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private Forgotten Harmony


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Years ago:


Deep inside the White Tail Woods a small group of fillies and colts of varying ages stood in awe of the ruins of a castle long since forgotten. This group had won a contest to spend personal time with the princesses of Day and Night. Celestia and Luna walked the broken ruins until they reached what would’ve been the garden and stopped at what seemed to be statues of ponies at one point.


“Would you kids like to hear a story?” Celestia questioned, watching the fillies and colts shake their heads eagerly.



“Long ago, there was a beautiful kingdom that stood as a guardian for the land. Ruled by a mighty queen and her two daughters.”


“It was a prosperous land filled with green forests, tall mountains, and peace.”


“But one day a mare of great evil appeared and wanted the kingdom for herself.”


“With her power at her hooves, she spread her darkness across the land and battled the queen.”


“But the queen could not stop the evil mare, and when all hope seemed lost and the queen and princesses end seemed at hoof…”


“…Six ponies appeared as if from nowhere to fight the dark mare.”


“Wielding strange magic and wearing strange armor, they came to the aid of the queen, the princesses, and the kingdom.”


“Using their strange magic they vanquished the dark mare and left only a shining white tree in wake.”


“Nopony knew who they were or where they came from, and just as quick as they arrived they vanished.”


“The legend was passed down and the statues were built to honor them.”


“But soon another foul wind blew across the lands of the kingdom.”


“A new evil known as the draconequess had risen to take the land from the mighty queen and make it their playground.”


“The queen fought bravely against their strange and foreboding magic.”


“The ponies believed that the ones that stopped the dark mare would return to save them again.”


“But the ponies, did not appear…”


“Faced with the onslaught of evil the queen did the only thing she could…”


“…Using all of her magic she took all the Draconequess and herself into the void to save everypony.”


“In their last hour the kingdom watched a wounded queen shine bright, before vanishing along with all the Draconequess.”


“What became of the queen? Nopony knows.”


“The kingdom vanished but it’s legend survives and is a story for all the children of Equestria. And with the Elements of Harmony guarding our fair lands nothing shall be able to stop our beauty.”


“These Statues remain as a sign that we shall never forget the sacrifice and honor that was shown by these brave and unknown ponies….”


“…And that we will remain vigilant for the darkness that would take away our lands beauty.”


the children sat in awe of the story that Celestia had weaved, wondering if it was true or not. Little did they know that their fates were all tied to a bigger event that would happen later in their lives.


Present Time:


Nightmare Moon had returned and gotten control of Luna's body and powers by completely devouring her soul. Using the aid of Sombra and Chrysalis she raised a formidable army to take over Equestria. Luckily Celestia's efforts to hold them at Canterlot succeeded but at the cost of Twilight's friends being captured. In a last ditch attempt to save them before Nightmare could use her new time portal, Celestia played right into her hoof and launched an all out offensive. Sh sacrificed many to get to the center of the battle to fight the three dark magic wielders only to end in defeat.


Shining Armor, sat quietly, tears running down his cheeks and muzzle while his wife sobbed uncontrollably into his armor. He just sat there staring at his little sister’s lifeless body, after having been skewered by Sombra’s Scyth. Twilight had tried so hard to rescue her friends from their painful death as their life force was drained from them to power Nightmare Moons time machine. The last thing she said still ran through his mind, as well as the countless ways he should’ve protected her.


“D….did I save them BBBFF?”


“Y….yeah you did Twily they’re just asleep right now is all.”


Celestia had also cracked under the weight of the current situation, having lost her own little sister before this and now her once faithful student. The Elements were gone and wouldn’t appear again for who knows how long and Nightmare Moons power would be more than enough to take over the past. Even Sunset Shimmer who’d come back to help had fallen in battle, along with countless others she knew. Celestia cried her heart out along with Cadence, the death of Chrysalis was a small prize compared to what had been lost. Celestia looked back at the closed portal and her eyes narrowed, standing she started towards the machine and to her last captain. “Captain Chrysteel, gather a small group of ponies and be ready to go through the portal.” An intense look of determination had appeared on the princesses face and she wasn’t about to let anything stop her.



