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private 3 years in 71 days

Lucky Headcannons

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*lucky starts thinking* Okay lucky it has been 3 years, and it was the doctor.hmm... trying to remember from the insanity I have been through, okay you can do this and remember don't say doctor if you do you ruin everything.* he finally spoke* Sorry it is okay, it has been three years from this. How long sense your last.*he started to get nervous and started shaking*

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"n...never" Sparkle whispered " i've never had sex before... " sparkle looked slightly worried (so what happens now? is he using protection or not do i want too be pregnant? i'm still 18 what if i do? what do i tell the foal that his father is a time traveller?)[sparkle just calm down and enjoy the moment if you get pregnant then your pregnant it makes perfect sense... kinda] sparkle tried too calm herself down with much success and in seconds she was ready

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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*keeps thinking* Oh god what if she gets pregnant, what will I do. Nothing I will just stay in this time period then, it's better then mine. I mean I am a time traveler what will I do. My time period is a wasteland any way. *stops shaking and finally talks* Okay, here we go.

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(here we go. to lost verginaty ... and hopefully not getting pregnant ) sparkle kissed him as he came closer " i love you Lucky" sparkle kissed him again (here it comes ) sparkle braces herself (this could go either way ) sparkle's face went red ( please don't get pregnant please not this early i don't need a child yet...)

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*starts and says in his head* Oh celestia please don't get pregnant I am not ready to have a child, three years doctor. Hope I have my emergency suit instead of that lab coat. Oh god if she was pregnant my life of traveling time would be over. Well this is it, my life is probably over.

Edited by Lucky headcannons
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it's gonna happen ponies have told me that it never happens first time but i can feal it i know. this was a bad idea a really bad idea i'm gonna get pregnant arn't I it never happens to anypony else but im Sparkle Sword it has too happen too me doesn't it ? argh why can't i just have a normal life? without the pony I have sex with being a time traveller? ) sparkle thought as lucky entered ( c'mon i'll just take a pi... oh shit Candy doesn't have anymore does she?) it begins...

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*lucky started thinking* Lucky come on you can't do this, you might ruin her life. I should of just left her alone and I would be done with this dimension as I thought it would be terrible, but it isn't any more. I might even stop with time travel after this, I should of stopped after the doctor or I could of went to suicide like I was then he came... why doctor did you make me into what I am today. A monster, I have slaughtered many for science. And now I made ket Amar using DNA from you and of all people discord and tirek, my life isn't over but it has been over.

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*Sparkle looks into Lucky's eyes and then looks down too see that Lucky is indeed inside her* "well i guess it continues from here" she said " don't worry even if i do get pregnant you can still travel. just visit every now and again alright? " sparkle kissed him " you don't have too give up time travel for me. who knows i might even come with you." sparkle said smiling

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True, but honestly I don't care any more my period is already done there is only about 1 million ponies left and for the periods I have been in that is low. I would rather stay with you then travel to hell hole after hell hole. My life is over any way, it ended 2 years ago.

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"then why don't ya? we could get a house somewhere settle down raise a kid. it'd be great!" sparkle kisses him some more " I love you like alot alot " sparkle feals him cum (d'you mind me putting that?) " that feals so good i could get used too this really used too this Lucky"

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(It's fine) I would but I can't, I shouldn't be doing this. I should be hunting Ket down but no, I am risking thousands of lives for this. I can't go back, I should just kill my self right now. I should just die, no one would care any way. Not even me, nor you probably.No one will.

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"Hey lucky i would care. and what if i do end up pregnant surely the foal would care not knowing his own father imagine that. heck what about birth i would have too give birth on my own and raise them on my own i couldn't handle that Lucky you not being there for the birth of our child think about it i need you Lucky fully as my guy" sparkle said "please?"

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I will consider but every time something like this happens my loved ones die, all are dead but some like dis... I mean the doctor. Now you, I can't live to hear that. And it is all ket's fault, my fault... I made him so that case I killed thousands. I killed everyone I cared about.

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"hey i could help you take him out i'm a tough mare i could handle it " sparkle turned her head sideways" but you won't let me will you especially when carrying a little one our little one but you still wouldn't would you even if i wasn't your all ket's my fault i can help you and i want too" sparkle said still looking away

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I HAVE killed thousands and that won't change unless I let him kill, for years I have but I was going to stop him today. And now I am risking more and more, the more we talk the more die well at least the more I talk and now you could die. And it is my fault, all mine no one else's not even ket's just because of my programming.

