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planning Exploring New Lands RP idea


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IMPORTANT: Everything has been set up!  We're a go!





So, this is a very general RP idea, as I haven't thought to much about any details.


So, anyway, in Equestria, there's been some major overpopulation problems.  Simply put, there are too many ponies and not enough resources.  So, Princess Celestia, in all of her glorious wisdom, decides to send a large group of ponies south to find resource-rich lands to colonize.  The plan is to wait for a few years to see if there are any problems before Celestia can officially make these new lands part of her kingdom.  There'll be dangerous monsters to fight and things to discover, towns will grow and leaders will rise and fall.  Ponies will become friends or enemies, and battles might be fought.


So, the RP will be kind've an exploration/political/slice-of-life style thing.  There will be RP'ers who want to start a bustling town, and some who want to run a shop in a town, and some who just want to live in the woods by themselves.  I want there to be different areas, even in a way that we could make a map later on.  Anyway, please leave feedback, I would love to have this RP go somewhere.  It's just an appealing idea to me that in the same RP, one pony could be the ruler of a mighty kingdom, and another be the happy baker in said kingdom, and both RP'ers be just as happy.  Like some calmer SoL RPing?  Look no further.  Want to take a team of fellow friends and explore some ancient ruins?  Go for it.  Want to be a courageous king who tries to maintain happiness in his country while negotiating with other politicians?  Be my guest.


Anyway, I would love to have tons of RPers on board, but right now I will need some guys or gals to help ricochet ideas of of.  We'll need to settle some specifics, and I'd love to have you on board.  Anybody who helps gets special treatment when the actual RP begins, of course, but I will do my best to make sure that everypony is treated equally, and I will not let anypony be too powerful in the official RP.


So, leave questions, comments, and ideas down below!  Let's see where this goes!

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I know I'd join this. I think it would be a great idea (especially the political side of it).



Would there happen to be natives in this land?

Edited by Omar
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Thank you! I'm glad that at least one person would enjoy it :) As far as natives go, I think that's a great idea!  It adds to the whole "open world" feel.  Oh, and I had planned on the new land being joined on to old Equestria, because if the land was on an island, eventually room might run out.  Unless it's a really big island, more of a seperate continent...hm, maybe an island wouldn't be a bad idea.  I don't know, that might actually work out better.  It would explain why nopony from Equestria had tried to go there before, as it hadn't ever been discovered.  See, this is why I need suggestions!  Thank you very much for the ideas!  Feel free to bounce any other ideas off of me!


Natives could also be other races instead of just having Ponies there.  That way, we could have races living together!  That sounds pretty sweet.

Edited by AspenSwift
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Yeah, an island would be a good idea. 


I'll try to brainstorm some ideas over time. Hopefully some more people will become interested in this.

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@ @AspenSwift, @Omar


I just got out of a Roleplay for a similar idea that was way too divided on the tone it wanted to set.


If it's an island you're going for, it'd need to be big enough to have a reliable source of fresh water, for certain. It could have an inactive volcano in the center that's filled up with rainwater. You could have cave systems that have formed in the rocks, etc.


How gritty are you aiming for things to be in this RP? And how advanced technology-wise are you aiming for?

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@ @AspenSwift, @Omar


I just got out of a Roleplay for a similar idea that was way too divided on the tone it wanted to set.


If it's an island you're going for, it'd need to be big enough to have a reliable source of fresh water, for certain. It could have an inactive volcano in the center that's filled up with rainwater. You could have cave systems that have formed in the rocks, etc.


How gritty are you aiming for things to be in this RP? And how advanced technology-wise are you aiming for?

Hm, I had imagined that I wasn't breaking any new ground with the idea.  It does worry me that your RP kinda went bad, though.  I actually had been thinking about freshwater sources, however.  A volcano filled with water would be cool, and would create some conflict with towns wanting control of it.  However, if there were some large springs on the island that towns had easy access to, that would work as well.  I was curious, though as to what you meant by the previous RP being "way too divided on the tone it wanted to set."  Do you mean that nopony was really interacting with each other, and that everypony was doing their own thing, or that some people were making their posts really grim and moody while others tried to keep the whole "fun and friendship" idea with their posts. As for your final questions, I was thinking about maybe having metaphorical "teen" rating.  Some cursing and minor romance is allowed, but no descriptive sex or drawn out torture scenes or anything.  As for technology, let's try to keep it canon.  Anything that can be powered by magic or horsepower (hah, get it, like manpower, but horses cause they're horses).  No computers or anything that is digital or uses electricity.  


Thanks for responding!  I'm really trying to build interest, as I want this to get off of the ground

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HEY DUDE this sounds awsome!!!!!!!! i'm backing this with every fiber of my 13 year old being if you want help i can give it also politics *squee*

if we do island how do we get their are we talking boats? hotair balloons ? zepplin?

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HEY DUDE this sounds awsome!!!!!!!! i'm backing this with every fiber of my 13 year old being if you want help i can give it also politics *squee*

if we do island how do we get their are we talking boats? hotair balloons ? zepplin?

Well if it is an island that we are one, we would probably be taking a boat to get there (since boats have more room than any of those other options I would guess).




Well it looks like we have a few more people wanting to help, that's good.




Now with the subject of there being natives in this land, would they be civil like normal equestrian ponies? Or would they be kind of a primitive culture? Just something that we may have to think about.


Another idea. Since they're not from equestria, they wouldn't know who Celestia or Luna are so they could have some different beliefs on how the world works.

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can we not go into religion? unless you want too in which case it's fine

I guess we could not go into religion. Didn't really need to anyway since it's not exactly that important.

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HEY DUDE this sounds awsome!!!!!!!! i'm backing this with every fiber of my 13 year old being if you want help i can give it also politics *squee*

if we do island how do we get their are we talking boats? hotair balloons ? zepplin?

