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private Lightness from the dark.


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Bushido dumped the cadavers eyeballs into the bowl with a simple nod. "Yeah, the military would be an unsettling decision, joining it, I mean. But everypony has thier own choices to make, I suppose.. Some join the military, some hunt criminals and some rip body parts out of dead Ponies to experiment on",.

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"Yep!" Mezra sad as she plopped another eyeball in the bowl. He pushed the body off the table after its eyes were out, witch made a loud thump when it hit the floor. Then she pulled over another and started to repeat the process. "When I have all the eyeballs I'm going to have to dissect them to get a better look of the anatomy. And it's gonna take a bit cause the eye as many layers. So they are pretty hard to dissect, so I'll need to concentrate. Would you mind staying upstairs for a bit while I work?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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Bushido popped the second eye out from her cadaver and nodded before a question popped into her head. "No problem, though I am honestly a bit confused. Are you saying fir me to go now or do we have more eyes to take out", she asked simply with a small shrug of confusion.

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"We just got two more bodies to gouge. When they're done I'm gonna get to dissecting. I tend to work faster and better when I'm alone. So it'll take me about a few hours. After that I'll have to go to my mourg buddy and get a body of a pony who was blind. Wich might take a month."

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Bushido just silently scraped the eyes from the other two bodies before turning to go upstairs as Mezra had asked her to. "Very well. I will be upstairs while you have fun playing Dr. Frankenstein", she said and walked up the stairs, figuring that the mare would realize that she was messing with her by calling her Dr. Frankenstein.

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She chuckled. "I will. Thanks for the help... 'Igor'." She said with a giggle. She put the cadavers in the corner and brought the bowl of eyes over to her work table. Then she pulled over her tray filled with surgical tools and got started on dissecting the eyes one at a time. This took her about and hour. After she was done writing do what she learned along with mapping out the eye inner workings, she head back upstairs to look for Bushido. 

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Bushido was standing by the couch, idly humming a quiet tune when Mezra climbed the stairs, however when she heard the mare's hoofsteps, she quickly silenced her humming. "Igor congratulates you on your sadistic work", she said as sat back on the couch.

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"Yes, yes. I'm a mad scientist. One time I did try to create life. It worked, named him Aloysius. I taught him everything he needed to know, reading, writing, math and whatnot. Then I sent him out in the would. Note I made sure to make him look normal. Not a lot of scars, a normal face. I also made sure to use fresh body parts." She said as she went to the kitchen sink to wash her hooves.

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Bushido wasn't entirely certain weather or not Mezra was serious about having made a new life form, though she had a sneaking suspicion that the mare wasn't joking. "Well, I suppose creating life is part of the job description for you lunatic scientists".

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"It kinda is now that I think about it. In the diaries of the pony I got my spell book from, he said he wanted to raise an army of the dead to enslave everyone. All because he was treated as an outcast by the ponies he worked with. Even the princess wanted him to be sent to jail. Mostly because he tested on living ponies, so that's understandable. I may like to play god sometimes but I'm no monster. But his manifesto is a good read. Like the diaries of a mad man."

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Bushido nodded a couple of times to show that she was still paying attention to what the mare was saying and that she had heard it all. "Well, I can sort of understand wanting revenge on Ponies who wrong you, but enslavement is a bit much", she said once Mezra had finished.

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((That's it I gonna start posting more in this. I hate getting lazy. I'm sorry.))


"I agree. Well anyway I could use a drink. Would you care for a nightcap? I make myself one about once a week. A friend of mine made it a habit for me. I don't have anything very strong. Mostly hard cider and orange truffle baileys. It's like a creamy whiskey without a lot of whiskey." 

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"A nightcap.... If it's alcohol, then no thank you. I don't drink anything that has alcohol.. Or, at least I haven't... As long as it's not going to screw me up or anything, then I guess one couldn't hurt. Though, I'd rather not exploit me staying here by you making me drinks, it's not the way I am", she said still a bit uneasy about taking the mare's things even if they were offered.

