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private Manehatten Misadventures [1x1]


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"Hmm?" Nightlight looked up, blushing for what seemed like the bazillionth time that day. "O-oh. S-sorry, it's just..." He sighed. "I don't normally talk to other ponies, especially not one on one... I-I suppose I'm just nervous." Nightlight thought it best to not bring up the fact that he had feelings for her and risk losing her forever, especially when he didn't understand those feelings himself. He suddenly found himself imagining the two of them snuggling by a fireplace, worry and anxiety melting away... And of course, once he realized this, he blushed a deeper shade of pink. What is wrong with me?! Quick, change the subject!! As Remix opened her mouth to say something, Nightlight interrupted, in a quite serious tone, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." What are you doing?! That isn't helping!! he internally yelled at himself.

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"Oh, you're just like Jazzy then!" she said, smiling as she thought of her friend who was extremely socially awkward and somewhat of a recluse. "That's okay. It's perfectly normal to be nervous if it's not something you usually do." Remix said, smiling gently to try to comfort him. She was just about to say something else when he blurted out a randomly long word. Just the randomness of the situation, the particular word he had chosen and the completely and utterly stone-serious expression he had made her completely lose it. She stayed silent for the first couple of seconds, stifling laughter as she tried to form a response, before giving up and doubling over in hysterical giggles, her whole body shaking as tears sprung to her eyes. After maybe five minutes, she finally managed to pull herself together somewhat, breathing heavy and dabbing at the corners of her eyes. "Oh. Oh man, you are quite... Quite the comedian." she said, her words interspersed by the occasional giggle.

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Nightlight was relieved to see Remix double over with laughter. He smiled. It was rather ridiculous, what he'd just done. He silently joined in her laughter, and after a while he stopped, an amused expression on his face as the mare in front of him was still bursting with giggles. He laughed quietly again, loosening up a bit. They were both weird, and that was okay. He looked over at Remix again and she was still dying of laughter. Nightlight's smile grew as he thought, It wasn't even that funny! That fact combined with the fact that Remix was now clutching her sides made Nightlight howl with laughter. However, he quickly put a hoof over his mouth, looking around to see others were staring at them. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged at them, turning back to Remix, beaming. He was grateful for the compliment, and thought back to all the times he'd played a comedic role onstage. "Well, I am an actor. Humor runs in my line of work." He leisurely put one hoof over the other on the table, looking at Remix with interest.

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Remix felt the looks of others. It was impossible to ignore them, to be perfectly honest, bu she'd been stared at and judged for her entire life, so she learned to not care at all anymore. She grinned at him, her teeth glinting in the light as she smiled. "Hey, whaddaya know. You can laugh after all!" she said, teasing him and reaching over to ruffle his hair. "Weird, isn't it? You were so serious before, and now, after laughing a bit, you seem to have suddenly snapped back into yourself again." she said, smiling as she rested her chin in her hooves. "Thank god. You know, I've always respected actors. They can be anyone they want to be in the blink of an eye, and nothing can ever weigh them down when they play a role." she murmured, absentmindedly tapping the table.

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Nightlight giggled at Remix's jest. Himself... Yes! This is who he was! His ears pricked up and he sat a little taller when Remix mentioned respecting actors, and tilted his head at her comment. Huh. I suppose that's true, isn't it? Nightlight smiled some more. "Yes, portraying other ponies is really fun. Especially the evil ones." He blushed again, laughing nervously. "N-not that I am evil, of course. I-it's just, um," he sighed, looking down, then looked back up, grinning. "I played as a god of death once. It was amazing..." Nightlight's voice and his gaze trailed off, remembering the awesome experience. All the singing, the story, the power he'd felt as the main antagonist. He snapped himself back to reality and added, lightheartedly, "Oh yeah, and the main character turned into a tree. Definitely one of the most unusual endings I've ever participated in. And sad..." His expression turned somber as he recalled the last evening of said performance, the one when the cast, including himself, was somewhat torn up that they wouldn't be seeing each other for rehearsals anymore. During that final scene, when that mare's character died... He'd cried actual tears. So had a lot of the rest of the cast.


When Nightlight realized he'd spaced out again, he shook himself out of his trance, perking up once more. "You should've seen us. We looked pretty frightening with tears sending mascara down our faces!" He laughed, smiling gleefully, remembering the event fondly.

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Remix grinned, seeing how enthusiastic he was about his craft. "You know, you should smile more. It suits you." she said, nodding as if she were confirming a theory. "The Evil ones?" she asked, tilting her head a little. "I guess that makes sense. I mean, wouldn't they give you a bit more freedom? You don't have to be the good guy all the time. And you get to be powerful!" she said, shrugging as she offered her opinion. "Of course, I don't act, and I'm pretty sure I'd be rubbish at it, so I'm probably wrong." she said, sticking out her tongue a little as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "Woah! God of Death?" she exclaimed, eyes wide. "A tree? I'll bet!" she said, laughing a little. "Imagine that. That sounds like both an emotional and a physical rollercoaster." she said, wishing, for some reason, that she was there to see it. "Next time you act, tell me, I wanna go see you in action." She stayed silent as he spaced out, content with just watching his expressions change as he recalled an event. 


