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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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Snowflake answers Sparkle's question "it had something to do with my foalhood I haven't been to Canterlot in years though I did graduate from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns" as Snowflake was answering Sparkle's question he notices Midnight's wing fully heal he then then glances at his knife and whispers to Sparkle "she isn't to be trusted" Snowflake walks over to Rave, Melody, and Midnight "Changeling magic you say? you mean like this" Snowflakes horn glows and he takes the form of Rave he even sounds exactly like him "ah the perks of adventuring with a changeling, you all look confused don't worry I'm a Unicorn I just use to adventure with a Changeling he taught me how to do this but its a magic thing so only Unicorn can do it" Snowflake then turns back


Rave looked stunned at Snowflake. "I.. I... I've never seen this kind of magic. Not with unicorns at least. Changelings yes, but never with unicorns. This could come in handy actually". "If I were to learn that spell, then I would have no trouble at all in Canterlot" he thought. "Sooooo. How difficult is that spell?" Rave asked. 


Midnight Shadow blinked in surprise, before frowning "well it looks good enough i suppose," she finished with a smirk, "but never perfect" she imitated snowflake's voice perfectly, She then transformed to look like a clone of Melody, "but i bet you're a changeling you lier, only they can do that, you were friends with one, how could you be, their EVIL" she screamed sounding like melody now. Then she turned back to her pegasus form and returned to her own voice, "you heard rave, everypony all aboard" she belowed sounding like him now, she then walked onto the train as soon as she stepped on it the broken wing on the floor disappeared and formed on her wing.


She turned around looking at them all "All Aboard The Changeling Express" she added before entering the first class carriage  

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Snowflake glances at Midnight "Changelings are the mindless evil drones like everyone thinks they are,I was off adventuring and I came across a drone he was injured pretty badly there were no other Changeling around so I did what I could I patched his wounds the best I could and I brought him back to the others, as a reward he gave me this book that shows you how to shapeshift the book isn't in English so they taught me how to read their language as well" Snowflake looks at Rave "as for how hard it is I can teach you the spell but it took me quite sometime to get the hang of it and I'm a grandmaster at casting spells, and as for why I don't use this spell too often people mostly assume I'm a Changeling disguised as a Unicorn when really I'm a Unicorn who can disguise as anything" Snowflake looks outside "I will teach you on the train we need to get their as soon as we can..... unless you guys want to walk Canterlot isn't that far..... but we have a time limit so lets go!" 


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"I would really like to learn how to change forms. It would come to a really good use. But yeah, let us waste no more time. Let us board the train". Rave jumps after Midnight, onto the train. "You guys coming or what?". Rave looks around. "Or did I enter the wrong train, because I'm pretty sure that this train is going to Canterlot. I don't see any other trains nearby". 

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Melody eyes were open in surprise. [i was right?! She's a channeling? She was a bit shady but I don't think that she was not a pony. She looked like me, that's so creepy! At least I blew her cover. Now there won't be any nasty surprises. Well, not as many. We still can't trust her. Changeling or not, she's still shady.] Melody flew into the train car after her friends. "So, what do we do when we get there?" She looked around and noticed how empty the train station was. [Creepy. Wait, what did Midnight, if that's her real name, call this place? Changling express? But she was just jokeing, right? It's not ACTULLY a ambush of changeling or something..... right? She might be shady, but she couldn't sneek a bunch of changelings past us. Once I saw how werid she was acting, her little disguise fell apart. She couldn't hold up a fake story like that, so she couldn't arrange a changling ambush. That's all there is to it. Still, creepy

Bordering a train in an empty train station, with a changling, while there's a foalnapper on the posse. Yeah, sounds safe.]


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"OK let's go!" Sparkle was going cart first into the front train car " hold on I'll join you in there soon " sparkle then left the cart and started walking down the train and into the train car with Rave "hi so what happened with you and snowflake is he gonna teach you that spell? "


"ALL ABOARD WHOS COMING ABOARD" shouted the train conducter guard thing (they have different names) " All abord for Canterlot!"

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Rave looks at Sparkle. "Yes. I believe so. I hope so". Rave looks at Midnight then back at Sparkle. "It would be nice to be able to change forms, I've wondered what it is like to be a changeling". "Not that I don't know anything about them already. My family has tried everything to remove Princess Celestia from power. Or at least until Blackthorn Darkmane became head of the family. I remember when my father was teaching me the history of our family. After Sombra's first defeat, we allied the changelings. However, there never came an opportunity to overthrow the princess. After Blackthorn became became the head, he severed all ties with the changelings" Rave thought. Rave notices that he has been thinking for a long time again. "Uhmm... I think I'm gonna sit down and wait until Snowflake is ready". Rave looks around for a seat. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"Wow so is that why you were afraid of going to Canterlot " sparkle said trotting over to Rave and sitting down "its funny really I've got a secret that no pony knows Do you wanna hear it ? OK my secret that no pony has ever heard before is that I once snuck into canterlot castle and actually saw the princess getting ready to go to the summer sun celebration she goes under a lot of pressure getting ready for that but then the next day they found out about the passage into the castle and I was in DEEP trouble but she knew how curious a colt can be and let me off with a warning and the hole being blocked off" sparkle smiled an awkward smile at Rave "hey it could have been worse I could have been banished or thrown in a dungeon or banished and thrown into a dungeon in the place that I was banished too.

