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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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Snowflake pulls out his knife and switches through the nozzles his chamber glows many different colors he stops it when it becomes blood red "alright do we have a plan because we are running low on time this train will arrive in Canterlot in about an hour. I have a few ideas but I want to hear your guys ideas" 


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Rave looks at Snowflake. "Well I have a plan. Since we two and Midnight have Changeling blood in us we can not go through the front gate without being stopped by the guard. So we will have to enter from somewhere else. My associate has agreed to meet up with me at the East Gate, where the security is severely less. She will be able to help us get inside. But it would look weird if all of us would be coming together through that gate so it would be best if Melody and Sparkle were to go through the main gate. They can meet up with us in front of the library. What do you guys say about that?". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Rave looks at Snowflake. "Well I have a plan. Since we two and Midnight have changeling blood in us we can not go through the front gate without being stopped by the guard. So we will have to enter from somewhere else. My associate has agreed to meet up with me at the east gate, where the security is severely less. She will be able to help us get inside. But it would look weird if all of us would be coming together through that gate so it would be best if Melody and Sparkle were to go through the main gate. They can meet up with us in front of the library. What do you guys say about that?". 


Midnight Shadow nodded "thats sounds as good as any plan, its that or all the changelings go in looking like the three princesses, but that's not at all dodgy. I would have a hard time explaining if we get caught" she added flicking her tail. "however since i'm a quarter Pegasus and mainly Changeling it might be a issue if we get stopped in customs, i don't think declaring we are Changelings is the best approach, well unless you want to share a cell with me." she finished  

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Rave looks at Midnight. "My associate will be able to help us get past all the security and help us get through the city unnoticed. It should be easy with Shinging Armor gone. Especially since we will be going through the East Gate where the guards are known to take naps while doing their jobs". He smiled, but the smile quickly faded. "However, once we reach the library, we will be on our own". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Rave looks at Midnight. "My associate will be able to help us get past all the security and help us get through the city unnoticed. It should be easy with Shinging Armor gone. Especially since we will be going through the East Gate where the guards are known to take naps while doing their jobs". He smiled, but the smile quickly faded. "However, once we reach the library, we will be on our own". 


"not alone" she remarked, "i can come with you" she finished not getting the point, "and if any guards interfere i could always drain them of their love, they won't be walking away from that, however i would rather avoid that" she finished giving her hoof  a lick

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Snowflake looks at Midnight "we don't kill the innocent that only makes the situation worse so refrain from using lethal magic and force if the guards give us any trouble we can fight but don't kill them. we aren't here to kill guards were just here to get information and the sooner we get the information the sooner we can leave, I have an idea that can get us through the guards if you don't mind what I'm about to do to you.... trust me on this the guards won't recognize you"

Edited by Bonnie The Bunny


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Rave looked a little bit worried. "I do not think that the guards at the library will be that much of a problem. They are mostly stationed near the "Closed Section". That is the old section of the library. We should be quite fine. You will not have to drain the.... love out of anyone". "As if it ever existed" he mumbled quietly.

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Snowflake looks at Midnight "we don't kill the innocent that only makes the situation worse so refrain from using lethal magic and force if the guards give us any trouble we can fight but don't kill them. we aren't here to kill guards were just here to get information and the sooner we get the information the sooner we can leave, I have an idea that can get us through the guards if you don't mind what I'm about to do to you.... trust me on this the guards won't recognize you"


Midnight frowned  "well of course i won't kill them, draining them doesn't mean i kill them" she snorted, "what you going to do first before you do it?" she queried slightly worried, "if its a disguise i can change my own appearance myself" she added with a small smile, "so what do you plan to do?" she finished wondering what Snowflake was going to do 

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"of course they can see changeling magic because your eyes glow green when you use it but an average disguise should do the trick though trust me the disguise I have in mind will be way out of your confer zone Rave but the guards won't suspect a thing"


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"of course they can see changeling magic because your eyes glow green when you use it but an average disguise should do the trick though trust me the disguise I have in mind will be way out of your confer zone Rave but the guards won't suspect a thing"


Midnight Shadow glanced at Snowflake "are my eyes glowing green now?" she asked blinking her red eyes at him, "i don't think they are, even though im using my magic" she smirked making a small "tehe" noise as well. "maybe a true changeling eyes glow green but mine don't glow because, tehe, red blocks out the green" she added making another "tehe" noise.