"Mascara?" Remix questioned, incredulous. "You were wearing mascara. And makeup. Alright, that settles it, next time you act, I am for sure going to see you, even if it's just to see you with makeup on." she said, smirking evilly. She rarely wore make-up herself, unless it was for an extremely special occasion.

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Sh-she likes my smile? A faint blush appeared on Nightlight's face, far less prominent than the ones before, as he continued to smile. He appreciated her positive reaction to playing as evil characters, and giggled a bit at her rollercoaster comment. Yes, becoming a tree would certainly not be easy.


"Stage makeup," Nightlight explained, unabashed. "Our facial expressions need to be seen from the very back of the theater." When she smirked, Nightlight giggled. "I don't mind." Nightlight's eyes glossed over. That smirk... His eyes lit right back up as he remembered what he'd wanted to tell her earlier. "Actually, public auditions for Misérables Ponies are next week. You could join me in my next journey across the stage!" He flashed a smile.

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"Make-up's make-up, no matter what you do." she said, shrugging. "Is all the same to me. But hey, at least you have a good reason." she said, nodding approvingly. Some ponies she knew would just cake it on, and she couldn't stand it. She watched him sort of phase out a little for no reason, and waved a hoof in front of his face, somewhat confused as to why his eyes had suddenly glossed over. "Hello~? Anyone in there?" she asked jokingly, almost jumping out of her skin when he snapped back reality.


Remix's eyes widened a little. "Me? Audition?" she asked, pointing to herself with a hoof. "I mean, I've heard of Misérables Ponies, even seen a performance and it's amazing, but I can't sing and I can't act!" she exclaimed, waving her hooves in front of her in a slight panic. "I'll just be happy to watch you from the crowd."

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Nightlight blinked. A musical pony that couldn't sing? He dismissed the question. His ears flattened in disappointment, but he smiled. "I understand. It's okay." He couldn't bring himself to pronounce the rest of his thoughts: I do hope to someday see your true potential, though. You can act as a proper mare, at the least. He recalled the moment they'd walked in, when she'd spoken all fancy-like.


The previously-awkward waitress returned. "Your food is here!" she cheerfully announced, setting the plates on the table with her magic. "And water." Another pony came with a pitcher of water, pouring some for the two ponies.


Nightlight suddenly forgot about theater as he saw the plate of spaghetti dressed in mazithra cheese and browned better that sat in front of him, remembering all at once that he was still starving. He unraveled his fork from his napkin with his magic and was about to dig in when he realized he'd dropped the conversation with Remix. He smiled sheepishly up at her. That was rude of me... But I want to eat food... He kept looking between his plate and Remix's face, as if he needed her permission to begin eating.

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Remix watched his ears flatten back, immediately feeling guilty that she couldn't do what he had wanted her to. "Sorry." she said, shrugging a little. "I'm just really uncomfortable singing and stuff like that. I have a great stage presence apparently, and I have no problem with remixing stuff and bouncing around on stage when I do that, but as soon as it gets to singing, I just don't know." she said, frowning a little.


As soon as their food arrived, her frown turned into a wide-eyed smile, and her eyes started sparkling brightly. "Wooowww!" she exclaimed as the food was placed in front of her. "It looks even better than I imagined! Thank you, Miss!" she said, smiling and thanking the waiter who poured their water as well. 


Seeing the bowl of ravioli placed in front of her, her mouth immediately began to water, as her stomach growled a little. Her body suddenly remembered it was hungry, and, without further thought, she unravelled the fork, stabbed it into a piece of ravioli with ferocity, and chomped down on it. Only when she was chewing did she realise that Nightlight was staring at her oddly. Flushing a little, she swallowed before clearing her throat. "Uh... Food first, then talk? Cause I don't know about you, but I'm starving!"

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Nightlight's ears perked up and his smiled brightly. "Yes!" In more polite company, he would have carefully twined his spaghetti around his fork before eating, but he was quick to have at the pasta with his fork. Mmmmmmm... At first he was quickly devouring his meal, but after a little while he began slowing down, enjoying the taste. He took a sip of water, and decided to watch Remix eat for a while.

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Watching him dig in, she grinned, and couldn't help but take some large bites of her own, finding the silence that fell between them to be comfortable instead of awkward. When she was about halfway done, she paused, taking a sip of her drink and dabbing at her mouth with a napkin. Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes on her, and she looked up to meet Nightlight's gaze. "Uh, whatcha staring at?" she asked, awkwardly touching the area around her mouth with her hooves. "Do I have sauce on my face?" 

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"Oh, n-no, it's just that..." Nightlight sighed longingly. "you're cute." Nightlight immediately clamped a hoof over his mouth, blushing profusely. N-no! Why did I say that?!? He slowly went back to his spaghetti, trying-- and failing-- not to look suspicious. He sighed. It's all over... The end. Game Over. I lose. He glanced up to see if Remix was still looking at him, biting his lip.

