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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Wandering the wastes... blind (1x1)

Nameless Knight

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(I know what hardware and software is)

"the pony how programed you is kind of brutal" she says to the robot "lets go to the atomic wrangler" she said walking away from the dead pony as others started giving her looks mostly at the robot this robot could get me in some hot water this way Banner thought as she walked quickly to the atomic wrangler

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BEN followed Banner to the atomic wrangler. He had been here with Hazmat once, before he was an official prototype. When He was in the first training stages, when all he could do was walk. BEN looked at the multiple life signs around him and said "Threat Analysis: Green" He looked forward and bumped into a stop sign. It took him a second to realized that there was an obstacle in front of him. "Obstruction detected, composition: Rust proof Aluminum. Probability of mission hindrance: 0 percent." He said before walking forward and bumping into it, breaking the actual sign part in half and slightly bending the pole it was on. He continued to follow Banner.


(alright, I just wanted to make sure)

Edited by NCR Veteran Ranger

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"if your creator is anything like you I feel unsafe getting into this" she entered the atomic wrangler and walked up to the counter "do you have anything new for me or do I have to go other place again, also do you know where to go to get a Magical Microfusion core BEN needs it" she said pointing at the clumsy robot before he entered the pull open door oh crap she thought then quickly opened the door for him so he would not destroy it like the sign   

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(imagine BEN as a harder more destructive baymax XD but instead of healing with combat on the side, he is combat with healing on the side)


BEN walked in and looked at one of the guards "Threat Analysis: Green" He said before walking over to Banner and MR.Garret. He looked at him "Threat Analysis: Green".


Mr.Garret just stood there silent for a moment staring at the walking suit of power armor. He set down the cup he was cleaning and his bar rag. "You need an MMFC... I may know where you can get one, I may not. If I had something to refresh my memory..." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"how about something on the lines of, I will never collect, kill or do anything you say even if I am short on caps" she glared at Mr.Garret "you know there is no one as good as me and with this robot I can do almost anything you ask, so wouldn't you like to have a robot on my side to help you even more? or do I have to leave with him?" she said sternly

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MR. Garret looked at BEN and was silent for a moment. "I will just hire that one bounty hunter to do the work... what was his name..."
He thought "Oh yeah, Hazmat. He does it clean and like a professional and he has got his own robot." Mr. Garret grinned, even though he knew that Hazmat refuses to work for him, but he thought that Banner didn't know that.


BEN looked at MR. Garret when he heard him say Hazmat. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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she looked a BEN and looked carfully "clean? really? clean?" she laughed a bit "I think I know how built you now BEN, it was hazmat and by my knowledge doing things clean is not his way, I bet he models all the robots he makes or if its just this one after himself and this big guy just killed tons of fiends, over killed a radroach, and crushed a ponies spine to death" she paused to let it sink in "your story has a hole a big hole in it"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Mr.Garret was silent "fine, you caught me, I have never seen Hazmat in action since he kind of refuses to work for me but there are still one hundred other mercenaries out there, that can probably do the job better then you."


BEN heard Hazmat's name over and over. He pulled another Holotape out of his flank and played it.


"Alright, G5-B3N Prototype, field test 38, maybe this time he won't do too much damage. [moment of silence] Alright there they are. Those Legionaries are transporting two slaves. Remember BEN, don't hurt the slaves, but do what ever you want to the Legionaries." "Equesteria will never fall to Zebra invasion" [Firing of minigun and incinerator] "Note to self, work on trying to get BEN's Arrest Protocol, 6085955, online. I can't use him effectively until I get that online.  Signed, Hazmat" [end of holotape]


BEN looked at Banner.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Banner had her hoof on her face BEN just made me look more unqualified she thought wait I have some orders of his that he hasn't asked me about yet so even if this goes south I have like 1500 caps and I am not coming back here anyway Mr.Garret is an ass "Tell me what you know right now" she said with a death glare "I don't work well with ponies how piss me off!" she shouted loud enough for all his customers to hear "I don't care if you send someone to kill me I have good enough reputation here to make most of your customers here flea, even if you kill me that's my blood on this establishments hands, ponies will find out, especially Chain because when he finds out you or your mercenaries have killed me then he will hunt you and kill you" 

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Mr. Garret looked scared; he was just straight up terrified of Banner "Fine... you can probably find one in Cerulean Robotics. My sources say that he has been in there before, so he may have used parts from there to build that hunk a junk. Now, please leave my establishment" He said. He returned to cleaning cups.


