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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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She didnt got more angry because she was actually enjoying the situation, when Garra was about to touch the ground she positioned herself four footed to give an impulse and Mot opened his leg a bit to give her space, She jumped directly to the Griffon foots trying to at least wound one to distract him and give Mot time enough to catch his oponent with a massive bear hug

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The griffon squawked as the dragon got a sneak-attack on his paw, scratching it. The attack left him distracted enough for the bear to grab him in a tight, well, bear hug.


The griffon growled, yet smirked. "Smart, but I ain't done yet, big guy."


He headbutted the bear, attempting to use his beak to hurt him enough to loosen his grip to escape.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"THAT OLD PRETTY WINGS!" Garra said, as Mot got the first hit and really hurted (you can notice he has one eye closed holding thepain) but he was used to make that mistake of exposing his face, what he did next was to put his head in the Griffon right shoulder to avoid getting more headbutts and apply pressure to the Griffon´s body. While Mot does that movement Garra takes the moment to climb over the Griffon back and grabbed him from his wings with her claws, not cutting deep but trying to remove some feathers (More than one, she isnt the delicated girl type :lol:

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The griffon grunted as the bear dug its head into his shoulder, applying more pressure and limiting his movement.

"Lemme go ya big-!" He growled.


He watched as the dragon crawled onto his back, avoiding his attempts to bite at her, and he squawked as she managed to cut off some of his feathers.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ha-ha not so tought now... SQUEEZE SQUEEZE MOT!" said Garra after she took the wings and showed her tounge in a childish mock expression, while with her hands she was in some way stabbing her head (dragon flanks) with one of the feathers to make her "crown" look bigger and with more wings, after done that she came back. "NO CRACK-CRACK IN TODAY PRETTY WINGS, WE OTHER STUFF TO DO"  as she said that Mot was applying huge strengh in order to make the Griffon exhaust and not follow them, and when he tought it was enough he released the Griffon ready to leave with Garra over him rubbing his head and hugging it like in a "nice job" expression.

Edited by EmiliaBoneca
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The griffon snarled as he tried to break out of the bear's grasp, but to no avail.


He dropped onto all fours, panting and fluffing out his wings while putting a hand to his ribcage.


He snarled up at the duo as he got his breath back.

"This...ain't over," he gasped.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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They'd been doing only Celestia knew what in there for hours. Or maybe she didn't know. Either way it was easier for me to imagine she might than to fathom what they were doing for so long. Had I hurt her so badly? I was getting bored and restless so I arranged with the doctors to have Sparky keep tabs on Trixie while I went home to work. I had orders for new Magitek to fill and maintenance to perform for my clients. Fortunately I'd slept a full 18 hours before coming to the Arena, but unfortunately my house was being professionally cleaned, fumigated, and checked for structural flaws. I could have done the last part myself, but considering I'd be spending time here for a while I might as well. I called my armor to be able to go in without bothering the ponies at work, and to be able to breathe in there. It took a couple of hours, but eventually I moved my lab into an empty facility in the the Arena building. There was a spare workshop space next to a certain generous seamstress, and I decided to rent it out.


Overnight the sound of metal creaking as it was bent and shaped could be heard, as well as hammering sounds, nails being shot out of a Magitek nail propelling to hang my designs on the metal plated walls, and bolts being tightened by tools on various devices I was doing maintenance on. Sleep? Sleep is for the weak. On 18 hour nights I could stay up for around 48 hours without incident. In other words, I only needed to sleep every other night. I spent that night moving in and working, hoping I wouldn't make too much noise. Sure I'd enchanted the metal wall plating to minimize sound, but I couldn't entirely block it out.


Sparky kept tabs on Trixie while I worked. When he detected elevated blood pressure he alerted me by our link well in advance that she was going to wake up. I finished what I was doing for the moment and locked the workshop tight as a drum, heading to the ice cream stand. The area where Trixie and I fought the evening before was miraculously repaired like nothing had ever happened there. I ordered us a pair of chocolate milkshakes from the attendant, making sure it was real chocolate.


As she called out my name I was just entering her recovery suite with the milkshakes levitating behind me. They'd brought in hospital food for Trixie, and this would be a nice desert. "Morning Trixie, feeling powerful?" I asked with a wink. "How are ya feeling? Did they fix you up good? Sparky kept vigil all night while I worked." I said cheerfully as I floated down her milkshake to rest it on the over-the-bed table and sucked a bit on mine which was double the normal size. I hoped she liked chocolate. I didn't get the Mega Jumbo Huge XL size this time. I'd never finish it in time for my match. "We were going to have milkshakes remember? So here's yours. You should eat the food they laid out first though, and this will be desert." Each had a straw through a cap, like soda cups at the Hay Burger. I tapped mine to hers. "To your health, lasting friendship with mutual respect, and good times." I then sucked on the straw some more.


