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planning Predictable Predicament's Predicament. [OOC/SignUps]

Toon Richard

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Hey guys! Im back, and this time.. WITH A NEW RP!





Once apon a time.. Ah, screw that! Look, Predictable was messing in his lab, trying to create a way to prank from long range, right? So he had four.. uh.. 'Willing' Ehe, test subjects, to test on them. Thing was, the thing wasn't exactly stable, for a machine running on magic.. The test subjects.. Well, things happened. They have powers. Although, They arent exactly.. Stable. Do they want to go back to normal..? Will they find the way?



How to join in? Easy! Fill this out please..



Character Name:

Character Page:



Preferred Nickname:



Why is there the unstabled thing?

When a power is used without rest, it becomes erratic. It does negative effects D:

Nickname, is just for shiggles. Its optional.



Rules: 1 No mary Sues. 2: Be considerate.





Predictable Predicament: Toon Richard.

Victim 1: The Pyro/Lady Pyro : Anon In Equestria

Victim 2:

Victim 3:

Victim 4:

Edited by Toon Richard

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Character Name: The Pyro/ Lady Pyro

Character Page: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lady-pyro-r8010

Power: Pyrotechnical Rage (She Goes Into A Form Of Rage Where She Bursts Into Flames And Becomes Three Times Stronger And Tough.

Unstabled: If She Stays Within this Rage Too Long She Will Start To Attack Both Friend And Foe, And Will Not Stop Until She Faints Or Begins To Burn Up From Her Own Fire, Whichever Comes First.

Preferred Nickname: Lady Pyro

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Character Name: The Pyro/ Lady Pyro

Character Page: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lady-pyro-r8010

Power: Pyrotechnical Rage (She Goes Into A Form Of Rage Where She Bursts Into Flames And Becomes Three Times Stronger And Tough.

Unstabled: If She Stays Within this Rage Too Long She Will Start To Attack Both Friend And Foe, And Will Not Stop Until She Faints Or Begins To Burn Up From Her Own Fire, Whichever Comes First.

Preferred Nickname: Lady Pyro

Hm.. Fitting! Added as victim one.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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