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private The cool new tech! 1x1 RP


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OOC that won't be used


EddG with Techy Tweak

Spike 2211 with Ethan Crescent


Techy was sitting in the backroom of Ponyville's largest technology store finishing the last of the Hoofpads.

"One more screw..." murmurs Techy finishing off the last remaining Hoofpad/

"Done, Time to put these on display"

Techy trots to the front of the store levitating 200 Tablets across the room with him.

"I should leave a few out to try and put the rest under the counter".

Techy attaches security devices on the display hoofpads and opens the store.

Edited by EddG
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Ethan was at school and saw everyone with a hoofpad

''Like OMG look at my new hoofpad!' everyfilly had a hoofpad ethan went up to button mash and said

"hey whats going on?" button said "didn't you hear the new hoofpad is out!" diamond tiara comes to ethan "hey blank flank! have you got yours?'' Ethan looked down "n-no..'

Diamond grinned "Ha! the biggest loser has no Hoofpad!! Blank Flank!!" Ethan ran away crying and ran to techys shop "h-huh?"

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Ethan looked In his pocket and saw that he only had 3 bits he sighed

"I don't have enough money.. I only have three bits." Ethan looked at the Hoofpad it looks so cool!! he thought in his mind

ethan gave back the Hoofpad "isn't anything on sale?" he said looking at the stallion ''if not then its fine but." a tear comes out of his eye

''thanks for showing me anyways.." ethan started to walk away crying.

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"I do have a preowned hoofphone on sale for about 50 bits"

The colt starts walking away depressed.

"H..h...hey wait! I might have a job available in the Cybercafe area, i..i..if you want..."

Techy smiles and trys to hide how bad he feels for the colt

"I just need somepony to make sure that the computers aren't being misused and damaged"

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Ethan looked up at the stallion Is he serious? He said in his mind

''R-really?? t-that would be an honor!'' Ethan looks at techy with a huge smile

''t-thank you so much!!!'' ethan ran to him and hugged him

''thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!'' a tear of joy comes out of his eye.

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"No problem" says Techy whist hugging Ethan

"Well here you go" says Techy passing the Hoofpad to Ethan

"Now let me take you to your battle station"

Techy leads Ethan to a Desk with a Computer, Coffee Brewer and Hoofpad docking station hooked up.

"Now this job is fairly simple as the computers do most of the work, all you have to do is if you get a notification on your computer that somepony is doing something they shouldn't, you can decide whether to allow them to continue or block it and if it is serious kick them off. Have fun! "

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''Okay ill do my best sir!'' Ethan said excited so he sat down at the desk and waited for a notification

Ethan yawned and drank his apple juice from his lunch this isn't too bad at least I can get money from this job Ethan said in his mind

so ethan waited for a few hours busy looking at the instructions for the Hoofpad for 1 second.

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he has THAT Game??? he said in his mind

''yes please!!!! I would love that sir!'' ethan said bouncing up and down like pinkie does

'' besides all I got is one notification that says "somepony is on a Dangerous site'' and I clicked block them cause it might of been a filly or some sort''

ethan got up from the desk and started to follow techy.

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Techie and Ethan arrive in the Game aisle.

"Do you want to use the gamepad or the controller"

"Oh I forgot the Popcorn and Cola! I'll be right back"

Techie runs into the back room

"Where is the popcorn and my cola stash... Oh there it is!"

Techie grabs the popcorn and a couple of cans of cola then trots back to Ethan (Whom is still deciding on the controller).

"I'm back"

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''woah this looks so awesome...hmm..'' Ethan looks at the controllers

''I guess ill take the Gamepad'' he said gently picking up the gamepad I need to ask serenity if I have one! ethan said in his mind

When ethan looked at the popcorn and Coke cola he jaw went down ''h-how did you get all those stuff?!'' ethan asked him with an surprised expression on his face.

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Techy picking up the Controller replyed

" I do a mass snack shopping spree every now and then"

"Just let me know if you want anything, the backroom is kinda out of bounds."

Techy put the disc in the Wii He.

" I'll play as Toad, What character are you going to pick?" Techy said whilst sipping his cola.

