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private Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure -Group B-

Star Saber

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Moonlight cringed. The acid didn't hurt, but it made the skin under her coat feel itchy, and she knew it was going to take a week's worth of baths to get all of that washed out. Assuming she survived, of course.


Moonlight concentrated, summoning her magic into the tip of her horn, before leaning forward and touching it against the hide of the dragon. [Cast Defensively - Inflict Moderate Wounds]

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville


“Yes it was rumored they did and then proven true, but it would seem that the Elements’ ownership has changed.


However many other items were left abandoned to gather dust. I have arranged for some of the relics there to be recovered and restored so they can be sold at an auction for charity. I have plans made for their restoration but recovering the items is where you-” Ruby Star stopped mid-sentence. The pegasus’s ears perked up, “Wait do you hear that?”


[iron Smith - Perception Check - Fail][skydancer Thunderruner - Perception Check - Success] While Iron Smith fails to hear something; Skydancer faintly heard somepony yell followed by a roar most definitely not belonging any civilized creature.


“I think this talk can wait, as it seems there’s a situation nearby that deserves investigation.” Ruby states as she gets up and quickly making her way to the back door. As she opened the door Ruby looked back at the two and cracked a smile, “Coming?”



Dancer's ears twitch. "Sounds bestial. I will come. If a pony is in trouble, who am I to leave them hanging." Dancer follows the mare. Knowing a fight may be coming she stretches. She looks and listens again, this time focusing in the direction of where it came from. Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville


“Yes it was rumored they did and then proven true, but it would seem that the Elements’ ownership has changed.


However many other items were left abandoned to gather dust. I have arranged for some of the relics there to be recovered and restored so they can be sold at an auction for charity. I have plans made for their restoration but recovering the items is where you-” Ruby Star stopped mid-sentence. The pegasus’s ears perked up, “Wait do you hear that?”


[iron Smith - Perception Check - Fail][skydancer Thunderruner - Perception Check - Success] While Iron Smith fails to hear something; Skydancer faintly heard somepony yell followed by a roar most definitely not belonging any civilized creature.


“I think this talk can wait, as it seems there’s a situation nearby that deserves investigation.” Ruby states as she gets up and quickly making her way to the back door. As she opened the door Ruby looked back at the two and cracked a smile,“Coming?”

Even though he didn't hear anything the other two ponies that Iron was with obviously did, so he thought it'd be best to accompany them. Wanting to know what was going on, he asked Ruby and Skydancer "What did you two hear?" Whatever answer he got, Iron was ready to help in any way he could.
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  • 2 weeks later...

"I'm guessing this has been going on for awhile now and have they by chance gotten more aggressive?" this could be quite bad ... we should be able to take care of things, but they also know where we are going most likely anyways. something seems odd already about this ... but voicing my opinions wont get me a job for today so ill keep my mouth shut about it for now.

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Dancer says, while continuing to follow the noble Pegasus, "I think I heard the rawr of some beast and the yell of somepony. It could be nothing but better safe then sorry."


Dancer takes to wing, allowing for slower then normal speed. This is so the others can keep up.

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"Well we best hurry then, shouldn't we?" Iron said to Dancer. He tightened his telekinetic grip on his sword and shield, ready to strike any foes they may cross and shield his newly acquainted friends or anypony else that may need protection.

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"Well now you've got me curious about all this, I'll take the job, as long as the pay's decent. My skills don't come cheap, after all." Scroll said. He knew he wasn't in too much of a position to barter though, he needed the job.  Plus, he just had to find out what this mare was being harassed for.



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@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest


[Midnight Seer - Defensive Casting - Auto Success][Melee Touch Attack - Hit][Forest Drake - Will Save - Fail] The drake staggers in pain as it is touched by Moonlight Seer’s horn and the destructive magic courses through it’s body. It snarls, enraged as it lunges at the Unicorn with it’s fangs. [Forest Drake - Bite Attack - Miss] However Moonlight Seer dodges out of the way, suddenly the drake whips around attempting to smack into Moonlight with it’s tail [Forest Drake - Tail Slap - Miss] but the tail goes wide, missing Moonlight entirely.


