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private Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure -Group B-

Star Saber

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Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure

-Tagline in Progress-


=OOC Link=


DM: @Star Saber

Iron Smith: Unicorn - @Big_Macincheese - Oathbound Paladin of Honesty
Scroll Seeker: Unicorn - @Brosparkles - Magus
Skydancer: Pegasus - @Midnight_Aurora - Velocity Master
Rusty Malt: Diamond Dog - @CobraCommando - Skald*

Moonlight Seer: Unicorn@Happysalesman - Oracle


Alright, since this is a first for several of you; and since things are indeed going to be complex for some of you; I figured I’d describe how I plan on handling things in this thread. While some may feel bad about how I want to do things, I feel that these changes will make gameplay a lot smoother; and allow you to focus on the role play aspect of the game.


1) I will be rolling a lot of checks for characters in the background. I won’t ask for Perception checks for your characters to spot anything or ask for Sense Motive checks when speaking to someone and etc. I will roll the checks and describe the results in my posts when they come up. This hopefully will quicken play a lot. When I do I will format it like the example following


[Rainbow Dash - Perception Check - Success] The snap of a twig alerts Rainbow Dash to the fact that she is currently being followed by a suspicious looking pony.


[Fluttershy - Perception Check - Failure] However Fluttershy remains oblivious to this fact.


2) When you actively want to attempt a skill check, such as Disable Device to unlock a door or influence someone with Diplomacy, please put the skill you’re attempting by your description of attempting it; example below.


Seeing that the door was locked, Rarity removed her lock picking tools from her saddlebag and begins attempting to unlock the door. [Disable Device]


I will then follow up with a check result like the ones presented above.


3) If you have a rules question, don’t hesitate to post it in the OOC thread or send me a PM. I’ll try to respond as soon as possible.


4) I’m still figuring out how I plan to do combat, but I will hopefully figure that out when it comes to it.


5) Fair warning, Meta-gaming will be heavily punished. Essentially make sure what you’re doing is what your character would do with their current knowledge and fits their personality and try not to influence your actions with what you know as a player. I probably didn't need to put this here but I figure it’s better to be safe than sorry.










Morning, June 18

3 days remain until the Summer Sun Celebration

The sun rises upon the kingdom of Equestria. The day would be peaceful if not for the multitude of busy ponies working tirelessly to complete the festival preparations for the rapidly approaching Summer Sun Celebration. With the holiday so very near, many ponies are looking for individuals to help them finish their preparations before the Celebration, now is the best for somepony looking for odd jobs to get some extra bits to do some searching.

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Scroll Seeker prepares for his day, the hot sun beating down upon him, he slings his pack onto his back, and heads to the center of town. The summer sun celebration is coming up soon, surely somepony in Canterlot could use his services. The sound of hooves on cobblestone echoing throughout the city, preparations for the celebration are in full swing. He looks around to see if he can find anypony in need of magical help. (Gather Information)

Edited by Brosparkles



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Skydancer is out and about in Ponyville looking to help with the preparations for the summer sun celebration. She knows not everything is available to her but her skills in flight and with her hooves, somepony would be interested. (Perception Check or Gather Information Check. Don't know which would apply, so stated both for safety reasons.)

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Iron Smith just awoke from a good night rest and got prepared for the day. As he stepped out of his house the warmth of the sun greeted his cheek. Praising Celestia for this fine summers day, he set out towards Ponyville to see if anypony needed assistance with the celebration preparations. Surely somepony could use his magic skills, and if not it's a fine day to take a walk through Ponyville and converse with the residents, he thought to himself, and began his search. (Gather Information)

Edited by Big_Macincheese
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Rusty was currently doing guard detail for one of the many caravans that went to this "summer sun celebration" these ponies cared so much about, personally he didn't care too much for the sun, but then again I was underground for most of his life. This caravan was carrying Salt and some other vegetable matter That I had no interest in, but the job had good pay and I always wanted to see the capital of the pony kingdom and after all there is always work places this big. After we crested a Hill and went through the gate, I took my time looking around as we lazily winded through the city to our destinations, it was almost relaxing how nice it was here, but then again the few people staring didn't help, but they didn't do it for too long just mostly to get a good look I guess, we started unloading our cargo and sat there relaxing for a few hours watching the crowds pass by and then I looked for a decent meal for the day and a room for the night.

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Moonlight Seer shot awake, her telekinesis spell imploding and sending the papers and quills on her desk flying. She sat in her bed, gasping for air as she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. A cold sweat ran in rivulets down her back, matting her coat and mane. After several moments, she was finally able to calm herself enough to focus on what had put her in such a state. She jumped out of bed and began frantically searching through the pile of papers on her floor.