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Rave ponders what they've said for a moment. "Huh. Me eyes only start to glow green when I cast extreme powerful dark magic or at least green smoke starts to come out of my eyes and a green circle surrounds my red eyes". Rave then looks nervously around him. "Not that I have ever done it before, eheheh" Rave laughs rather nervously, obviously lying. 

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Rave ponders what they've said for a moment. "Huh. Me eyes only start to glow green when I cast extreme powerful dark magic or at least green smoke starts to come out of my eyes and a green circle surrounds my red eyes". Rave then looks nervously around him. "Not that I have ever done it before, eheheh" Rave laughs rather nervously, obviously lying. 


"I only glow green even then" she remarked looking at rave, "i've not cast any dark magic since, well since chrysalis invasion, i belive it was to eat some bread rolls if i remember correctly" she reported flicking her tail, she then pretended to count on her hoof "well i think that was the most fun i've had in awhile, eating bread rolls and sleeping" she smirked, "Celestia didn't even know what was happening" she added

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Rave looks at Midnight. "So you partook in the Changeling assault on Canterlot. Interesting. Very interesting indeed". Rave looked out the window. "I can see Canterlot from here. We must be approaching it". Rave was getting rather excited. The last time he had been in Canterlot, he had gotten into quite the trouble. Now he was about to return. A smile crept up on Rave's face. 

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Snowflake takes a good look at Rave's face "now Rave this disguise I have in mind will work but trust me you won't like it, I know it works because I have done it a few times to get past guards in some places where my likes aren't welcomed as for the disguise I can make you look like a Mare the guards won't suspect a thing"


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Rave looks at Midnight. "So you partook in the Changeling assault on Canterlot. Interesting. Very interesting indeed". Rave looked out the window. "I can see Canterlot from here. We must be approaching it". Rave was getting rather excited. The last time he had been in Canterlot, he had gotten into quite the trouble. Now he was about to return. A smile crept up on Rave's face. 


Midnight shrugged "well if you call breaking into a kitchen and stuffing you're face then sure, i join in on the assault. Otherwise i just ate until i could eat no more and had a nap, I eventually got carried out by some ponys and thrown into the street. 

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Rave looked at Snowflake. "A MARE?. Wait you're not serious, are you?". Rave saw how serious Snowflake was. "You are. Ugh. Fine. So long as you do not make me look to much of a mare that one of the guards whistles at me. If that happens, that guard will be ending in a hospital" Rave said stubbornly. 

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Rave looked at Snowflake. "A MARE?. Wait you're not serious, are you?". Rave saw how serious Snowflake was. "You are. Ugh. Fine. So long as you do not make me look to much of a mare that one of the guards whistles at me. If that happens, that guard will be ending in a hospital" Rave said stubbornly. 


Midnight grinned "can i whistle at you?, be a bright pink mare with long eyelashes, you will never be thought of being a Changeling" she remarked beging to giggle to herself, she twitched her ear "actually I think i will want to be that mare" she finished.

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*loud crumbling sound* "hmm?" Sparkle looked at the track ahead "WHAT!?!?" *dashes to the others "guys we have a problem a really big problem like so big that we need to like STOP THE TRAIN!" Sparkle had an extreme look of fear in his eyes "come follow me quickly!"

(Sorry about being late I had to spend the night at my auntie's house)

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Melody dashed after Sparkel. [Changlings?! Ambush?! Is the train going to explode?! What's happening?!?! Ok I really need to calm down its probably nothing. Then again, Sparkel was fine with all this talk about changlings, so what can be scaring him? Something even worse then changlings probably. But what could be worse than another changeling attack? Is Equestria kin danger, or is it just this train?] She wanted the to fly out of the train cart, to see the danger, but feared being attacked. As she raced along, the train was jostled, throwing many of the ponies to the ground. Melody stood, and began to fly. [it might be safer in the air.] A window next to her had cracked, and she slowly flew closer to it. She looked out the window, and saw what had caused Sparkle to panic.