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Remix paused, taking a little bit to process it as a light blush dusted on her cheeks, completely imperceptible against her lavender coat. "Cute?" she asked, recovering quickly. Without missing a beat, she giggled before booping Nightlight on the nose. "Well, duh! You're adorable yourself, friend!" she said, the idea of the word cute being used in any other context completely going over her head.

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Nightlight laughed lightly. That was close... He smiled at Remix before returning to his meal. When he finished, he lapped up the sauce around his lips and yawned. He rested his head in his hooves on the table as he waited for Remix to finish. His imagination wandered. He imagined being held tight in Remix's hooves as she nuzzled him, and this time, for some strange reason, he was okay with thinking that.

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Remix nommed happily, polishing off her plate relatively quickly before she wiped her mouth with the napkin, setting her fork down. "Dang, that was good!" she said happily, rubbing her now full stomach with a hoof as she leaned back in the hair, stretching a little. "Nothing like a full stomach to make you feel ready to do anything, ay?" she asked, smiling and resting her hooves on the table, pushing her fringe a little out of her eyes. 

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Nightlight's eyes fluttered open; he hadn't completely nodded off yet. He nodded at Remix. "Yes." He smiled, stretching. It was over now; they were both finished. Wait. A-am I going to see her again...? Sadness overcame Nightlight as he realized he probably wouldn't. The city was a big place, and it was hard to spot specific ponies amidst all the crowds. He began subconsciously pawing at the table with his hoof, sighing sadly.

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Remix watched as his face changed to one of sadness, and she frowned a little, confused as to why his mood had just suddenly shifted. "Hey, why the long face?" she asked, tilting her head. "You were happy about 5 seconds ago, and now you're sad." she said, biting her lower lip, worried she had done something wrong. She watched him paw at the table, her brow furrowing as he confusion grew.  

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"It's just... You're so fun to be around, but... I'll probably never see you again." Nightlight's breathing quickened as he recalled countless lonely nights shut up in his room with no one to talk to. Tears formed around his eyes. "N-no... Not again..." he said to himself, the words out of his mouth before he could remember to seal them from Remix. He began shifting restlessly in his seat, biting his lip and trying not to spiral out of control.

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Remix smiled. "Never say never, right? I mean, who knows. The world is a small place." she said, hoping herself that they would somehow meet again. When she saw tears begin to well up in his eyes, her own widened, and she quickly left her seat, stopping next to his side of the table and bending down so she could see his face clearly. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, soothingly rubbing a hoof on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, not yet." she said softly, trying to keep herself calm enough to figure out what to do. Normally, when Jazz panicked, she just stayed with her and calmed her down, but she wasn't sure if that was going to work this time round. No harm in trying. "Oi, scooch over."

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Nightlight could only answer Remix's question by the slightest shake of his head as he shivered. When she next spoke, he took deep breaths, trying to calm down, though the quivering only increased. Nightlight was too dazed by shock to question the mare's orders. He scooted over, allowing Remix to sit with him. He tried to still his vibrating hooves as he gazed at Remix with a look of confusion and sorrow. I-I'm sorry... I'm such a nervous wreck... he thought as he continued to look into her eyes, waiting for her to speak.

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Remix slid into Nightlight's seat, settling next to him. She placed an arm around his shoulders, smiling gently as she spoke. "Hey, don't be so worried. It's okay, I'm not leaving you alone. I'm here for you, you don't have to fight through it on your own." she said, hugging him gently. Seeing his glass of water, she grasped it with her magic and lifted his glass of water and offering it to him. "Here, take a drink. You'll feel much better when you do, I assure you." she said soothingly, hoping that it would help calm him down a little.

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Nightlight began to relax at Remix's touch, hanging onto each one of her words. He was immensely grateful for the warm, gentle embrace. He tried to steady his breathing again, this time with more success. He closed his eyes. His ears pricked and his eyes flashed open when Remix offered him some water. He started to contemplate how that would help, but thought it best to just trust her. He sipped a bit before levitating it back onto the table. He met Remix's eyes once more, speechless. He was no longer shaking and his breathing was normal.

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Remix smiled, feeling him relax a little, his previously tense muscles seeming to slacken somewhat. She heard his breathing steady, and continued to rub his arm with her hoof soothingly to help encourage him to relax. A couple of ponies were glancing their way, but she subtly shook her head at them to indicate that they should not approach, fearing it may trigger Nightlight to have another panic attack. "There you go, hey? You're fine now." she said, her voice still soft and gentle as she met his eyes, smiling happily. She brought her arm back to her side, but stayed sitting on Nightlight's side of the table, just wanting to make sure that he was truly alright.

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Sh-she's right, I'm fine... Nightlight took a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry," he apologized, rubbing his fore-hooves together nervously, looking down. "This doesn't usually happen in public..." Only in my room, with nopony else around...


It's okay, she's not going anywhere anytime soon. She said so.


Nightlight found himself wishing to be held in Remix's embrace all night. He didn't want that to end. She's not going to leave, he reminded himself, trying not to go into shock again. Maybe he'd finally found a true friend? A best friend he could show his true self to? Not that he really knew who he was...

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