Glad to have you on board!  As awesome as hot air balloons and zepplins sound, boats would probably be the most logical answer :)  Anyway, thanks for helping us to get this RP started, and for giving us some feedback!  Feel free to drop any ideas or questions!




This isnt exactly an idea for inside the roleplay itself but...


Maybe keep a log of everything that happens? I could help out with that.


Man it didn't take me long to get hooked on this roleplaying business...

A log would be very helpful indeed!  I'd try to get one started myself, but I'm not very organized XD However, I was thinking about making a sort of map; one that could be edited a lot as cities are created.


Well if it is an island that we are one, we would probably be taking a boat to get there (since boats have more room than any of those other options I would guess).




Well it looks like we have a few more people wanting to help, that's good.




Now with the subject of there being natives in this land, would they be civil like normal equestrian ponies? Or would they be kind of a primitive culture? Just something that we may have to think about.


Another idea. Since they're not from equestria, they wouldn't know who Celestia or Luna are so they could have some different beliefs on how the world works.

I would think that any natives found wouldn't be too primitive, but lifestyles would be extremely different.  Especially if it's a whole different species, like a group of talking Moose or something.  I'd think that the natives would have no idea about Celestia and Luna, but may grow to either like or hate the settlers.  Some may go live in the Pony's towns.  This is also a chance for any non-pony OCs to have a chance to see some roleplaying.  If, for example, somebody wanted to have a dragon OC join the roleplay, that would fit into the canon well, as the dragon could have lived on the island before the ponies show up.


For the time being, we're not accepting any OCs until we have finalized all the details and change the status to "Searching" instead of "Planning."  If you post again when we start searching, I'm sure I'm speaking for everybody else when we say that we'd love Ocean Melody on the team!




Wow!  I'm really glad that this has gotten such good feedback!  Much thanks to @@Omar for handling things while I'm at school.  I'll be much more active when school gets on thursday.  I'm really loving the ideas that y'all are sending in, I want this to not be just one guy's RP but something that we've all contributed in making.  I was thinking today that the title page for the OOC could be something like:



Welcome to the "Exploring New Lands" RP (or whatever we decide the name should be; I came up with that one on the fly).  If the roleplay were to be defined, it would be "exploration/political/slice-of-life," but honestly, this is a completely open-world roleplay.  We are trying to build an incredibly large, busy, expansive world, so feel free to enter as many OCs as you want and please tell friends! The premise is this:

"Equestria has become overpopulated, and around 5,000 citizens (of course, most will be not part of the roleplay, but background ponies, if you will) have been selected to journey westward, where an incredibly large island has been found.  The goal is to populate this land and to create towns and cities on it."

So, you have been chosen to be a settler of this island.  Everything else is up to you!  Shall you become an adventurer, roaming this vast land in search of ancient treasures, or a leader of a town?  Shall you be a VIP that everypony else knows of, or the happy farmer living by himself.  You can be anything that want to in this unfamiliar land.  Wherever you think your OC would be most at home, than that is what you can be.

NOTE: Natives may be found on this island, which means that non-pony OCs are accepted!


Minor romance and cursing is okay, but try to keep this PG-13, m'kay guys?

No godmodding

Don't do anything that wouldn't fall under MLP canon.  For example, no guns; try to keep weaponry at medieval level.

Don't be too OP.  Having a special talent for something is okay, but your OC is not perfect at everything.

Please use correct grammar and spelling, or at least as well as you can.

Try to think of other RP'ers.  Don't post anything like "-such and such OC- runs into -such and such- town and kills everypony, taking over the town"

On that note, try not to kill any other RPers unless OKed by them first

You CAN have multiple OCs accepted!

How to apply:

Link OC page or use this format:


Race (Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth Pony, or other):




Cutie Mark:

Special Powers ("none" is okay, and nothing too OP)


Why they were chosen to colonize this new land:

NOTE: Even if you link your OC, please state why they were chosen


So, anyway, should any chages be made?  Should I add any rules or change the application form?  Please leave feedback!

Edited by AspenSwift
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All the rules that you mentioned seem to be good. One thing that I would like to add is to keep things civil. We don't want there to be a huge argument in the middle of this role play that makes people want to leave (even though I doubt that this would happen).



This is looking to be a really good RP so far (hopefully it turns out good).



And also, I handled things while you were gone? I guess I did without knowing, lol.

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All the rules that you mentioned seem to be good. One thing that I would like to add is to keep things civil. We don't want there to be a huge argument in the middle of this role play that makes people want to leave (even though I doubt that this would happen).



This is looking to be a really good RP so far (hopefully it turns out good).



And also, I handled things while you were gone? I guess I did without knowing, lol.

Give yourself more credit!  You responded to people with questions, which I really appreciate.

Alright, well it seems we're about ready to change the label to "Searching" and creating the official thread!  I'll wait an hour, and if there are no more ideas, then I'll start it up!  Thanks for all the help, y'all!

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Too soon?  I was sensing a lull, so I thought we'd get things started.  We can work out more details as they come up! :)

It probably is a good time to start searching for people since there isn't that much more to think about at the moment. 

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This looks promising... I'm in the process of making a new OC right now and I'd like to try them out. Don't worry, I'll make sure they fit in well with the cannon.

  • Brohoof 1

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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Alright, I'm setting it up!

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Sorry for the delay in response, I've been travelling.


@ @AspenSwift

To answer your question on what I meant by everyone wanting something different in terms of tone, I meant it in the way of, as you put it: "some people were making their posts really grim and moody while others tried to keep the whole "fun and friendship" idea with their posts." There were also widely varying levels of technology. I'm glad that it looks like you'll have a much more solid grip. I'll be applying with an character on the OOC shortly.

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