Shadow (his knife) "now who are you" 

Edited by Mike Schmidt


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Rave looks at Snowflake "Be calm, you've already frozen her wings and I am not hurt. I've been hit by worse. No need for any weapons". Rave looks at Midnight. "Guess some ponies like to play pranks, well that would be ok if you would restrain your self a little". Rave sees her eyes. "It is good to see someone else with red eyes for a change". 


Rave looks back at Snowflake. "I don't have time for this, I have to get my magic map. I will leave her with you. I trust you will not kill her" Rave smiled at Snowflake and then keeps on galloping towards his house until he reaches it and then goes inside. 

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Snowflake watched Rave get screwed with weather this angered him, he puts on his hood and mask and keeps Shadow close by in its sheath (his knife) as Snowflake gets closer and closer he tries to think of what to do killing her wouldn't look good on him he couldn't grab her because she was pegasi as Snowflake gets close enough he thought of something, his horn glows and he freezes Midnight's wings then her hooves Snowflake walks up to her and says "now just what do you think your doing? I don't take kind of ponies harassing my friends"  Snowflake unsheathes Shadow (his knife) "now who are you" 



Rave looks at Snowflake "Be calm, you've already frozen her wings and I am not hurt. I've been hit by worse. No need for any weapons". Rave looks at Midnight. "Guess some ponies like to play pranks, well that would be ok if you would restrain your self a little". Rave sees her eyes. "It is good to see someone else with red eyes for a change". 


Rave looks back at Snowflake. "I don't have time for this, I have to get my magic map. I will leave her with you. I trust you will not kill her" Rave smiled at Snowflake and then keeps on galloping towards his house until he reaches it and then goes inside. 


She blinked at the pony that had froze her and then saw the knife, she squealed "NOOOOOOO, DON'T HURT ME, HELP SOMEPONY HELP HES GOT A KNIFE" she cried. Then the other pony ran off towards the house leaving her alone with the unicorn who was smirking at her darkly. "don't, kill, me" she wailed before making a cloud appear above the unicorn, a lightning bolt struck him on his horn hoping he would let her go.

Edited by MidnaShadows
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Sparkle who was still inside heard cries for help "hold on " he said rushing out the door and saw snowflake majicing (is that a word?) A pegasus wings together and showing his knife " what is snowflake doing he thought to himself I knew that pony is up to no good iI can't let him kill her right ambush time"

In seconds sparkle was on his roof

"YAAAH!!!" He yelled as he jumped down toward snowflake

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  Rave looked everywhere inside his house. "Where is it, where is it?". Rave threw around stuff. He had a desperate look on his face. "I know it is here somewhere, wher.... found it!" Rave picked up a black orb with red stripes. "Now I will go back and return to the others". 


Rave galloped back but when he returned he saw that everything was in mess. "THAT'S IT. TIME OUT FOR ALL OF YOU!" Rave cast a spell that froze time and space. "I have cast a spell so that you can not move, however, you still have the ability to speak. EXPLAIN YOUR SELVES". Rave had an angry look as he looked at each one of them. 

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  Rave looked everywhere inside his house. "Where is it, where is it?". Rave threw around stuff. He had a desperate look on his face. "I know it is here somewhere, wher.... found it!" Rave picked up a black orb with red stripes. "Now I will go back and return to the others". 


Rave galloped back but when he returned he saw that everything was in mess. "THAT'S IT. TIME OUT FOR ALL OF YOU!" Rave cast a spell that froze time and space. "I have cast a spell so that you can not move, however, you still have the ability to speak. EXPLAIN YOUR SELVES". Rave had an angry look as he looked at each one of them. 


"you don't know how to play" she grumbled before snorting, "you're a stupid pony?" she added before waiting for his response, she realized he wasn't at all impressed by her answer. "er, can i go now, i just wanted to like have some fun since i got banned form messing with the weather" she explained

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"Ummm well you see..." Sparkle said racing his tone until he was shouting " SNOWFLAKE SECRETLY PLANS TO KILL US ALL AND HES STARING WITH THIS MARE ! you can never trust a pony who never takes off his mask ever case closed unless you can prove he's inoccent!

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"I expect there is a good reason to why you were banned, especially regarding how you have been using the weather lately, but to answer your question, no you can not go" replied Rave. "Not until I have heard what Snowflake has to say about this and about himself". 


He looked at Sparkle's "Snowflake has already taken down his mask to eat and let us let Snowflake answer for himself before we judge the matter". Rave looks at Snowflake

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"Aww fine snowflake your innocent for now..." Sparkle said"hey Rave can I leave now? But not yet I want to just hang for a while.... Heh puns Get it hang for a while 'cause were frozen in time. Any way terrible puns aside continue Rave I'm just gonna do what you do when your frozen in time.

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