I was so comfortable in it, I'd forgotten to take off my armor. In fact the way I had my HUD set up I didn't even see the armor when I looked down. By the time I caught myself it was a little too late to do anything about this mistake. The best I could do was flip open the faceplate to reveal my face and muzzle, but I didn't remember when I did that. Probably when I was out of the house and didn't need the air filtering. No sense in sending it back now. What would Trixie think about this? I sucked on my milkshake, trying to look normal. Sparky took another medical scan of her.

The sun beamed across the arena, causing different effects among the fighters as the light touched upon them.


"Oh yeah! Today is gonna be awesome! I'm gonna fight Lektra and have some fun! I can't wait! But I need some time to think. See ya Caliber," Blizzard skated over to the training grounds, and made a giant ice pillar that he sat on, and he was high up in the sky. "Hmm....now to think....." Blizzard then got into his thought pose, atop the pillar.


"Haha! I can't wait to make more babies cry today like that doll lover Anette! Ahhaha!" EWS said as he began to fly around too look for trouble.


Rarity on the other hoof, didn't get that much sleep due to the sheer amount of noise. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror, "My hair! Gr...I must know who was responsible for all that noise. Doesn't anypony know how important it is for a lady to get her sleep? It may not have been loud, but it persisted over a long amount of time." Rarity brushed her mane back to normal, and went outside looking for who caused the noise. And saw Lektra's workshop, "Aha. This must be where all that noise came from." Rarity noticed a sign on the door that said Lektra was at the hospital. "Hm, Lektra? That's who Ice Blizzard said he was fighting next. I wonder what she's like. If she's at the hospital then that's where I'll have to go." Rarity then walks to the hospital to find Lektra, and when she gets there she looks around until she finds the room Lektra is in. She walks inside, "Hello are you Lektraaaaaa....~?" Rarity's jaw dropped when she saw Lektra's armor, "Oh my Celestia! That armor of yours is fabulous! What is it made of? Where did it come from? Did you make it yourself?! :D " She began to rattle off questions out of comeplete awe when she saw Lektra's armor. Then she noticed Trixie in the hospital bed, "Trixie? What happened to her? What did she do to get banged up like this? I know Trixie tends to boast, but I never thought she'd be in the hospital."

Edited by Ice Blizzard
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Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Once he regained his composure, the griffon glared as the duo made their leave.

"I get picked to fight you, you two are freakin' dead," he threatened under his breath.


He made his way to the signup desk.

"I'm signin' up," he declared, "Strix Hellbeak."


Once that business was dealt with, he walked around to see if he could find any of his other victims opponents.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Electron noticed the griffon sign up, "Huh. Well whaddya know? Finaly some real  fighters have showed up, as opposed to everypony else here. What's your deal dude? You plan on fighting here like everypony else? Ha! Good luck against some of the stronger gusy here i.e. me."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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rebilac was in the lobby, watching the griffon sign up. "huh, whos this?" he wondered to himself. "he looks strong..."


he took note of the yellow pegasus start talking to him. lip-reading what he said, he smirked. 'doesn't this idiot know when someone can kick your ass?' he thought, 'he'd best back off, or he might die...'


he continued watching.


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Electron noticed the griffon sign up, "Huh. Well whaddya know? Finaly some real  fighters have showed up, as opposed to everypony else here. What's your deal dude? You plan on fighting here like everypony else? Ha! Good luck against some of the stronger gusy here i.e. me."


Strix raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the smaller pony speaking to him.

He really calls himself one of the strongest fighters here? If that's the case, this is going to be a real letdown in terms of entertainment.


"Yeah, I'm joinin' in," he nodded, and smirked cockily, "if you're the best they got here, I ain't gonna have much of a problem taking the cash prize."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Strix raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the smaller pony speaking to him.

He really calls himself one of the strongest fighters here? If that's the case, this is going to be a real letdown in terms of entertainment.


"Yeah, I'm joinin' in," he nodded, and smirked cockily, "if you're the best they got here, I ain't gonna have much of a problem taking the cash prize."

Electron laughed, "Is that so? Pssh. Then I guess you have no problems with losing to girls. Because there are some female fighters here who, are actually, and I hate to admit it, n-not ter---rrible. But anyway. I have yet to lose to anyone here, so I'm not one to be trifled with either. In case you're wondering, I'm Electron Wave Storm, the best damn elemental pony there is! And you are...?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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rebilac took out his bounty book, and flipped though it. he looked at one page, and back at the griffon. then he grinned. 


'strix hellbeak. bounty is at 2,000 bits. or, 2,300 griffon stones. not bad, thats good money.' he thought to himself. 'this might not be a waste of time after all...'


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Electron laughed, "Is that so? Pssh. Then I guess you have no problems with losing to girls. Because there are some female fighters here who, are actually, and I hate to admit it, n-not ter---rrible. But anyway. I have yet to lose to anyone here, so I'm not one to be trifled with either. In case you're wondering, I'm Electron Wave Storm, the best damn elemental pony there is! And you are...?"


