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open Expedition into Uncharted Land

Nameless Knight

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I rolled my eyes. I did kinda overdo it… I think I got the point across though.

“Good. Don’t be the first in the network to squall”


The jungle grass fleet nice on my back. “Sure is…” That never gets old for me, looking up at the night sky untouched by pegasi hooves or the lights of the towns and cities of Equestria.


I looked up at the moon. It might be a full moon tomorrow or the night after… “Hey, if I’m up for a while tomorrow night don’t freak. I’ve got my reasons” My reasons indeed.


“What am I trying to tell you? I’m trying to tell you that you seem a bit down on your luck and don’t seem that bad. You looked like you needed some help and I’m not the one to leave someone hanging” I felt like I trusted him a bit more but it was only day one. I’d find out if he could truly be trusted soon enough.


“So what’s your story? All I know about you is your name, you’re bitless, and you’re in trouble with the guard. Not much to go off of”

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(I'm going to break the turn system again... for, uhh... Medical Reasons? Yeah let us go with that)


Chronos heard Tyra and walked back over to the fire and laid down. He removed his helmet and set it beside him, He then pulled down his mail coif (hood). His mane was still slightly wet. He noticed Tyra was hesitant to grabbing the fish with her teeth, so he used his magic to give her the freshly cooked meet. Chronos got a cooked fish for himself and silently began to eat it. It had been a long time since he had actually eaten any kind of meat. To him it was like cake, He could live without it, but it was kind of a guilty pleasure.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Yes...medical... :mustache: )


"Aah, my thanks!" Tyra grinned, taking a hearty bite of the fish. It reminded her vividly of back home in Trotstheim, of the great feasts after winning many a battle or siege. Ever since she was a filly she'd sit with her family under the starry night sky and partake in the festivities. Fish was always one of her favourites, particularly salmon.

She wished she had a tankard of mead, or even cider, to go with it.


A pang of homesickness shot through her for a split second, but it quickly left; she was proud to be able to go out on her own, and she pledged to return home an accomplished traveller and warrior. And this island was just another step forward.


She looked over to the Kelpie, who was still laying alone. She saw they had some fish still left over, and decided to try one more time.

"Are you sure you do not want some fish, friend? It has been carefully cooked!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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((Or you can just say it like it is: me being a procrastinating loser who is too lazy to make a 200 character reply  :P))


Nymphaea wrinkled her nose in disgust as she briefly regarded the well cooked fish.


"I only take my food raw and kicking thank you" she said, making a point not to look over at where her companions were taking their meal. She had already had enough run ins with with fire for one day anyway.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(I didn't want to seem mean, because for all I knew you could of had a good reason) 


Chronos swallowed a piece of fish and looked at the Kelpie "Have you ever tried cooked food?" He asked the kelpie.


Chronos began to think of ways to make the Kelpie less hostile towards him and Tyra. He couldn't just treat her like a misbehaving recruit, it just made her angrier. He could try Tyra's approach of being nice, but that hasn't seemed to work out for Tyra so far... maybe there was a middle ground or, the Kelpie was incapable of being nice.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Chronos how dare you like to me :eww: *shot* Aah not to worry Hunter, no rush after all! ^_^)


Tyra's ears, and the wings on her helmet, lowered as she slurped up the rest of her fish. She just didn't understand why this Kelpie was being so hostile towards them. Every approach she's tried hasn't worked!


Though, she perked back up as a thought entered her head. She turned to Chronos and mused, "Perhaps she does not like fire?"

With this idea in mind, she began approaching her once again; perhaps she'd be more willing to talk if she was far away from the flames?

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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((Just to make something clear; Nymphaea isn't really being so much hostile as she is just being really anti-social. There is a reason for it that will probably be revealed as she warms up, along with her name.))


Nymphaea narrowed her eyes and watched silently as Tyra approached her.


"Is there something more you need? Or do you just wish to again try and force of your unpleasant food down my throat?" she hissed sarcastically, not at all trying to mask the look of pained annoyance on her face.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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@@HunterTSN,  @@Unicorncob,

(Chronos still sees it as being hostile)



Chronos looked at Tyra "I believe we should stop trying, all of our attempts have been fruitless." He said to her before finishing up his fish. He stood up and grabbed his helmet and walking back to the stream and laying down. Since he was done eating, he decided to go back to thinking.


