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private 3 years in 71 days

Lucky Headcannons

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Sparkle who was lying down rolled over to Lucky "there's one last one you need to read..." 

Sparkle flicks through the diary before ariving at a page reading " d...dear diary i'm currently writing this in hospital but from what i can remember my boyfriend jonnson has been sent jeticent into space presumably his head has exploded by now either that or he hit the sea and is drowning he needs his suit but it's to late i'm the only suvivor i told him to put on his EM.S.S but he didn't he was to concerned with saving me... i'm gonna kill myself now so i can be with him..."

"and that's why i wanted to die... he ment to much to me..." Sparkle said taking Lucky's magnum before shooting him in the back and her in the neck "just let me die now Lucky i can't go on..."

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No, I need you. I know how you die also and it's not like this, you die at age 74. Plus I can't go back in time that much any more and change things. If I change something it shortens my life by a year, all those times I saved you from death I was killing my self. *gives sparkle a stim* I am going to die at some where around 45. Just so I can save you and many others over and over again. This has been my biggest attempt at suicide ever and I don't want to continue. When I said a while ago that every time I change something I take some part of someones life, that is my life I use to change the world. I should of told you this but I know about are colt. I have talked to him, also it takes more then one bullet to stop me. You shot me in a non fatal spot, well at least for me. I shot my self in the head and I didn't die. If you leave me they return, the voices.

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"i have to see him again i won't last until 74 heck i bearly made it to 18 i shoud've died about two years ago! in that crash i should have been pulled in by that engine along with Ivory! i should've been torn apart like the other lab staff god wants me to die and i NEED to die i want to die..." Sparkle said trying to shoot herself again but just getting a click

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Sparkle, I used to think the same thing. But then you came into my life, and what about the foal. I can save him, just I will live about to 40 then I will die. Where in time was he, just promise me one thing. You won't leave me, I can't risk anymore of my life. *goes over to the terminal with blood coming through the bullet hole though his back* I just want the best for use, as I said I WILL RISK MY LIFE FOR YOU AND THE FOAL.

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"i just want my jonnson... i need him it'sall because he SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR ME " Sparkle kicks straight through the wall and starts destroying random things "WHY HIM WHY NOT ME!!?? HE WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT ALL HE DID WAS LOVE ME!!! AND ALL I DID WAS GET HIM KILLED!!!"

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Alright I have it give me a minute and were here. *runs out the door right before jonnson dies and pulls him into the lab* Hey there Jonnson, I just saved your life. Now give me a minute. *gives Jonnson a stim* I am Lucky, sparkles fiancé. She asked me to save you so I did, your welcome. Also me and sparkle are having a foal. This is our home/time machine and we have a butler. She just wanted to see you again. *whispers to jonnson* Listen I will worn you... I'll call you Jon, any way she is not leaving me for you hopefully and if she try thats where you come in. If you even try to hook back up with her I can make your life a living hell. But I like you so I might just come to suicide instead, so we good man.

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"yeah we are" Jonnson said looking down on himself before he was bombarded by hugs and kisses from Sparkle

"i missed you so much Jon you don't know what it feals like to watch one of your greatest friends in the universe get sucked out into space" Sparkle held Jonnson really close before putting him down "sorry Lucky he tastes kinda like space... that's Lucky by the way" Sparkle said pointing Jon to Lucky "and that's Larry" Sparkle pointed at Larry

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Yes he is a *whispers to Jonnson* robot but he thinks he's real so don't call him one. *talks normal* So, your welcome sparkle. And for you Jon, do you want anything? I got whiskey, vodka, many other alcoholic drinks. We also have some tea Larry brewed up if you want?

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"naw i'm fine really hey Sparkle i kinda found something of yours when the core blew up " Jon gives Sparkle a small locket with her in the middle Ivory on the right and Jonnson on the left

sparkle's eyes started to tear up "this is the three part locket you two brought me in like year 4 " Sparkle puts the locket around her neck and reads the label it says " B.Fs forever " and on the other side "S.S J.W and I.K" 

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Well, thank god I saved you or none of this would happen. You would be suffocating right now in space. I have seen that happen before and it looks painful, could be fun. *laughs* sorry if I am coming off like a jerk I don't act right around ponies usually. Also I am cybernetic. Your welcome to stay with us Jon we have a guest room. Oh and about me being cybernetic I kind of have a massive amount of intel in my *brain" I'll call it because it's not real most of my body is cybernetic including my brain and brain stem, heart, left lung, liver, and the list goes on.

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"hold on Lucky " Sparkle said confused "one question... are your balls cybernetic? if so you probably should've told me... you know BEFORE we had sex... also i've had sex with a cyborg what has my life come to? and i'm marrying a half robot with cybernetic balls... BRILLIANT!"

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No just stuff around the upper part of my body, and the stomach which makes the digesting food is painful. Also what do you mean by brilliant at that I am cybernetic? Any way Jon what does the... I think it's called the ESA or something like that do. In my time space has been explored so much it is all discovered, sadly space travel has been taken down ever sense the radiation. But I am guessing you would like to come to the wedding so I will get you a suit. I have about maybe 1000 suits in my wardrobe so if you go I'll just give you anyone you want.