So yeah that is my super duper secret story that no pony knows about"

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Rave looks down. "Me wondering what it is like to be a changeling is not the reason why I am so skeptical of going to Canterlot. No, I have an entire different reason". 


Rave starts to think about his days at the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. He remembers the magic duel. Rave was full of regret. 

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Snowflake looks into his saddlebag "lucky you I keep my spell book with me, though I don't have the actual spell book the Changeling gave me but I translated into English on this one" Snowflake pulls out a large book with several pages filled out he turns the pages until he finds the one on shapeshifting "alright Rave its simple but it takes a lot of magic to do this plus I need to inject you with something so the spell is actually possible, are you ready for this?"


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Rave looks at Snowflake. "I am ready, and I have enough magic believe me. It is a family inheritance". "And the fact that I have mastered many dark magics over the years as well as collecting artifacts that have been able to help my magical abilities" Rave thought. 


Rave stood up from his seat and faced Snowflake. 

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Snowflake takes his knife and switches through his chambers until it had a green glow "hold very still you won't be able to cast the spell unless this runs through your veins" Snowflake comes closer and injects the green fluid into Rave's veins "now everything will be spinning for a few minutes and you might start hallucinating let me know when it is all cleared up and I can show you the spell"

Edited by Bonnie The Bunny


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Rave stands still with his eyes wide. He started to see hallucinations."Ooooh, pretty colors. Hello there Sombra how are you doing today? That is great. I'm fine myself, thank you for asking. You have to go now? Oh, ok. I understand. Always busy trying to maintain control over the Crystal Empire. Bye bye". Rave was tumbling around. Then everything stopped and he felt like as the floor was rushing up to him. He landed on the floor with his face. He lay there for a few minutes still, then rose up. "I think I am fine now. I feel dry in my mouth. I did not say anything weird or what?".

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"Uh yeah rave you started talking to some pony called sombrero or sombre wait sombre ... SOMBRE! If my history is correct you just went back in time and talked to KING SOMBRE! Wow so if time travel is possible I could go back in time and stop my self umm doing something that I wasn't supposed to do " sparkle turns to snowflake "please snowflake I'm begging you! You need to do this! Of course I'll pay you for it."

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Snowflake turns to Sparkle "there is a spell to take you back in time but it only lasts for 5 minutes and I don't know that spell, I may have rare spells but sadly that isn't one of them" Snowflake turns to Rave "alright I injected you with a small dosage of Changeling blood so now it is possible for you to cast the spell, it is pretty easy to do you need to have your attention focused on someone and you need to keep it focused and if you do it right you will feel an urge in your horn and you can shapeshift" Snowflake turns into Sparkle "like this" Snowflake turns back


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Rave tried focusing on Sparkle as he was nearby. However, nothing happened. He felt no urge. "Come on. You can do this. Come on". Nothing happened. Rave stood there for at least dozens of minutes. He then turns towards Snowflake and focuses on him but with no gain. He then finally turns towards Melody. He focused on her, looking into her eyes. Rave feels the urge and seizes the opportunity and successfully turning into Melody. "Yay, I did it" Rave/Melody said with Rave's voice. Then he started worrying. "How do I turn back? I can turn back, right?". 

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"Wow so Rave who you gonna be? If your me Im pretty sure one of us will get confused *gasp* I have an idea of who you can be you can be umm I lost it oops sorry if I think of it I'll let you know now is this train moving or not? *4th wall breaking* hey Narrator is this train moving or are we staying in ponyvill? *unbreaking the 4th wall* " I've got stuff to do I'll see you later" Sparkle dashes of toward the front of the train

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Midnight Shadow glanced at the unicorn trying to be a changeling and smirked, she walked over to them "so are we going to canterlot castle because we got a problem if we do" she informed them sitting on a seat nearby. She started to nibble on her wing still in her Pegasus disguise.


"firstly, ever since of Chrysalis the protection is like super powerful, you cant even get into canterlot that easily anymore, even if you're a pony" she started, "oh and any-kind of disguise doesn't work in the castle, so unless you all want to go to jail you won't want to go their" she finished 


(love how you think im all a changeling XD)

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Melody nodded. "Yeah, they know about changlings now, so they have new security. I heard that they enchanted the main entrance to Canterlot with a spell that detects Changling blood, so I don't know how you two will get in. It's only the main entrance though. We could probably use a different entrance. Or you could become pegisi and fly into Canterlot. Also, what's it like being somepony else?" Melody glanced out the train window, and saw they still were in the train station. [Wow, the train is taking a really long time to go. Hope they haven't had any issues with the engine. Maybe the train operator is late. Oh well, we should move soon either way. If not, then I don't know

Maybe Snowflake or Rave knows a way to teleport us all into Canterlot. I don't think they have a spell preventing that. How would that work anyways? Would anypony teleporting in Canterlot be throw out of town? No, they probably just don't know a spell to prevent it. Hopefully we don't even need a backup plan.]