He set his helmet beside him and stared at the reflection of the moon on the water. He laid his head down and began to think... something he seemed to do allot


@@Firehearted, @,  

(memo to everybody:)

(when everyone falls asleep and Nymphaea is keeping guard, about 6 hours into the night, Chronos will wake up so don't skip to morning when everyone is asleep, also it is currently 7:12 PM ET on the island)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Tyra just doesn't really understand why she won't open up after being so nice to her, she doesn't really see it as hostility  :o)


Tyra gave Chronos a look as he walked back to the lake, and turned back toward the Kelpie.

"I simply wish to talk with you," She said, her voice lowered for the first time in a while, "we are companions, so we should get to know one another."

She sat a distance from the taller mare. "We trust your judgement in guiding us around the island, so surely you trust our promise in granting you your escape from it, yes?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The kelpie frowned and thought for a second.


"I trust that you wish to help, or at least you think to do" she said with a forlorn tone, "however I cannot be certain that you will follow through once the time is nigh." After a moment of silence, Nymphaea turned to Tyra to address her fully; "why are you so adamant on befriending me? Was it not only earlier today that I planned to lure and kill you in that lake? I would have too had you not been stopped from entering the water by the knight, if the giant had not interfered. I would have drowned and eaten you without hesitation, yet still you try to befriend me."


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Well, we are companions now," Tyra answered, with a sure nod, "besides, we are near water now. If you truly wished to devour us, you would have no doubt tried it again by now."


"I do not know what you mean by 'when the time is nigh', but believe me when I say; when a Shatterhoof gives you their word, only death can sever it." She smirked proudly, patting a hoof over her heart. "And you have my word that you will taste freedom from this island!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Chronos looked into the stream and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the stream and the sound of the Kelpie and Tyra, speaking. He was actually feeling homesick, which was rare. He had spent 6 years away from Equestria without a problem and yet,  after only 3 months, he was already missing his home. He tried not to think about it but he couldn't shake the constant feeling of homesickness. He sighed, he tried to think about what will happen when he returns home. He tried to fall asleep.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"It's cool, I can be a bit of a night owl myself sometimes if you can tell." I what he meant by "his reasons" probably has something to do with that traumatized expression he had earlier. He was a rather strange guy to say the least....


"As for me, I'm really not all that interesting. I grew up living in the poorest districts of Manehatten with my father after my mom decided to walk out on us. My mother was an astronomer and was pretty much the breadwinner, once she left dad lost his job and we were forced to live off scrapes to survive. We were forced to fend for ourselves, it's a different world living in ghetto. I started stealing things when I was younger, just so my father didn't have to worry about feeding me and paying our bills. It was a hard life, and it wasn't much better even after I stopped living with dad..."


I stopped speaking for a moment, why was I even telling this guy anything? I hardly even known him for a day, and yet here I am telling him my life's story. How do I know I can even trust him? Though I suppose if he actually has these so called connections or network whatever he's calling it, I'm going end up telling him this anyway. Besides he's bound to find out sooner or later who I really am, I'm surprised with all of his connections he hasn't been able to figure it out yet. I mean sure I'm a small fry, but I still had some pull in the criminal world. My magic was a dead give away too...

"After school, I couldn't afford to go to a university but I didn't want to try and make a life for myself in Manehatten, and my father didn't either. I did a few odd jobs around the city for a little while, but eventually I ended up enlisting in the royal guard with a little help from a friend. For a little while in my life I was able to make an honest living and was able to live comfortably, that was until I got discharged..." That memory was still too fresh in my mind, I would do anything to just to forget that whole mess. I swear if I ever saw that girl again.... I realized I was beginning to show too much emotion at that and calmed down as much as I could.