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"Oh don't worry so much.  I only have one drink every week. When I'm drunk I'm... well more clingy." She chuckled with a light blush. "And I'm not going to do any exploiting." She walked over to the same drawer that had the pot and pulled out two glasses and a bottle of baileys. She then used her magic to bring some ice from the kitchen and placed them in the glasses. She then poured a little bit in each. 


Next she walked over to Bushido holding the glasses in her magic. "Here you go." She picked up Bushido's hoof and placed a glass in it.

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Bushido wasn't sure what the mare meant by exploiting of her, and gave a small bow as she took the glass. "Thank you.. Though what did you mean by exploiting... Did you put something in this glass", she asked, only half joking with a small chuckle. She didn't drink alcohol much, maybe twice ever so she was a bit cautious.

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"Oh no. What I meant was that cause your staying here I wouldn't try anything to hurt or betray your trust. I would ask you before anything." She chuckled and took a sip of her drink as she took a seat on her couch. "Which re minds me. Would you mind coming with me to the morgue? I need to get a body of a pony who was blind."

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"OK. I apologize for my suspicion... Its just I have minor... Let's say... Trust issues since I can't see what's in the glass, I just have a little uncertainty about drinking it is all", she said and considered any problems with going to the morgue with her but found none. "Certainly. I don't mind going along to the morgue, though I'm new to sure how helpful I'll be".

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"Well you'll be good company for one. It's usually boring when I go there. Plus I have to go though town which is never fun. I don't like how the ponies look at me. And they avoid me like I'm a leper. So it's sometimes hard for me to buy things." She took a drink and leaned against the armrest. "They only way I can buy things is if I put a disguising spell on myself."

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"Avoid you like a leper... I dont think me carrying my swords around would help your image.. So, I'llleave them here, tthough I hate leaving them anywhere. But, that having to disguise yourself is sort of your own fault, no offense.. I mean, you do some pretty disagreeable magic.. Disagreeable to most Ponies, anyway".

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Mezra sighed. "It not like I kill or hurt ponies. The guard are trained to use magic like that but I'm frowned upon because I experiment on the dead. Most of the stuff I've learned can help a lot of ponies. And they have. Even if I have to send my notes in anonymously they still get read and go to help ponies who are ill. Ponies are just to narrow-minded."

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"Fair enough. But it's understandable of their caution. Trying with the dead scares a lot of Ponies... Necromancy is often placed hoof in hoof with demoncraft. They are both seen as evil though what you do isn't even necromancy by definition now that I think about it. I wee in your position, I probably would have taken off a few heads to clear out the annoyance by now".

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"Well just because I practice things that seem bad doesn't mean I'm a bad pony. I've never hurt anyone. Yet, I'm considered evil cause I've summoned a demon or raised the dead once or twice. ... Maybe I've grave robbed a few times... but that was only when I was starting out! Now I only get bodies from the morgue or from abandoned cemeteries, or unmarked graves... or Manehattan dump yards..." She trailed off. 

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(I'm really sorry I haven't been posting. My phone got fried so I cant be on as much).


"So, you get your volunteers from shady places, so what". Bushido asked bluntly,not particularly caring if he mares resources were typically immoral."You gotta get them where you gotta get them, it;s that simple".

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"I guess you're right." She said as she leaned back in her seat on the couch. She then noticed that Bushido was still standing. " Why don't you sit down. I don't like being the only one sitting. It makes me feel lazy." She said before taking another drink from her glass.

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  • 11 months later...

Bushido nodded and sat on the couch beside the mare, 'eyeing' her drink carefully before taking a drink from it, a pleasant taste remaining on her tongue after she has set the glass down. "Nightcap, was it", she asked quietly before taking another drink from the glass, this one more experimental. "It is not all together unpleasant".

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