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private Lightness from the dark.


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Flashes of light and smoke could be seen deep within the Hayseed swamp lands. Some would say that it was just a small fire caused by some ponies out camping. But it wasn't. Mezra Umbra was was working on another experiment of hers.  To some it might just look like she was talking gibberish while mixing up a potion out of strange ingredients, eye of newt and whatnot.  


As she sired the large pot of ingredients, the mixture started to glow. As she she kept stirring the liquid got brighter and brighter. And as when she added the last ingredient. A large ball off light and smoke shot up in the are like a grand finale at a fireworks display., while being just as loud.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Bushido had heard tell of a practitioner of forbidden magical arts near Baltimare a I nd gone to investigate and if the rumors were true and she had a target, dispatch the Unicorn.


As she headed into the Hay speed swamp lands she heard a curios sound and followed it to the hear the sounds of a mare talking to herself and the scent of various boiling ingredients, keeping a hoof on her wide katana, her tell-tale grey eyes taking in the scene but showing Bushido nothing.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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There was a large cloud of smoke where Mezra was. She coughed and tried to blow the smoke away with a hoof. *cough cough* "Too much swamp moss." She said to herself as she dusted off her cloak. She then dumped what was left in the pot and on the ground and then tossed it over to a large tub with her magic, to wash it later. She lets out a sigh. "Another flop. Last time I mucked up a spell I summoned that demon. And that was a real hoof fool wasn't it, Lucy?" Just then a undead rat climbed out of her cloak hood and on top of her head. "Lucky I had some blood of a virgin to give him to make him leave." She said as she head back to her house.

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Bushido smelled the cloud of smoke and sniffed it. "Gross... Swamp Moss and newt eye, what is she trying get to make..... Whatever... This just had better be worth my time....", she grumbled to himself as she walked to the door and knocked on the the door with the hilt of her katana. "So much for subtlety or stealth, I just don't have for it".

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@@dusk shade,


 Mezra was in her basement so she couldn't hear the knocking of the front door. But she did have a spell on the door that would make a skeleton in the corner of the room rise and answer the door. She mostly made the spell to scare away anyone who was there to make trouble or something for her.  When the skeleton open the door it looked at Bushido with hallow eye sockets and said with  a deep, wispy voice. "Can I help you?"

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Bushido heard the wispy voice and pulled a string of kunai part of the way out from her pouch. "Well, you're not Mezra Umbra... But this seems like the right place, smells like potions and forbidden magic.... Come to think of it.... You smell heavily of forbidden spells.... Never mind, might you know where I can find a young Unicorn mare by the name of Mezra Umbra? I have business with her".

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The skeleton was slow moving along with being slow to respond. "Mistress... is in... the Basement. She... dose not... like to be... disturbed... while she is working. Would you... mind.... waiting... in the... parlor room?" It asked while leading her towards the parlor, not waiting for an answer. It  stumbled  a little as it moved slowly though the house. Knocking over small stacks of book that were on the floor.

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She followed the skeleton into the parlor room, surprised she had been allowed in with all of her weapons. She entered the parlor room and leaned on the wall to wait on her target whose foolish servant had allowed her in. "No problem. I can wit for a few, I suppose".

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@@dusk shade,


 Mezra was grinding up some herbs and she heard the sound clacking bones. When she turned around she saw her skeleton. She was a little alarmed when she saw him. When she asked him why he was awake he told her that there was someone waiting to meet her. When he told her that she dropped her mixing bowl. She's never had visitors before. We she has but they were mostly in a form of a group of scared and disgruntled. She hold her rat close to her as she mad her way upstairs. When she got to the parlor she peeked from behind the door frame at a much taller mare with armor and weapons. When she saw the weapons she started to tremble. Then she spoke with a shy voice. "H-Hello, c-c-can I h-help you?"

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Bushido Blade heard the voice and stood up right, no longer leaning on the wall. "You are Mezra Umbra? Then you are the only I cane for.... The one I came to am destroy. I am sorry but all excel must be destroyed and practicing forbidden magic is considered evil. As such, I have asked to deal you for your crimes", she said pulling her wide katana from its sheath.

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@@dusk shade


Mezra's eyes went wide and she backed into a corner. She was really trembling now. "P-p-please don't hurt me! I haven't done anything wrong." She deeply believes that. Sure some of her experiments are a little... unseemly. Like cutting up dead bodies to understand how everything works, bringing forth demons and creatures to gain knowledge and maybe strange  items not of her own world. But she has never hurt anyone. In fact, she helped quite a few ponies. Some who were being haunted by dark spirits or others who wanted to talk to their love ones one more time. But she most are scared of her because of the magic she practices.  


As she hold her her rat closer to her as she kept trembling, tears start to pour from her eyes, along with a light whimper.

