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private Lost in the best way possible (1x1 between RAGE and Royal Blue Jay)


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Scorch shivered as he trotted through the snow, his eyes stinging as he squinted through the blistering cold and thick snowfall. "S-shit...it's freezing...and I can't see anything! I don't remember any snowy mountains being mentioned when I was told the directions to Apalooza...I hope I'm not lost..." He thought, trying his best to trudge through the thick snow.


Scorch was on vacation in Apalooza...or, at least, he was supposed to be. On his way there, he got lost in the Northlands and ended up in the Hymaneighas. Scorch had a terrible sense of direction, and on top of that, he had even worse luck. So it was no shock to poor Scorch when he realized that he sonehow ended up on the foothills of the Hymaneighas. He knew he had to find his way to civilization, but he still had a terrible sense of direction, and could barely see. So he ended up deciding to try and find refuge. At first, he couldnt find anything but snow and rocks. But after awhile of searching, he discovered a cave. "N-not the b-best hotel ever...but oh w-well, it's b-better than fr-freezing to death..." he mumbled, before trotting towards the entrance of the cave, not thinking anything whether anything was occupying it.

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Before Scorch could even begin to get settled, a low and deep growl could be heard.

One growl thrned to two, then three, then four, and more. The walls of the cave shook with a deep growl. 


Out of the deep shadow of the cave, a snow-white mare slowly stepped out of the darkness. Her ears were laid back and she looked ready to pounce.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" She asked in an angry tone.

"You better answer me before you're picking your teeth up from the floor with 4 broken legs and a broken horn". She said as she stepped closer.

Scorch's eyes widened in shock and panic when he heard the growls, and he backed away a step. "Oh shit!! Wolves?! Just my lu-" he started, but was cut short as a rather beautiful mare trotted out and began threatening him. She actually made him blush, rather than scare him. "Woah, woah, woah!! P-please, just calm down!! I'm not here to hurt anypony! I...just sorta got lost...I'm on vacation, ya see, and I guess I got bad directions...so I ended up on this mountain. When I found out where I was, I decided to find shelter, so I don't freeze to death...mind if I come in?" He asked, smiling as friendly as he could in front of a pack of wolves.

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Wolf stepped toward Scorch staring him down with her cold blue eyes. Scorch cringed and prepared himself to get mauled. 

Instead, he felt as if he was being... sniffed...?

Wolf was smelling him all over; it almost tickled.


"He's from a populated area. He's not a threat. It's okay, guys... come out".

After that sentence, 12 wolves apprehensively stepped out of the shadows. They all stared at Scorch confused.


Then, a toung wolf pup excitedly ran up to Scorch's feet.

Scorch blushed as Wolf began sniffing him, but he didn't make any move to stop her. After she was done, and she called out the wolves, Scorch seemed to get a bit apprehensive, staring at the wolves, just as confused as they were. However, when the wolf pup came running out and around his hooves, he smiled and knelt to greet the little pup. "Well, hi there little one! You sure are a lively little guy, arent ya?" He said, holding out his hoof for the pup young sniff.


As he did, he looked over to Wolf curiously. "S-so...whats your name?" He asked shyly.

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Wolf turns around and says: "My name is Wolf. *Laughs* oroginal, right? You can stay here for tonight. aget ready to smell like dog in the morning".


Wolf points her hoof to an open spot on the cold ground. 

"This is where you sleep. I hooe that you don't mind that it's next to my spot. Oh, and I forgot to tell you... If you are going to stay here, you'll have to help us hunt tomorrow.  I hope that you don't have an issue with killing unsuspecting ponies".

Scorch raised an eyebrow and smiled when she said her name was Wolf. "Actually, I think it's pretty fitting, to be honest..." he said, chuckling halfheartedly. When she pointed to the cold spot on the ground and told him that he'd be sleeping there, next to her, he blushed a deep red. "R-right next to y-you? W-well...I suppose I don't mind...but..." he was going to say "I've never slept anywhere near a mare before" but immediatly stopped and went wide-eyed as she mentioned killing ponies. "W-wait...what?! Y-you guys eat ponies?!" He asked, his mouth dropping open comically.

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Wolf laughed as she pointed at Scorch.

"I don't eat ponies, but these guys do *points at wolves* I just help them hunt".


Wolf lies down in her usual spot and looks at Scorch as if her eyes were inviting him to lie down next to her.

