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private Cloudsdale High RP (Reboot)

Snow Frostflame

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/130495-cloudsdale-high-reboot/?p=3830698



"your power will consume you Rave!" those words where the signal for Snowflake's friends to charge in and help him contain Rave... Snowflake watches Melody dive down on Rave to hold him down "Now Sparkle!" Snowflake watches Sparkle charge over to poison Rave with a paralysis potion but he was too late Rave got back up and contained Melody and Sparkle in dark crystals.... while he levitated Snowflake closer to him "so long Snowflake you won't be missed" Rave uses magic on Snowflake and before Snowflake knew it he was falling from the sky.... he was above Cloudsdale Snowflake quickly used a cloud walking spell.... when he hit the cloud Snowflake looked around.... everything looked different "time spells... thanks Rave..." Snowflake then looked at himself.... he looked at least 14 now... he still had his cutie mark and magic though "no way off this cloud without a balloon and even if I get off where do I go now?" Snowflake wanders aimlessly until he finds Cloudsdale High "*sigh*... school.... here we go again.... nopony is going to believe I'm a time traveler so I gotta blend in"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Clover stood outside Cloudsdale High nervously tapping her forehooves. She had gotten here via hot air balloon, but now as she watched the balloon depart, she knew that the only way she could get back to the ground was to learn to fly. The alicorn mare sighed heavily. She had become a Princess only the previous year, when she had fought an evil sorcerer who had summoned windigoes to create an eternal winter on Equestria. When Clover had defeated the sorcerer with a spell she had created herself, she had been made the Princess of Magic and had been given wings. That she couldn't fly with. Every time she tried, Clover just froze and couldn't even get off the ground. That was why she was here, at Cloudsdale High.



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sparkle walked along the cloud nervously thinking too himself when a unicorn stallion fell from the sky hitting the cloud sparkle rushed over too help " Hey you okay guy?" sparkle looked at his back "huh no wings how're you still standing on this cloud? most ponies fall through them upon contact i don't know why though..."

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Snowflake would easily recognize Sparkle's voice.... even though it sounds a bit different... though with the confusion and curiosity going around in his head its safe to say this is Sparkle from the past and not Sparkle being sent in with him from his current time "its a spell that takes a lot of practice... it works on Earth Ponies too"


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Dumb Bell was walking through Canterlot High. His cronies should be here somewhere but he might have to wait until class to get to meet them. He had quite a stomachache from eatinga rather large bowl of broccoli for breakfast. It didn't seem to agree with his insides.

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Snowflake would easily recognize Sparkle's voice.... even though it sounds a bit different... though with the confusion and curiosity going around in his head its safe to say this is Sparkle from the past and not Sparkle being sent in with him from his current time "its a spell that takes a lot of practice... it works on Earth Ponies too"

"ohhh im Sparkle by the way Sparkle Sword. I was named after my dad Silver Sword so what's your name stranger? actually everponys a stranger to me this is my first time in cloudsdale. sorry am i talking too much? i do that alot. damn it i did it again!" sparkle looked at snowflake as if he was embarrassed

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"I'm Snowflake Frostflame a mage from Canterlot" Snowflake puts his hoof on Sparkle's shoulder  "so Sparkle your not from around here either....  you and I will get along just fine" Snowflake looked at the school "you attend this school..... Cloudsdale High as well?"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Clover stood outside Cloudsdale High nervously tapping her forehooves. She had gotten here via hot air balloon, but now as she watched the balloon depart, she knew that the only way she could get back to the ground was to learn to fly. The alicorn mare sighed heavily. She had become a Princess only the previous year, when she had fought an evil sorcerer who had summoned windigoes to create an eternal winter on Equestria. When Clover had defeated the sorcerer with a spell she had created herself, she had been made the Princess of Magic and had been given wings. That she couldn't fly with. Every time she tried, Clover just froze and couldn't even get off the ground. That was why she was here, at Cloudsdale High.

Dumb bell was walking by looking around and since he was rather tall and had a large build compared to average sized ponies, he collided with a mare. He looked at her. "Oh. Sorry." he said blandly. This mare wasnt pretty, not worth trying to win over, he thought.

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"I'm Snowflake Frostflame a mage from Canterlot" Snowflake puts his hoof on Sparkle's shoulder  "so Sparkle your not from around here either....  you and I will get along just fine" Snowflake looked at the school "you attend this school..... Cloudsdale High as well?"