The obscuring fog persists.


Ruby Star, Skydancer Thunderrunner and Iron Smith arrive on the scene; although all they can see is a large green cloud of mist with the sounds combat coming from within.


[i think I’m going to refer to a target with 100%hp as Fine, 99%-75% as Battered, 74%-25% as Injured and  less than 25% as Near Defeat.]



22) Moonlight Seer [HP: 41/45] <-

22) Skydancer Thunderrunner [HP: 36/36]

16) Iron Smith [HP: 52/52]

12) Forest Drake [HP: Injured]

7) Ruby Star [HP: 36/36]


[Also now that there is more than one person in combat; Order is imperative, for those in combat please do not post until I say it is your turn.]


[it is now Moonlight Seer’s turn]


[Map in the Spoiler.]


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"I told you today was a bad day to mess with me," Moonlight said, staring straight into the Drake's eyes. "Now I'm going to give you one chance. You can turn and leave, or I can destroy you. Take your pick." (Moonlight Seer - Readies action to melee attack if Drake continues to be hostile)

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@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest


Skydancer Thunderrunner and Iron Smith both hear the mare in the cloud clearly followed by a low growl from the Drake.



22) Moonlight Seer [HP: 41/45]

22) Skydancer Thunderrunner [HP: 36/36] <-

16) Iron Smith [HP: 52/52]

12) Forest Drake [HP: Injured]

7) Ruby Star [HP: 36/36]


[it is now Skydancer Thunderrunner’s turn]


[Map in the Spoiler.]


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Dancer says, "I cant see a thing going on in there. Let's hope this works. Just going to go in head first and see what happens."


Dancer listens for the source of the growl while moving to engage it. She attempts to pinpoint the drake and attack it with a single hoof strike. "Hey growler, pick on somepony your own size!"(Dancer moves to engage the drake and attempts to attack with unarmed strike or hoof attack.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest


[skydancer - Attack - Miss] Skydancer fearlessly rushes into the cloud. until she can make out the dragon and mare within the mist. The pegasus takes a swing at the drake but it’s hard scales stop the blow from harming it.



22) Moonlight Seer [HP: 41/45]

22) Skydancer Thunderrunner [HP: 36/36]

16) Iron Smith [HP: 52/52] <-

12) Forest Drake [HP: Injured]

7) Ruby Star [HP: 36/36]


[it is now Iron Smith’s turn]


[Map in the Spoiler.]





@@Brosparkles, @@CobraCommando,


Location: Canterlot

“They’ve been more… persistent since Trixie has come to Canterlot.” Trixie answered, “As for payment Trixie can offer 750 gold bits for the each of you. If that’s acceptable for you, then we’ll be on our way at dawn tomorrow.”

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*Maybe this drake isn't purely evil, maybe it's just protecting it's nest or it's hatchlings if it's a female.* Iron thought to himself. He ran towards the sounds of the drake. Once he got close enough to see it's figure, Iron began focusing on the drake's aura. (Iron moves adjacent to the drake and uses "detect evil")

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@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest


[Detect Evil] As Iron Smith scan the Forest Drake’s aura; he detects the oh so sinister scent of evil on the drake.


However, seeing itself now outnumbered and quite injured, the Forest Drake rethinks its chances of winning this fight and withdraws from the three ponies then with a sudden burst of speed launches itself 60ft into the air as it tries to escape.


Ruby Star decides to not attack the drake as it flees.

[Combat is over unless you decided to try to stop the drake from leaving.]

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Dancer doesn't give chace. The pony was her concern. She turns to the pony and says, "You OK. I hope the mean drake didn't hurt you. My name is Dancer. Nice to meet you."


Dancer then looks to the others. "Hmm a drake that knows when it is beat. That is a new one to my eyes."