"Don't be scared. I don't bite". She says playfully.


Wolf looks out the cave's entrance was a blizzard begins. The snow rapidly becomes violent flurries and the wind howls.

"It's going to be a cold night. You're lucky you found us, or else you would be dead. No doubt. Then,

n, we would have found your carcass and ate it".


Scorch stares at Wolf blankly with his mouth wide open in disgust and awe.

"Too much?" Wolf asks.

Scorch wasn't sure to think about the "my wolf family eats ponies" part, but before he could ponder any more on the rather worrysome spectacle, he blushed a deep red once more when he looked over to see Wolfy inviting him to lie down next t her. After a moments hesitation, he did as she asked and sat down. He was going to tell her how he was a chef, to change the subject, but immediatly stopped when she mentioned the part about how he would've frozen to death and most likely been eaten by the very wolves he now saw around him.


In response, Scorch chuckled nervously and looked to Wolf. "Hehe...w-well, then I guess that's all the more reason to thank you for saving my life, right? Is there anything I can do for you in return? How about I cook you dinner? I'm a chef...kinda." He said.

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"A chef? Impressive". She laughs with a smug look on her face.

"I already told you that, in return for letting you stay here, you must help us tomorrow". She states with an obvious attitude.


Wolf shivers as a gust of freezing wind blasts through the cave opening. The wolves huddle closer to one another and the whole cave looked like a sea of black, white, and grey fur. 

By this time, Wolf was already fast asleep. She was even snoring a little; it soundedlike a baby. It was sorta... cute.

Scorch nodded as she said the way he could repay them. Although, he wasn't sure how much use he would be in hunting. He had never helped kill anypony before...


When she fell asleep, along with the other dozens of hiddled wolves in the cave, Scorch decided that he should probably do the same. As he laid down, he couldn't help but smile and think how cute Wolf looked when she slept. He thought about that until he fell asleep, causing him to have sort of a fastforward recap dream of the events from earlier...weird. While he was sleeping, Scorch got cold, and began shivering. So he reached out and cuddled the closest warm thing he could...which, of course, happened to be Wolf.

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Wolf, being a light sleeper, was immediatley startled by the sudden toich of the cold hoof. She almost jumped because she was so startled.

Her ears went back and she frowled as if she was trying to look intimidating.


"Who's there?" She asked as if she was talking to nothing.Wolf looked down and saw that it was Scotch who had merley poked her with his white hoof.

She laughed and laid back down.


The next morning, the fresh snow looked like millions of white diamonds glistening in the morning sun. The air was crisp and the weather was nice. It was still cold enough to see somepony's breath, however. 


Wolf's light blue eyes opened as the A.M sun peaked through the cave's entrance. She yawned and stretched simultaniously as she began to trot to the outside snow.

"What a beautiful day for somepony to die". She says to herself.

Scorch groaned and turned in his sleep as the morning sun hit his face, not being much of a morning pony. After a few minutes, his eyes cracked open and he sat up, yawning widely, almost forgetting where he was, before it all came rushing back to him as he scanned his suroundings and saw the snow and wolves. He stood up and cracked his neck, stretching the sleep out of his muscles. "Hey, Wolf...am I allowed to make a fire anywhere around he-" he stopped mid-sentance when he saw Wolf, as she looked very beautiful in the morning sun and light snowfall. So, he just stood there, blushing as he stared at Wolf.

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Wolves light blue eyes sparkled between the dancing snowflakes. She almost dissapeared in the snow because of her white coat; but her jet black mane and tail made sure that she could be spotted.


Wolf turned around and noticed that Scorch was starkng at her. Wolf looked almost angry as she asked: "What are you staring at?".

She then turned back to where she was and stared off into the distance. She took a deep breath, turned her head towards Scorch, and said with a smile: "Brekafast".


Wolf then bolted into the cave and made a sound that could only be described as a wolf howl. Wolf had mastered the wolve's language and knew how to tell them when food was near. 

Scorch was surprised as to how exact her how her howl sounded. He could barely tell it was her who was making the sound.


Suddenly, a pack of 12 wolves quickly ran past Scorch. It was almost like being passed by racecars; they koved so fast as one pack!

One wolf stopped in his tracks, however, looked at Scorch and swung his head as if he was inviting Scorch to come along.

