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private 3 years in 71 days

Lucky Headcannons

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"WHHHOAH that's awsome. my dad was always a cool guy " sparkle said getting in the jeep "my mom not so much she was always out in baking compatitions with my sisters and i was stuck at home watching the bakery with my dad he made it into a game i was the guard and he was the theif he tried too get in and i tried too keep him out it was fun."

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Yeah, he was a great guy. I never got his name though, he was always cryptic around me like it is stuff I should know like about you. Oh thankfully I remember, Lucky sugar was there grown up. She also acted like I knew her. *starts the jeep up and turns on the radio.

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"was i there?" sparkle said nervously " what about Candy? did we both survive? " ( i hope we did if not no don't think about it sparkle survive you can do it just don't think about the foal ) " what about them?" sparkle patted her bump " they matter the most to me right now..."

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Probably in another stable, there's quite a few around here. *he says in his head* please don't tell me that we died in the final hours before this happened, and what about that foal. Could it be that I killed him. What about candy, did she meet with the same fate? *starts talking* any way there are some locations that I think you would love to see like New Appleloosa, ponyville, and splendid valley. Also stable 47 sense we're going now.

Edited by Lucky headcannons
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"hey Lucky where are we going ? please don't think about the entire we're dead thing i don't want too worry you have too much going on in your life your a dad the worlds ending and im asking stupid questions that make no sense what so ever" sparkle smiled one of those i care about you smiles

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Listen I have been all through the wasteland, the only thing we need to worry about are alicorns and the goddess. Where just going to the stable then to see my comrades, thats all. At least I am not taking you to maripony. *sighs and opens the glove box to reveal a gun* I'll need this. *says in his head* we are dead, we always be or at least me.

Edited by Lucky headcannons
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"wait why are we avoiding alicorns and a goddess did you say? what'd you mean by that? did the princess turn evil or something? and who's the goddess? what the $#%* happened in this place the apocalypse? probably..." sparkle said her smile turning into an extremely worried face

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I will tell you later we're here, home. *opens the stable door* just through here and we will be in. *says in his head* I can't tell her about the goddess or the alicorns. Well here we are, the place I grew up in. Why did I bring her here, why. *walks in the stable and speaks* Just so you know war happened to this place.

Edited by Lucky headcannons
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"yeah i could guess" sparkle looked around abit " so what's up with this place why does it exist? is it like somekind of refugee housing? a bunker mabye? " sparkle wandered into the darkness at the back of the stable " are there any like lights anywhere it's kinda dark..."

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It was supposed to save every pony but, they were all some kind of sick experiment by stable-tec. They should be in the main room in this place, this is only the entrance. *gets to a terminal and turns on the lights* There we go, much better. *also it opens a door near by*

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sparkle peaks through the door which had opened next too her " hey Lucky is my sister here?" she said looking back too Lucky a look of hope in her eyes " i want too know how she's doing how my parents are. and what's become of them i care for my family i care for you i care for most ponies "

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There in room 32 or 37 can't remember. *looks around a bit* there they are right by the radio, figures when I was here they constantly listened to it. *go's to room 34* back home again, it's been a long time sense I was here. The day the overture died. *sighs in relief*

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sparkle wanderd into room 32 too see a stallion and mare making out before dodgeing a boot that came flying at her "s...sorry!" she shut the door behind her and walked into room 37 " hello? sis you in here?"

a much older Lucky sugar held up a pistol " don't move or i'll shoot "

sparkle's dad who was lying in a bed close too death noticed her "s...sparkle?" he said weakly "is that really you *cough wheeze*

"you might have him fooled but you'll never get past me. your still pregnant my sister gave birth before she died" Lucky yelled out

sparkle whistled the same tune that the two would always whistle together 

"h...how do you know that !? why do you know that !? only me and... sparkle knew that tune. oh my god you really are her!!" Lucky gave her a hug " i missed you so so much "

sparkle looked down "L...lucky i have too tell you something i'm your sister from the past i'm still first time pregnant im sorry both of you i shouldn't have come"

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Hello there, hey it's been a long time hasn't it um... again a long time I forgot your name. Oh and hi lucky s. well isn't this a reunion. I heard some one say before she died, what happened I need to know. *looks at his pip-buck and starts recording* so what happened?

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"s...sparkle she she..." Lucky couldn't continue

"she died in child birth " continued her father " and shortly after the little colt's heart stopped with no warning "

sparkle covered her mouth in shock before taking her hoof off it and talking "so that's how i go huh i only have nine months left too live then" sparkle started too cry "not even the colt got too live..."

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*pulls his gun to his head* I warned you that this would happen, it always happens to me. *sings it's all over but the crying* here we go. *fires almost killing him self and falls to the ground, later on you learn it was not fauteuil and he is still alive* It's all over

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"no i can't lose you Lucky. sis get a medic! he's losing alot of blood. LUCKY HURRY UP!!! GO!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GO!!! HE'S DIEING DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ME SIS? LUCKY!!!!!"

Lucky quickly got over the shock and ran checking every room she could find 

"c'mon don't die please don't die Lucky i need you!" sparkle pleaded

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Why, I am going to kill you. *coughs up blood* Wait, I can save you. The doctor can help, he can save you and the foal. Things will change though. *stands up* get me to the medical bay, hurry. *falls and coughs up more blood* Oh celestia what have I done. I should of not have done this, the pain. I can't die, why can't I.

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"dad i know your old but please help me save him if you don't he'll die!" Sparkle begged her dad too get up 

sparkle's dad slowly but surely got up and started too walk... before colapsing "i'm sorry sparkle i'm too old too move now "

lucky sugar ran back too the room "i couldn't find a medic but there's a medical bay"

"great lucky your timing is brilliant just lift him up with your magic and we should be good too go" sparkle rushed her words 

lucky's horn sparked and fizzled - she had never lifted another pony before - until she levitated Lucky a few feet off the ground 




sparkle busted down the medical bay's door and Lucky levitated the other Lucky inside

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Hand me the phone over there. *grabs th phone and calls the doctor*listen my... I don't know what to call her is pregnant but if she gives birth and my foal will die too. I need you to do "that one experiment" on her to save her and my foal's life. Doctor: oh celestia, I am coming over now. I am sorry you found that out but at least you called me.

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"your i don't know what too call me? how about Sparkle? and what's that one experment about? what does it do? is it painful? it probably is isn't it? and how long is it gonna take ? we've gotta stop Ket from killing everypony in existence" Sparkle said with her questioning mind

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Listen... Sparkle I am just probably suffering some memory loss. The experiment isn't painful and it's pretty short, we have to do it, for you and our foal. Honestly I don't know how it works all I know is it will save you. *coughs up some more blood* I'm sorry I did this to you.

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"it's okay i like foals i wouldn't mind having one " sparkle nuzzled lucky affectiontly "it's okay i'm sure it'll be fine and you'll be fine i'm sure the doctor can fix both of us for the three of our sake's " sparkle patted her bump " ain't that right little guy? sorry i guess that was embarrassing huh?"

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No about what I have done... * the tardis lands near by* doctor: alright... Lucky, you know how you die already stop trying. Okay, who needs the surgery! *the doctor pulls out a cart with the devices for the surgery* me: um...sparkle, yeah sparkle needs the surgery. I guess we found out her and our foal die at birth.

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"trust me doc it's a loooooooooooong story so how does this entire operation surgery thing work? " sparkle noticed Lucky sugar standing in the corner 

"Does this mean you'll exist here Sparkle? in my time? " Lucky said with a look of hope in her eyes

"probably but i'm not too sure..." sparkle said looking towards Lucky

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