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"Works for me." Scroll said. He then turned to the Diamond Dog. "So, if we're going to be working together, I might as well get to know you." As he talks he takes a swig from his waterskin. "You know, in all my travels I've never seen one of your kind. You mostly live underground, right? I've heard the occasional story, but nothing else. What brings you to Canterlot? My name is Scroll Seeker by the way, Scroll for short."


While he talks, however, he clearly looks strained, and none too focused on the conversation. Instead, his eyes dart up and down the Diamond Dog, and a bright cone of clearly magical violet light shines from his horn across the dog. (Cast detect magic.)

Edited by Brosparkles



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Moonlight tracked the Drake, making sure it was really leaving and not attempting some insane tactic. Once she was certain the drake was no longer a threat, she turned to the pony next to her. The one that had introduced herself as 'Dancer'. She opened her mouth to thank the pony for her assistance, until she remember just what had caused her to be in such a predicament.


She narrowed her eyes, and took a step back from the pony. "Who are you ponies?" She asked slowly, "And who do you work for?"

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Dancer says, "As I said I am Dancer, a Velocity Master. I am from a monastery in the mountains not far from here. As for who I work for, I am an adventurer. I work where I am able." She points to her recently acquired boss. "She was in the process of hiring the lad here and myself for a task. Am I right, my ladyship?" She points to the stallion that was with her and the lady.


((Forgot the noble Pegasus' name.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"To answer your first question my name is Iron Smith, or you can just call me Iron for short, and I am a Paladin of Celestia. And to answer your second question we are currently working for Ruby Star here." Iron says to Moonlight. "Now let me ask you something, who are you and what were you doing in the Everfree Forest tangling with a drake?"

Edited by Big_Macincheese
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"I live here," Moonlight replied shortly, sliding her morning star into it's hook on her barding. She eyed the ponies on more time, looking each of them over for any distinguishing marks. "And my name's Moonlight Seer."


With that, she turned and began walking towards Ponyville.

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"My name is Rusty Malt and aye we usual do I just happen to be one who likes it up here more than down under all of the sky and the underground only has so much to see  to keep me entertained I needed more in life so I bid my old life farewell and came to this city  and I do some work here and there but nothing too special mostly caravan work because I like to travel. might I ask why you use magic on me? I chuckle knowing that the few magic items on my person are all he will see.

Edited by CobraCommando
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@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,

Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest

“Indeed”Ruby Star nodded in response to Skydancer’s statement, ”I was in the middle of explaining details when we heard that beast fighting and decided to come and investigate. However you seemed to have everything under control, impressive.”

“Strange place to live, the Everfree Forest” Ruby Star commented, “What with Ponyville so close by.”

@@Brosparkles, @@CobraCommando,

Location: Canterlot


[Detect Magic] Scroll's spell doesn't detect any out of order other than the magic items being worn by Rusty


“Well then Trixie will see you bright and early tomorrow, until then I assume you can spend the day doing whatever you see fit; Trixie still has a lot of work, so if you excuse me.” With that Trixie headed back inside her cart and closed the door.

Edited by Star Saber
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Moonlight stopped, then turned to face Ruby. "It's not my first time in battle," she said plainly, "I live here because I like the solitude. I'm close enough to Ponyville that I can get supplies if I need them, but far away enough to be able to  practice my abilities without interruption."

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Happysalesman, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Big_Macincheese,


Location: Ponyville Outskirts / Everfree Forest

“Abilities? Now that sounds exciting!” Ruby Star says looking quite intrigued. “Well… You obviously know how to handle yourself and I would assume you know these woods quite well. Perhaps you’d be interested in earning some bits by assisting these two with the job I’ve offered them?”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moonlight hesitated. Bits would help, but she was a bit leery of these ponies and whatever 'work' they might be doing. They seemed nice enough, and they'd certainly helped with the drake, but she'd fallen for that once before. 


"What kind of job am I doing? And how much are you going to pay me?" 

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