"Anyways, once I was booted out of the guard I broke, penniless, and couldn't find a job anywhere, so I went back to the only thing I knew how to. Dad was rather upset that I got booted out of the guard, I pretty much pissed away my only chance of making something of myself. But whats done is done, I can't really change that. After that I fell into the wrong crowd, started doing jobs for the Manehatten mob families." I flashed him the pins on my collar. "Everything eventually went straight to hell after that, and now after pretty much the most botched job ever all the mobs hate me and I'm on the run from seemingly all of Equestria by now. I'm actually surprised that knight on the boat didn't recognize me, there's countless of wanted posters out for my arrest by the time I left." 


I sigh. "That's really all there is to me, I make terrible life decisions and then blame all my problems on my good for nothing mother." 

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@@Eternal Night

“Yeah, a ‘night owl’, you could say that” I had a promise to keep and some little trot through the woods would stop me. Sure, it was entirely symbolic but Hunter put his word he’d do it assuming I do it too.



"I was in the guard for a bit out of high school. I got stationed up north on the border with the Griffon Kingdom and boy was that cold. Let me tell you, the second my enlistment was over I was gone. I signed up for the adventure and I got guard duty in some icebox. Not fun" I wanted to ask what he did to get discharged but I knew I shouldn't.



"I'll get you cleared with the mob; they owe me a favor anyway" I was not in the mood to talk to the mob boss again. He drives a hard bargain and asks the strangest requests in return or the most outrageous. Just because I've got Guard contacts doesn't mean I can get you enough swords to arm every stallion in the city.



"You make is sound like you tried to steal Celestia's crown. At this rate I'm going have hell to pay with the Guard... If you don't want to say what you did don't worry about it; we've all got secrets" That should be easy. I'm on the captain's good side right now and I can just promise him a favor for later.



"Well you had the guts to tell me your life story and your crimes so might as well tell you mine. I’ll try not to bore you” I stretched out on the ground getting comfortable.



“My years as a kid aside as I said I joined up with the Guard in hopes of adventure! Which I got none of unless you count freezing your wings off adventure… After my two years were up I began doing odd jobs around Equestria hitching rides on wagons and stowing away on trains. I did that for… Two years? Something like that.



That’s when I first went into the Everfree… Boy was that fun. I was asked by some old man to go and find his cane or something which I never did. He left behind a briefcase full of bits and a fez though” I took off my fez to look at it. “I never even got his name… That really began my current ‘occupation’ but it got hindered by something else.



I went to the Griffon Kingdom immediately after for reasons I still don’t know. I had some of the best and worst days of my life up there… I got myself roped into working for a Baron and joining his local guard. I was in it for the pay. Anyway that’s when I met a Griffon by the name of Backlash. He was one of the senior guards for the Baron. He taught me how to fight, how to live… I remember he taught me a number of moves in the Griffon martial art of Rock Claw… I don’t know where I’d be if he wasn’t there. He turned me from a boy to a man, something the Royal Guard could never do… Then came the fight…



You see, in the Griffon Kingdom, the Emperor doesn’t concern himself with his Barons and Lords unless it’s a bid fight. Often two Barons will fight a proxy war with each other for any reason you can think of… Well the Baron I was in service to got into one of these proxy wars… I was one of the front line troopers along with Backlash…



I remember we were about to jump out from a shallow trench made by the enemy who was on the run… Then it all went wrong… The enemy counter attacked and caught us by surprise. I can remember it all perfectly. Out of nowhere a spear found its way into Backlash’s chest. The pony who got him was no older than 16. Immediately after a fellow soldier got him right back”



That was a lie… I was the one who killed him. My sword entered his neck in seconds. He sprawled out onto the ground trying to remove the sword from his body as he bled to death.



“I fled after that. I was out of there before the battle ended. I headed back south to Equestria.


This is when I started going into the Everfree and other places doing dangerous work as a freelance archeologist of sorts. Back then I worked for some snobs up in Canterlot who paid for anything you brought them if it was old… I had a rival. His name was DeFlanko. Very strange fellow. He always had his hair in a comb over… That aside he was tough to beat. We both were always after the same artifacts. Eventually one day it came to a boiling point…



I always knew him to use dastardly means. We’d been in more than one sword fight. This was, however, was his last. He were fighting on top of the ruin of a tower. It was the last few seconds he got me” I lifted up my bum leg to show him. “See this?” I pointed to a large scar with my other hoof. “Cut right into it. Nowadays it’s manageable but I’ve got to drink potion ever few days or I can’t walk on it. Anyway after he got my I delivered a killing blow and he fell back off the tower to fall into a pack of timber wolves… I didn’t stick around after that since I was bleeding out.