#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Chrysteel says, "At once your highness."


Chrysteel heads out, looking for the ones whos hearts were open to the idea of helping the sun with an important task. She turned against her mother for the purpose of helping bring peace between the changelings and the Equestrians. She reaches out wirh her heart sense, and using the love energy she has stored, she attempts to find those with the hearts for what she knows will be their greatest challenge yet.


(this is for the players. Chrysteel's heart sense is only looking for specific traits. You can express these traits as you wish. Please this is only to help with gathering or finding you.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Beraha has just flown into canterlot. The small band of dragons his mother leads has heard about the trouble the ponies were going through. All the dragons in that small flight are like his mother and love the ponies.


Berahas mother decided to send him to canterlot as a diplomat to see how peace may be attained. He marches up to the gates of the castle as chrysteel is leaving the castle.


"Greetings my kind pony you look like you may have some import in this castle if I'm not mistaken." He holds out his hoof. "My name is Beraha Krahn. I have been sent as a diplomat to begin talks of peace between pony and dragon kind. Also I offer any help I can give in these troubled times."

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"you will be safe like every pony else just come with me" Banner says to a few fillies that are about to fall off a wooden beam at a broken three story house on the top floor "but what if you don't catch us?" "I will, I promise I will" one by one the fillies jump across the beam until the last filly that slips and breaks her hoof. "jump" banner says "but.. but what if I cant?" "try and jump and you will be fine" the filly jumps into her arms "now lets get out off here"

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Beraha has just flown into canterlot. The small band of dragons his mother leads has heard about the trouble the ponies were going through. All the dragons in that small flight are like his mother and love the ponies.


Berahas mother decided to send him to canterlot as a diplomat to see how peace may be attained. He marches up to the gates of the castle as chrysteel is leaving the castle.


"Greetings my kind pony you look like you may have some import in this castle if I'm not mistaken." He holds out his hoof. "My name is Beraha Krahn. I have been sent as a diplomat to begin talks of peace between pony and dragon kind. Also I offer any help I can give in these troubled times."

Chrysteel says, "the battle was lost and the Nightmare was able to use her gate. Lady Celestia has tasked me with gathering able bodied personnel to go on a dangerous mission. Will you join this mission? If so follow me. There are others i detect that will aid us."


Chrysteel waits for his answer before making her way towards the next heart. 'His heart sings the desire to bring peace between his kind and the ponies. He holds a similar purpose to why I fought against my mother.'

"you will be safe like every pony else just come with me" Banner says to a few fillies that are about to fall off a wooden beam at a broken three story house on the top floor "but what if you don't catch us?" "I will, I promise I will" one by one the fillies jump across the beam until the last filly that slips and breaks her hoof. "jump" banner says "but.. but what if I cant?" "try and jump and you will be fine" the filly jumps into her arms "now lets get out off here"

Just as they make it. A Changeling in Celestia's royal armor comes up. "Need a helping hoof. I can carry one on my back and three more with my magic. My name is Chrysteel. After this I have a task that Celestia herself is in need of those willing to persue the Nightmare that caused this. Will you join this task?"

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Beraha nods. "It will be an honor to help in this mission. We shall bring it to a victorious end." He says as he follows Crysteel.


At the site of the damaged building Beraha looks around. "I can also be of assistance. I shall carry one or two if you wish. My name is Beraha I am a diplomat for peace sent by my mothers people to help the ponies in thier hour of need." He smiles sincerely at one of the little fillies.

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"hell yes she caused all of this and almost killed my adopted family and did kill my wife...I guess I wont be fulfilling the promise I made her" Banner says in a very sad voice but snaps back "I want to make her suffer for what she has done and that is a promise"  

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Scarlett Fidelity slumps down against a house near the base of Canterlot Hill. She was exhausted after brining supplies for the few survivors after the defeat of the elements.