"Where is it where is it where is it," she muttered, throwing papers around as she tried to find 'it'. After a few moments, she found it, nearly ripping the sheet in half as she pulled it from underneath several other papers. She let out a small cry of terror as she read it, before throwing it to the floor and dashing out of her hut.


The paper slowly floated to the floor. Found among the fresh ink stains, were the hastily scribbled words "Can't Run. Can't Hide. Found You"

Edited by Happysalesman
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[[sorry for the delay, I’m not going to lie, making this up as I go along]]


Location: Canterlot
[scroll Seeker - Diplomacy Check - Success]
While searching for work suitable for him, Scroll hears about a famous and important entertainer who is looking for an escort to her next performance in ponyville. It wouldn’t be too hard to track her down if one was interested in the job.


@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,

Location: Ponyville
[skydancer Thunderrunner - Diplomacy Check - Success]
[iron Smith - Diplomacy Check - Literally Couldn’t Fail]
Skydancer and Iron’s search for work bring up many results; although most of them are for more mundane jobs like painting and construction. One name pops up though in regards to more ‘Adventurous’ sort of work; Ruby Star. Apparently she was a pegasus noble visiting from Canterlot and she was currently looking for experienced adventurers to hire for a job.



Location: Canterlot
Canterlot is a large city and offers many establishments for one to spend the night ranging from a single bed and lockbox to store your stuff; to entire personal suites. So finding the right place depends on what one was looking and how much they were willing to spend.

[2 to 5 silver for a bed; 2 gold and up for your own room; more extravagant inns might even provide meals.]



Location: Everfree Forest
[Moonlight Seer - Perception Check - Success]
Running hastily through the Everfree Forest generally isn’t a good idea; and in her panic Moonlight Seer likely caught the attention of more than one of the forest’s inhabitants. When she finally stopped to catch her breath, a sudden snap of twigs drew her attention to a large creature moving through the underbrush and between the trees however whatever it is difficult to make out but one thing’s for certain, with all the noise she had made; it definately knows she’s there. Not the best start to an already bad day it seems.


EDIT: [Moonlight Seer - Knowledge Nature - Failure]

Moonlight is unable to identify the creature though the sounds it makes as it slowly slinks through the woods.

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Moonlight felt her pulse quicken at the sound of the broken twigs.


Oh no. They already found me? This soon!? But how? Oh no. No no no no not good! Run! Run now!


Heart pounding in her chest, Moonlight turn and ran again, this time altering her course to take her closer to Ponyville.

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Dancer nods a thanks to the one who gave her the information and decides to check it out. She heads off to meet this Pegasus noble. Being a pegasus herself she has a form of devotion to help her kind. However, in the time she trained with the Vilocity Masters, she learned there was more to it then that.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Upon learning about this Ruby Star, Iron thanks those who helped him for the lead and headed towards her location. *Who is this pegasus exactly and why would a noble from Canterlot need the services of adventurers for?* Iron thought to himself. Knowing that he would likely find the answers to these questions upon his arrival, he eagerly continued towards Ruby Star's location.

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"Famous? Important? How could I possibly turn this down?" he thought. He made sure his armor was well-fitted and clean and his sword at his side, after all, he'd want to make a good first impression. Though why a famous entertainer would be heading to a small town like Ponyville days before the big celebration was beyond him. She wouldn't have much competition though. He headed on his way to track her down.



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At the moment I was arguing with one owner of the Hotel I chose as it being an upper class sort of deal, but the fellow wouldn't stop pestering me about staying for the sun celebration, but as I told him it just wasn't my thing and I would be looking to do some work after my meal. Soon after I began eating he bids me farewell and went about his business seeing as I was quite adamant on my decision I mean sure I felt bad, but I had things to do and people to see and what do we have here? "Caravan seeking Guard detail/Entertainment, Ponyville or bust, leaving tomorrow evening" Sounds like my type of gig. I ended up leaving the cash on the table and going out the door and to the job I went in haste for the job was leaving soon.


It ended up being a party of about four caravans of goods and people one of which seemed way too extravagant for just some traveler, (diplomacy to find out who and what they might be doing in these parts and why leave at a time like this and if they might have work at this time and knowledge nobility if that's applicable)

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville

Ruby Star isn’t a hard mare to find as she is staying at a quaint little bed and breakfast around the outskirts of the town; both Skydancer and Iron Smith arrive at roughly the same time. They are welcomed into the home by it’s host. Inside they are led to the living room where a light-red coated pegasus mare with a scarlet mane is in the midst of having her breakfast and a cup of tea.


It would be a safe assumption that this was Ruby Star. She greets the two with a warm smile and speaks, “Ah, you're here about the job I assume? You two certainly look the part.”