"holy hell Snowflake i'm from canterlot too never seen you around town though you new? also this is my first day here i don't really know what too do or say it sounds like you've been here before though mind showing me 'round please? i'm kinda nervous right now" sparkle looked at him with puppy dog eyes

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"we haven't met because I wasn't from the city.... a little up the ways on the mountain there was a village there.... a lot has happened there and its in ruins now.... I became an orphan after the village went into ruin and was adopted... I spent many years in Canterlot Elementary before getting accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns... now as for being up here in the clouds... I guess the winds just changed.... I literally just got here so my guess is as good as yours"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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"we haven't met because I wasn't from the city.... a little up the ways on the mountain there was a village there.... a lot has happened there and its in ruins now.... I became an orphan after the village went into ruin and was adopted... I spent many years in Canterlot Elementary before getting accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns... now as for being up here in the clouds... I guess the winds just changed.... I literally just got here so my guess is as good as yours"

"okay but something's suspisios about you so d'you think we should get too class? i could fly you over any gaps thats if your within the waight limitations wich judgeing by your build you should be okay too fly " sparkle flapped his wings lightly as if offering a ride over 

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@@Littlecandylulu903, Clover was startled out of her gloomy thoughts by a stallion cannoning into her. Already nervous, she snapped out, "Can't you watch where you're going?" at him. She already felt nervous enough about being so high up; despite all evidence to the contrary, Clover was fearful about the clouds holding her. The path in front of her leading to the school entrance had several frighteningly large gaps that she wasn't sure about being able to jump over, and of course, she couldn't yet fly. That was why she was here.



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"sure" Snowflake said... Snowflake lets Sparkle grab him to fly him to the place "Clouds aren't as hard as the ground so you could drop me mid air if you feel like it but please give me a heads up" Snowflake looks at the school and sees an Alicorn... "wait an Alicorn?... did Rave send me to another dimension? or maybe she's part of a royal blood I have never heard of.." Snowflake looks up at Sparkle "hey Sparkle drop me here and meet me down there"


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"sure thing boss " sparkle let go of snowflake before circleing around and landing near him (w...wow an alicorn guess there's royalty present) sparkle felt like bowing but he'd never seen or heard of this mare before he looked at snowflake confused "wha... what should i do snowflake?"

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while Sparkle released Snowflake he stuck out his hooves and embraced the sky... everything felt like it was going in slow motion... besides falling through Rave's time portal this had been the first time Snowflake had free fell and he enjoyed it greatly.... once he hit the ground Sparkle landed and then started freaking out about what to do with the mare "keep calm friend watch...." Snowflake approached the mare "hello there..."


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@@Snowflake Frostflame, Clover turned to face with some relief two other ponies, tho she didn't know them. "Hi," she said in reply. "My name's Clover, I'm the Princess of Magic. I need to get to the school, cuz I can't, um, fly. That's why I'm here. But there's gaps in the clouds... are they always like that?"



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"probably yes since there clouds and clouds are vapour i think don't quote me on that. did you just say princess? " sparkle made a slight bow "s...sorry your highness i didn't mean too offend you " sparkle got up (i hope nopony saw that) sparkle thought looking around

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Snowflake didn't kneel.... even though he was a foal he still didn't like the royal families.... but it was nothing personal Snowflake knew he'd get along with her just fine "just be careful where you step Clover and if you fall me and Sparkle can save you... oh speaking of which I'm Snowflake Frostflame and this is Sparkle Sword"


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@, "No need to bow," Clover replied, a little embarrassed. "I haven't been a princess for very long; just over a year, in fact. I'm still not used to it myself. Anyway, I don't want to be a bother but maybe you could help me over the gaps? I suppose I could do a spell but I don't really want to interfere with the clouds. Closing the gaps here might open up gaps elsewhere."


@@Snowflake Frostflame, "Nice to meet you both," Clover added.

Edited by Pripyat Pony



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"oh um im sorry clover mind if i call you that i mean princess Clover is just too formal" sparkle turns too snowflake"i could help her over but i don't think you could you don't have wings what if you fall or the spell wears off? who would catch you  ? i don't want you too die"

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"don't worry Sparkle... this spell lasts for a long time and if I do fall I can easily teleport back up to the cloud or the ground... though if I go to the ground don't expect to see me back up here for a few days.... it might take me awhile".... Snowflake says to everyone "alright then maybe we should get to class wouldn't want to be late now"


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"oh okay i'm just looking out for ya snowflake. i don't like full names can we call eachother nicknames?" sparkle looked at them both and then a large pegasus stallion who was walking away (why does he seem so fermiler too me? meh probably not important)

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"Yes, Clover is fine; I'd actually prefer that, cuz after all, I've only been a princess for a year," Clover replied. "I'd be grateful if you could help me over the gaps and yes, we'd better get to class. Seeing as it's the first class of the year, it wouldn't do to be late for it."


Clover hoped that this school would help her be able to fly. It was pretty much her last hope.



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"okay then.... you two move on without me I'll catch up in a bit.... I'll see you guys in class" Snowflake went inside the school.... the memories of stressful nights studying in Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns came back to him immediately.... Snowflake sneaked around the main office unseen he then made his way to the principals office... luckily for him the principal wasn't present... Snowflake looked at the roster and he knew his name wasn't there.... Snowflake then added his name to the roster and used his magic to switch some names around ensuring him Sparkle and Clover would be in the same classrooms.... (and coincidentally does it with all the other players too) Snowflake then left the office unseen and started roaming the hallways in search for his class like nothing happened

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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sparkle entered the school with clover and looked at his schedule " uhh where are we supposed too be going? should we find everypony else?" sparkle looked around confused when he saw a teacher greeting the pupils too a new year " mabye we should ask him clover? i don't see anypony else around"

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