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"HEY IF THERE'S ONE MOTO TOO BEING AN INVENTOR IT'S ONLY THE PROGRAM CAN GO WRONG NOT YOU NOT ANYPONY ON THE TEAM THE PROGRAM!!! sorry for yelling wait that means... our child could be dead Lucky hurry the &%$* up our foal is in danger a young life is at stake here! " sparkle said a look of extreme urgency in her eye's

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Our little one, even if you are pregnant did you even want a child. I have a tracker on him I think let me check.*runs to get his lab coat* he is...well this is embarrassing to him, he is still at the mountain wondering around. Ha never mind it's fine I think. Any way yes it is my fault I programmed him to kill, so I can be done with this world but he didn't kill me first like expected, he ran and started a chain of killing.I have killed mares, foals, stallions, every thing. I tried to remove the sins of the world which the last alive all made the world crumble before all of use, I deserved it the most.I should die, I am a monster. We don't even know if your pregnant, and if I die you said you like that grell anyway so yeah I can't even say it so I will just play this. *plays Maybe 

before my mom died she sang this to me.*starts singing it until half way through* I hope you know if you have a child it would be of a murderer, a monster, the worst man on the world. I should just die, the child would hate me any way. Edited by Lucky headcannons
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"how do you know they'd hate you you wouldn't have met him before it's just because we had sex and you got me pregnant that we know he exists in your time. if we didn't if we never had sex then he wouldn't exist would he? unless the first child i'm destined too have is him" sparkle looked confused " i wouldn't mind rasing the child of a murderer it would make intresting storys "

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I am worse then a murderer and if you think the story would be interesting listen to this. I sat there doing nothing as a small foal got killed right in front of me, brutally. Or the time I watched all of my family die, all of the and I did nothing to stop... me, him. Listen Ket Amar has my DNA so it is a part of me now. *next song plays 

and he sits down in depression* I am surprised you don't hate me now, you could be pregnant with a child of... this, I have killed thousands, and that foal I watched get killed and my own family die in front of me because I killed them and I did nothing to stop, I know Ket... I have to have sent 70 to kill you, yes I tried to kill of all people. I should die even if we had a foal he/she wouldn't care no one would and I know you don't or at least you should. I am sorry you met me, you shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be doing this I should be dead a long time ago. *starts singing till the end* I am going to be the death of everybody and I can't stop it, you, the foal, your sisters, my self. We will all die by the hands of me and I can't help it. Edited by Lucky headcannons
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* sparkle had tears in her eyes * " no matter what happens Lucky i love you and will stand by you as long as i live if that puts me and an unborn foal at risk i can take it" sparkle dried her tears " im a trained fighter give me a wepon and i kill anypony that stops me from acomplashing my goals. we. can. do. this! we can do this Lucky! me you everpony... we just need too stop you from creating ket!"

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Every one I have met died and will die sorry, I need to die. That foal I saw die, I killed, he killed. I here his voice in my head, all there voices in my head. I know we can stop him now but I can't go back, I can never go back. Why am I doing this, why didn't Ket kill me I programmed him to yet he ran and doesn't kill me. Why can't I die, I have tried every thing.

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"everything? absolutely everything even getting turned into a stuffed toy? 'cause i've tried that... well not on purpose of course my old sword teacher did it after i was expelled for cutting somepony's hoof off. so i went under private training and eventually graduated and then got turned into a stuffed toy... my sister wouldn't leave me alone it was torture being owned by an 8 year old" *gasp*" the doctor can't he take us back?"

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I don't want to go back, it is over with. I don't care any more. And yes, almost everything just not that. I even tried to drown in toxic waste but nothing works, nothing ever works. Something had to happen to me, plus why are you doing this. Why did you want this.

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"..." sparkle was completely silent like she had become Candy ".....i'm sorry ......." sparkle got up and put her dress back on "...... i should go now........." sparkle walked out of the tardis "..... bye doctor ......." sparkle said before flying home ( ugh i probably just killed a thousand more. that and i feal weird. probably how everypony feals after sex.)

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Now she's gone, why can't I be normal. Well I guess I will stay here, better yet I should just go and kill ket while hopefully killing my self. *puts on lab coat* I am just going to leave her a note then, I ruin every thing in life. See ya doctor, I have to go. First to leave a note about how I am going to her.*leaves a note by the door step* Well here we go.*flies to the mountain*

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