It's good to help people Scarlett thought, but now what shall I do.


She casts her mind back to when she arrived in this time and she had needed help. She then decided to get up and walk around, looking for people who needed or wanted her help.


Art by DoeKitty

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"hell yes she caused all of this and almost killed my adopted family and did kill my wife...I guess I wont be fulfilling the promise I made her" Banner says in a very sad voice but snaps back "I want to make her suffer for what she has done and that is a promise"

Chrysteel hovers near the foals to allow one onto her back. She then picks up some more to carry them down. She lets Baraha get the final foals. She says, "You can jump and I will catch you. My magic is Love bound like most changelings but it is Love given willingly. I can hold your weight."

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Snow fell backwards and slumped up against a frozen enemy that was encased in his ice. He was glad to have these rare magical traits that he could fight with. His mothers scarf was stained in blood from ponies that had followed the enemy into battle. Only a few of the soldiers that he had gone to help. Snow caught his breath and helped the few innocent ponies that were injured as well as the few soldiers that had survived. Bringing them into a damaged building Snow started to treat them as best as he could, but he was a fighter and basic first aid was the extent of his knowledge. It was then that he noticed a red pony walking around with what looked like some medical bandages hanging out of her saddlebag.


"Hey! If you've got medical training I've got some ponies that need some help."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Beraha takes the last couple fillies on his broad back. Turning his head around he smiles at them. "Fear not younglings we will get you to safety. All will turn out well in the end." He makes a goofy face at them listening to thier giggles afterwards.


He then looks over to Chrysteel. "Should we take them to the palace, that seems to be the safest place. I know the princess will take good care of these younglings."

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Chrysteel says, "Why don't you go ahead of me and tell the princess I sent you and that you wish to help with the mission. My task is to gather a small group willing to help."


She reaches out wirh her magic and forms a hardened illusionary net. "You can jump. My magic will catch you." She says to Banner.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ocean is carrying supplies when suddenly he sees a dragon talking to a pony-changeling hybrid. "I must be dreaming or something." Ocean thinks to himself.


He walks up to the hybrid "Hi I don't think I've seen you before. What's you name. I'm Ocean. Also who is that dragon"

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"Ok I trust you, its not that big of a gap anyway" banner jumps and makes it all the way and then some as she jumps so far and fast that she hits Chysteel in the face "told you it was not that far" Banner said as she gets off the pony "lets just go I want to stop that witch now"

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Beraha looks at the children "hold on tight." The children clamp down on to his back. He leaps into the air. He looks diwn to the newcomer "I'm a dracopony not a full dragon." He flies quickly off to the palace.


Once at the palace he lands the gallops inside. Once he finds a princess celestia he bows. "Forgive the intrusion princess. I am Beraha Krahn. I was sent on a diplomatic mission of peaceful between pony and dragon kind." He looks back to the fillies. Then back to the princess. "I am assisting your gaurd captain in her quest. But we have found a number of younglings that need care so I suggested bringing them to you."

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Chrysteel returns the youngling to Banner. "Take them with you." She gives the location of the castle As well as Princess Celestia's location to both of them.


"Head to princess Celestia once the children are safe within the castle. I will catch up. I still have a few to gather."


After that she heads off to find the other two hearts.

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Snow fell backwards and slumped up against a frozen enemy that was encased in his ice. He was glad to have these rare magical traits that he could fight with. His mothers scarf was stained in blood from ponies that had followed the enemy into battle. Only a few of the soldiers that he had gone to help. Snow caught his breath and helped the few innocent ponies that were injured as well as the few soldiers that had survived. Bringing them into a damaged building Snow started to treat them as best as he could, but he was a fighter and basic first aid was the extent of his knowledge. It was then that he noticed a red pony walking around with what looked like some medical bandages hanging out of her saddlebag.


"Hey! If you've got medical training I've got some ponies that need some help."