BEN put the holotape back in his flank. Inside the left flank appeared to be about three more. He looked at Banner and waited for their next action "Energy Levels check: power at 65 percent".

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"gladly goodbye 'kind' sir" she got up and opened the door for the robot how followed "Cerulean robotics...alright" she looked at her map and a blank marker appeared where it was "about a half hour walk from freeside as we walk play those tapes you have" in her mind she hoped she didn't hear something terrifying


(we made this place up right? I don't remember this place in game)

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(it is real in game, it is the place with all the protectrons and rats. And where you get F.I.S.T.O. It is in Freeside, the outer part of it)


BEN followed and took out another holotape. He looked at it for a moment and played it.


(I'm going to try something different)

Hazmat's voice: G-5-B-3-N test 3. Alright start it up Backfire.

Mare's voice: Alright, 3... 2... 1...

[sound of a generator turning on]

G5-B3N: G-5-B-3-N Online, Beginning Systems Check: Voice Module: Online, Weapon Systems: Offline, Visual Sensors: Damaged, Audio Sensors: Online, Energy Level Check: Power at 100 percent,

Hazmat's voice: Yes! it's working. 

Mare's voice: I thought we both established that BEN is a he.

Hazmat's voice: BEN? you're calling him BEN now?! I thought we agreed that we wouldn't give it a name and gender until it is in at least the prototype stage.

Mare's voice: yeah but he is going to be put in a stallion's suit of power armor and B-3-N looks like BEN

Hazmat's voice: Alright then.... Ben? do you liked that name G5?

G5-B3N: Processing Request: Accepted.

Hazmat's voice: I'll take that as a yes. Alright Backfire, go get that MMFC from that old robotics shop in Freeside.

Mare's voice: Wooo! finally you give me a fun job. 

[sound of something falling over and end of Holotape]


Ben looked at banner as they walked and put the Holotape away.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"wow were here already, I can misjudge this map sometimes" she says walking to the door "wait are you on your back up energy? that would explain why your battery gets low fast" she said thinking and walked throw the doors and saw a rat crawling on the ground she pulled out her sledge hammer and crushed it "that brings me to I different question can I switch you into like a melee mode or something to kill these things without using flames and miniguns?"


(I have played new Vegas but I never played it all the way throw, but I know all the basic knowledge and more things)

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"Processing Request: Accepted" He said before seeing a rat "Target Analysis: Yellow" He walked over to the rat and stepped on it's spine, killing it. BEN started walking but bumped into a wall. The wall had many large bullet holes in it and leaning on it were two destroyed protectron which were shot in half. BEN turned around and starting to walk again. He came up to a door and when he attempted to push it open. The door was locked. "Obstruction detected, composition: Oak Wood and Iron. Probability of mission hindrance: 0 percent." He said before breaking down the door. 


In the room were a bunch of destroyed protectrons and dead rats. Bullet hole littered the walls, and one protectron still stood but was disabled.

Edited by NCR Veteran Ranger

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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that the MMFC would be glowing like most magic and energy things, well everything she saw in silverush that one time was she thought "well I guess I know what to do incase I ever encounter a locked door" she said looked at all the broken robot seeing nothing operational and moving on to where BEN was and saw a protecton how was disabled "Ben stay in that spot and play another tape" she said as she examined the protecton   

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"Processing Request: Accepted" He said before taking out another tape


Hazmat's voice: G-5-B-3-N test [yawn] 27. 

[Door opens]

Mare's voice: Hazmat!? how long have you been awake!?

Hazmat's voice: since 7 AM... yesterday.

Mare's voice:  You need to get some sleep, BEN can wait.

