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open Where Star shines Hearth Warming


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In Canterlot. Everypony seems decorating the town. As a brown pony named Jolt was reading some mails he got from his family. But his friend start sneaking around with a mistletoe. Lee just climb through the window as Jolt ear twitched as he heard something. Lee came up to jolt "Surprised Jol-" Jolt turned around and just hit Lee in the head with a staff "Owww," he said in pain rubbing his head "Next time. Use the door." he said to him as he put the staff back to the closet "Hey. You still gonna have that party right?" he Ask while getting up "Yeah. Just need to pick up some stuff." he put on a black winter coat and a purple scarf around his neck and just head out walking to the stalls street.


(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116484-hearth-warming-rp)

  • Brohoof 1
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'This Hearth's Warming is gonna be awesome, I just know it!' Riley thought to himself enthusiastically as he flew to Manehattan Department Store.


He soon caught sight of the populous crowd battling to get in. No wonder the city had been nearly empty when he woke up that morning.


He had an idea, however. He put on his fake police uniform costume. "Everypony move!" he commanded.


Startled, the ponies obeyed, and moved aside to make way for the "cop".


"Thanks, guys!" said Riley, and trotted in.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs: RileyAnala

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'Huh? Why so many movement outside?', Foxist thought, rubbing his ears.

Foxist was a bit tired of yesterday.

He decided to investigate Ponyville anyway. Drunk a bit of blue honey and cast his invisibility spell.

Just heard something about 'Hearth', 'Warming', and 'Eve'. He remembered something like that last year. Now it was completely in his mind:

"Hearth's Warming Eve! How I didn't thought about it! It's almost ending the year! I must prepare myself and go to the Princess' castle! But how am I goin'? Damn, I should have learned to teleport in school. Now, Foxist, on trot!" Said to himself.


 Back to the forest, he picked up 2 bottles of his favourite drink (Blue Honey), His special bandanna, his horse-shoes, his brush, and all everything he needs, packed it, and gone galloping."

"I hope to do not get late. This event is always wonderful. It reminds me of the ponykind inside me."

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)
  • Brohoof 1

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Tempest yawned as he woke up in the middle of the day, looked up to the sky, "It's probably time to get up." He glanced towards his clock.


"Uh oh... Is that the time already? Wait- What have I got to do today..?" As he looked outside he could see colourful decorations being placed about the streets."Uh? Did I miss something?" He strained as he stretched forward to look closer fell out his bed.


"Well.. Now I'm awake" He walked over to the bathroom and cleaned up, then got ready to go out.

"So lets go see what all the fuss is about!" He said as he closed his door. It wasn't average to see this many ponies out in the cold. Then it hit him like a sack of rocks,


"Its Hearth's Warming! I've got to buy some decorations for my house in the rare case I'll get visitors. How did I forget?" He took off and then flew down to the local department store.


"What's happened now?" He thought to himself as he saw a police pony force their way through the crowd. He looked back again away from the commotion and realised just how many ponies were going to be shopping there.


"That queue to get in is huge..."

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Jolt reached to the shopping district as pony's were on the shopping spree. "Whoa. Never seen pony's shop that quickly." he said as he took out a poster out of his bag for some party he's starting "Good. Now time to get shopping." he said as he started shopping.

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(OOC: Just so you know, guys, Riley is in Manehattan. Not sure if the same applies to your own OCs)


Riley had some good ideas of what he wanted to get his loved ones. A soccer shirt for Reece, a baking kit for Mom, a poster for Dad, some metal arrows for Anala...


Under normal circumstances, he would have been giggling like a foal as he looked at the array of goods, but in order to keep up the ruse that he was a cop, he looked calm and collected, putting his hoof to his chin and nodding and humming as if he was inspecting the goods like a real cop.

OCs: RileyAnala

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(OOC: Damn. My character spawns very far from Manehattan.)

After getting out of the forest, Foxist found a railway. And some noises.

"Wow. There's a train coming. Could this train lead me to the Princess' Castle?"

After seeing the train, he realized it was full. His only option was using his invisibility spell and climbing in the moving train.

"Here I come! Wait, I have to stop talking with myself."

He was in the train, not knowing to where it was going.

He just realized about the place a hour later.

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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As Tempest looked around the store the croud began to thin out. He sighed in relief knowing he wouldn't have to battle to get a box of tinsel. After looking for a while he couldn't seem to find any lights and spotted a store clerk,

"Excuse me? Ma'am? Could you show me where the Christmas lights are, I can't see to find them." She simply points up to the top shelf labelled 'Lights and Decorations'.

"Ah thank you." He beamed as he got a box down, "The price is ridiculous but nevermind..." He ,mumbled to no-one particular. "Well... It'll make my house look much nicer." He hummed happily as he went to pay for the decorations and saw the queues.


"So this is where everyone vanished off to... Good thing I have nothing to do today." He got to the back of a queue and waited to be served while counting out hits bits.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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After taking his costume off for now since it was a tad itchy, Riley browsed the shelves a bit more, and flew up to get a good view of what was nearer the top. There seemed to be some interesting things.


Just then, an announcement sounded over the intercom.


"Hey, birdbrain Pegasus, get your derriere outta the camera, will ya?" said the voice.


Riley turned around to see his back end had been facing a security camera behind him.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Jolt seemed to got everything and looked at the list "Let's see. Got the Ciders for the party and some chips and some prizes I bought....Good thing they were 30% off." he said as he look around as there was some pony's left "Wow. When pony's are rushing in the shopping spree. They leave quickly." he thought as he left to head back home.

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(OOC: I don't mind where my OC spends the holiday but he's currently in Manehatten)

As Tempest got closer to the till he looked around and thought to himself, "This place is absolutely packed! This is going to take ages..."