I got out of their though. Sure I would have died if Zecora didn’t come along but I was alive.



I went back up into the Griffon Kingdom again a bit after that. I was a quest then… I had, still do, a thirst for knowledge. Anything, I would take it! I wanted to find out about the Old Griffon culture. I just need to know Old Griffon to read the transcripts in ruins and the books they left behind. The only people who know the language are me and a handful of scholars in Talon, the Griffon Capitol. Well they wouldn’t teach the language so do you know what I did? I learned it on my own. For many painstaking months I taught myself the almost dead language. Now I’m fluent. Побачити? Немає проблем. Я не можу читати весь словник не солодко. That’s also when, after reading many transcripts, found out about the Talon of October”



And I scattered. Why had I thought of that? Why that? Of all the things I thought about that.



“I hunted for it a long time but I never found it” Bullshit you never found it. You had it right in your hooves then you smashed it on that rock… Why? Why?... Why had I done that? The pike. I never should have…



I tried to push my past sins out of my head. The blood. It was the past. YOU ARE THE MONSTER. And they came back to haunt me. Even if it was years ago.



I was twitching a bit as I tried to not break down. Today was a terrible day. Three times in one day I’ve had these thoughts. I had been going for a good two months strong without a breakdown.



“S-So after that I headed back south” After hiding weeks in the woods in trauma trying to cover come to terms with myself.



“Some time later I got a contract with the Royal Museum. Now I get paid for every artifact I bring in with money from the royal treasury which pays well” I think I settled down a bit but not completely.



“All the while I’ve been across Equestria. I’ve worked with the mob, the Royal Guard, Griffon Army, some groups who’d rather not like me saying their names. As I traveled the ‘network’ formed. It’s got people across the world in it and technically, anyone I know is part of it. The currency is favors and the mission self-preservation. It I wanted I could get enough ponies, weapons, and supplies to siege a small city alone. And that’s not including breaking open the bits stored away in banks across Equestria… Well that’s basically. Everything…”



I was calm now. I had gotten good at winding myself down even with the incident stressing me out as much as it does. I had to keep it under wraps though… It was only a matter of time before he starts asking questions. 


Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Nymphaea's eyes broke away from Shatterhoof mare, once again reasserting themselves on the dark forest.


"Your word may one day mean something to me, but for now it is but an empty promise" she said thoughtfully,her eyes staring off into the thick wood. Finally the kelpie looked back at Tyra, her expression unreadable. "I have no more wish to speak tonight, you may go" she said, curtly dismissing the sellsword with a jerk of her head.

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Tyra felt a tinge of sadness at yet another failure to learn more about the Kelpie, but her resolve rebuilt just as she was told to leave.

"Very well, but I will prove to you one day that my word can be trusted," She gave the mare one last grin before returning to the fire, "be sure to get some rest yourself. Tomorrow is sure to be challenging."


She sat next to the fireplace and looked over to Chronos, laying by the stream once again. He could be trying to rest, she figured, so it may be best to leave him be. She knew better than to wake a sleeping warrior.


She let out a rather loud yawn as she stretched out her legs, similar to how a dog would, before nestling down next to the fireplace. As her eyelids closed, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of what her party may face in the coming hours. She'd make her clan and her village proud with what she would do here!


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Chronos for a second, glanced back at his companions. He feared that at some point, discord will ensue, it would most likely be between him and the kelpie. He looked back to the stream and closed his eyes, giving out a quiet yawn before slowly fell asleep.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Once certain her companions were asleep, Nymphaea slowly rose from her spot by the forest and made her way to the stream. Silently she slipped into the dark water leaving nary a ripple in her wake. Clinging to the riverbottom, the kelpie settled into a comfortable position where she could wait and watch the broken forms of the sleeping ponies and smoldering campfire, as well as anything that might disturb them in the night.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(Got called into work this whole weekend sorry)


"Wow, that was certainly a mouthful..." I said flabbergasted. "You had an interesting life to say the least."


