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I think answering questions is a good way to develop character.


Oh, these ponies have some questions for me? Sure, I'll answer a few. Let me just sit down...

(It might be more interesting if you DON'T read her profile first, don't you think?)

Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 1

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Tea or coffee?

Definitely tea. Coffee makes me shakey! (I do like a good espresso though.)

Unsweetened Chinese tea, Oolong with honey, chamomile or peppermint before bed... I don't like flowery teas though. They smell good, but taste awful!

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how would you feel about lychee black tea though? (Am I asking too many questions  :wacko: ?)

I've never tried that kind before! But again, I generally dislike fruit tea. And no, you aren't asking too many questions. :)

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performance/slam poetry or the good old written type?

Hmm... To be honest, I don't know much about poetry outside of prophecies and Shakespeare. ((Shakespony??)) I do enjoy the quick wit and inventiveness of rap battles, but written poetry usually has a lot more thought put into it and, because of that, has deeper meanings. Truly a tough question, but I'm going to go with written poetry for now. Shakespeare's a funny guy.

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in that case, favourite Shakespearean sonnet and why?

I'm not familiar with his stand-alone sonnets--moreso his plays. I really enjoyed The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet. I jotted down so many quotes because of how ingenious they are, but I hardly remember any of them in full. ^^' heh heh.

"The devil can site scripture for his purpose." was a particularly good one. Wise words, n'est-ce pas?

"Good night, sweet Prince, and flights or angels sing thee to thy rest." :) that was anoher favourite of mine. It's sad, but full of love. That one's from Hamlet. Horatio, specifically.

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Ah! Merchant of Venice, Act I *pats self on back, then see the edit and starts crying* I knew he would die but it still hurts when it does. Did you cry buckets when you read that scene? I know I did...  


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Erm...not BUCKETS, per se... But maybe thimbles. It was very sad, but I knew he'd die in the end. I felt more sorry for Horatio. He's a very relatable character. :( Oh, and Hamlet's mother.

On another note, are you familiar with the movie "Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead"? It's a really great movie!


((If Shakespeare exists in mlp))

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What's a favorite kingdom or country you'd like to visit outside from Equestria? :squee:

I'd really love to visit the crystal empire! It's so mysterious--I would really enjoy uncovering its secrets!

Oh I've heard of it, but never watched it. I'll move it up on my priority list next to Dead Poet's Society. Ever read Othello?

Unfortunately, no. I get really involved in the plays that I DO read, but I haven't read that many of them. I just don't have that kind of time, taking into account my other responsibilities. :/ If only Ponyville actors would put on a play...

On second thought, maybe I should give up some of my fruitless hobbies and read more...heh heh. ^^'

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Do You like hugs? What is Your cutie mark about? :3


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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Prefer a good story or a good article?

Definitely a good story. Fantasy really fuels my passion for discovery! The articles that are true aren't usually that interesting...because most of the really good stories are hidden from the public. That's what my passion taught me...

Although I appreciate it when really great stories come, fiction is always more interesting.

What's your favorite holiday?

I love Hearth's Warming Eve and winter in general, but honestly, Nightmare Night is the one that holds a really special place in my heart.

Would you prefer cabbages or lettuce? :D

I mean you no offence, but I prefer lettuce. ;)

Do You like hugs? What is Your cutie mark about? :3

I do like hugs, but I'm better at hugging people I like and am comfortable around. Does that make sense?

My cutie mark? It's a glowing blue amber, an ancient stone...it represents hope--or "a light in the dark", as well as discovery. That's what I think it means, at least. :) When I was younger, my two best friends fell into a bad situation and, by extension, a really deep sadness...I was kind of the pony in our group in charge of inspiring the others, so I would tell them stories--plans for our future. Fantastic stories, about the world, magic, the adventures we'd go on. I did my best to inspire them with hope, and I guess it worked so well that it earned me my cutie mark. I don't quite understand it myself.


((Check out her profile--it's explained better there))

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If you could have a full day with your favorite princess, who would it be and what do you think you two would do? :)

Oh dear. That is quite the question!
You see. I've never met any of the princesses! So much has changed recently... I feel like I'm in the dark. I mean, for most of my life, Princess Luna was Nightmare Moon. Not long ago, the crystal empire resurfaced and another princess became ruler, and even MORE recently, a unicorn ascended and became a princess. I don't know much about those two...
But I've read books about the royal sisters. I heard that Princess Luna visits troubled ponies in their dreams--and even continued to visit them when she was nightmare moon. It's so cool and mysterious...I think I'd really like to meet her now that she's back to normal.
I'd just want to learn everything I can about her and her life...A being that old must know so much about the ancient world!  ...But, knowing me, I'd just stand there, slack-jawed if I ever saw her... u_u
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What are you looking for in your special somepony?



I don't really think about things like that, really. I've never had a special somepony so I don't think I know what's best for me. Of course I still have my...ideals, though.

This is a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to answer.

Hopefully somepony kind, empathetic, determined, and full of thought. Somepony who isn't TOO energetic, and who isn't afraid to just be who he is. Maybe somepony who needs me, if that makes sense...

Of course I'd be more interested in somepony mysterious and interesting, but those qualities are easier to find in fiction--plus I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be with somepony like that.


Oh, and somepony who's honest--not just with me, but with themselves, too.

I can't believe I forgot to include that. It's very important to me. I hate dishonesty.

Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 2

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