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"The bridge is out and if we don't stop the train we'll all nope not going too happen! Melody I've had an idea if we were to stop the train before it hits the bridge and kills us all we should be OK " sparkle points at Melody " right you try and slow the train down and I'll fly out unhook the cars and you get the driver guy out ok? "Sparkle knew that he would be risking his life but in this situation he had no choice he then dropped out the side of the train and flew along side it " you ready?" He called up to Melody whilst hanging on the train

(I reppetid a lot of words here)

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"The bridge is out and if we don't stop the train we'll all nope not going too happen! Melody I've had an idea if we were to stop the train before it hits the bridge and kills us all we should be OK " sparkle points at Melody " right you try and slow the train down and I'll fly out unhook the cars and you get the driver guy out ok? "Sparkle knew that he would be risking his life but in this situation he had no choice he then dropped out the side of the train and flew along side it " you ready?" He called up to Melody whilst hanging on the train

(I reppetid a lot of words here)


Midnight Shadow blinked before frowning "bridge is out?, how convenient" she remarked before spreading her wings, she kicked open the nearest carriage door and jumped out getting airborne before she hit the ground. She flew towards the bridge and wondered what would happen if they didn't stop the train. She arrived a minute before the train and landed on the side where the train would be exiting if her plan worked.


She changed to her changeling form not wanting to waste energy on her disguise, her horn then glowed green as she started to levitate the train tracks, one by one she held them together slowly rebuilding the wrecked track. 

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Melody jumped out of the broken train window, flying to the front of the train as fast as her wings would carry her. She flashed by Midnight, just barely realising that she was now a channeling. She saw the pieces of the train tracks be controlled by Midnight. [There's No way she could put it back tougher in time. And there's no way I can stop the train. But I can buy her time.] She put her hooves on the front of the train, and using her wings, tyres to push the train away. She nearly dropped out of the air from the weigh, but kept flying. [i'm running outta of strength. And it's only been a minute, if that!] She tried to shift her weight to push the train in a different way, but for one second, she slipped. The train rushed at her, knocking the breath out of her. She fell, expecting to fall to the ground, but hit the track instead. She flew out of the way as the train barreled past, onto the rebuilt track. She flew to the top of the train, and collapsed. [Thank Celestia for Midnight fixing the track! I'm near doing that again....] Tired she fell asleep on top of the train.


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Melody jumped out of the broken train window, flying to the front of the train as fast as her wings would carry her. She flashed by Midnight, just barely realising that she was now a channeling. She saw the pieces of the train tracks be controlled by Midnight. [There's No way she could put it back tougher in time. And there's no way I can stop the train. But I can buy her time.] She put her hooves on the front of the train, and using her wings, tyres to push the train away. She nearly dropped out of the air from the weigh, but kept flying. [i'm running outta of strength. And it's only been a minute, if that!] She tried to shift her weight to push the train in a different way, but for one second, she slipped. The train rushed at her, knocking the breath out of her. She fell, expecting to fall to the ground, but hit the track instead. She flew out of the way as the train barreled past, onto the rebuilt track. She flew to the top of the train, and collapsed. [Thank Celestia for Midnight fixing the track! I'm near doing that again....] Tired she fell asleep on top of the train.


Midnight Shadow had just finished fixing the track as the train stepped onto it, her horn and eyes flashed bright green as she kept the 100 ton train travel the bridge it having a strange mystical pattern as it was only held up by her magic. The train was halfway across when her magic began to fail, she ended the spell on the track as the train passed however only half of the train made it to the other side when her spell gave out, she used the last of her energy to push the train though the air until it landed fully on the track.


She slumped onto the ground exhausted watching the train getting smaller and smaller. then she blacked out. 

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*the train jolted and rocked shaking sparkle off*"woah woah wahhh!" Sparkle yelled as he fell off the side of the train and towards the bottom of the valley "oh great and now I'm going too die stupid stupid stupid hold on *extends wings* haha not today "*piece of stone from the bridge hits him on the head *" ow "* gets knoked out by impact on head and falls again landing on the valley floor*

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the train rocking causes Snowflake to fall out of a window but instead of plummeting to his doom he simply just teleports to the valley floor as he was down there he notices Sparkle wasn't too lucky "you guys get injured so many times at this rate they will have to give me a medical license" Snowflake grabs sparkle and teleports back into the train cart he lies him onto the floor and takes a look at the damage he sees that Sparkle is in critical condition and will not survive unless Snowflake acts quick Snowflake switches the nozzel on his knife until it becomes bright purple "I had hope not to of used this so soon but you need it Sparkle more then I probably ever will" Snowflake injects Sparkle with the purple liquid and all his wounds slowly heal until he is in perfect condition Snowflake then gives off a sigh of relief he then looks at Rave "we are coming near Canterlot so hold still I will make you look like a Mare"


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