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''Oh that's cool to hear'' Ethan said, he looked at the back room and shrugged meh must of been full of stuff that are not for fillies.. he said In his mind

''hmmm I guess ill go with Luigi because my friend button mash loves toad so much that no one wants to take his character''

ethan giggled while he ate a piece of popcorn

''but oh well its life for him anyways..'' ethan said as he selected luigi.

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"Oh Button, he comes here quite often" Techy replies loading up his save file

"I've beat this game already so you can pick from any stage"

Techy eats some popcorn

"Next time you see him tell him I said hey!

Techy passes Player 1 to Ethan

"I'd recommened Level 4-10, It's the most fun with 2 players."

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''hmm so that's why I see him going to your store''

ethan said while looking at the levels ''hmm I guess ill have to go with level 5? because last time I played level 5 I got killed by goombas.''

''and don't worry button said hey from you to me so its simple.''

ethan smiled as he got given player one with his best luigi voice he said

''I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!''

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Techy giggled at Ethans referance and replied in a Mario impression

"Eh, Luigi?"

Techy made sure Ethan got the best items during the stage.

"This is fun"

Techy and Ethan finish the stage.

Techy stares at the clock

"6PM?!? I need to start closing the store!"

Techy looks at Ethan

"Hey Ethan it's closing time. And before I forget"

Techy passes Ethan his first pay wallet of 20 bits.

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A few hours later ethan was fast asleep still holding on the controller exhausted he couldn't move cause of being too tired

he smiled when he got his 20 bits pay check so he woke up and grabbed the check ''seya tomorrow..uh..is it techy?''

so he waved to his new boss and left with his Money and hoofpad.'

when button saw him he gasped ''oh my hoof! did you get a job at techys place?'' ethan nodded ''yep and he pays me 20 bits a whole day! although it would be cool to see the backroom''

button gasped ''don't go into that room!'' ethan looked at button with an confused expression on his face ''why?'' he asked ''because I heard that he keeps dead ponies in there!!''

''No way!'' ethan said ''well seya tomorrow at school!'' he said while running home.

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Techy sat in the backroom, playing digdug on his GameColt

" I did a good deed today " Techy thought to himself

Techy put down the gamecolt

"Darn I need to make some more hoofpads"

Techy dug around in his componant box and cobbled together a cheaper Hoofpad.

"Huh, If I make more of these I can sell the Hoofpad for cheaper, I can't wait to show Ethan"

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the next day


Ethan looked at his broken hoofpad that diamond tiara broke 'y-you jerk! what did you do to my Hoofpad!!!'' diamond grinned ''only cool ponies get cool stuff and your not! so get the flank outta here!'' ethan looked around and everyone was laughing at him even button was T-traitor! he lied to me!! he thought in his mind so he once again ran away crying with his broken hoofpad and stolen money to techys shop but sliver spoon was blocking the way "g-gah!'' Ethan fell over ''well its time we teach you a lesson'' sliver said and so diamond with sliver beat up ethan and walk away laughing while he was crying.

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Techy comes out of the store.

"Ethan! are you okay?"

Techy helps Ethan inside.

"Let me get you an ice pack"

Techy heads into the backroom and grabs an icepack and the Hoofpad lite

"Here ya go" says Techy passing the Icepack

"I have a new thing to show ya"

Techy presents the Hoofpad Lite

"I made it last night, it's 100 bits cheaper to make, studier, quicker and I'd like you to field-test it."

Techy passes Ethan the Hoofpad lite.

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ethan put the ice pack on his head

''thanks for the ice pack'' he said looking at the bruses that were on his hooves

Ethan sighed ''why am I always getting builled so easily..''

when he looked at the hoofpad lite his eyes went wide "woah!!! awesome did you actually made that??'' he said eagerly  

so ethan pressed the home button on the hoofpad a picture appeared of Techy and button mash appeared on the screen button mash?? what was he doing in that photo?! Ethan question himself as he stared at the picture ''this seems really cool! how many did you make?'' Ethan asked

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Techy heard Ethan sigh

''why am I always getting builled so easily..''

Techy replied

"I used to get bullied a lot as well mostly by a Pony called Ruby Tiara, she kept calling me a wierdo for being interested in Electronics and Gadgets."


"But anyway the Hoofpad Lite you are holding is the first of it's kind"

"I need to know what you think of it before I release it."

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