Scorch was about to respond to her question, but lost the chance to as she ran back into the cave and howled for her wolf friends to come out for...breakfast? He looked on, confused, as the wolves all dashed past him, following Wolf. When one wolf stopped and gestured for him to come along, he hesitated for a moment, before running after them. "What am I getting myself into?" He thought.

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Wolf yelled from the front of the ocean of fur: "You're coming with us to help find food!". Wolf sounded pretty amused that Sorch was coming along on such a quest.


The wolves and Wolf were pretty difficult to keep up with. The forest was covered in an aray of trees, rocks, streams, etc. Not to mention, everything was covered in a sleek layer of ice. Slipping on something could prove deadly, considering how high the mountains were.

Scorch was hit in the face by flying snow and small branches. But, he kept moving, fearing he would get lost if he got left behind for even a moment.


Finally, after what seemed like forever, the pack came to a halt. Wolf then said: "Be quiet...".


... Dead silence bled throuought as Scorch stood there not knowing why they had stopped or why he had to stay quiet.


A scream was then heard. A scream that sounded as if somepony's legs were being scladed with boiling water. A scream that was so terrifying, that it sounded like it came from a horror movie.

One of the wolves had snuck up on an unsuspecting hiker.

As Scorch ran, he couldn't help but be amazed at the speed of the wolves and how the so gracefully ran across the sleek ice, ignoring the freezing cold wind and snow in their hunt for food. He was about to say something back to Wolf, but was hit with a face-full of branch instead. He spit out a few bits of ice and continued to run with them, until they all suddenly stopped and Wolf signaled for him to be quite. He crouched there and listened intently, then cringed and flinched at the sound of the hiker's screams. He wished he could help the hiker, but he knew it would just end badly for both of them if he did, so he stayed quite.

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The hiker was surprised attacked on his front legs so he couldn't run off.

Thankfully, this was an earth pony. So, he couldn't fly or use magic.


One by one the wolves jumped in to take their turn at mauling the pony. Blood, flesh, and the scent of death rode through the air.

Wolf just stood there, quiet, watching her alternate family savagley kill one of her own. She seemed oddly unphased by it.


"I know that I said that you were going to help us hunt, but Vuka seems to have beaten you to it". She says as she points to a black wolf.

Scorch wanted to look away from the bloody scene, but he couldn't seem to turn away. He simply sat there and watched as the pack of wolves tore the poor stallion apart and began eating him. He was so engrossed by the scene that he almost didn't register what Wolf had said. "Well...I guess that's for the best...I wouldn't have been of much use..." he said.

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You can help us carry the carcass back to the cave". She said coldly.

"...Before other wolves smell the body or the police realize that this pony went missing". 


Wolf and Scorch waited until the hungry wolves had eaten enough to save some of the body for later. Wolf slid her head underneath the stallion's body and let it ride on her back.

"Help me carry this". Wolf said.

Scorch hesitated for a moment before nodding and doing as she did, sliding himself underneath the stallions body and lifting it onto his back. "Where are we gonna put this in the cave? Won't the smell still attract other predators?" He asked, carrying the body carefully balanced on his back.

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"We have a specific den where we store food". She stated.

"This winter is going to be harsh and we need to store all the food that we can". 


After a long walk, the ponies and wolves arrived back at the home site where the body was dumped and would be keot frozen until needed.

Wolf's stomach began to growl and it was heard almost theoughout the whole frest!

She began to laugh as she asked Scorch: "Why don't you come with me?"

After they finished carrying the body of the stallion up and dumping it, Scorch sighed in relief, both for having the literal weight off his shoulders, and for the fact that he was no longer carrying a dead, mutilated corpse. He then chuckled when he heard Wolf's ridiculously loud, growling stomach. He tried his best not to blush when she asked him if he wanted to come with her, nodding and managing to find his voice. "Uh...o-ok, then...sure....where are we going?" He asked.

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"We're going to see what kind of berries, plants, and water we can find. You need to eat something, too". She said.

The two ventured off into the deep woods in search of food.

After about 45 minutes of searching, Wolf came across some wild berries that were barely clinging to life in the snow.

The little red berries glistened in the sunlight and made them look like rubys. 

Now that she mentioned it, he was pretty hungry. In fact, Scorch hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday, and he could feel his own stomach growling. He nodded and followed her. "I wonder what we'll find? It seems pretty barren up here, to me..." He thought. After a while of searching, however, Scorch and Wolf came across a small patch of wild berrys, that looked rather juicy and apitizing. He smiled and looked them over, making sure they were all still good, before smiling at Wolf. "Wow! These are surprisingly well preserved! And they look pretty good, too! I wonder if I could make a salad with these?" He said.