Scarlett, upon hearing her name, rushes over to blue pony with her medical kits. "Where do you need me sir?" Scarlett Asked. While waiting for a reply Scarlett quickly lights up her horn with magic and checks over all her medical supplies. She looked behind the blue pony and soon discovered who she needed to help.


Art by DoeKitty

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Banner went to the castle and put the fillies where they would be safe "you can stay here the guards don't need these beds anymore" Banner says sadly then heads to where Princess Celestia was which was like a safe room that was inside the mountain next to the castle. Banner pressed a symbol as well as pull a spear from a guard statue and the wall opened up they have like twelve identical walls like this Banner thought

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@Flareon and Vinyl Scratchy DJ


She quickly comes accross Snow and Scarlett. She walks up to them and asks, "Do you two require any aid? Also would you two be interested in joining a mission to help the princess of the sun? It will require your complete commitment to the task."

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@Flareon and Vinyl Scratchy DJ


She quickly comes accross Snow and Scarlett. She walks up to them and asks, "Do you two require any aid? Also would you two be interested in joining a mission to help the princess of the sun? It will require your complete commitment to the task."


Confused by the sudden approach, Scarlett turns to the grey pony any says "Could you give me a few minutes to fix up these other ponies before asking me to join you on some mission."


Turning away Scarlett goes over to the injured civilians and soldiers and does her best to patch them up and get them moving again. After a few minutes of medical work she turns around and goes back to the pony that approached her before; "Ok, what was this about a mission?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Chrysteel says, "I don't know the exact details but It might be a mission to persue the Nightmare. Celestia will explain everything once we all gather."


She turns to snow, "Would you also take part in this endeavor? There will be six of us in all. I have already sent the others ahead."

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Chrysteel says, "I don't know the exact details but It might be a mission to persue the Nightmare. Celestia will explain everything once we all gather."


She turns to snow, "Would you also take part in this endeavor? There will be six of us in all. I have already sent the others ahead."


Upon mention of a more ponies joining them she looks around trying to find the other that the pony before her was talking about, but to no avail. Curious, Scarlett asks the pony "Where is the Nightmare exactly? And this is a mission from Celestia herself?"


Art by DoeKitty

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@, @@Midnight_Aurora


Snow continued helping Scarlett as best as he could but upon hearing that they would be going after Nightmare Moon his ears perked up. After bandaging the last little filly that needed his aid he trotted over to Chrysteel. "You can count on me to help take down Nightmare Moon. But our main concern I would assume would be finding her since she used her portal to jump into the past."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@, @@Midnight_Aurora


Snow continued helping Scarlett as best as he could but upon hearing that they would be going after Nightmare Moon his ears perked up. After bandaging the last little filly that needed his aid he trotted over to Chrysteel. "You can count on me to help take down Nightmare Moon. But our main concern I would assume would be finding her since she used her portal to jump into the past."


Upon hearing the phrase "into the past" Scarlett droops a little, sighs and mumbles "Oh dear Luna not again".

Turning back to the amoured pony, speaking out loud again she says "Let me get this straight, you want me to work with 5 or more other ponies I've never met before to go back in time to stop what is effectively a godess?"


With a long pause, just before anypony else can reply she says with a grin "When do we begin?"


Art by DoeKitty

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"I will take you to Lady Celestia. Myself, you two and three others will be going after her. We must do what we have to, to prevent this from happening and to stop her take over of the past. This way, I know where the princess is."


Chrysteel took the lead. She guided the last two to the portal and smiles seeing Lady Celestia and the other three there as well.


She stands before Lady Celestia and says, "Your Highness these are the ones you requested found. They may not look like it but their hearts sing with the hope of this mission's success. As per our arrangement, I will also go with them. My knowledge of how she will attempt to strike and the tactics I have learned in battle will surely aid our quest."




She looks to the others, "I am ready when you all are. Let us teach this nightmare a lesson she won't soon forget."

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