@@Brosparkles, @@CobraCommando,


Location: Canterlot

It doesn’t take very long for Scroll to track down the performer, who seems to be traveling as part of a small caravan. It isn’t hard to pick out the performer’s cart as it seems to specifically designed to be spectacular and eye catching. Although an equally eye catching individual is the Diamond Dog walking around the caravan, looking out of place.


[Rusty Malt - Diplomacy - Success][Knowledge Nobility - Success] Rusty discovers from the caravaners that the performer traveling with them goes by the name The Great and Powerful Trixie; Rusty recognizes that the name belongs to a unicorn magician who was really popular at a time but vanished off the map after a performance in Ponyville; something about an Ursa Minor terrorizing the town or something. However she has recently began to perform again although with some difficulties.


[i was going to house rule that Know. Nobility could be used for celebrities but… apparently that’s part of raw so, lucky us. Also go figures that the first canon character I use is Trixie. Why do I even like you Trixie?!]






Location: Everfree Forest

It’s prey fleeing, the creature roared and chased after the little pony. If Moonlight were to look over her shoulder at the creature chasing her she would see a green scaled winged dragon-like creature without forearms stomping after her. [Moonlight - Knowledge: Nature - Minor Success] With her knowledge she identified the creature as a forest drake a sort of degenerate cousin of dragons, Drakes are less intelligent and more animalistic than their true Dragon counterparts however what they lack in intellect they make up for with viciousness. Luckily the large drake has a difficult time moving through the forest compared to the unicorn. [Moonlight/Forest Drake - Opposed Constitution Checks - Success for Moonlight]. Managing to outlast the Drake’s endurance Moonlight seems to outrun the beast as she nears closer to the treeline separating the outskirts of ponyville and the Everfree Forest.

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Dancer nods with a Pegasus courtesy, wings slightly extended. She says, in her best cheerful and friendly voice, "Yes, miss star, I can say at least I am."


She looks around and keeps a respectful distance. She thinks before asking, "Not much was said about what kind of help you were looking for. What do you need help with?"

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Iron returns Ruby's smile with a smile of his own and a nod of his head. "Hello Miss Star, my name is Iron Smith," telling both Ruby Star & Skydancer "and yes I have come here to help you with your request." he said.


"And as this pegasus here said, what is it exactly that you need help with?" he said quietly, in case somepony was listening in on their conversation or not.

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Moonlight could have bucked herself from here to Canterlot. A drake? Seriously? She allowed herself to slow as her panic wore off, to be replaced with anger and embarassment at her lack of self control. Fortunately she had a large target she could vent her feelings on. She slid to a halt just before the tree line, confident that, if worst came to worst, she could simply flee.


"Alright you overgrown lizard," she muttered, using her telekinesis to draw her morningstar, "you picked the wrong morning to mess with me." [obviously, initiative]

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Scroll approached the cart. Scroll had yet to work for an entertainer, and it would get him going somewhere new. But that diamond dog caught his attention. He hadn't seen many diamond dogs before, and he definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. But he had business to attend to first, and the sooner he could talk to this performer the better. He knocked on the door of the cart, hoping she was inside.



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Trixie was always some what rumored to like the finer things in life but whatever job she had it would probably pay quite handsomely compared to what the others had to offer, but first things first it seemed I might have a co worker for the time being so... "hey there guy, you here for the job as well?" but before I could continue the door opened to the cart. 

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville

“Right down to business then.” Ruby puts down her tea cup as she prepares to explain the job. “I assume you’re familiar with the Castle of the Two Sisters?”


[skydancer Thunderrunner - Knowledge History - Failure], While Skydancer definitely has heard of the Castle of the Two Sisters she doesn’t know much more than the average pony does; it’s a castle that was once the home of Celestia and Luna before the coming of Nightmare Moon; it was abandoned in favor of Canterlot after the war with Nightmare Moon.


[iron Smith - Knowledge Nobility - Success] Iron Smith knows pretty much what Skydancer knows, in addition he knows that the castle currently resides somewhere deep within the Everfree Forest and is known for the myriad of hidden passageways and secret rooms that were installed within the castle.



@@Brosparkles, @@CobraCommando,


Location: Canterlot


Behind the door that opened was not the performer that Scroll and Rusty was expecting; Emerging from the cart was a grey coated unicorn male with short messy indigo hair wearing a navy blue cloak. From his facial expression it obviously looked as if he was disgruntled. He eyed the two at the door with green eyes before pushing past them to leave without saying a word.


“Trixie doesn’t want anything to do with that blasted amulet again!” A mare’s voice yelled from within the cart, “You better hope Trixie doesn’t see your sorry face again, or I’ll turn you into a toad!”


