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planning Seeking fellow Ponies who think Rp as an Artform!


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Hail, a Dark eve,


My name is Applejock, but i have gone by many a title over the years. Some tags are original, such as Risha or Taintedfang. And some are un-orginal characters, such as Demona, Rarity, or Setsuna. I won't keep you but I just wanted to toss this out there. I am a 17 year Veteran of Role-play, started when i was about 13, and have been Rping in every format you might imagine. Tabletop (D&d) Internet (Chat room, Instant messanger) Gaming (MMOs like World of Warcraft,Firefall,etc) and in person (Spoken RP games like Sailor Moon Role-play, etc) I also Cos-play, but that's another topic.


You might have noticed, I did not mention Forum RP. Sadly I prefer more personal, in depth, RP story lines between myself and another. Not saying I don't enjoy several Rp story lines going on at once between several characters..I prefer it! But I enjoy privacy, I have found over the years, a true artist (yes i consider Role playing just as much an art form as painting, singing, etc) brings there A-game when they know its just the two of you.


That all being said, I would like to invite all of you to Join me via Yahoo Messenger. I will warn you now, i truly have a Passion for Role-play and am one of the types who Multi-Para posts and often uses "npc" characters to further our "Main characters".


As a Final note, I am an adult (this gals cracked the big 30!) and prefer more Mature style Rps, I am all for OCs, so bring em all :P


Thank you for your time, and sticking with my poor grammer as youve read this, again feel free to drop me a line to discuss some RP storylines.

  • Brohoof 2

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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Just wanna say; your avatar perfectly matches your post's style (come at me; I can take it!); and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who sees Role playing as an art form (like writing or acting depending on the form). Unfortunately I am too much of an Anti-Social Coward; as such I find the idea of 1 on 1 role plays with someone I don't know very well nerve-wracking even though I can tell from your post that you'd be an awesome person to roleplay with.


Also congratulations for making this 25 year old feel both young and old at the same time somehow.

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I feel the same way my friends a roleplay can be as stunning as a sunset over a glass lake and as awesome as a battle ship firing a salvo against their enemy's

From reading your writing we have some stuff incomon I would love to join you with my nearly endless amount of oc's but my main one is a mixture of my best ones

I would like to try a roleplay with you however i must warn you I roleplay in the first person if that matters

This is my oc



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