Strix rolled his eyes. This kid had no idea who he was, apparently. The fact that he'd asked for his name kind of drove that home, though.

In any case, this little tough guy might make a decent ally if anyone tries messing with him around here. Not that he couldn't deal with it himself, but some backup never hurt.


He held out his claw, smirking. "Strix Hellbeak."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob,

Electron shook the griffon's claw, "Haha. Nice to finally meet a tough guy. I think we'd make a great team already. Hehe. So..who do you plan to fight? Like what kind of opponents? I'm here to fight anypony who's tough enough to handle a real fight around here. And if somepony mocks me, I'm ready to fight them so hard!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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(...yep. XD)

That was smart, Red thought, he's definitely better than I am physically and with equipment, and at least as good as I am tactically. I'm in trouble. I wonder why he didn't bother going for my raft? He could probably make this fight end a lot quicker if he just blew up my raft. I'd have to cling to the walls and fight.

Red did not move. She had already decided to play defensively, and she wasn't going to bother trying to leap up to attack him.

"Oh come on!!! You can just sit there and do nothing. You gotta move around. Not that you can do much of that now, but still...." Green moved closer. "I wanna know what you can do, Red, please don't deny me a fight." He stayed hovering near Red charging his sword, which was now giving off a low hum and glowing like the sun.
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Lightning Strike walked up to the sign up desk and wrote her name down, thinking to herself: I wonder who I'll go against? Then she sat down, cane then started creating a miniature tornado using her wings, watching it spin around in a circle, gathering some dirt from the ground, making it turn brown



(......where did everyone go?)

Edited by sonicdashie
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Rebilac was still watching the two very closely. 'now, if i were to take down strix right now, i could collect an easy 2000 bits. but, it seems that he's made an ally out of the yellow guy...hm...now, how will i take out my target...? i gotta take them by surprise...'


'whatever. might as well.'


he causally got up, and started walking near them. when he passed by, he suddenly snap-kicked electron in the neck, while simultaneously unsheathing his sword, and aiming a strike at strix's neck. 'die.' he thought.


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Strix shook Electron's hoof, smirking.

"Think you're a tough guy, huh?" He commented, "Let's see you in a fight, then."


He spotted a unicorn approaching from behind, proceeding to kick Electron in the neck and swing a sword strike for the griffon's neck.


He swiftly responded by drawing his own sword, and blocking the attack so the two blades stayed clashed.

"Made it a little too obvious, pony-boy," he taunted, "might as well have put a sign on your head saying 'I'm coming to attack you'."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rebilac was still watching the two very closely. 'now, if i were to take down strix right now, i could collect an easy 2000 bits. but, it seems that he's made an ally out of the yellow guy...hm...now, how will i take out my target...? i gotta take them by surprise...'


'whatever. might as well.'


he causally got up, and started walking near them. when he passed by, he suddenly snap-kicked electron in the neck, while simultaneously unsheathing his sword, and aiming a strike at strix's neck. 'die.' he thought.

Lightning Strike noticed this, she flew over there in a flash, "whoa, whoa, don't go killing your opponents now, wait until the battle started at least" 'yeesh, some ponies' she thought to herself as she walked back over to her spot, starting to re-create the mini tornado
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@@Unicorncob, @,

Electron saw an opportunity to get them both, "OW! Oh you wanted a fight? It's on now!" When they blocked each other's attacks as their swords clashed, Electron shock the tips of their blades to send electric shocks to them both, "Haha! You like that?" He then punches them both in their faces, "Game on!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Made it a little too obvious, pony-boy," he taunted, "might as well have put a sign on your head saying 'I'm coming to attack you'."

rebilac grinned. "yeah, im not usually this direct." he said, trying to push the blades closer to the griffon's neck. "i was just itching for a fight. that, and you got a bounty i intend to collect."


then he was shocked. and punched.


"are you a special kind of stupid?!" he yelled, as he went for the pegasus. he started attacking with his sword, going for fatal blows.


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Strix was jolted by the shock sent through the sword's blade, and blown back slightly from it combined with the punch.

Smirking, he sheathed the sword, and sped back toward the two ponies.


"My turn," he growled, grabbing their skulls and knocking them hard against each other.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lightning strike noticed the fight again. "HEY!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, making everypony stop what they were doing. "Knock it off, all of you! You're acting like fillies!" "Just stop it until the battle starts, then you can go at each other's throats for all I care"

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@@Unicorncob, @,

Electron felt his head get knocked, "Buck! That was...ow...." He began to charge up his right forleg, "Ok....It's on...ELECTRO SHOCK ARM!" He flew as fast as he could to Strix and gave him an electrofied uppercut to his chin. He then looks over to Rebeliac, "Hm. you look like that other guy, Caliber. But you seem waaay cooler. Now take THIS!" With his electroshock arm, he flew over and clotheslined Rebeliac. "Hahaha! Come on get up....:toldya: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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