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Melody nodded. "Yeah, they know about changlings now, so they have new security. I heard that they enchanted the main entrance to Canterlot with a spell that detects Changling blood, so I don't know how you two will get in. It's only the main entrance though. We could probably use a different entrance. Or you could become pegisi and fly into Canterlot. Also, what's it like being somepony else?" Melody glanced out the train window, and saw they still were in the train station. [Wow, the train is taking a really long time to go. Hope they haven't had any issues with the engine. Maybe the train operator is late. Oh well, we should move soon either way. If not, then I don't know

Maybe Snowflake or Rave knows a way to teleport us all into Canterlot. I don't think they have a spell preventing that. How would that work anyways? Would anypony teleporting in Canterlot be throw out of town? No, they probably just don't know a spell to prevent it. Hopefully we don't even need a backup plan.]


Midnight Shadow snorted "well er, will it stop semi changelings?, because if not i got no issues, if it stops even a teny tiny amount then i'm screwed" she finished giving her hoof a lick, "well maybe you want to see my true form, but then again, maybe i could drain all the positive energy from you" she giggled licking her lips, "you would all make a nice lovely snack" she added before the voice in her head told her to stop. 


[stop it you're scaring them]


[no i'm not, just having fun]


[don't drain them or you go to jail, you want that?]


"no i guess not" she sighed to herself.

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Snowflake thinks about what Midnight has to say "you maybe completely insane but you make a valid point the disguise isn't perfect and since the last Changeling attack guards have been able to tell the difference if you stair at a disguised changeling long enough you will see a green glow in their eyes, its the same with unicorn and I can't afford getting any attention from the guards I used my last get out of jail free card. I'm not wanted in any of the cities but Rave is wanted in Canterlot so now what" Snowflake looks for Rave but sees two Melodys "oh whoops forgot to tell you how to change back you just need to think of reverting to your original form" 


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"Heyyyyy! Hello Mr engineer guy we moving or what?"

(Again they have different names in different places)

* the engineer driver what ever you want to call it wakes up and hits his head on a valve*

"Oops probably should have warned you about that " sparkle walked over and hoofed him In the face "WAKE UP !"

"Ow ow OK I get it we'll go "

"Thank you"

"As soon as I finish my tea"


"Really!? Fine I'm off "

* sparkle gets up and walks back*

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"Oh". Rave starts to think about himself. Then he turns back. "Yay. I'm me again. But the "changeling" plan is over. With Canterlot securities so high towards changelings I may not be able to get in disguised with changeling magic. But do not worry. I have contacts within Canterlot that can help us get inside. A friend of mine would gladly help since he..... let's just say he shares my view on politics" Rave smiles a little evil smile. "Then there is also the fact that Shining Armor has to constantly visit the Crystal Empire since he is married to Cadance and then come back. I think he will be going today. So without him to direct the guards, they will not be as.... effective, when doing their job" Rave's smile intensified.

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*sparkle was standing up front with the cart* (time for a stupid impression done by yours truly) Choo choo! (Sorry about that now we continue ) the train pulled out of the station on its way to Canterlot




"Damn it ! If I only could have gotten control then equestria would be mine hmm I had an idea all it calls for is me to set it into action..."

The voice seamed very sinister what could be planned for the group and screw this I like narratoring as I am now.

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"I will attempt to communicate with my friend inside of canterlot. All I have to do is use a simple spell. You will not be able to hear what I say to her nor hear what she says to me" "For which I am very thankful" Rave thought after having explained to the others what he was going to attempt. Rave's horn started to glow red like his eyes. "Lemon Mint? Are you there? Can you hear me?". "I'm here. What is it that you require from me?". Rave tells her what he needs and why. "Interesting. I can get you inside. You did not even have to explain why you needed to get inside since our factions are already allied with each other. Do you plan to do something about the princess while you stay inside of Canterlot?". "No. I have no time for that. My friends need me. However, since we are going to the library, I might visit the "Closed Wing" and... "look around". Might find something interesting". "I will meet you outside of Canterlot then". "It is settled then".

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"Oh". Rave starts to think about himself. Then he turns back. "Yay. I'm me again. But the "changeling" plan is over. With Canterlot securities so high towards changelings I may not be able to get in disguised with changeling magic. But do not worry. I have contacts within Canterlot that can help us get inside. A friend of mine would gladly help since he..... let's just say he shares my view on politics" Rave smiles a little evil smile. "Then there is also the fact that Shining Armor has to constantly visit the Crystal Empire since he is married to Cadance and then come back. I think he will be going today. So without him to direct the guards, they will not be as.... effective, when doing their job" Rave's smile intensified.



Midnight Shadow rolled her eyes "i'm meant to be the insane one" she added getting slightly annoyed none of them wanted to see her true form, she just snorted and closed her eyes before becoming asleep, when something interesting happened she would wake up for it

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