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"I am sorry but this is my task as a warrior. You practice forbidden arts and that cannot go... Ugh.... Somehow I think I'm wasting my time here.... Time to fix that.... Unless you could prove to me that I should not kill you here and now as I have been hired to do" She said as she brought the tip of the blade an inch from her throat.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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@@dusk shade,


She flinched away from the blade and got in a tight ball. She stared  at the pony who might end her life if she didn't think of something quick to say that'll change her mind. She looked the sward mare over trying to see if she could find something she could help her with. And she looked her gray cloudy eyes she had and idea. "I-I can help you see."

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Bushido Blade shook visibly when she brought up her seeing. Her blade dropped from her hooves and she sat on her haunches. "But, how? And without using forbidden dark magic", she asked, her curiosity now sparked. She picked up her sword and resheathed it to did how she was giving her a chance.

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@@dusk shade,


Mezra calmed down a little when the mare sheathed her blade. "Well, I don't think it's dark magic. Though my experiments I  tried bring body parts back to life, I started with a pigs tail and worked up to a full pony's leg. I to me five years to be able to do that. And I think it could work for any body part. So, I think I can bring life back to your eyes so you can see." As she talked about her work she got less scared. "

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"I am sorry. I dont know much about the different classifications of unicorn magic to be honest. So I just consider forbidden magic and dark magic under the same umbrella, my apologies", she said as she took off the helm figuring she could do whatever with her eye easier that way. '' You said you could give life back to my eyes but they never worked at all. I was born blind. Is that a problem"?

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@@dusk shade,


 When the sward mare took off her helmet, Mezra seemed to focus on her face. She was still a little scared for her life but as she mooked at the mare she couldn't help but notes the strength and yet beauty of the mares face.  After a bit she cached herself and cleared her throat. "Y-yes, well. Most think that way. But what makes some magic forbidden is either the story behind it or the danger of casting it, or the possibility of something bad happening. Like, lets say there was this potion that could cure a cold just by drinking it. Most would think it as a great discovery. but lets also say that to come up with with the potion the pony who made it had to do countless tests and dissections on ponies to understand out the illness works. That would set anypony off now would it? Drinking a potion that cost the lives of over 200 ponies just to come up with and idea to make it. And even though this potion could help others the princesses wouldn't have anything to do with it just because of its upbringing.  That's just one example on how something could be considered forbidden. As for dark magic, well... It's not all bad if you don't use it for hurting anyone or taking over the would." SHe said with a nervous chuckle.


"And for body parts that were born not working there is still a little bit of life in them. But just a speck of it. But it dose take long time to charge the spell up then for body parts that use to work then parts that were born not working. Also, I.. don't really know how eyes work... YET! That is... I just need to do a few tests."

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Bushido Blade nodded slowly at her explanations. "Okay.... So that's how the classify it and distinguish it from dark magic. Thank you. Now, about these 'tests' you need to run. Do they maybe include dissecting me or cutting out my eyes or anything like that because if it's the plan, then I must refuse this treatment ", she said opting to keep her armour on just in case the Unicorn tried anything.

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@@dusk shade,


"Well I do have to dissect some eyes but they don't have to be yours. All I need is some cadavers that had working eyes and some who were blind. And before you say anything we don't have to go grave robbing to get them. I worked out a deal with a morgue who gives me bodies of ponies who didn't have families for research. And it is legal so don't worry."

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Bushido nodded once again. "Very well, buy are you sure you want to give sight to the pony who came to kill you... Well, actually investigate and only kill you if I feel it is nessecary but I've already been paid to do the job. Which is technically to investigate. So.. For now I won't kill you. As long as it's legal, that I won't objext", she with simply.

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"To be honest, I was hoping by helping you would't want to kill me.  That... and well... You see, I placed a cursed name on myself. And if someone kills me after saying my name  name... they will also die. And I don't want you to die just because you killed me. Also, I am not ready to die yet. I still have things I need and wish to do before then."

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Bushido nodded and sighed. '' So, Mezra Umbra... If I kill you, Mezra Umbra.... Then I will die due the curse you, Mezra Umbra, have placed on your name, Mezra Umbra ", she said repeatedly saying to emphasize the fact she wouldn't kill her." Relax, I'm just investigating, not gonna kill you ".

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Mezra smiled. "Thank you, and you can just call me Mez. That's what everyone I know calls me." The gets up, then her undead rat lets out a hallow sounding squeak. "Oh, and this is Lucy." She said before letting her rest on her shoulder. "By the way, while you were threatening and pointing your sward at me, you didn't  tell me you're name." SHe said trying to lighten the mood a little with a joke. 

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She tilted her head slightly at the sound of the squeaking. "A rat named Lucky.... Sure. Why not, and I think I will just call you Mezra. My name is Bushido Blade and this wide katana is Great Demon Spirit, my father's sword and the small one is Divine Wolf Fang, my mothers", she explained.

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"Well, it's interesting to meet you and you're blades." She chuckled. "I have a demon blade as well. I traded a damned soul from a different world for it. But I just have it for my collection. But enough about me. Would you like something to eat or drink? I think I still have a few slices of cheesecake I made yesterday."

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