After the stallion left, a blue coated Unicorn mare wearing a purple cloak adorned with star patterns appeared in the doorway, light blue mane frazzled as she glared at the two at her door with purple eyes; obviously agitated. “What do you want?” She asked with an exasperated tone.





((Oooh boy here we go, Combat within the first page… Going to be honest I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to handle it so kinda throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.))

Location: Everfree Forest


22) Moonlight Seer [HP: 45] <-

12) Forest Drake [HP: Unharmed]


Moonlight Seer manages to catch the Forest Drake off guard as she wheels around to engage it.

[Moonlight Seer acts first, the Forest Drake is flatfoot and roughly 25ft away]

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Moonlight took a moment to size up the Drake. She knew she couldn't beat it in a one on one fight without taking some serious damage, but at the same time, she couldn't risk leading it to Ponyville. Still, if she could make enough noise to alert the townspeople of the threat...


"Alright, let's do this. Yaaaaah!" Moonlight charged at the Drake, her morningstar held high above her head. [Charge]

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Figuring he might be there a while, he got himself a mug of cider to enjoy. "The Castle of the Two Sisters? Yes, it's located in the Everfree Forest and used to be the house of the royal sisters, it is also full of secrets just waiting to be uncovered." Iron said after taking a drink of his cider. "What would we be doing in there?"

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"Castle of the Regal Pony Sisters? All I know is the tales told."


Dancer was interested. To learn more about such a place would drive historians mad to try and get. She sits and listens to the others. she chastises hrrself for also just now realizing another fact know by All. "Didn't it also once house the elements of harmony?"

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"I hear you're looking for an escort to your latest appearance in Ponvyille. I think you'll find that I'm more than qualified." he said, flourishing his scimitar within his magical grasp. "And I've got plenty of experience." he added, showing off the none-too-impressive scratches on his armor much more triumphantly than they deserved.



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Ignored ... guess we can't have it all, but there are other matters to attend to "as he says it seems we are both here for the job" I felt strange after hearing about the amulet that other spoke of, but nothing came to mind as I thought about it (knowledge arcana?) "and if you wouldn't mind going into a little more detail about why you think getting a bodyguard or two is necessary that would be appreciated"

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Location: Everfree Forest


22) Moonlight Seer [HP: 41/45] <-

12) Forest Drake [HP: Hurt]


[Midnight Seer - Charge Attack - Success - Maximum Damage!] Midnight Seer’s Morningstar smashes hard into the side of the Forest Drake causing it to roar in pain.


The Forest Drake retaliates by blasting the ground with it’s acidic breath attack. [Midnight Seer - Reflex Save - Didn’t Roll a 1] Midnight Seer effortlessly avoids the brunt of the acidic splash. [Midnight Seer is dealt 4 Acid damage] however a cloud of green mist rises from the remnants of the breath weapon, obscuring vision, making it harder to pinpoint the location of creatures within the cloud.


[Map in the Spoiler.]





@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville


“Yes it was rumored they did and then proven true, but it would seem that the Elements’ ownership has changed.


However many other items were left abandoned to gather dust. I have arranged for some of the relics there to be recovered and restored so they can be sold at an auction for charity. I have plans made for their restoration but recovering the items is where you-” Ruby Star stopped mid-sentence. The pegasus’s ears perked up, “Wait do you hear that?”


[iron Smith - Perception Check - Fail][skydancer Thunderruner - Perception Check - Success] While Iron Smith fails to hear something; Skydancer faintly heard somepony yell followed by a roar most definitely not belonging any civilized creature.


“I think this talk can wait, as it seems there’s a situation nearby that deserves investigation.” Ruby states as she gets up and quickly making her way to the back door. As she opened the door Ruby looked back at the two and cracked a smile, “Coming?”




@@Brosparkles, @@CobraCommando,


Location: Canterlot


“Oh… right, that. Trixie apologizes for that, she is a little stressed.” Trixie’s tone and facial expression suddenly changed, she looked a tad embarrassed about yelling at the two, she sighed and began to speak again, “Yes Trixie is am looking for some bodyguards during her trip to Ponyville; as for why…”


Trixie threw a glare over the two towards the cloaked stallion who had just exited her cart, he was still loitering; around the caravan failing to look inconspicuous as it did so. “Let us just say, Trixie did some things in the past she is not proud of and ever since returning to show business she’s been harassed by ponies like him even though she no longer has what they are looking for. Still, while Trixie expects they won’t try anything in the middle of the crowded city, she doesn’t trust their intentions and does not feel safe traveling without protection.”


[Rusty Malt - Knowledge: Arcana Check] Talk of the amulet reminds Rusty of rumors of a powerful yet dangerous amulet that increases one’s magical power. There has been talk of an incident in ponyville that was supposedly connected to this amulet however it’s current whereabouts are unknown.

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