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"A sa... salad? What is that?" She asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I... uh, i've lived up here for a long time and i'm not familiar with village food".


Wolf began eating berries one by kne and handed some to Scorch. The berries were tart, but lightly sweetened by the fresh morning snow. It was something that tasted incredibly differet... in a good way.


"A sa... salad? What is that?" She asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I... uh, i've lived up here for a long time and i'm not familiar with village food".


Wolf began eating berries one by kne and handed some to Scorch. The berries were tart, but lightly sweetened by the fresh morning snow. It was something that tasted incredibly differet... in a good way.

Scorch gave her a surprised look. "Wait...you don't know what salad is?! That's...unfortunate. Salad is a mixed bunch of vegitables and fruits in a bowl. Their really good! I make a pretty good salad, if I do say so myself..." he said, chuckling before eating a berry for himself. "Wow! These are...delicious! They would be great in a fruit salad! If we had enough of these berrys, and a few veggies, I could make you a salad...if you'd like..." he said, smiling as he tried not to blush. Scorch wasn't the best at talking to girls, especially pretty ones, like Wolf.

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Wolf blankly looked at the snowy ground and played with it with her hoof.

"I've always wondered what it's like in civilzation". She said quietly


Wolf then stood up and said: "Come with me. I want to show you something".

Wolf swung her head as if she was inviting Scorch to follow her.

The two walked for awhile until they came across a grotto.


Wolf pushed aside a big bunch of dead branches coverd in snow as they made crackling sounds.

She then pokedd her head through the branches and laughed: "You better not be staring at my butt!" 

The two walked into the seemingly dead grotto when Wolf told Scorch to close his eyes.

Scorch felt bd for her, when she mentioned that she hadn't been in a civilized area in such a long time. He was thinking about hugging her, to make her feel better, but didn't get the chance, as Wolf began leading him somewhere. As they were walking, Scorch began to get curious about where they were going, but didn't ask. He trusted that she knew where they were going. However, at the mention of her accusing him of looking at her butt, he blushed a deep red. "Actually, I kind of was...but I'm not gonna tell her that..." he thought, before coming into the clearing. When she asked him to close his eyes, he looked a bit confused, but shrugged and did as she asked, closing his eyes.

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"Okay, open them". She said.

Wolf was standing on a small cliff covered in snow. It was completley surrounded by trees covered in snow and the sky wasn't visible. The area was 100% covered with no view of the outside world.

This grotto was almost pure white... Almost as if it was a white room in an insane asylum; but with peaks of brown from the branches.


It was still... quiet... even a bit creepy.

But, under the snowy cliff and trees, was a rather large running stream. It was running and it had fish swimming in it... But, how could it not be frozen in here? It's got to be below 0 degrees.


"I found this place when I was young. I don't know why it's here or what it's for, but i'm pretty sure that i'm the only pony who knows where it is and that it even exists". Wolfy said quietly as she stared into the distance of never-ending white.

Scorch stared in amazement at the vast, white beauty of the grotto. Scorch had never seen such a place before...the silence and the seemingly limitless whiteness might have been a bit unnerving to some ponies, but for someone like Scorch, who is comfortable with silence and isolation, it seemed amazing. "Wolf...this is amazing...it's beautiful! It's..." He stopped as he looked at her, almost mesmerized by how beautifully her eyes shined and glistened in the reflecting light of the white snowy grotto. "Not as beautiful as you..." he said blankly. However, the moment the words left his lips, Scorch's eyes widened and he blushed, putting a hoof over his mouth. "Oh shit! I had to run my mouth and flirt with a mare who I have zero chances with...nice going, hazard..." he thought.

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"Not as beautiful as me, eh? Are you sure about that?" She asks with an attitude.


Wolf began to walk down the side of the snowy slope. Her hooves slid down on the side of cloff as she tried to keep her footing.

"Come on! I want to show you something!" She yelled from somewhere Scorch could not see.

Scorch blushed even deeper at Wolf's comment. "Uh...well, you...I mean...you see, I think your..." he stuttered, trying to find a way to explain his sudden flirting, but before he could, Wolf ran off, asking him to follow her again. "H-hey! Wait for me, Wolf!" He ylled, following after her, careful to not lose his footing.

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