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Rainbow    Dash

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OOC CHATTER: http://mlpforums.com/topic/123575-mares-mares-mares/

   Zefira trotted down a dusty mountain path, heading towards Ponyville. It wasnt often she visited the small town. Usually she stuck to bigger towns due to bigger contracts always being there. Ponyville wasnt a good spot for on the run ponies to hide from Johnny law. Ponies there are close knit, so they would know a criminal in a matter of hours. 
   The grey earth pony wanted to see what Ponyville had to offer her for her self appointed day off from chasing corrupt ponies. As the bright sun shined down upon her auburn mane,she trotted into the town. Birds were chirping, school fillies and colts were having a gay time. Ponies in the center of town buying goods, enjoying food, and having a nice chit chat with passersby. All was calm and serene in the town of Ponyville.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Dawn smiled as she walked through Ponyville's local library. It had been some time since she had last had the chance to read, given that she was busy hiding the fact that she was an alicorn. Very few ponies knew the truth of what she was and she wanted to keep it that way. "I wonder if anything new came out." She thought to herself.

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