Hazmat's voice: I will not rest [yawn] until I get his damn weapon systems to work.

Mare's voice: what is wrong with it

Hazmat's voice: BEN can't fire his Gatlin Laser. He can fire the incinerator but not the damn Gatlin Laser

Mare's voice: hmmm Idea.

[sounds of walking]

Mare's voice: Alright try this.

Hazmat's voice: Your old Avenger Minigun?

[sounds of metal hitting metal]

Mare's voice: Get your sleep and we will test it out in the morning.

Hazmat's voice: Its 8 AM

Mare's voice: fine in the afternoon now get to bed.

[end of holotape]


BEN listened to Banner's orders and stayed where he was.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Banner ripped a panel from the back of the robot and saw a glowing orb behind a lot of wires "uhhh BEN play me another tape while I deal with this" she said as she slowly tried to cut each wire hoping not to get shocked or worst, hooves don't help at all with this she thought

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Ben took out one more and played it.


Hazmat's voice:  G-5-B-3-N, Field test 9. Objective: Eliminate Caesar's Legion scouts near the bunker.

G5-B3N's voice: Caesar will fail, Roam will fall.

[gunfire for about 20 seconds]

Hazmat's voice: Report: Weapon systems seem to be completely functional, needs to work on effeciency, uses to much ammunition on targets. 5mm ammunition isn't cheap.

Stallion's voice: What did I miss? 

Hazmat's voice: BEN just took out 3 Legion explorers in 20 seconds. That is a new record for him.

Stallion's voice: I can kill 'em in 10 second.

Hazmat's voice: You still can't beat my record.

Stallion's voice: Hey you cheated, you used a Balefire Egg launcher.

Hazmat's voice: still beat you though

[sound of electricity] 

Hazmat's voice: Crap, BEN shorted out. Note: Do not allow BEN to run on Emergency power for too long, Short outs may occur.

[end of Holotape]

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"well that's not good" she said as she cut the wire or more like smashed it in half finally getting to the MMFC "now to a more pressing mater, where do I put this in you?" she says pulling out the core "now using back up energy" the protecton said "oh come on" she pulled out her sledge hammer "BEN crush it like tin can" 

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BEN could not see the life signs of a robot.  He could only see Banner, he was completely blind in this room. "No Target Located, Search and Destroy Mode: Online." He said as he began walking forward, weapons ready. He bumped into the Protectron and said "Target Located, Engaging" He said before shooting the Protectron down.  "Target Eradicated" 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"right you only have life scanners don't you" Banner sighed "also that guy was right about you using ammo like no tomorrow, to bad there is a tomorrow" she said to BEN "I wonder if I can make the tapes into phrases you can say also search and destroy mode off" she walked over to BEN and started looking for a compartment that contains the battery   

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"Search and Destroy: Offline." He said before noticing she had a MMFC. "Processing Request: Accepted, Access Granted" The valve on his back turned and his back opened. His old drained MMFC was revealed. "Energy Levels check: Power at 50 percent." He looked at Banner.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"to not cause sparks or something worst to happen, turn off" she said to BEN how accepted and turned off "now make the swap" she took the burned out MMFC and put it in her bag then put the slightly used MMFC into BEN "aright now turn on" she said and waited for him to do so

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"G-5-B-3-N Online, System check: Weapon Systems: Online, Voice Module: Online, Audio sensors: Online, Visual Sensors: Damage detected, Energy Levels: Power at 95 percent. Emergency Energy Levels: Emergency Power Core at 50 percent and charging. Mission Objective: Eradicate any and all Zebra Invaders." He said before turning and looking at Banner. His back closed back up. "G-5-B-3-N reporting for Duty"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"so that's why your here? then again you share haz share the same interests so its kind of obvious" she says discussing with herself as she and BEN walk out the factory. Banner heard a sound the sound of sand moving fast aka a sandstorm out side the freeside borders "well it looks like were going to stay here for at least a while" she said looking up at the soon to be setting sun and rubbed her eyes "sleep sounds good but where will I go...screw it I'm going to the kings they have plenty of beds" she said walking to the kings place 

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