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"ESA? manely research on life the moon other objects classed as celestial objects - objects in space for those of a weak mind " Jonnson looks towards Sparkle who's licking her hooves "ESA Equestrian Space Association creating links across the stars!"

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Okay I was just wondering because about a month ago I found a crashed ship with the logo for the ESA. I explored it for a while seeing what was in it and I looked at the research that was left and not destroyed or corrupted. It was interesting I can tell you that. Any way about the wedding, it will be in my dimension and told Carl to set it up. Yeah I gave him supplies so we should check it out no? He is a great decorator so was Linda but that's a story for another time.

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"ESA's known for it's crashes eversince the only competent member of the engineering team left ehem me" Sparkle said licking Jon's ear as a sign of slight affection before whispering "love you" into his ear and giving him a "friendly kiss" before giggling and nipping his ear

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Jon we need to go. *takes Jonnson to the wardrobe* alright pick any suit you want, and I mean any suit. *whispers to Jon* Listen I know what sparkle said to you, remember what to do. Don't show her any love of sorts she's mine remember that, we're still good right honestly the last ex boyfriend I saw I want to gut him. He was being a b**ch though so you would understand. You seem like a nice guy just make sure she doesn't want you, the last time that happened I shot the ex off a cliff but she almost killed me so I saved him.

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"but... she's... Sparkle... i comfort her when she's sad... or when she needs somepony... but if you don't want me to i'll just leave and see you at the wedding... " Jon took a suit and made his way to the door

"HEY JONNSON WAIT!!!" sparkle ran up to him and whispered something to him - even though they were ex lovers the size difference was immense -

"goodbye Sparkle" Jon ran off

"JON WAIT...." Sparkle yelled as he ran away

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What's his problem I just let him pick a suit and he runs off like that, I offered him to stay here in a guest room and this is what he does. For once I actually liked one of your ex's and he just runs off, well at least he isn't like ember and freaked out about us getting married. Where is he going though that's what I wonder. Nice guy though.

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"i know the touchdown place AKA the landing pad... when we worked for ESA we could always sit there because of how little rockets use it we used to explore the debris of the rockets especially the boosters they were awsome he's really nerdy though but that makes him really cute " Sparkle goes all dreamy eyed

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Well we better invite the rest of your family to the wedding, are they all in canterlot or what. I have no one coming but Carl and Larry so. Larry: sir, your tea has become cold. What shall I do? Me: I don't really want it any more so just dispatch it. *walks over to sparkle and kisses her* So where we heading sparkle, it's up to you.

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"well there's my Aunt who lives in fillydelphia my cousin and her sister who are in a relationship... for a reason there strange (no offence to anyone in an insestive relationship your bod your love) my uncle who's dead so he can't come my dad was an only child oh my nan and grandad uhh oh my sisters my sister's boyfriend... Dimond and the other 5 jewel sisters who am i forgetting?" A stallion flashed though sparkle's mind at 100mph and proceded to show glamour pictures of him crimson and gold mane, perfect orange eyes, and hot!!!! "oh yeah... White... " Sparkle said to herself

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Alright Larry email all of them now. Larry: alright air I'll be right on it. Me: So, we should check and see how Carl is doing setting up. Trust me he is great at decorating and setting up events. Also who is white? I feel like I have heard that name before, let me guess another one of your ex's. I can probably tell by the way you said his name.

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"oh White he's just a super adorable hot stallion and only the greatest engineer ever seriously he is no ex i'm to shy to approach him let alone talk! but like Diamond says she'd go straight for him and she's never said anything about anypony else like that before"

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Well I can't wait to see him, tell me about his engineering. I need to show him mine oh what I have will be the greatest engineering anyone will ever see. The stuff in my bunker will amaze him, wait until you see them. I have found out how to do stuff that would take a scientist months to find out In a day or just a matter of minutes. World hunger, cures for diseases that were called "un curable", and many more including eternal life.

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"WOAH SUPER ULTRA COOL I CAN'T WAI... oh yeah i'm to scared arn't I...uhhh you can tell him " Sparkle starts flicking through her diary until she finds this it's a tape labled "for that special somepony AKA you Sparkle" Sparkle looks at the tape and flicks it around before slotting it into the TV "hello! hey turn that bloody camera off Sparkle " Two Stallions said as sparkle taped them " he he sorry boys but i'm leaving this on " a twelve year-old Sparkle walks past the camera swaying her flank before stopping "ugh sorry" Sparkle stoppes and goes back for the camera when it appears she was pinned down by a stallion who kept nibbleing her ears "hey get offa me we're filling remember? " Sparkle says pushing a 14 year-old Ivory off her when the camera falls and focuses in on a stallion standing at the end of the beach "HEY WHITE!!!" Sparkle yelled out before he vanished 

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