I guess his story kinda explains those episodes of his, he must have been through countless traumatic events.


"I gotta say I envy you for being stationed in that icebox of yours. I ended up being stationed in Manehatten after basic, so I didn't even get to leave my hometown." That was a lie, I never did go to boot camp formaly. With my disability I wasn't even allowed to enlist normally, but everything is a little different when you have the right skill set. At the end of day, even the guard needs someone do to their dirty work. I was also only stationed in Manehatten to spy on the mob families and other criminal organizations.


"I'm actually rather jealous, you get to do what I ways wanted. Travel the world. Meet interesting people." I sighed "I was so poor, I never really left Manehatten. The few times I did was with my mother... but that's neither here nor there."


I smile gently to myself. "Seeing the night sky like this, sure does bring back some memories."


I stared back up at the gorgeous sky and watched a shooting star streak through the night. I said nothing nothing more, and just sat there in the usual amazement I felt when I looked at the stars, the same feeling I had all those years ago when I just a colt.

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@@Eternal Night,


(It's fine. I've got plenty of stuff to add while you're out) 


"You sure? That place suuuuuuucked. I was out freezing my flank off every morning and night. I'd have been happy to get stationed in Manehatten or my hometown"


I smiled at him. "Who said you wouldn't get to see the world? Stick with me and you'll get your wish" But be careful what you wish for...


"Hey, I'm gettin' some shuteye. We've got a long day ahead of us and we're going to need all the energy we can. Wake me up if we get surrounded by anything that looks like it wants to eat us or sacrifice us or both. 'Night"


I was asleep fast for lying on the dirt floor but I was used to it. My wing acted as my sleeping mat, sure I would send half the morning with pins and needles in it but, eh, I'd manage.




"Where am I?" I asked looking around. All was black... *Click* I snapped around to see a door finish shutting. It was in the middle of nowhere, the door. Just blackness and a door with a frame and a knob. Weird...



I approached the door acting if this whole place was normal and swung it open and stepped through.



The door slammed shut behind me once I was through. I was on a hill. I looked behind me to find the door gone. "What's going on?" In front of me stood what seemed to be two armies fighting in the far distance. I couldn’t tell who was winning nor who they fought for. Not even if they were pony. Strange... Very.



I took a step forward. *Click* My hoof tapped on a pair of binoculars. Where those there before? I guess I could watch from here then. I scooped the binoculars up. Time to see what was going on.



I looked at the battlefield now able to see individuals with ease with the surprisingly powerful binoculars. No one was winning it seems. For a good hour they were at a stalemate. Then one side broke and retreated. The other army charged seeing their enemy routed. For a few minutes it kept like this… Then the other counter-attacked. It was all a ruse. A very well executed one at that and now the other army was on the defensive.



I watched intrigued for a while longer until I noticed something of interest. A pegasus fleeing the battle. He wore the colors of the, now defending, side. A sword hung from his mouth bloody; the same blood, no doubt, was the blood now staining his white coat. He was young too. Not young to be fighting here but young. A brilliant purple and blue mane filled his helmet. On his flank lay the cutie mark of a-



I cut myself off… Something was off here… Very off.  “Hey!” Shouted a Griffon in armor in the sky I hadn’t noticed along with two friends. “He’s the enemy!” What?! I looked down at myself to see I was wearing armor. I turned to run to see the door had returned.





I ran through the door trying to escape. *CRASH* Thunder clashed high above but it wasn’t raining yet… I was in Manehatten, the dead of night. Only a few ponies walked the streets of the silent part of city.


“Excuse me”


“Of, sorry, ma’am” I stepped out of the way of a mare who didn’t seem she wanted to be interrupted. I scanned the few ponies on the street. None caught my eye…



I waited on the street for a few minutes. “Taxi!” I shouted as one came near only to see it swoosh past me.



“Hey! Buddy!” The taxi driver shouted at me from a bit up the street. He must have just been dropping someone off. I trotted to it ready to hop inside. Looking down the sidewalk I saw the pony he dropped off. He (she?) was wearing a trench coat and hat showing nothing from behind. Wait…



“Never mind, sorry, bud” I told him giving his taxi a tap. He grumbled screeching off. I trailed trench coat walking just a bit faster.