When he was finally served, the till worker was in a funny mood. "Yeah? What? Hurry up, I got mouths to feed and this job isn't helping my mood..." He droned grumpily.


"Sorry for being a customer... Here" Tempest mumbled quietly.

"That's 40 bits, you gonna hurry up? Other people waitin' to be served." The till worker said rudely.
"What's with you? Here. Don't expect a tip after that ordeal" Tempest growled at the till worker, then paid and left.

He flew strait home put the decorations down in the hallway and lunged onto the sofa.


He yawned lazily and turned on his T.V. "...we have yet to find the beloved pet, meanwhi-" Tempest switched the channel, sick of the the news "Come to Canterlot this Hearth's Warming! It's sure to be great and fun filled, we have plenty of shops for all your gifting needs and plenty of places for you to rest! Lots of things to see and do, so come over to Canterlot for this Hearths Warming!"


Tempest scratched his chin, "Canterlot eh? I have a friend I could visit over there I suppose, not like I'm doing anything over here in Manehatten anyway." He decided that he'd make a decision on where he was staying, right after one more nap...

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Riley looked through some more of the store's contents, soon coming across a teleportation device. "Ooh? What's this th-"




Riley was gone.






He reappeared sitting on a couch next to a blue stallion. A TV was on with the news.


He did the best thing he could think of.



OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest looks to his side. then looks back at the T.V. again, then looks back at the new arrival then blinked. "Um... Hi? How did you get in?" He pokes the other pony's leg. "So I've not gone braindead. You're actually here. Well I'm Tempest Shift, but who are you?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Riley Blythe," the red Pegasus introduced himself, shaking Tempest Shift's hoof. "I was browsing through the department store, and then I came across a teleportation device, and here I am!" he explained.


"Hey, what are we watching?" he asked, looking at the TV.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest sits completely still for a few moments completely phased out. He blinks twice and looks back at Riley, "I was thinking of watching something funny, but came across the news channel by accident. For how long have department stores sold teleportation devices? That sounds like an ideal gift for my friend up in Canterlot." Tempest says.


Tempest pauses a moment. "I was actually thinking of going there to visit him, but we haven't spoken in months. I don't even know if he still lives there. What's your plans for the holiday?" He asks politely.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I'm throwing a party at my place!" said Riley. "My mom, my dad, my little brother Reece, the mare of my dreams Anala, my buddies at the bar Bailey, Brutus, Clavier... anypony who wants to come!" he went on. "Still, I'd better figure out something for Anala and my parents. They don't particularly like each other..."


"You and your friend wanna come?" he offered.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest thought about the offer for a moment then came to the conclusion that staying here would be better than going there and having to pay a ridiculous rate for a hotel room, "Sure, that'd be great. I'll have to contact my friend and see if he'll stay over for this holiday."


"Could do with decorating my house a bit though first.." he said to no-one in particular. "Do you want something to eat or drink Riley? I don't mind how long you stay, you seem pretty nice" Tempest said realizing he'd not had someone over for a ling time.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I sure hope he says yes!" said Riley.


When he got offered something to eat or drink, Riley turned the tables. "How about I get you something to eat?" he offered. "The Frayed Saddle does some pretty good cuisine, and it's the least I can do after I dropped into your house like that without warning."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse,"Uh... Sure, I woke up late and skipped a meal and I'm getting pretty hungry" He said happily. "Let me get some things together and I'll be ready."


Tempest wanders off into his bedroom and loud crashing and banging sounds can be heard from within the room.


A few minutes later he comes out with a pair of saddlebags on,"Ok, I'm good to go!"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Riley beamed as he looked at his new friend Tempest Shift. "Great!" he said.


He stepped outside and then got down into the ready-to-fly position. Legs bent, rump poised in the air, wings flared. He gave said wings a single flap each. "I'll lead the way!" he declared.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest grinned, "Of course I'm up for a race... Just that I have no idea where to. I get unruly when it comes to competition" He looks over to Riley and thinks for a second. "To the restaurant?" He asks, flapping his wings and assuming the same position as Riley.

"I'm ready if you are!" Tempest declares.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"It's more of a bar than a restaurant," Riley explained to Tempest. "And it's just about..." He pointed his hoof towards the bar. It was about ten metres away from the two Pegasus stallions.


"Anyway..." He began to count down. "3... 2... 1... Go!"


With that, he shot up off the ground and began to fly

OCs: RileyAnala

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@Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest leaps from his balcony and at the last seconds spreads his wings and flew parallel to the pavement, dodging ponies left right and centre. He finally ascends above the houses and looses sight of Riley. He spots the restaurant/bar and flies in at full speed, at this point Tempest remembers he needs to stop and flies strait into the brick wall of the place.

"Ow..." He whimpers before falling off the wall in a comical fashion. Tempest groans and gets up to see people staring at him. "Uh... No need to be focused on me... It was just an accident, wont happen again, go back to your meals everypony." He sighs in relief and looks around for Riley. "Riley? You here yet?" Tempest shouts out.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I've been here for a few seconds now," explained Riley, helping Tempest back to his hooves.


"Greetings," said Bailey the bartender in his Germane accent. He had a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Riley, who is zis fellow pony you have brought vith you?" he asked.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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As Jolt got back to his house as he spotted a paper on the table with his name on it as he unfolded the paper and it was his friends handwriting and it says "Gotta head home. I'll be sending invites to your party." as Jolt crumbled the paper and threw it in the garbage and started setting up things for the party as he put out some Jolt's family cider on the table with the cups and he ahnged up some decorations in the living room and he set the snacks on the table and put a hot steaming pie near the window to let it cool off. "There. That seems to be everything." he said as he sat down at the couch and started reading some book he picked out.

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