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private The cool new tech! 1x1 RP


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Ethan looked at techy with an confused look

"Um.. Are you okay? You look like if your under diamond tiaras control" Ethan asked starting to shake

'Oh well.. At least he's not going to hurt me right?' Ethan thought in his mind as he looked at the dust that used to be his glasses

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Ethan looks at techy and nodded "sure! I wouldn't mind" so the two ponies went into the convenience store but for some reason the smell made Ethan's eyes blurry "A-agh! I-I'll wait outside for you.. I just need some fresh air" Ethan said running out of the store and breathily heavily 'why are my eyes....blurry? I thought I had them alright but I guess I was wrong' Ethan thought in his mind

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Techy saw Ethan's eyes slightly water.

"Okay, I'll get you some chocolate whilst I'm inside" Techy said in a cheery tone.

Techy looked around the small store.

"Oh, there's the milkshake powder!" Techy grabbed a box of Milkshake ( a flavor each)

"And not to forget a chocolate bar for Ethan" Techy said as he grabbed a bar of chocolate

Techy walked to the counter, behind the counter was a disgruntled Zebra

"10 Bits please" The zebra said in a grumpy tone.

"here ya go" Techy said passing the Zebra the money.

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Ethan sighed and saw button hanging out with diamond tiara "B-BUTTON??" Ethan said while looking surprised 'what is he doing with her! Doesn't he know she's a bu- H-he has a cutie mark!!" Ethan thought in his mind while staring at the two fillies until diamond went up to Ethan and said grinning "hey loser! Waiting for your some pony aye? Well he won't know your secret will he?" Diamond said punching Ethan in the face

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Diamond looked at techy "isn't it obvious? He needs to be dead.. He sucks so much the whole world explodes in front of him" diamond explained punching Ethan repeatedly until his nose is bleeding "w-why are you hanging with b-button" button comes up to him and sigh "because she seems cool and your just in the way" he said breaking Ethan's left hoof

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Nearly blinded with pure anger Techy dropped the Milkshake boxes and chocolate bar.

"heh... heh... heh you two both have Hoofphones and hoofpads on you right? Well I've added a security feature in case they were stolen. Have fun with it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

((OOC) I'll let you decide their fates :3)

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Button and diamond paused for a minute and screamed while running home Ethan looks at the milkshake powder and chocolate bar on the floor not damaged so slowly he picked up the items and past the items to him "t-techy? Are you alright you look....insane" Ethan asked her ears were down

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Techy saw Ethan looking worried.

"S-Sorry it just angers me how she treats you and get's away with it."

Techy notices how badly Ethan is injured.

"Let me call an ambulance"


"Hopefully they'll arrive soon."

Techy gives Ethan the chocolate bar

"I got it for you"

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Ethan smiles

"T-thanks a lot.." Ethan said while nibbling the chocolate

Just then the ambulance came and collected the damaged colt before driving to the hospital

HOSPTIAL,STUFF HAPPEN (to lazy to write it all)

2 hours later Ethan wakes up in the hospital his left hoof in a cast, weakly he said "w-what...what happened?"

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Ethan sighed "I know.. I thought button was really my true friend but I guess I was wrong he's...a jerk..'' Ethan said starting to get upset but at the moment he saw sweetie belle with her head damaged "woah.. Sweetie belle are you okay?" Sweetie belle shook her head "no..button cheated on me and...now is dating diamond tiara.. He is a jerk.."

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Techy stood there letting anger fill him, he started to laugh.

"Ooh he did. Did he? Well... he can say goodbye to his Video Games."

Techy gets his hoofpad and opens a lost and stolen devices app.

"Oh there's his joyboy, Time for that to stop"

Techy pushed a button on his screen.

"Let's see if he's learned if his lesson"

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Button went on his joy boy but for some reason it didn't have all the video games that he loved so much

"W-what the h-heck! W-what happened to my games!! MOM!!" Button yelled as he ran to his mother his eyes were in tears

"MOM!! ALL MY GAMES ARE GONE! CAN YOU BRING THEM BACK PLEASE!!" Button shouted as his mother glared at him

"I don't think so mr button.. You've been playing so much and turned into this jerk and even you lost your best friend Ethan so no video games for 7 years button!" His mother told him looking annoyed than ever

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Ethan looked at sweetie belle and nodded "uh can we have some chocolate cake please?" Ethan asked before hugging him gently sweetie belle smiled and looked at a photo of her sister rarity and smiled "at least I got some pony who cares about me and my life along with you Ethan and techy" sweetie smiled as she continue to look at the photo

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Techy got up from his chair.

"Okay two Chocolate Cakes! I'll be right back."

Techy walked to the cafe area of the Hospital

"Yes, what do you want?" Said the mare behind the counter

"Umm... Two chocolate cakes and a coffee please" Techy said

"That'll be 5 bits please" The mare said in a grouchy voice

"Here you go" Techy said exchanging the money for the snacks.

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Ethan sighed as he looked at his now broken hoof

"Stupid diamond tiara..always getting in my way if I just see her one more time I'll.. Ugh.."

Ethan mumbled as he hold onto his aching head sweetie belle still looking at her sisters picture

"Well at least they're not here right now! That's good to hear right?" Sweetie belle asked while still staring at the picture

"Yea that is good indeed" Ethan said yawning

Edited by Spike2211
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