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planning The 3rd Street Saints of Equestria


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The 3rd Street Saints of Equestria


Just to let you all know - I have never partisapated in any Role Play on this site. I have been in RP's before in the past, but ones where there were no rules, like this website has.

I wanted to make an RP based off the game franchise: Saints Row, more primarily, Saints Row 2.

The RP could be either set as in a pony or human world. I don't really mind, although magic and the ability to fly could be out of place, as well as the use of vehicles and weapons. They could still work in some way however.

The RP will be about the 3rd Street Saints, the gang where the protagonists are members of, fight opposing gangs to gain turf of districts and have complete control of Stilwater (or Equestria.) This will be achieved by completing mission objectives, that involve attacking the opposing gangs reputation and power. Missions include the following: heists, trafficking, assassinations, grand theft auto, tagging in enemy turf and much more. Completing missions awards members with respect and money (Bits) that can be used to buy higher tier weapons and vehicles.

Weapons and equipment could also be based on the characters personality. Each character at the start of the RP will have each, a sidearm and a melee weapon / equipment or a thrown weapon. A side arm can be a pistol, revolver, machine pistol, sawed-off shotgun or a PDW (basically, anything that is compact, can be opperated using only one hand / hoof, and not too over powered.) melee weapons can be weapons that are not too exotic like a katana and are more traditional, like a bat, knife, crowbar or a golf club. Thrown weapons will replace melee weapons. They can be a Molotov cocktail or a pipe bomb. Rainbow Dash could have a Desert Eagle (because they are a popular choice and are considered "cool.") and a baseball bat (because she's sporty.) Twilight Sparkle could use a Crowbar (not only to use as a weapon, but to also open creates and panels to hack) and a stander issue Glock.

Although the theme is based on gang warfare, and includes inferred violence, this is not to be taken too seriously. The main focus of this RP is the dialogue, teamwork, loyalty, action and, (most importantly) fun!

I was thinking the main characters of Saints Row could be replaced by the mane 6 and other official characters that fit there personality; for instance, Johnny Gat as Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle as Kenzie Kensington, and so on.

I want the RP to mainly have official characters from MLP, but OC could also be possibly. Again, these are just my ideas. I want others ideas and opinions.

An alternative could be, the opposing gangs and enemy characters could be casted as OC's. They could even build there own unique styled gang them self. Although, the main plan is for the Saints to defeat all the gangs and take back Stilwater. This means the defeat of OC's by death, surrender getting hospitalized or getting arrested.

I have read all rules for the RP forums, but if there are any mistakes I've made or violations I've made, please let me know.

Maybe this RP is too complex but let me know your thoughts and ideas. I think it could have some potential.

Edited by FlutterstepHD
  • Brohoof 3


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