“Hey” I tapped his back. I knew I knew that trench coat. Leads turned to look at me just before his face contorted into a six mixture of pain, surprise, and terror. *CRASH*




It was pouring. What? That was fast. Where’d Leads go? I looked down. Oh, no, no, no. At my feet lay a clearly dead Leads. A knife stuck out his back.



“He knew it was dangerous to walk out here at night…” A police pony said looking down at him from behind the police tap making me jump.


“One of our own too” Added her partner.



I looked around me what was once an empty street was now a crime scene. Police wagons blocked the street, a good number of police ponies milled about, and a coroner waited nearby for the police to finish up and take the body of my friend.



“Any witnesses?” Asked the policemare.



“Yup, one. Some taxi driver. He said the pony had just gotten off his taxi and was walking down the street a bit. Another pony had hailed him down but changed his mind once he saw the pony who just got off… then the second pony walked a bit faster than our pony here then BAM! He stabs him in the back”



“Makes you wonder if you’re next…”



“Yup… Let’s finish up” The two went about their business. I dare not look at the knife laying in Leads’ back… Slowly I began to look not questioning why the police don’t see me. There was an inscription on the side of the knife’s handle.



“Атлас Світлоперо”… Atlas Lightfeather. I noticed the blood on my coat and hoof.





Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(I'll try and post at least once I'm already terrible at contributing lol)


"Will do, good night..."


With that Atlas was out like a light, rather quickly too seeing how he's sleeping on the bare ground. I stayed up a little while longer, watching the stars in pure amazement. I had forgotten just how fascinating the night sky was, it was like I had found a part of myself that I thought was missing this whole time. It was like my cutiemark actually had a purpose for once and wasn't just overly glorified decoration.


I look down at my cutiemark, its newly formed stars barely peaking through the explosion of colorful gases made me wonder. How did my life get so messed up... A wave of melancholy over took me, but that's when I made a vow to myself. With the rediscovery of my forgotten passion I promised myself, when and if I got off this island I will persue my dream finally. With that thought aside I continued to watch the skies, my flank tingling as a bright star began to pierce through the nebula shining illuminously against the clouds of thick, vivid, gases. It felt as though this was the first of many steps in a long, long journey.

Edited by Eternal Night
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[that night: 12:07 AM]


Chronos slowly began to wake up in the middle of the night. He stood up and looked around in the darkness. The fire had died down, but he could still see the silhouette of Tyra. But he could not see the silhouette of the kelpie, He looked at the stream but it was too dark to see into it. Two thoughts came into his mind 'either that thing took off and left us here or it is in the stream... but I am not taking the risk of checking... what could possibly be in there.' He thought before looking around in the darkness. He sat down on a rock and made a faint light with his magic, it wasn't bright enough to wake anypony up but it was just bright enough to allow him to see slightly. From the dreams he had, he didn't really want to go back to sleep. He listened to the complete silence of the night, The moon reflected off his armor, in the darkness, the sun on his surcoat could not be seen but the dark circle of the sun on it almost looked like a New Moon. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tyra slowly rolled onto her back, smacking her lips in her deep slumber. The light from Chronos' horn hadn't stirred her; she was a rather heavy sleeper, and it'd take a lot more than a bit of magical light to wake her up.


She sprawled out on her back, in a starfish position, and snored pretty loud for a mare her size. Though hopefully it wouldn't be loud enough to disturb anypony, or anything, trying to sleep nearby...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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((Sorry about about my inactivity lately, I've been busy and I didn't realize I was the one holding everything back))


Nymphaea watched with mild interest as she wondered what could have roused the white stallion from his rest. Finally her curiosity got the best of her and the kelpie rose silently from the black river like a ghost, cold water running off her slippery skin and mane.


"You should not be awake" she said softly, only loud enough to make her presence known to Chronos.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Chronos pointed the light at the kelpie "sorry, I was awoken by a dream..." He said quietly as he looked at the kelpie. "Have you gotten any sleep?" He asked her. As he removed his helmet, he looked at the faint light he had created with his magic. He looked back at the kelpie, and waited for an answer.. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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